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  • Sven Durst

    3 objects (Issue 2)

  • Paul-Antoine Lucas, Bui Quy Son (Hg)

    Housing, Micropolitics, and Pedagogies. Designing and…

  • Itsuko Hasegawa, Kersten Geers, Jelena…

    Itsuko Hasegawa. Shonandai - Exposing the World

  • Chris Dähne, Martin Mäntele, Helge…

    Programmed for Hope. Architectural Experiments at the HfG…

  • Alexander Kluge

    Aus dem Bauhaus der Natur. Die Republik der Tiere in uns

  • Elizabeth Duval

    Nach Trans. Sex, Gender und die Linke

  • SendPoints

    Creative Book Design

  • Bruno Munari

    Bruno Munari. Fantasy. Invention, Creativity, and…

  • Nick Dyer-Witheford, Alessandra Mularoni

    Cybernetic Circulation Complex. Big Tech and Planetary…

  • Andjelka Badnjar, Kristina Pujkilovic,…

    Trees, Time, Architecture! Entwerfen im Wandel

  • Sico Carlier

    Currency #6

  • Julia Bee, Irina Gradinari, Katrin…

    digital:gender – de:mapping affect. Eine spekulative…

  • Zhiyi Cao


  • Tal Stadler

    Strategies for Landing

  • Vladimir Safatle

    Zynismus und das Scheitern der Kritik

  • Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, Jean-Luc Nancy

    Der Nazi-Mythos

  • Boris Groys

    Zum Kunstwerk werden

  • Luise Rellensmann, Alexander Stumm (Hg.)

    Die Abrissfrage. Fundamente Ökologisches Bauen No 1

  • Marlon Miguel, Elena Vogman (eds.)

    Psychotherapy and Materialism. Essays by François…

  • Olya Kuzovkina

    Road Works (version 1.0)

  • Nadi Abusaada, Wesam Al Asali (eds.)

    Arab Modern. Architecture and the Project of Independence

  • Luc Boltanski, Arnaud Esquerre

    The Making of Public Space. News, Events and Opinions in…

  • Nick Couldry

    The Space of the World. Can Human Solidarity Survive Social…

  • Mark Stoll

    Profit. An Environmental History

  • Guillaume Paoli

    Etwas Besseres als der Optimismus

  • Barragán Foundation

    Barragán Outside Barragán

  • Leila Taylor

    Sick Houses. Haunted Homes and the Architecture of Dread

  • Christina Köchling (Hg.)

    Ästhetik der Technik. Drei Ökohäuser in den 1970-90er Jahre

  • Prof. Dr. Richard Woditsch (Hg.)

    Chronologie einer Ideologie. Architektur-Biografien im…

  • Wenke Seemann

    Wenke Seemann. Utopie auf Platte

  • Stefan Heidenreich

    Attraktion und Mitmacht. Wie Kunst dem Kult des Exklusiven…

  • Aylin Akyildiz, Karoline Fahl, Steffen…

    Einrichten in der Normalität – Wie Kinder und Jugendliche…

  • Henning Lundkvist


  • Joseph Vogl

    Meteor. Versuch über das Schwebende

  • Sezgin Boynik, Tom Holert

    Engström/Farocki: About Narration (1975). Materials,…

  • Derek Jarman

    Derek Jarman. A Finger in the Fishes Mouth

  • Jean-Pierre Chupin

    Analogical Thinking in Architecture. Connecting Design and…

  • Scott Colman

    Ludwig Hilberseimer. Reanimating Architecture and the City

  • Ammar Azzouz

    Domicide. Architecture, War and the Destruction of Home in…

  • Marko Jobst, Naomi Stead (eds.)

    Queering Architecture. Methods, Practices, Spaces,…

  • Marina Tabassum

    Khudi Bari. A social project by Marina Tabassum Architects…

  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 408. Pixels Speak: Worlds of Tiny Dots and Design…

  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 407. Towards a Future Bound to Print Media: Those Who…

  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 406. Ikki Kobayashi - Life through Design Drawings

  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 405. Sneaking a Look. Cross Sections, Floor Plans…

  • Ludwig Heimbach (Hg.)

    Mäusebunker und Hygieneinstitut. Eine Berliner…

  • Pascal Gielen

    Trust. Building on the Cultural Commons

  • Irene Revell, Sarah Shin (eds.)

