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  • Silvio Lorusso

    ENTREPRECARIAT. everyone is an entrepreneur nobody is safe

  • Maria Lind

    Seven Years. The Rematerialisation of Art from 2011 to 2017

  • Benjamin H.Bratton

    The New Normal

  • G. Raunig

    Maschinen Fabriken Industrien

  • Lukas Feireiss (Ed.)

    The Radical Cut-Up Reader: No Single Narrative

  • Juliane Streich (Hg.)

    These Girls. Ein Streifzug durch die feministische…

  • Chris O'Leary

    Ashes to Ashes. The Songs of David Bowie, 1976-2016

  • Edit DeAk, Walter Robinson (eds.)


  • Alice Gorman

    Dr Space Junk vs The Universe. Archaeology and the Future

  • Ekaterina Degot, David Riff, Katalin…

    Volksfronten / Popular Fronts. Art and Populism in an Era…

  • Rene Boer, Marina Otero Verzier, Katia…

    Architecture of Appropriation. On Squatting as Spatial…

  • Susan Ferguson

    Women and Work. Feminism, Labour, and Social Reproduction

  • John Cage (Laura Kuhn, Ed.)

    Love, Icebox. Letters from John Cage to Merce Cunningham

  • Julia Eckhardt

    Eliane Radigue. Intermediary Spaces. Espaces Intermediaires

  • Adolph Stiller, Aneta Bulant-Kamenova (…

    Stefka Georgieva: Architektin der 1960er Jahre in Bulgarien

  • Carola Platzek (Hg.)

    Teachings of the Garden

  • raumlaborberlin (Hg.)

    Floating University Berlin 2018. An illustrated report

  • Christian Maurel / Peter Rehberg

    Für den Arsch / Energie ohne Macht. Christian Maurels…

  • Ursula Prokop

    Jacques and Jacqueline Groag, Architect and Designer: Two…

  • Christoph Liepach

    Gera Ostmodern

  • Agnès Gayraud

    Dialectic of Pop

  • Alina Popa

    Alina Popa. Square of Will in Square of Love. Texts, Notes…

  • Timothy Morton

    Ökologisch sein

  • Saskia Sassen, David Harvey, Arjun…

    Urbaner Protest. Revolte in der neoliberalen Stadt

  • Georges Bataille

    Der Fluch der Ökonomie

  • Alfia Nakipbekova (Ed.)

    Exploring Xenakis. Performance, Practice, Philosophy

  • Alexander Wilson

    Aesthesis and Perceptronium. On the Entanglement of…

  • Seraji, Devabhaktuni, Lu (Eds.)

    From Crisis to Crisis: Debates on Why Architecture Criticsm…

  • Momus

    Herr F

  • Robert Conrad

    Vergessene Orte in Berlin und Brandenburg

  • 2G / # 79

    Studio Muoto (Paris)

  • Ingeborg Bloem & Klaus Kempenaars

    Branded Protest. The Power of Branding and its Influence on…

  • Wiel Arets


  • Achille Mbembe


  • K. Jacobson, A. Ray (eds)

    ...and Other Such Stories: 2019 Chicago Architecture…

  • Barsac, Cheruet, Perriand (eds.)

    Charlotte Perriand: Inventing A New World

  • Daniel López-Pérez

    R. Buckminster Fuller - Pattern-Thinking

  • Carlana, Mezzalira, Pentimalli (eds.)

    Quirino De Giorgio. An Architect's Legacy

  • Annette Weisser


  • Hendrik Kempt, Megan Volpert (Ed.)

    RuPaul's Drag Race and Philosophy. Sissy That Thought

  • Warren Neidich

    The Glossary of Cognitive Activism (For a not so distant…

  • Crimson Historians & Urbanists

    City of Comings and Goings

  • Alan Quireyns, Nav Haq

    Sustainability is not enough. Non-Conventional…

  • Borasi, Ferré, Garutti, Kelley, Zardini…

    The Museum Is Not Enough

  • Mark van Wageningen

    Color and Type: Mehrfarbige Multi-Layer-Schriften entwerfen…

  • M. Kries, T. Cunz (Hg)

    Objekte der Begierde. Surrealismus und Design 1924 - Heute

  • Lukas Feireiss

    Radical Cut-Up: Nothing Is Original

  • Chanon Goodwin (Ed.)

    Permanent Recession: A Handbook on Art, Labour and…

  • David Toop

    Inflamed Invisible: Collected Writings on Art and Sound,…

  • Tom Bieling (Ed.)

    Design (&) Activism: Perspectives on Design as Activism…

  • Material Matters 04

    Paper: Creative interpretations of common materials

  • Kate Franklin, Caroline Till

    Radical Matter: Rethinking Materials for a Sustainable…

  • Bernd Scherer u.a. (Hg.)

