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  • Hans Ulrich Obrist


  • Steven Shaviro

    The Universe of Things. On Speculative Realism

  • Florian Böhm, Annahita Kamali

    Everything is Connected. Home Collection (Vitra)

  • Eva Diaz

    The Experimenters. Chance and Design at Black Mountain…

  • Berlin Projects

    Startup Berlin Guide

  • David Ostrowski

    How to do things left

  • Honore De Balzac

    The Physiology of the Employee

  • Francesco Spampinato

    Come Together. The Rise of Cooperative Art and Design

  • Marc Fischer

    Public Collectors

  • Joël Tettamanti

    Works 2001–2019

  • S AM 12


  • Wilfried Dickhoff, Marcus Steinweg (Hg.)

    INAESTHETICS #4 Philosophy!

  • Marc Bedarida (Ed.)

    Le Corbusier. Aventures Photographiques

  • Markus Weisbeck, Mathias Schmitt,…

    Space for Visual Research

  • Gina Glover, Geof Rayner, Jessica Rayner

    The Metabolic Landscape. Perception, Practice and the…

  • Ricardo Flores & Eva Prats

    Thought by Hand. The Architecture of Flores & Prats

  • Sylvain Margaine

    Forbidden Places, Volume 2: Exploring Our Abandoned Heritage

  • Mark Leckey

    On Pleasure Bent

  • Axel Wieder, Florian Zeyfang (Eds.)

    Open Form. Space, Interaction, and the Tradition of Oskar…

  • Maria Zinfert (Hg.)

    Sigfried Kracauer. Photographic Archive

  • Clog

    World Trade Center

  • Marta Herford (Ed.)

    Der entfesselte Blick. The Unfettered Gaze: Die Brüder…

  • Hubertus Butin (Hg.)

    Begriffslexikon zur zeitgenössischen Kunst (Ausgabe 2014)

  • Peter Blegvad

    Kew. Rhone

  • Michiel van Raaij

    Building as Ornament

  • Reinhard Seiss

    Harry Glück: Wohnbauten

  • Cristina Bechtler (Ed.)

    Museum of the Future

  • Felix Ensslin, Charlotte Klink (Eds.)

    Aesthetics of the Flesh

  • Matthew Gandy

    The Fabric of Space. Water, Modernity, and the Urban…

  • Catherine De Zegher

    Women's Work. Is Never Done

  • Sophie Berrebi

    The Shape of Evidence. Contemporary Art and the Document (…

  • Simon Denny

    New Management

  • Henning Schmidgen

    Hirn und Zeit. Die Geschichte eines Experiments 1800 - 1950

  • Paul O'Neill & Mick Wilson (Ed…

    Curating Research

  • Hans-Jürgen Hafner, Gunter Reski (Hg.)

    The Happy Fainting of Painting. Ein Reader zur…

  • Thomas Crow

    The Long March Of Pop. Art Music and Design 1930-1995

  • Chris Kraus

    Torpor (Roman)

  • Gerald Raunig

    DIVIDUUM. Maschinischer Kapitalismus und molekulare…

  • Marc James Léger (Ed.)

    The Idea of the Avant Garde And What It Means Today

  • Jean-Luc Godard

    Jean-Luc Godard/JLG: Selbstporträt im Dezember

  • Dombois, Fliescher, Mersch, Rintz (Hg.)

    Ästhetisches Denken. Nicht-Propositionalität, Episteme,…

  • Megan Francis Sullivan

    Zipper Keeper 2015

  • Emily Pugh

    Architecture, Politics, and Identity in Divided Berlin

  • Markus Grob

    Dächerstreit: Flachdach/Steildach

  • Klingan, Sepahvand, Rosol, Scherer (Eds…

    Textures of The Anthropocene. Grain Vapor Ray

  • Siegfried Kracauer

    The Past's Threshold. Essays on Photography

  • Philip Jodidio

    Cabins. Hütten. Cabanes

  • Space Caviar (Eds.)

    SQM. The Quantified Home: An exploration of the evolving…

  • testcard #24

    Bug Report. Digital war besser

  • T'ai Smith

    Bauhaus Weaving Theory. From Feminine Craft to Mode of…

  • Klaus Dömer, Hans Drexler, Joachim…

    Affordable Living. Housing for Everyone

  • Slavoj Zizek

    Trouble in Paradise. From the End of History to the End of…

  • Renée Green

    Other Planes of There

  • Stephen Grabow, Kent Spreckelmeyer

    The Architecture of Use. Aesthetics and Function in…

  • Pedro Gadanho (Ed.)

    Uneven Growth. Tactical Urbanisms for Expanding Megacities

  • Seth Price

    Folklore U.S.

  • Manfred Hermes

    Hystericizing Germany

  • Peter von Bagh (Hg.)

    Aki Kaurismäki über Kaurismäki

  • Werkleitz Gesellschaft e.V. (Ed.)

    Utopien vermeiden. Avoiding Utopias

  • Metahaven

    Can Jokes Bring Down Governments? Memes, Design and…

  • Amy Brandt

    Interplay. Neoconceptual Art of the 1980s

  • Francesca Hughes

    The Architecture of Error. Matter, Measure, and the…

  • Spyros Papapetros, Julian Rose (Eds.)