    Bodies of Sound. Becoming a Feminist Ear

  • Ilaria Marotta, Andrea Baccin &…

    The Uncanny House

  • Enzo Traverso

    Gaza Faces History

  • Irene V. Small

    The Organic Line

  • Sandra Schäfer

    Contested Landscapes

  • Nina Franz

    Militärische Bildtechniken. Von der frühen Neuzeit bis ins…

  • Volker Pantenburg

    Einfachheit ohne Vereinfachung. Zur Praxis Harun Farockis

  • Justin Barton, Steve Goodman, Maya B.…

    Sonic Faction. Audio Essay as Medium and Method

  • Torsten Andreasen, Emma Sofie Brogaard…

    Finance Aesthetics. A Critical Glossary

  • Lucas Ferraço Nassif


  • Terry Farrell, Adam Nathaniel Furman

    Postmodernism. Architecture That Changed Our World

  • Natasha Aruri, Katleen De Flander,…

    Critical Mapping for Municipalist Mobilization. Housing…

  • Nida Abdullah, Chris Lee, Xinyi Li (…

    Through Witnessing. Threading the critiquing, making,…

  • Cecilia Casabona, Ginevra Petrozzi (Eds…

    Death Design Data

  • Miriam Rasch, Jojanneke Gijsen, Harma…

    hands on research for artists, designers & educators

  • Rosi Braidotti

    Posthuman Knowledge and the Critical Posthumanities

  • Anna Colin

    Alternative Pedagogical Spaces: From Utopia to…

  • Annett Jahn, Ulrike Mönnig (Hg.)

    An den Rändern taumelt das Glück. Die späte DDR in der…

  • Silvia Franceschini, Nikolaus Hirsch,…


  • David Toop

    Two-Headed Doctor. Listening For Ghosts in Dr. John's…

  • Thordis Arrhenius, Ellen Braae, Guttorm…

    Architecture and Welfare. Scandinavian Perspectives

  • NIcole Schweitzer (Hg.)

    Uriel Orlow. Forest Times

  • Michael Schäfer

    Invasive Links

  • Daniel Berndt, Susanne Huber, Christian…

    ambivalent work*s. queer perspectives and art history

  • Jorge Silvetti, Hg. von Nicolás Delgado…

    Large, Lasting and Inevitable. Jorge Silvetti in Dialogues…

  • Giulio Bettini, Daniel Penzis

    Typostruktur. Sehnsucht nach architektonischer Relevanz

  • Laura U. Marks

    The Fold. From Your Body to the Cosmos

  • Emmanuele de Donno

    Construction of the Universe - Artists' Magazines and…

  • Julia Grosse, Jenny Schlenzka

    Rirkrit Tiravanija: On Making Less

  • Harry Vogt,  Martina Seeber (Hg.)

    Radio Cologne Sound. Das Studio für Elektronische Musik des…

  • Marion Hirte, Daniel Ott, Manos…

    Schnee von morgen. Statements zum Musiktheater der Zukunft

  • Oana Stănescu, Chase Galis (Hg)

    Cover me softly

  • Claire Bishop

    Merce Cunningham's Events: Key Concepts

  • Viyaleta Zhurava


  • Diskursiv (Hg.)

    Diskursiv No. 2, Colors

  • dérive

    dérive N° 98, Eigentum (Jan-Mar 2025)

  • Viktoria Schabert

    Eileen Gray's Museum

  • Arch+ Zeitschrift für Architektur und…

    Arch+ 258. Urbane Praxis

  • Oxana Gourinovitch

    Raising the Curtain. Operatic Modernism and the Soviet…

  • Alexander Eisenschmidt

    Felix Candela From Mexico City to Chicago. Rise and Fall of…

  • Lydia Kallipoliti

    Histories of Ecological Design. An Unfinished Cyclopedia

  • Anders Engberg-Pedersen

    Martialische Ästhetik

  • Matthias Ballestrem, Katharina Benjamin…

    Constructive Disobedience

  • Sofie De Caigny, Hülya Ertas, Bie…

    As Found. Experiments in Preservation

  • !Mediengruppe Bitnik, Janez Fakin Janša

    (un)real data ☁️ – (🧊)real effects

  • Docomomo International (Ed)

    Modernism in Africa

  • Daniela Hamaui (Ed.)