    Wörterbuch der Gegenwart

  • Owen Hatherley, Christopher Herwig

    Soviet Metro Stations

  • Amt für Hochbauten der Stadt Zürich

    Pavillon Le Corbusier Zürich: Restaurierung eines…

  • Peter Adam

    Eileen Gray: Her Life and Work

  • Diedrich Diederichsen, Anselm Franke (…

    Liebe und Ethnologie: die koloniale Dialektik der…

  • Eyal Weizman

    Forensic Architecture: Violence at the Threshold of…

  • Jens Müller (Ed.)

    West-Berlin Grafik-Design. Gestaltung hinter dem Eisernen…

  • Dimitry Kochenov

    Citizenship (Essential Knowledge Series)

  • Jason Oddy

    Revolution Will Be Stopped Halfway: Oscar Niemeyer in…

  • Alessandro Zambelli

    Scandalous Space - Between architecture and archaeology

  • Holly Buck

    After Geoengineering: Climate Tragedy, Repair, and…

  • Junya Ishigami

    Serpentine Pavilion 2019

  • Jesús Vassallo

    Epics in the Everyday: Photography, Architecture, and the…

  • A. Gigon, M. Guyer (Hg.)


  • Mckenzie Wark

    Capital Is Dead: Is This Something Worse?

  • Susanne Hefti & Damjan Kokalevski

    Skopje Walkie Talkie

  • K. Grimstad, S. Rennie (Hg)

    The New Woman's Survival Catalog: A Woman-Made Book

  • Fink, Graff, Rostek, Wagner (Hg.)

    Architects on Architects

  • Natasha Lennard

    Being Numerous. Essays on Non-Fascist Life

  • Graphic #44

    Berlin Issue

  • Peter Weibel (Hg.)

    Sound Art: Sound as a Medium of Art

  • Walter Scheiffele


  • Samuel Greengard

    Virtual Reality

  • Ion Grigorescu

    From static oblivion

  • Guy Standing

    Plunder of the Commons: A Manifesto for Sharing Public…

  • Sofia Bempeza

    Geschichte(n) des Kunststreiks

  • Vilém Flusser

    Vom Stand der Dinge. Eine kleine Philosophie des Design

  • Jane Hall

    Breaking Ground: Architecture by Women

  • Jason Bahbak Mohaghegh

    Omnicide: Mania, Fatality, and the Future-in-Delirium

  • Chantal Akerman

    My Mother Laughs

  • Stiftung Buchkunst

    Die Schönsten Deutschen Bücher 2019: The Best German Book…

  • Franco "Bifo" Berardi

    Die Seele bei der Arbeit: Von der Entfremdung zur Autonomie

  • Judith Butler

    Rücksichtslose Kritik. Körper, Rede, Aufstand

  • Alexandra Hopf, Regine Steenbock

    Vogue. M29 Special.09/2019 September

  • J. Dowling, C. Leterme

    From Latin America

  • Extinction Rebellion

    This Is Not A Drill: An Extinction Rebellion Handbook

  • Matthias Schmelzer, Andrea Vetter

    Degrowth / Postwachstum zur Einführung

  • M. Rothenberger, T. Weber (Hg)

    Nico – Wie kann die Luft so schwer sein an einem Tag an dem…

  • Marcel Hénaff

    Die Stadt im Werden

  • Francesco Garutti

    Our Happy Life. Architecture and Well-Being in the Age of…

  • Kenya Hara

    Designing Japan. A Future Built on Aesthetics

  • T. Rieniets, C. Kämmerer

    Architektur der 1950er bis 1970er Jahre im Ruhrgebiet: Als…

  • Janwillem Schrofer (Ed.)

    Plan and Play, Play and Plan: Defining Your Art Practice

  • Giorgio Agamben

    Creation and Anarchy: The Work of Art and the Religion of…

  • Danae Io, Callum Copley (Ed.)

