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  • Bechir Kenzari (Hg.)

    Architecture and Violence

  • Roger Thiel


  • Charles Jencks

    The Story of Post-Modernism

  • Toru Hachiga (Hg.)

    Creatives in Japan. Keywords to Know

  • Paul Hegarty, Martin Halliwell

    Beyond and Before. Progressive Rock since the 1960s

  • Susanne Neubauer

    Paul Thek Reproduced, 1969 - 1977

  • Yvonne Rainer


  • Alan Pipes

    How to Design Websites

  • Nick Land

    Fanged Noumena. Collected Writings 1987-2007

  • Raúl Zibechi

    Territorien des Widerstands. Eine politische Kartografie…

  • Paul De Bruyne, Pascal Gielen

    Community Art: The Politics of Trespassing

  • Rem Koolhaas, Hans Ulrich Obrist (Hg.)

    Project Japan. An Oral History of Metabolism

  • Florian Urban

    Tower and Slab. Histories of Global Mass Housing

  • Roman Ondák


  • Marit Paasche, Judy Radul (Hg.)

    A Thousand Eyes. Media Technology, Law, and Aesthetics

  • Wolfgang Sonne (Hg.)

    Die Medien der Architektur

  • Museum für Gestaltung Zürich (Hg.)

    Poster Collection 23. In Series

  • Barry Kernfeld

    Pop Song Piracy. Disobedient Music Distribution Since 1929

  • Andrea Cornwall (Hg.)

    The Participation Reader

  • Franco "Bifo" Berardi

    After the Future

  • 51N4E

    Double or Nothing

  • Molly Jane Quinn, Jenna Talbott

    It's Lonely in the Modern World

  • Thomas Meinecke


  • Moritz Baßler, Robin Curtis, et al. (Hg…

    Kultur und Kritik (Heft 1, Herbst 2012) POP

  • M. Berner, A. Hoffmann, B. Lange

    Sensible Sammlungen. Aus dem anthropologischen Depot

  • Simon Rothöhler

    Amateur der Weltgeschichte. Historiographische Praktiken im…

  • Gregor Eichinger, Eberhard Tröger

    Touch Me! Das Geheimnis der Oberfläche

  • Gestalten (Hg.)

    Visual Storytelling. Inspiring a New Visual Language

  • Christian Marazzi

    Capital and Affects. The Politics of the Language Economy

  • Shannon Jackson

    Social Works. Performing Art, Supporting Publics

  • Hal Foster

    The Art-Architecture Complex

  • Thomas Hirschhorn

    Establishing a Critical Corpus

  • Andrej Holm, Klaus Lederer, Matthias…

    Linke Metropolenpolitik. Erfahrungen und Perspektiven am…

  • Lars Spuybroek

    The Sympathy of Things

  • Jarett Kobek

    Atta (Semiotext(e) / Intervention)

  • Stan VanDerBeek

    The Culture Intercom

  • A. Moravánszky, J. Hopfengärtner (Hg.)

    Aldo Rossi und die Schweiz. Architektonische…

  • metroZones (Hg.)

    Urban Prayers – Neue religiöse Bewegungen in der globalen…

  • Marta Herford, Markus Richter (Hg.)

    Wir sind alle Astronauten. Richard Buckminster Fuller

  • Jürgen Teller

    Touch Me

  • Huber, Meltzer, Munder, von Oppeln (Hg.)

    Kunst und Design im erweiterten Feld. It's Not a…

  • Lukas Feireiss,Ole Bouman

    Testify! The Consequences of Architecture

  • Marie J. Aquilino

    Beyond Shelter. Architecture for Crisis

  • El Croquis 156

    Valerio Olgiati 1996-2011

  • Pier Vittorio Aureli

    The Possibility of an Absolute Architecture

  • Anne Mikoleit, Moritz Pürckhauer

    Urban Code. 100 Lessons for Understanding the City

  • Mieke Gerritzen, Geert Lovink, Minke…

    I Read Where I Am. Exploring New Information Cultures

  • Matt Mullican

    Notating the Cosmology 1973-2008

  • A. Fernández Per, J. Mozas, J. Arpa

    This is Hybrid. An analysis of mixed-use buildings by a+t

  • Arno Brandlhuber, Silvan Linden (Hg.)