    Retracing the Expanded Field

  • Felix Denk, Sven von Thülen

    Der Klang der Familie: Berlin, Techno and the Fall of the…

  • Joachim Fischer, Dierk Spreen

    Soziologie der Weltraumfahrt

  • Sächsische Akademie der Künste, Dresden…

    Labor der Moderne. Nachkriegsarchitektur in Europa.…

  • Tim Stüttgen


  • Byung-Chul Han

    Psychopolitik. Neoliberalismus und die neuen Machttechniken

  • Francesco Garutti (Ed.)

    Fairland. Explorations, Insights and Outlooks on the Future…

  • Scott McFarland

    Shacks, Snow, Streets, Shrubs

  • Dante Bini

    Building with Air

  • Birgit Mennel, Stefan Nowotny (Hg.)

    Die Sprachen der Banlieues

  • Precarias a la Deriva

    Was ist dein Streik? Militante Streifzüge durch die…

  • Nora Schultz

    Portikus Printing Plant and Portikus Sounds

  • Joseph Becker, Jennifer Dunlop Fletcher…

    Lebbeus Woods, Architect

  • Binna Choi, Maiko Tanaka (Hg)

    The Grand Domestic Revolution Handbook

  • Boris Kralj

    My Belgrade (2nd Edition)

  • Frances Stracey

    Constructed Situations. A New History of the Situationist…

  • Latek, Paviol, Simond, Very (Eds.)

    In situ – de visu – in motu. Architecture, cinéma et arts…

  • Neil Spiller, Nic Clear (Eds.)

    Educating Architects. How Tomorrow's Practitioners…

  • Jacques Rancière

    The Intervals of Cinema

  • Josiah McElheny, Christine Burgin

    Glass! Love!! Perpetual Motion!!! A Paul Scheerbart Reader

  • Tsitsi Ella Jaji

    Africa in Stereo. Modernism, Music, And Pan-African…

  • Daniel Josefsohn

    OK DJ

  • Rem Koolhaas

    Preservation Is Overtaking Us (Gsapp Transcripts)

  • Stephen Barber

    Performance Projections. Film and The Body in Action

  • AndresLepik, Very Simone Bader (Hg)

    Lina Bo Bardi 100. Brasiliens alternativer Weg in die…

  • Rüdiger Esch

    ElectriCity. Elektronische Musik aus Düsseldorf

  • Thomas Thiel (Ed.)

    Museum Off Museum

  • Cornelai Butler, Luis Perez-Oramas

    Lygia Clark. The Abandonment of Art

  • Catriona Gray

    Fifties House. House & Garden

  • Jenn Joy

    The Choreographic

  • Robert Hamelijnck, Nienke Terpsma (Eds.)

    It's Playtime

  • Mark Leckey

    The Universal Addressability of Dumb Things

  • Nicolas Bruno Jacquet

    Le Langage Hypermoderne de l'Architecture

  • Gertrud Lehnert, Alicia Kühl, Katja…

    Modetheorie. Klassische Texte aus vier Jahrhunderten

  • Katharina Eck, Astrid Silvia Schänhagen

    Interieur und Bildtapete. Narrative des Wohnens um 1800

  • Boelen / Z33, Sacchetti (Eds.)

    Designing Everyday Life

1%. 2CD

per Gesetz 1% Kunst im öffentlichen Bau, hier verwirklicht von Jourdan und Oshima für Fahrstühle in einem Pariser Regierungsbau, in denen bei Stockwerkwahl mit 1% Wahrscheinlichkeit ein Track gespielt wird von u.a. Colleen, Dat Politics, Felix Kubin, Four Tet, John McEntire and Jeff Parker, Nobukazu Takemura, Rashim, The Books, Tujiko Noriko, Yohsimi P-We
Disc 1:
Alejandra Salinas and Aeron Bergman
Constanze Schweiger and David Jourdan
Dat Politics
Dorit Chrysler
Eugene Chadbourne
Felix Kubin
Four Tet
Disc 2:
John McEntire and Jeff Parker
Nobukazu Takemura
Sun Ok Papi K.O.
This double CD includes all contributions (114 sound pieces/ 01:50:22) to David Jourdan and Yuji Oshima's installation for the elevators of the French Ministry of Culture and Communication.
According to the French government’s 1% guidelines, one per cent of the total amount spent in the construction of any public building is to be allocated for the realization of site-specific artworks. In this context, David Jourdan and Yuji Oshima were commissioned to create a permanent installation for the new building of the ministry, 182 rue Saint-Honoré, Paris, completed in February 2005.
A temperamental audio playback is set off by accident – one chance in a hundred – in two elevators at the ministry. For once, the 1% is indeed one per cent. The issue is deceptive musak.
Every user of the elevator who presses a button participates in a game in which there is a limited number of possible actions, but a real 1% chance of winning. In short, a mere lottery.
When one wins, the reward is an illuminated animation on the cabin ceiling accompanied by a brief audio composition. For that purpose, Jourdan and Oshima invited 17 artists/groups to create 15 to 90 seconds of sound compositions from previously unreleased audio material.
Assuming that on average, the cabin carries any other passenger going to a different floor, a user who takes the elevator 10 times a day, 5 days a week, has one chance per week of winning. With the exception of this brief event, nothing else out of the ordinary occurs.

David Jourdan, Yuji Oshima
1%. 2CD
Pork Salad, 2007, 87-91409-33-0
30,00 €