    Schemas of Uncertainty

  • Lucy Cotter

    Reclaiming Artistic Research

The Other Architect. Exhibition: Canadian Centre for Architecture in Montréal

Welche Art von Ansätzen erfinden und machen sich Architekten zu eigen, um ihre Ideen jenseits traditioneller Entwurfspraxis zu reflektieren? – Diese kommentierte Sammlung von Originaldokumenten mit Fallbeispielen von 1960 bis heute ist ein Beleg für experimentelle Orte, Methoden und Instrumente, die Architekten für ihre Recherche nutzen und die ihre gegenwärtigen Fragestellungen prägen. Viele davon beginnen als Improvisationen in traditionellen Formen: als Konferenzen, Bücher oder in Universitätsstudios, entwickeln sich dann aber in unerwartete Richtungen weiter. Die ausgewählten Beispiele kommen aus Archiven von Recherche orientierten Organisationen wie IAUS (The Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies ), das als 'ein Zwischending zwischen Schule und Büro' entworfen wurde, den Sommerschulvereinigungen wie ILAUD (The International Laboratory of Architecture and Urban Design), dem schwimmenden Delos Symposium und anderen provisorischen Plattformen. Im Ganzen zeigen die Beispiele, wie Architekten eine kulturelle Agenda ohne die Intervention von gebauten Formen konstruieren können. Ein Buch, das die Ausstellung 'The Other Architect' im Canadian Centre for Architecture in Montréal (27. October 2015 – 3. April 2016) begleitet.
What kinds of approaches do architects invent and appropriate to reflect on their ideas outside of traditional design practices? Considering case studies from the 1960s to today, this annotated collection of primary documents presents evidence of experimental venues, methods, and tools that architects have used to research and shape the urgent issues of their time. Many of these begin as improvisations on traditional forms like conferences, books, and university studios before developing in unexpected directions; examples come from the archives of research-based organisations like IAUS (The Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies) who created a “halfway house between school and office”, research consortia like ILAUD (The International Laboratory of Architecture and Urban Design), the floating Delos Symposia, and other temporary platforms. Together, they reveal how architects can construct a cultural agenda without the intervention of built form. A book complementing the exhibition The Other Architect at the Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal, 27 October 2015 – 3 April 2016.
414 pp., ca. 250 facsimiles and colour images, thread-sewn softcover, English
For as long as architecture has been reduced to a service to society or an “industry” whose ultimate goal is only to build, there have been others who imagine it instead as a field of intellectual research: energetic, critical, and radical.
But how can we produce or maintain this position?
In the history of architecture, especially since the 1960s, there has been a proliferation of experiments representing the work of architects who ventured to creatively and thoroughly rethink every aspect of the profession. Moved by a desire to contribute more substantially and more actively to the construction of a cultural agenda, they critically analyzed their roles and challenged the precepts and ultimate goals of the discipline.
From a set of varied approaches drawn from many people, places, and times, the other architect emerges: searching for different operating models, aiming for collaborative strategies, introducing strange concepts, and experimenting with new kinds of tools. The result is an ample array of possibilities: Urban Innovations Group, ILAUD (International Laboratory of Architecture and Urban Design), AMO, IAUS (Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies), CUP (Center for Urban Pedagogy), ARAU (Atelier de recherche et d’action urbaines), Architects’ Revolutionary Council, Corridart, Architectural Detective Agency, Take Part Workshop, Kommunen in der Neuen Welt, AD/AA/Polyark, Design-A-Thon, Architecture Machine Group, Forensic Architecture, Multiplicity, Art Net, Global Tools, CIRCO, Pidgeon Audio Visual, Delos Symposion, and Anyone Corporation.
Observing and analyzing these experiences can supply us with an operating manual for critically engaging with the urgent issues of our time, an unusual and hopefully compelling collection that contains many methods, tools, and ideas for new ways of defining architecture.
These investigative models represent a new approach relying equally on their proposed themes and on their sets of operating strategies, working methods, organizational structures, and financial models. These efforts left marks in letters, books, drawings, photographs, budgets, tactics for accessing resources, videos, mission statements, meeting minutes, T-shirts, boats, and buses. Reading the traces lets us begin to understand the other architect’s ingenuity and consider different ways of defining the roles and responsibilities of architecture.
Together, these experiments point beyond what architecture is toward what architecture could be, or what it already is, if we would recognize it: not just a practice that inevitably brings about the construction of an artifact, but a way of thinking and observing the present and the society in which we operate; of identifying and asking questions while marking a new territory on which to act; of looking for or inventing suitable tools; and, finally, of responding generously and concisely.
–Giovanna Borasi
The Other Architect is also a book, edited by Giovanna Borasi with contributions by Florencia Alvarez, Pep Avilés, Greg Barton, Samuel Dodd, Isabelle Doucet, Ole W. Fischer, Anna Foppiano, Kim Förster, Owen Hatherley, Larissa Harris, Alison B. Hirsch, Douglas Moffat, Whitney Moon, Pierluigi Nicolin, Kayoko Ota, Panayiota Pyla, Angela Rui, Deane Simpson, Johanne Sloan, Molly Wright Steenson, Rebecca Taylor, and Mirko Zardini. A co-publication with Spector Books, Leipzig, designed by Jonathan Hares (Lausanne and London). 416 pages and over 300 colour facsimiles of traces left in letters, books, drawings, photographs, budgets, videos, mission statements, meeting minutes, T-shirts, boats, and buses.

Giovanna Borasi (Ed.)
The Other Architect. Exhibition: Canadian Centre for Architecture in Montréal
Spector, 2015, 978-3-95905-040-1