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  • Chantal Pontbriand (Ed.)

    Per/Form. How to Do Things with[out] Words

  • Berit Fischer (Ed.)

    Hlysnan.The Notion and Politics of Listening

  • Drei Farben House

    Choice Item

  • Carola Dertnig, Diedrich Diederichsen,…

    Troubling Research. Performing Knowledge in the Arts

  • Filip Dujardin


  • Steven Cleeren

    Hugo Puttaert. Think in Colour: Visionandfactory

  • Kevin Bone

    Lessons from Modernism. Environmental Design Strategies in…

  • Maurizio Lazzarato

    Signs and Machines. Capitalism and the Production of…

  • Ueli Mäder

    Raum und Macht. Die Stadt zwischen Vision und Wirklichkeit…

  • Gabriel Orozco, Lily Luahana Cole

    Impossible Utopias

  • Kay von Keitz, Sabine Voggenreiter (Hg.)

    Architektur im Kontext. Architecture in Context

  • Michelle Cotton (Ed.)

    Aleksandra Domanovic. From yu to me

  • Selena Savic, Gordan Savicic (Ed.)

    Unpleasant Design

  • Justin McGuirk

    Radical Cities. Across Latin America in Search of a New…

  • Armen Avanessian, Robin Mackay (Ed.)

    #Accelerate: The Accelerationist Reader

  • Lukasz Stanek (Ed.)

    Team 10 East. Revisionist Architecture in Real Existing…

  • Tom Avermaete, Maristella Casciato

    Casablanca Chandigarh. A Report on Modernization

  • Max Jacobson, Shelley Brock

    Invitation to Architecture. Discovering Delight in the…

  • Stephen Cairns, Jane M. Jacobs

    Buildings Must Die. A Perverse View of Architecture

  • Kim Jong-il

    Kim Jong-il. De l'Architecture. Morceaux choisis. B2-…

  • Jay Swayze

    Le Meilleur des (deux) Mondes. Maisons et Jardins…

  • Styliane Philippou

    Modernisme et Vanité. Happy Days à Miami et la Havane. B2-…

  • Olaf Nicolai


  • Philipp Oswalt (Hg.)

    Dessau 1945. Moderne zerstört: Bauhaus Edition 45

  • Robert Maxwell

    Ancient Wisdom and Modern Knowhow. Learning to Live with…

  • David Campany (Ed.)

    Walker Evans. The Magazine Work

  • Marc Angelil, Rainer Hehl (Eds.)

    Empower! Essays on the Political Economy of Urban Form. Vol…

  • Sandu Publishing (Ed.)

    Collective Housing

  • Tom Wilkinson

    Bricks & Mortals. Ten Great Buildings and the People…

  • Stefan Römer


  • Architektur in Gebrauch

    AG1 – Great Arthur House, AG2 – Falkenhorst, AG3 –…

  • Anke Fesel, Chris Keller (Ed.)

    Berlin Wonderland. Wild Years Revisited, 1990–1996

  • Agata Pyzik

    Poor but Sexy. Culture Clashes in Europe East and West

  • Tom Holert

    Übergriffe. Zustände und Zuständigkeiten der…

  • Chantal Mouffe

    Agonistik. Die Welt politisch denken

  • Nicola Louise Markhus and Marte…

    Another Space: Textile Spaces

  • Heike Gfrereis, Johannes Kempf (Hg.)