    Disko 20-25 Architektur ohne Architektur

  • Craig Buckley, Jean-Louis Violeau (Hg.)

    Utopie. Texts and Projects, 1967–1978

  • Anne König, Paul Feigelfeld (Hg.)

    LIGNA. An Alle! Radio Theater Stadt

  • Jürgen Krusche, Günther Vogt

    Strassenräume in Berlin, Shanghai, Tokyo, Zürich. Eine foto…

  • Wim Crouwel

    A Graphic Odyssey - Catalogue

  • David Ake

    Source. Music of the Avant-garde, 1966 - 1973

  • Murray Grigor

    Infinite Space. Der Architekt John Launter. DVD

  • Yona Friedman

    Architecture with the People, by the People

  • Erik Swyngedouw

    Civic City Cahier 5. Designing the Post-Political City and…

  • Lars Lerup

    One Million Acres & No Zoning

  • Toyo Ito

    Tarzans in the Media Forest

  • M, Kelley, J. Shaw, Niagara, C, Loren

    Destroy All Monsters Magazine 1976-1979

  • Ntone Edjabe, Edgar Pieterse (Hg.)

    African Cities Reader II. Mobilities & Fixtures

  • M. Hlavajova, S. Sheikh, J. Winder (Hg.)

    On Horizons. A Critical Reader in Contemporary Art

  • Michael Sorkin

    All Over the Map. Writing on Buildings and Cities

  • Nadine Barth (Hg.)

    German Fashion Design 1946-2012

  • Simon Reynolds

    Retromania. Pop Culture's Addiction to its Own Past

  • Stan Allen, Marc McQuade (Hg.)

    Landform Building

  • Fredric Jameson

    Representing Capital. A Reading of Volume One

  • Magdalena Taube, Krystian Woznicki (Hg.)

    Modell Autodidakt

  • e-flux journal

    Are You Working Too Much? Post-Fordism, Precarity, and the…

  • PIE Books (Hg.)

    Paper & Cloth. Ready-to-Use Background Patterns(+DVD)

  • McKenzie Wark

    The Beach Beneath the Street. The Everyday Life and…

  • Pedro Barateiro, Ricardo Valentim (Hg.)

    Activity (is to a group what content is to platform)

  • El Croquis 155

    Sanaa 2008-2011

  • Laurie Anderson, Trisha Brown, Gordon…

    Pioneers of the Downtown Scene

  • Curtis, Rees, White, Ball (Hg.)

    Expanded Cinema. Art, Performance, Film

  • Kaminer, Robles-Dúran, Sohn (Hg.)

    Urban Asymmetries

  • Nico Stehr, Reiner Grundmann

    Die Macht der Erkenntnis

  • Hans Ulrich Obrist

    Ai Weiwei Speaks

  • Abel, Evers, Klaasen, Troxler (Hg.)

    Open Design Now. (why design cannot remain exclusive)

  • AA Bronson, Peter Hobbs

    Queer Spirits

  • Momus

    Solution 214-238. The Book of Japans

  • A. Avanessian, L. Skrebowski (Hg.)

    Contemporary Art and Aesthetics

  • 2G N. 57

    Njiric+ Architekti

  • Lucia Nagib

    World Cinema and the Ethics of Realism

  • Huda Smitshuijzen, Abi Fares (Hg.)

    Typographic Matchmaking in the City

  • H. F. Mallgrave, D. Goodman

    An Introduction to Architectural Theory. 1968 to the Present

  • D. Mertins, M. W. Jennings (Hg.)

    G: An Avant-Garde Journal of Art, Architecture, Design and…

  • Alexander Bolton

    Alexander McQueen. Savage Beauty

  • Marc Barbey (Hg.)

    Hommage à Berlin. Photographien

  • Jianping He (Hg.)

    Book Worm

  • Claire Doherty, Paul O'Neill (Hg.)

