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  • Jussi Parikka

    A Geology of Media

  • Dieter Daniels, Sandra Naumann (Hg.)

    See this Sound. Audiovisuology. Compendium and Essays

  • A+t Research Group

    Why Density? - Debunking the Myth of the Cubic Watermelon

  • Olaf Gisbertz (Hg.)

    Bauen für die Massenkultur: Stadt- und Kongresshallen der…

  • Pascal Gielen, Niels Van Tomme (Eds.)

    Aesthetic Justice. Intersecting Artistic and Moral…

  • Andres Lepik, Hilde Strobl (Hg.)

    ZOOM! Architektur und Stadt im Bild. Picturing Architecture…

  • Inke Arns (Ed.)

    World of Matter

  • Pierre Hermé

    The Architecture of Taste

  • Silke Steets

    Der sinnhafte Aufbau der gebauten Welt. Eine…

  • SendPoints

    Art of the Book. Structure, Material and Technique

  • Anne Huffschmid

    Risse im Raum. Erinnerung, Gewalt und städtisches Leben in…

  • Markus Rathgeb

    Otl Aicher

  • Robin Mackay (Ed.)

    When Site Lost the Plot

  • Roberto Gigliotti (Ed.)

    Displayed Spaces. New Means of Architecture Presentation…

  • Vladimir Belogolovsky

    Conversations with Architects. In the Age of Celebrity

  • Deimantas Narkevičius

    Da capo. Fifteen Films

  • Günter Pfeifer, Per Brauneck

    Wohnhäuser. Eine Typologie

  • Valerio Olgiati (Ed.)

    The Images of Architects

  • Klaus Ronneberger

    Peripherie und Ungleichzeitigkeit. Pier Paolo Pasolini,…

  • Le Corbusier


  • Lovink, Tkacz, De Vries (Eds.)

    MoneyLab Reader. An Intervention in Digital Economy

  • Ezio Manzini

    Design, When Everybody Designs. An Introduction to Design…

  • Paulina Olowska


  • Diogo Seixas Lopes

    Melancholy and Architecture: On Aldo Rossi

  • Eva B. Ottillinger (Hg.)

    Küchen / Möbel. Design und Geschichte

  • Clog 13


  • Thomas Düllo, Studiengang Gesellschafts…

    texturen Nr. 2 — Spielen

  • A+U 523

    Juliaan Lampens

  • Emanuele Piccardo

    Beyond Environment

  • Klaus Bädicker

    Gerade zur Krummen zieht's ihn. Die Sophienstraße und…

  • Yona Friedman

    Architecture with the people, by the people, for the people

  • Triisberg, Krikortz, Henriksson (Ed.)

    Art Workers. Material Conditions and Labour Struggles in…

  • Gin Müller

    Possen des Performativen. Theater, Aktivismus und queere…

  • Dougal Sheridan (Hg)

    Translating Housing: Berlin - Belfast. Innovative Housing…

  • Irene Kurtishvili (Hg)

    Hotel Orient / Haus der Künstler

  • Jörg H. Gleiter, Ludger Schwarte (Hg.)

    Architektur und Philosophie. Grundlagen. Standpunkte.…

  • IGBK (Hg.)

    Dreams of Art Spaces Collected

  • Frances Holliss

    Beyond Live/Work. The Architecture of Home-Based Work

  • Marc Angélil & Sarah Nichols (Ed.)

    Reform! Essays on the Political Economy of Urban Form – Vol…

  • Tilman Baumgärtel

    Schleifen. Zur Geschichte und Ästhetik des Loops

  • Maurizio Lazzarato

    Governing by Debt

  • Slavs and Tatars

    Mirrors for Princes

  • Benjamin H. D. Buchloh

    Formalism and Historicity. Models and Methods in Twentieth-…

  • Blaine Brownell, Marc Swackhamer

    Hypernatural. Architecture's New Relationship with…

  • David Maroto, Joanna Zielińska (Ed.)

    Artist Novels. The Book Lovers Publication

  • Franco »Bifo« Berardi

    Der Aufstand. Über Poesie und Finanzwirtschaft

  • Claire Doherty (Ed.)

    Out of Time, Out of Place. Public Art (Now)

  • Anthony Gardner

    Politically Unbecoming. Postsocialist Art against Democracy

  • Monika Rinck

    Risiko und Idiotie. Streitschriften

  • Kristien Ring, AA Projects, SenStadtUm…

    Urban Living. Strategien für das zukünftige Wohnen

  • Annette Kelm

    Subjects and Objects

  • Lou Cantor, Clemens Jahn (Eds.)

    Turning Inward

  • Ina Conzen (Hg.)

    Oskar Schlemmer. Visionen einer neuen Welt

  • Shumon Basar, Douglas Coupland, Hans…

    The Age of Earthquakes. A Guide to the Extreme Present

  • Hilde van Gelder (Ed.)

    Allan Sekula. Ship of Fools/The Dockers' Museum

  • Lisa Lee (Ed.)

    Isa Genzken (October Files)

  • John Miller

    Mike Kelley. Educational Complex

  • David Adjaye

    Form, Heft, Material

  • Shumon Basar, Douglas Coupland, Hans…

    Erschütterung der Welt. Leitfaden für die extreme Gegenwart

  • Bill Dietz

    Bill Dietz. 8 Tutorial Diversions, 2009 - 2014

  • Sigrid Weigel

    Grammatologie der Bilder

  • Joseph Vogl

    Der Souveränitätseffekt

  • Marco Ornella

    9999. An Alternative to One-Way Architecture

  • Manuel Herz (Ed.)

