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Multitudes. Une revue politique, artistique et philosophique

Presentation of the latest issue on " Une Micropolitique de la ville" with Didier Debaise, Charles Wolfe and Giovanna Zapperi (members of the editorial board)

Multitudes is a political, cultural and artistic journal published
quarterly. For Multitudes, politics lies outside the walls of the
institutions dedicated to it, and knowledge is not enclosed in the
depths of the academy. Its goal is to experiment with new conditions of
political enunciation and agency while sketching out problematics that
run across the fields of political economy, philosophy, artistic
practice and the emergent cultures of cyber-freedom. Multitudes takes
interest in the analysis of all forms of domination, but it also
strives to detect the construction of new spaces of creation, liberty
and transformation in social movements (particularly those that are
related to part-time and precarious labor).
Multitudes, no. 31, Winter 2008:
"Une Micropolitique de la ville"
(Doina Petrescu, Anne Querrien and Constantin Petcou, editors) The
city´s complexity is such that the public centralized powers and
strategies are no longer able to control it as it was imagined by the
modernist projects and theories. At the same time, the acceleration of
the different economical global recompositions constantly weakens the
local powers. The city becomes therefore a "non-place" where any
governance becomes less and less possible and where the mechanisms of
power function now on a different scale. The articles published in this
issue argue for a critical possibility that is located in the
spontaneous solidarities of the everyday urban life. This issue
contains two conversations with Toni Negri and Michel Agier, and
articles by Brian Holmes, Jochen Becker, Jesko Fezer and Mathias
Heyden, Ashwin Desai, Teddy Cruz, Pascal Nicolas-Le Strat, Constantin
Petcou and Doina Petrescu, Anne Querrien.
"Temporalities Feministes"
(Elisabeth Lebovici and Giovanna Zapperi, editors)
The year 2007 was marked in the art world by a regain of interest for
feminism in its relations to contemporary art, with the different
exhibitions, symposia and publications that took place at that moment.
Those events, that put an emphasis on the notion of (re)descovery of
the work of women artists, raise the question of a feminist
temporality. Taking this as a starting point the articles investigate
feminism as an artistic strategy and as a critical tool. This issue
features a project by artist Andrea Geyer “Queen of the artists
studios: the story of Audrey Munson” and articles by Elisabeth
Lebovici, Géraldine Gourbe and Charlotte Prévost, and Giovanna Zapperi.
Elisabeth von Samsonow´s “Anti-Elektra”, that rewrites the myth of
Elektra from a feminist perspective, explicitly resonates with those