    Locating the Producers. Durational Approaches to Public Art

  • Professur Theorie und Geschichte der…

    Architecture in the Age of Empire / Architektur der neuen…

  • Garth A. Myers

    African Cities. Alternative Visions of Urban Theory and…

  • Jean-Louis Cohen

    Architecture in Uniform. Designing and Building for the 2nd…

  • Christopher Dell

    Replaycity. Improvisation als urbane Praxis

  • Hans Dickel, Lisa Puyplat (Hg.)

    Reading Susanne Kriemann

  • Byung-Chul Han

    Shanzhai. Dekonstruktion auf Chinesisch


Via this concept, AA (Adaptive Actions) questions what kinds of actions might open spaces up to indeterminacy, facilitate the hybridization of what already exists, and simultaneously value di­fference and mobilize new forms of urban relations, exchange, and diversity. AA also questions how heterogeneous spaces and actions might create common ground, that is to say how they might reveal radical intersections that continually reinvent the relational fabric that binds people, places, and things together. Heterogeneous spaces go beyond the representation of diversity and the collection of isolated fragments. By creating possibilities for indeterminacy these spaces act as triggers for creativity. Actions that create heterogeneity reveal the possibility
of common ground through urban interventions and cultural tensions that might be identified as queer, native, ethnic, generational, economic, industrial, ecological, and so on.
The book includes 53 contributions which take the form of an image, a scan, a drawing, a tweet or a text based on a thought, an emerging concept, an observation or an action related to Heteropolis.
With contributions by: Gean Moreno (Miami), Nuria Carton de Grammont (México, D.F.), Scapegoat (Hong Kong), Michael Hardt, Alexandra Tigchelaar (Toronto), Kyong Park (off the coast of Myanmar), Ana Rewakowicz (Ghent), Estudio Teddy Cruz (Tijuana / San Diego), Pia Ednie-Brown, Laurence Bonvin (Cape Town), Charlie Hailey, Folie Culture (Québec), Robin Simpson (Toronto), Tue Greenfort (Köln), Jaime del Val (Madrid / Santiago), Sophie Le-Phat Ho (Montréal), Spurse, Javiera Ovalle Sazie (Valparaiso), Ctrl +Z, D1618, El Narval et Todo por la Praxis (San Pedro Garza Garcia), Never Lopez (Montréal), Roland Tasho (Tirana), Élisabeth Mercier (Montréal), Douglas Scholes (London), Marie-France Daigneault & Anne-Marie Proulx (Montréal), Nurri Kim (Helsinki / Gyeonggi-do), Gina Badger (Mississauga), Ernesto Oroza (La Habana), Tercerunquinto (Monterrey), Jean-Pierre Aubé (Istanbul / Mumbai), Roy Meuwissen (Newcastle / Vancouver), Broken City Lab (Windsor / Detroit), Cog•nate collective (Tijuana), Erik Törven, Patrice Loubier (Montréal), Cyrille Wandji Simplice (Douala), Martin Désilets (Montréal), Adaptive Actions (Tijuana), Alyse Emdur (carceral spaces), François Deck (Grenoble / Shanghai), Gesche Würfel (New York), Cohabitation Strategies (Guelph), Darine Choueiri, Giulia Fiocca, Jean-François Pirson & Lama Sfeir (Beirut), Rae Rosenburg (carceral spaces), Claude Boullevraye de Passillé (East River, New York), Alex Wolkowicz & Jon Barraclough (New York), All Saints Church / The Exposure Project (Toronto), Pedro Lasch (London), SYN- (Montréal / Dakar), Sophie Handler, Alexander Heilner (Cairo), André Éric Létourneau (London), The Electronic Disturbance Theatre 2.0 / b.a.n.g. lab (Tijuana / San Diego), Swim Gym / Tacolcy Belafonte Center (Miami)
Publication Committee: Marie-Pier Boucher, Jean-Maxime Dufresne, Gema Melgar & Jean-François Prost
Design: Feed
Book produced with the support of the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, the Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery and donors
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Adaptive Actions
Adaptive Actions, 2014, 978-0-9866375-1-3