    Reisen. Fotos von unterwegs

  • Little Global Cities


  • Lilli Kuschel

    Cool World

  • Judith Collins

    Sculpture Today

  • Natalie Czech

    I can not repeat what I hear

  • Stefan Banz

    Jeff Wall. Mit dem Auge des Geistes

  • Florian Pfeffer

    To Do. Die neue Rolle der Gestaltung in einer veränderten…

  • Ernesto Laclau

    The Rhetorical Foundations of Society

  • Miki Hirabayashi

    Cute Farm Animals

  • Daniel Albright

    Panaesthetics. On the Unity and Diversity of the Arts

  • Carola Dertnig, Felicitas Thun-…

    Performing the Sentence. Research and Teaching in…

  • Shundana Yusaf

    Broadcasting Buildings. Architecture on the Wireless, 1927-…

  • Bettina Knaup, Beatrice Ellen (Ed.)

    re.act.feminism. A Performing Archive

  • Andrew Dent, Leslie Sherr

    Material Innovation. Architecture

  • Yasmin Merican

    The Right to Brand

  • Pinar Yoldas

    An Ecosystem of Excess

  • Matthew Gandy, BJ Nilsen (Eds.)

    The Acoustic City

  • Quinn Latimer (Hg.)

    Akram Zaatari. Film as a Form of Writing

  • Steirischer Herbst, Florian Malzacher (…

    Truth Is Concrete. A Handbook for Artistic Strategies in…

  • Jan Svankmajer

    Touching and Imagining. An Introduction to Tactile Art

  • Marc Glöde

    Farbige Lichträume. Manifestationen einer Veränderung des…

  • Olaf Habelmann

    Die Trauben auf deinem Bauch bilden ein Muster

  • Nick Aikens (Ed.)

    Too Much World. The Films of Hito Steyerl

  • L.I.E. (Library of Independent Exchange)

    L.I.E. Lists of Ten Books

  • Malcolm Miles

    Eco-Aesthetics. Art, Literature and Architecture in a…

  • Nikolaus Hirsch, Markus Miessen (Ed.)

    Subtraction. Keller Easterling. Critical Spatial Practice 4

  • Tom Steinert

    Komplexe Wahrnehmung und moderner Städtebau. Paul Hofer,…

  • Christine Ross

    The Past is the Present; It's the Future Too

  • Rachel Mader (Hg.)

    Radikal ambivalent. Engagement und Verantwortung in den…

  • Katharina Roters

    Hungarian Cubes. Subversive Ornamente im Sozialismus

  • John Paul Ricco

    The Decision Between Us. Art and Ethics in the Time of…

  • Ugo Mulas

    Cirque Calder

  • Adrian von Buttlar, Kerstin Wittmann-…

    Baukunst der Nachkriegsmoderne. Architekturführer Berlin…

  • Laura Bruns

    Stadt Selber Machen. Ein Handbuch

  • Michael Fried

    Warum Photographie als Kunst so bedeutend ist wie nie zuvor

  • Henri Lefèbvre

    Die Revolution der Städte. La Revolution urbaine

  • Martin Pawley

    Theorie und Gestaltung im Zweiten Maschinenzeitalter

  • Roberto Gargiani, Anna Rosellini

    Le Corbusier. Béton Brut und der unbeschreibliche Raum (…

  • Hannah Feldman

    From a Nation Torn. Decolonizing Art and Representation in…

  • Conditional Design Team

    Conditional Design Workbook

  • HomeShop (Ed.)


  • Marketa Uhlirova (Ed.)

    Birds of Paradise. Costume as Cinematic Spectacle

  • Stasis. Academic Journal

    Social and Political Theory. No. 1

  • Pavlos Lefas

    Architecture. A Historical Perspective

  • Thomas Girst

    The Duchamp Dictionary

  • Christopher Dell

    Das Urbane. Wohnen. Leben. Produzieren

  • Cathrine Veikos

    Lina Bo Bardi. The Theory of Architectural Practice

  • Gustau Galfetti Gili

    My House, My Paradise. The Construction of the Ideal…

  • Dieter Rams

    Less but better. Weniger, aber besser

  • Matt Zoller Seitz

    The Wes Anderson Collection

  • Louis Martin (Ed.)

    On Architecture. Melvin Charney, a Critical Anthology

  • Adaptive Actions


  • Thomas Durisch (Hg.)

