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  • Anna Beckers, Gunther Teubner

    Digitale Aktanten, Hybride, Schwärme. Drei Haftungsregime…

  • Justine Blau

    Justine Blau. Veil of Nature

  • Eduarda Neves

    Minor Bestiary. Time and Labyrinth in Contemporary Art

  • Kirsten Angermann, Hans-Rudolf Meier,…

    Denkmal Postmoderne. Bestände einer (un)geliebten Epoche

  • dérive

    dérive N° 96, Antimodern, antidemokratisch, revisionistisch…

  • Arch+ Zeitschrift für Architektur und…

    Arch+ 256. Umbau. Ansätze der Transformation

  • Martino Gamper

    100 Chairs in 100 Days and its 100 Ways

  • Paul O'Neill (Ed.)

    Not Going It Alone. Collective Curatorial Curating

  • Olivia Broome

    Brutalist Plants

  • Lucy Lippard

    I See / You Mean. A Novel

  • Ruth Catlow, Penny Rafferty (eds.)

    Radical Friends. Decentralised Autonomous Organisations and…

  • Loretta Napoleoni

    Technocapitalism. The Rise of the New Robber Barons and the…

  • Ben Murphy

    Ears to the Ground. Adventures in Field Recording &…

  • Justin Patrick Moore

    The Radio Phonics Laboratory. Telecommunications, Speech…

  • Alexander Kühne

    Der Jugendclub Extrem. Lugau 1984 - 1994

  • Ruth Buchanan, Fiona McGovern

    Scores for Transformation (A conversation). Ruth Buchanan,…

  • Carey Jewitt, Sara Price

    Digital Touch

  • Mark Coeckelbergh

    Why AI Undermines Democracy and What To Do About It

  • Peter Godfrey-Smith

    Metazoa. Die Geburt des Geistes aus dem Leben der Tiere

  • OFFICE and Tom Muratore

    The Politics of Public Space: Volume Five

  • Fanny Chiarello

    Basta Now. Women, Trans & Non-binary in Experimental…

  • &beyond collective for Theatrum…

    Sonic Urbanism: Listening to Non-Human Life

  • Croatian Architects' Association

    Designing in Coexistence - Reflections on Systemic Change

  • Anastasia Khodyreva, Elina Suoyrjö

    Aquatic Encounters. A Glossary of Hydrofeminisms

  • Yancey Strickler, The Dark Forest…

    The Dark Forest Anthology of the Internet

  • Patrick McGraw, Heavy Traffic

    Heavy Traffic Issue IV

  • Alexander Kluge

    Der Konjunktiv der Bilder. Meine Virtuelle Kamera (K.I.)

  • Sara Zeller, Evelyn Steiner (Hg.)

    Design für Alle? Inklusive Gestaltung heute

  • Arturo Escobar, Michal Osterweil, Kriti…

    Relationality. An Emergent Politics of Life Beyond the Human

  • Kim Dovey et. al.

    Atlas of Informal Settlement. Understanding Self-Organized…

  • Claire Bishop

    Disordered Attention. How We Look at Art and Performance…

  • Philip Widmann

    Film Undone – Elements of a Latent Cinema

  • McKenzie Wark


  • Aruna D’Souza

    Imperfect Solidarities

  • Sandra Hofmeister

    Architektur und Klimawandel. 20 Interviews zur Zukunft des…

  • Gerry Leonidas (Ed.)

    Designing type revivals. Handbook for a historical approach…

  • Jochen Becker, Anna Schäffler, Simon…

    Glossar Urbane Praxis. Auf dem Weg zu einem Mannifest /…

  • Cyril Béghin (Ed.)

    Chantal Akerman. Oeuvre écrite et parlée

  • Hansjörg Gadient

    Spielraum. Kindergerechte Freiräume planen und bauen

  • Diamond Schmitt Architects

    Set Pieces. Architecture for the Performing Arts in Fifteen…

  • Roberto Gargiani, ed.

    Simple Architecture: Villa Baizeau in Carthage by Le…

  • Leonhard Laupichler, Sophia Brinkgerd (…

    New Aesthetic 1. A Collection of Experimental and…

  • Martin Mosch

    Die typografische Komposition

  • Vera Egbers, Christa Kamleithner, Özge…

    Architectures of Colonialism

  • Anna-Maria Meister, Teresa Fankhänel,…

    Are You a Model? On an Architectural Medium of Spatial…

  • Gilbert Simondon, Emmanuel Alloa (Hg.)

    Imagination und Invention

  • Philipp Schönthaler

    Wie rationale Maschinen romantisch wurden

  • Artemy Magun

    The Temptation of Non-Being: Negativity in Aesthetics

  • Nicolas Uphaus

    Frei. Selbstständig arbeiten als Designer (2. überarb.…

  • Anne Querrien, Brigitta Kuster (Hg.)