    African Modernism

  • Elisa van Joolen

    Elisa van Joolen. 11"x17" Reader

  • Gregoire Chamayou

    Drone Theory

  • Lisa Smirl

    Spaces of Aid. How Cars, Compounds and Hotels shape…

  • Louise Bourgeois

    I Have Been to Hell and Back

  • Marc-Camille Chaimowicz

    Madame Bovary

  • Philipp Felsch

    Der lange Sommer der Theorie. Geschichte einer Revolte 1960…

  • Luis Carranza, Fernando Lara

    Modern Architecture in Latin America. Art, Technology, and…

  • Adrian George

    The Curator's Handbook. Museums, Commercial Galleries…

  • Renate Lorenz (Ed.)

    Not Now! Now! Chronopolitics, Art & Research

  • Anne Waak

    Hartz IV und wir

  • Anna-Sophie Springer & Etienne…

    Fantasies of the Library

  • Anna-Sophie Springer & Etienne…

    Land & Animal & Nonanimal

  • Raumlaborberlin (Ed.)

    Art City Lab. Neue Räume für die Kunst

  • Jean-Paul Martinon (Ed.)

    The Curatorial. A Philosophy of Curating

  • Ulrike Gerhardt, Susanne Husse (Hg.)

    The Forgotten Pioneer Movement: Guidebook


    Einrichten und Zonieren. Raumkonzepte, Ausbau, Materialität

  • Susanne Hauser, Claus Dreyer (Hg.)

    Das Konkrete und die Architektur

  • Harald Bodenschatz, Piero Sassi, Max…

    Urbanism and Dictatorship. A European Perspective

  • Chris Tedjasukmana

    Mechanische Verlebendigung. Ästhetische Erfahrung im Kino

  • Isabell Lorey

    State of Insecurity. Government of the Precarious

  • Paolo Virno

    Deja Vu and the End of History

  • Robert Delaunay

    Sonia Delaunay. Fashion and Fabrics

  • Maria Zinfert (Hg.)

    Siegfried Kracauer. Fotoarchiv

  • Christian Thun-Hohenstein (Ed.)

    Wege der Moderne. Josef Hoffmann, Adolf Loos und die Folgen…

  • Olivia de Oliveira

    Lina Bo Bardi. Built Work. Obra construida

  • Eduard Sancho Pou

    Function Follows Strategy. Architects' Strategies from…

  • Orit Halpern

    Beautiful Data

  • Manfred Mohr, Margit Rosen

    Der Algorithmus des Manfred Mohr

  • Stephanie Kloss


  • Robin Mackay (Ed.)

    Collapse: Philosophical Research and Development: Casino…

  • Gregory J. Markopoulos

    Film as Film. The Collected Writings of Gregory J.…

  • Andrea Büttner

    Immanuel Kant. Kritik der Urteilskraft

  • Andri Gerber

    Metageschichte der Architektur. Ein Lehrbuch für angehende…

  • Hans Ulrich Obrist


The Gentrification Debates A Reader

Uniquely well suited for teaching, this innovative text-reader strengthens students’ critical thinking skills, sparks classroom discussion, and also provides a comprehensive and accessible understanding of gentrification.
Table of Contents:
Part 1: What is Gentrification? Definitions and Key Concepts 1. Aspects of Change Ruth Glass 2. A Short History of Gentrification Neil Smith 3. Gentrification as Market and Place Sharon Zukin 4. Super-Gentrification: The Case of Brooklyn Heights New York City Loretta Lees 5. Globalisation and the New Urban Colonialism Rowland Atkinson and Gary Bridge Part 2: How Where and When Does Gentrification Occur? 6. Toward a Theory of Gentrification: A Back to the City Movement by Capital Not People Neil Smith 7. The City as a Growth Machine John R. Logan and Harvey L. Moltoch 8. Introduction: Restructuring and Dislocations David Ley 9. Building the Frontier Myth Neil Smith 10. From Arts Production to Housing Market Sharon Zukin 11. Forging the Link Between Culture and Real Estate: Urban Policy and Real Estate Development Christopher Mele 12. Estate Agents as Interpreters of Economic and Cultural Capital: The Gentrification Premium in the Sydney Housing Market Gary Bridge 13. Tourism Gentrification: The Case of New Orleans’ Vieux Carre (French Quarter) Kevin Fox Gotham Part 3: Who are Gentrifiers and Why Do They Engage in Gentrification? 14. The Creation of a ‘Loft Lifestyle’ Sharon Zukin 15. Living Like an Artist Richard Lloyd 16. Rethinking Gentrifciation: Beyond the Uneven Development of Marxist Urban Theory D. Rose 17. The Dilemma of Racial Difference Monique Taylor 18. Urban Space and Homosexuality: The Example of the Marais Paris’ Gay Ghetto Michael Sibalis 19. Consumption and Culture Tim Butler 20. Social Preservationists and the Quest for Authentic Community Japonica Brown-Saracino Part 4: What Are the Outcomes and Consequences of Gentrification? 21. The Hidden Dimension sof Culture and Class: Philadelphia Paul R. Levy and Roman A. Cybriwsy 22. Social Displacement in a Renovating Neighborhood’s Commercial District: Atlanta Michael Chernoff 23. The New Urban Renewal
Part 2: Public Housing Reforms Derek S. Hyra 24. Gentrification Intrametropolitan Migration and the Politics of Place Gina M. Perez 25. Avenging Violence with Violence Mary Pattillo 26. Neighborhood Effects in a Changing Hood Lance Freeman 27. Building the Creative Community Richard Florida
Conclusion: Why We Debate Japonica Brown-Saracino

Japonica Brown-Saracino
The Gentrification Debates A Reader
Routledge, 2010, 9780415801652
44,00 €