    Peter Zumthor. 1985–2013

  • Martin Conrads

    Ohne Mich

  • Gertrud Vogler

    La Défense. Métro, boulot, dodo

  • James Nisbet

    Ecologies, Environments, and Energy Systems in Art of the…

  • October Files 16

    John Knight

  • Stadt Zürich, Amt für Hochbauten (Hg.)

    Grundrissfibel. 50 Wettbewerbe im gemeinnützigen…

  • Paolo Belardi

    Why Architects Still Draw

  • Forensic Architecture (Ed.)

    Forensis. The Architecture of Public Truth

  • Liesbeth Huybrechts (Ed.)

    Participation Is Risky. Approaches to Joint Creative…

  • Clog 10


Dreamworld and Catastrophe. The Passing of Mass Utopia in East and West

The dream of the twentieth century was the construction of mass utopia. As the century closes, this dream is being left behind; the belief that industrial modernization can bring about the good society by overcoming material scarcity for all has been challenged by the disintegration of European socialism, capitalist restructuring, and ecological constraints. The larger social vision has given way to private dreams of material happiness and to political cynicism.
Developing the notion of dreamworld as both a poetic description of a collective mental state and an analytical concept, Susan Buck-Morss attempts to come to terms with mass dreamworlds at the moment of their passing. She shows how dreamworlds became dangerous when their energy was used by the structures of power as an instrument of force against the masses. Stressing the similarities between the East and West and using the end of the Cold War as her point of departure, she examines both extremes of mass utopia, dreamworld and catastrophe.
The book is in four parts. "Dreamworlds of Democracy" asks whether collective sovereignty can ever be democratic. "Dreamworlds of History" calls for a rethinking of revolution by political and artistic avant-gardes. "Dreamworlds of Mass Culture" explores the affinities between mass culture's socialist and capitalist forms. An "Afterward" places the book in the historical context of the author's collaboration with a group of Moscow philosophers and artists over the past two tumultuous decades. The book is an experiment in visual culture, using images as philosophy, presenting, literally, a way of seeing the past. Its pictorial narratives rescue historical data that with the end of the Cold War are threatened with oblivion and challenge common conceptions of what this century was all about.
Buck-Morss (The Dialectics of Seeing, 1989) turns her Benjaminian eye on the often surprising convergence of the Western and Soviet utopian imaginaries, to dazzling effect. Reading this book is like receiving a fascinating annotated scrapbook from your really smart friend in Moscow. From 1988 to 1993, Buck-Morss was a visiting scholar there, at what was first called the Institute of Philosophy of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. The fact that, by the end of her tenure, it was known as the Russian Academy of Sciences attests to the ideological turbulence of those years and to the dynamism and relevance of her task. Buck-Morss's previous book was a daring attempt to reverse-engineer Walter Benjamins Paris Arcades Project out of the more than one thousand fragments left behind at his death. If Benjamin's project was, as he put it, "concerned with awakening from the nineteenth century,'' Buck-Morss's current undertaking is a none-too-gentle attempt to shake us out of the nightmare that has been our 20th. The scope of her research, often breathtaking, more than justifies a certain measure of methodological madness: with an irreverent collagist sensibility worthy of the high modernism at issue here, she nimbly leaps from a blackly hilarious and terrifying chronology of the policy decisions surrounding Lenin's embalming, to a mini-history of the figure of the square in avant-garde art on both sides of the Cold War, to a visual pun that compares the architectural sketch for a never-built "Palace of the Supreme Soviets", topped by a monumental Lenin statue, with a film still of King Kong atop the Empire State Building. There's even an early-1990s attempt at "hypertext": scholarly footnotes that threaten to overtake the page. This experiment, however, works less well than those parts of the book that devote themselves to a clear-eyed reading of the visual detritus of mass culture. An ambitious book with the courage to take on the images that complacent post-capitalism might prefer to forget, and the erudition to read them with rigor and wit.

Susan Buck-Morss
Dreamworld and Catastrophe. The Passing of Mass Utopia in East and West
MIT, 2000, 978-0262523318