    Archivio Magazine N°10. The Design Issue

  • Derk Loorbach, Véronique Patteeuw, Léa-…

    It's About Time. The Architecture of Climate Change

  • Noemi Biasetton


  • Steven Henry Madoff

    Why I Do What I Do - Global Curators Speak

  • Leopoldina Fortunati, Carla Lonzi

    Folio G: Gendered Labour and Clitoridean Revolt

Records Ruin the Landscape. John Cage, the Sixties, and Sound Recording

John Cage's disdain for records was legendary. He repeatedly spoke of the ways in which recorded music was antithetical to his work. In Records Ruin the Landscape, David Grubbs argues that, following Cage, new genres in experimental and avant-garde music in the 1960s were particularly ill-suited to be represented in the form of a recording. These activities include indeterminate music, long-duration minimalism, text scores, happenings, live electronic music, free jazz, and free improvisation. How could these proudly evanescent performance practices have been adequately represented on an LP? In their day, few of these works circulated in recorded form. By contrast, contemporary listeners can encounter this music not only through a flood of LP and CD releases of archival recordings, but also in even greater volume through Internet file-sharing and online resources. Present-day listeners are coming to know that era's experimental music through the recorded artifacts of composers and musicians who largely disavowed recordings. In Records Ruin the Landscape, Grubbs surveys a musical landscape marked by altered listening practices.
"Records Ruin the Landscape is a pleasure to read, full of wonderful anecdotes and historical material. David Grubbs approaches John Cage and his legacy from a new and refreshing angle, by examining the vexed relationship of experimental and improvised music to recording and phonography. The questions that he poses - about the ontology and potentiality of recording in relation to live performance, improvisation, chance, and indeterminacy - are important, and he answers them in smart and provocative ways." - Christoph Cox, coeditor of Audio Culture: Readings in Modern Music "The premise of [Grubbs's] understandably authoritative first book is that experimental music's flowering in the 1960s... was incompatible with the limitations of orthodox recording formats...With an engaging frankness... Grubbs contrasts this tendency with his own fan-by appetite for records and the documentary efficacy of the contemporary digital realm, concluding positively that the latter potentially offers unmediated, universal access to the panoply of esoteric music - something unthinkable in the 1960s." - David Sheppard, Mojo "Ambivalence is a central theme of David Grubbs' records Ruin the Landscape. Specifically his interest is in experimental music of the 1960s [...] This is an engaging book." - Times Higher Education "The book is a swift and delightful document of ambivalence. [...] One needn't be a committed fan of Cage's, or Bailey's, to enjoy the challenge of thinking about how recordings alter, enhance, or distort the experience of live performance." - New Yorker "For compositions whose whole raison d'etre is to generate a drastically different realization with every performance (most often by providing "scores" that give the performers tremendous latitude), no recording of any one performance could be said to "be" the piece. David Grubbs's exhaustively researched Records Ruin the Landscape explores this dilemma specifically as it affected the generation of avant-garde composers who hit their stride in the sixties, John Cage being the most prominent and outspoken among them." - Los Angeles Review of Books "The risk writers run, of course, with the big questions approach, is universalising their personal narrative in order to present the big answer. Grubbs is too skilled and self-aware to run into this problem. His breadth of research in musicology and aesthetic theory is balanced in this short and engaging book with candid writing about his own experiences of recordings of experimental music. [...] It is testament to Grubbs's sensitivity as a writer that sympathetic picture merges of these musicians, who seem often to be railing against hierarchies they can't quite help being part of." - The Wire "[A] rather magnificent survey of the ideas of the experimental music world over the last 40 or 50 years that doubles as an offhanded paean to record collecting. Grubbs not only knows about all of this stuff, he cares deeply about it, and there aren't that many punk guitarists whose range of interests is quite this wide [...] In this way, it seems that Grubbs is sort of a one of a kind." - Salon
David Grubbs is Associate Professor in the Conservatory of Music at Brooklyn College, City University of New York, where he also teaches in the M.F.A. programs in Performance and Interactive Media Arts and Creative Writing. As a musician, he has released twelve solo albums and appeared on more than 150 commercially released recordings. Grubbs was a founding member of the groups Gastr del Sol, Bastro, and Squirrel Bait, and has appeared on recordings by the Red Krayola, Tony Conrad, Pauline Oliveros, Will Oldham, and Matmos, among other artists. He is known for cross-disciplinary collaborations with the writers Susan Howe and Rick Moody and the visual artists Anthony McCall, Angela Bulloch, and Stephen Prina. A grant recipient in music/sound from the Foundation for Contemporary Arts, Grubbs has written for "The Wire," "Bookforum," and the "Suddeutsche Zeitung."

David Grubbs
Records Ruin the Landscape. John Cage, the Sixties, and Sound Recording
Duke, 2014, 9780822355908