    Maschinen | Gefüge | Karten

  • Sabine Nuss

    Wessen Freiheit, welche Gleichheit? Das Versprechen einer…

  • Legacy Russell

    Black Meme. A History of The Images That Make Us

  • Benjamin H. D. Buchloh, Hal Foster

    Exit Interview. Benjamin Buchloh in conversation with Hal…

  • Gabriel Catren

    Pleromatica, or Elsinore's Trance

  • You Can Sit With Us

    You Can Sit With Us - 24/7

  • Rainald Goetz


  • Johann Braun

    Stadt von Rechts. Über Brennpunkte und Ordnungsversuche

  • Domitilla Dardi

    Playgrounding. The playground as a symbolic form of society…

  • Paolo Pileri, Christina Renzoni, Paola…

    Piazze Scolastiche / School squares. Reinventing the…

  • Kim Förster

    Building Institution. The Institute for Architecture and…

  • Michael Marder

    The Phoenix Complex. A Philosophy of Nature

  • Florian Heilmeyer, Sandra Hofmeister

    Umbau Architektur in Flandern. Architecture of…

  • Andrea Baier, Christa Müller, Karin…

    Unterwegs in die Stadt der Zukunft. Urbane Gärten als Orte…

  • Paul Wood (ed.)

    Biting the Hand. Traces of Resistance in the Art &…

  • Sezgin Boynik, Taneli Viitahuhta (eds.)

    Free Jazz Communism.

  • Slavoj Žižek, Rastko Močnik, Zoja Skušek

    Punk Suprematism. Theoretical Writings on Punk, Nation,…

  • Naomi Keena, Avi Friedman

    Sustainable Housing in a Circular Economy

  • Karel Teige

    The Marketplace of Art. 2 Volumes

  • Lodown Magazine

    Lodown Magazine: Sound

  • Lukas Feireiss (ed.)

    Parasite 2.0: Collective Keywords

  • Riccardo Badano, Tomas Percival, Susan…

    Militant Media. Centre for Research Architecture 2

  • Kyle Booten, D. Graham Burnett, Brian…

    The Virtual Sentence: A Book of Exercises

  • Exhibition Politics. Die documenta und die DDR

  • Karsten Krampitz

    Pogrom im Scheunenviertel. Antisemitismus in der Weimarer…

  • Thomas Irmer

    René Pollesch – Arbeit. Brecht. Cinema. Interviews und…

  • Işil Eğrikavuk

    Global Protests Through Art. collaboration, co-creation,…

  • Felix Sommer, SB5ÜNF

    Beton & Nicht Beton

  • Julia Schulz-Dornburg

    The Complete Guide to Combat City

  • Dorothee Albrecht

    Assemblages of the Future

  • Sam Ashby (ed.)

    Little Joe: A book about queers and cinema, mostly

  • Jürg Graser, Astrid Staufer, Christian…

    Architektur Klima Atlas. Klimabewusst entwerfen in…

  • Charlotte Malterre-Barthes

    On Architecture and Greenwashing. The Political Economy of…

  • Judith Hopf

    Judith Hopf. Énergies

  • Marcus Steinweg, Sonja Dierks


  • Onur Erdur

    Schule des Südens. Die kolonialen Wurzeln der französischen…

  • Michael Marder, Giovanbattista Tusa (…

    Contemporanea. A Glossary for the Twenty-First Century

  • dérive

    dérive N° 95, Sampler (Apr-Jun 2024). Zeitschrift für…

  • Vladimir Guculak, Paul Bourel

    Sh*tscapes. 100 Mistakes in Landscape Architecture

  • Fulya İLBEY


  • Alan Smart, Jack Henrie Fisher (ed.)

    Counter-Signals 5. Systems and their Discontents

  • Silke Kapp, Mariana Moura (ed.)

    Sérgio Ferro. Architecture from Below. An Anthology

  • Daniel Loick

    Die Überlegenheit der Unterlegenen. Eine Theorie der…

  • Víctor Aguado, Ramón del Buey, Brandon…

    Party Studies Vol. 2. Underground Clubs, Parallel…

  • Nina Dragičević

    Auditory Poverty and its Discontents – An Essay

  • Iracema Dulley, Özgün Eylül İşcen (eds)

    Displacing Theory through the Global South

  • Karoline Mayer, Katharina Ritter,…

    Über Tourismus

  • Ubani. Tbilisi cityscape research center

    Hollow. A Map of Tbilisi

  • Bernd Stiegler

    Bildpolitiken der Identität. Von Porträtfotografie bis zu…

  • Manifestes 7. Why History Matters to Graphic Design

    Why teach graphic design students the history of graphic design? How does knowledge of that history inform present-day practice? How do students appropriate such knowledge? What creative skills do they develop through exposure to this subject matter? These are just a few of the questions addressed in this manifesto, which argues that graphic design history is far more than just a field of expertise and a source of material for academic exercises, for it can inspire next-generation graphic designers, hone their sensibilities and put their skills to the test.

    Clémence Imbert
    Manifestes 7. Why History Matters to Graphic Design
    Head Publishing, 2024, 978-2-940510-87-0
    12,90 €