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  • Louise Michel

    Die Pariser Commune

  • Xiaowen Zhu

    Oriental Silk

  • Sebastian Schipper, Lisa Vollmer (Hg.)

    Wohnungsforschung. Ein Reader

  • Sally Stein, Ina Steiner (eds.)

    Allan Sekula, Art Isn't Fair: Further Essays on the…

  • Tim Jordan

    The Digital Economy

  • Juliane Rebentisch

    Camp Materialism

  • Andrea Büttner


  • Amelie Von Wulffen

    Collected Comics 2010-2020

  • Benjamin Fellmann, Bettina Steinbrügge…

    Klassenverhältnisse. Phantoms of Perception

  • Itohan Osayimwese

    Colonialism and Modern Architecture in Germany

  • Sharon Zukin

    The Innovation Complex. Cities, Tech, and the New Economy

  • Sebastian Strombach

    Verrückt. Der Comic zum Berliner Schloss

  • Hg von Erika Thümmel, FH JOANNEUM…

    Die Sprache der Räume. Eine Geschichte der Szenografie

  • Stephan Trüby

    Rechte Räume: Politische Essays und Gespräche (Bauwelt…

  • Malcolm James

    Sonic Intimacy. Reggae Sound Systems, Jungle Pirate Radio…

  • AAPK – Suyoung Ko, Yeon Joo Oh, Soonam…

    Architecture as Fabulated Reality

  • Anna Bokov

    Avant-Garde as Method. Vkhutemas and the Pedagogy of Space…

  • Günter Karl Bose

    Elementum. Über Typografie, Bücher und Buchstaben

  • Lorenzo Marsili

    Planetary Politics. A Manifesto

  • Miriam Rasch (ed.)

    Let’s Get Physical: A Sample of INC Longforms, 2015-2020

  • Cache

    Gegen|Wissen. Cache 01

  • Angelika Fitz, Karoline Mayer,…

    Boden für Alle

  • Baukultur NRW, Christoph Grafe, Tim…

    Umbaukultur. Für eine Architektur des Veränderns

  • Silvia Benedito

    Atmosphere Anatomies. On Design, Weather, and Sensation

  • Jan Reetze

    Times & Sounds. Germany's Journey from Jazz and…

  • Frieder Butzmann

    Wunderschöne Rückkopplungen

  • Ludger Hovestadt, Urs Hirschberg,…

    Atlas of Digital Architecture.Terminology, Concepts,…

  • Kristin Feireiss, Hans-Jürgen Commerell…

    The Songyang Story. Architectural Acupuncture as Driver for…

  • Zairong Xiang (Hg.)

    minor cosmopolitan. Thinking Art, Politics, and the…

  • Bruce Clarke

    Gaian System. Lynn Margulis, Neocybernetics, and the End of…

  • Oliver Fahle

    Theorien des Dokumentarfilms zur Einführung

  • Vincent Liegey, Anitra Nelson

    Exploring Degrowth. A Critical Guide

  • Michael Youngblood, Benjamin Chesluk

    Rethinking Users. The Design Guide to User Ecosystem…

  • Manfred Sommer

    Stift, Blatt und Kant. Philosophie des Graphismus

  • Aino Laberenz (Hg.)

    Christoph Schlingensiefs Operndorf Afrika

  • Thomas Keenan, Eyal Weizman

    Mengeles Schädel. Kurze Geschichte der forensischen Ästhetik

  • R. A. Judy

    Sentient Flesh Thinking in Disorder, Poiesis in Black

  • Anne Waldschmidt

    Disability Studies zur Einführung

  • Ulrich Pfisterer

    Kunstgeschichte zur Einführung

  • Ernst Müller, Falko Schmieder

    Begriffsgeschichte zur Einführung

  • Bädicker, Klaus

    Sofort Abreissen! 1984 - 1994. Von der Wohnungsmisere in…

  • Butler, Judith

    Die Macht der Gewaltlosigkeit - Über das Ethische im…

  • Gerald Siegmund

    Theater- und Tanzperformance zur Einführung

  • Veronika Kracher

    Incels. Geschichte, Sprache und Ideologie eines Online-Kults

  • Susanne Kaiser

    Politische Männlichkeit. Wie Incels, Fundamentalisten und…

  • Vereinigung der Landesdenkmalpfleger (…

    wohnen 60 70 80. Junge Denkmäler in Deutschland

  • Beckh, Ruiz-Funes, Ludwig et al. (Hg.)

    Candela, Isler, Müther. Positions on Shell Construction

  • Marius Töpfer, Rebecca Wall

    Everyday Urban Design 6. Planung als Vektor, Skript und…

  • Alexandre Gaiser Fernandes

    Everyday Urban Design 5. Everyday State of Emergency. The…

  • Erin Manning

    For a Pragmatics of the Useless (Thought in the Act)

  • Christine Hannemann, Karin Hauser (Hg.)

    Zusammenhalt braucht Räume. Wohnen integriert

  • Studio Michael Beutler (ed.)

    Michael Beutler. Things in Slices

  • Florian Ebner, Susanne Gaensheimer,…

    Hito Steyerl. I will Survive

  • Johannes Hossfeld Etyang, Joyce Nyairo…

    Ten Cities. Clubbing in Nairobi, Cairo, Kyiv,​ Johannesburg…

  • Eva Maria Froschauer, Werner Lorenz,…

    Vom Wert des Weiterbauens. Konstruktive Lösungen und…

  • Christoph Lueder

    Diagrams: Tropes, Tools, Abstract Machines

  • Julia Bee, Nicole Kandioler (Hg)

    Differenzen und Affirmationen. queer/feministische…

  • Christian Gänshirt

    Werkzeuge für Ideen. Einführung ins architektonische…

  • Helge Oder

    Entwerferische Dinge: Neue Ansätze integrativer Gestaltung…

  • Mette Marie Kallehauge, Lærke Rydal…

    Anupama Kundoo (The Architect’s Studio)

  • Helen Hester


  • Benjamin H. Bratton, Nicolay Boyadjiev…

    The New Normal

  • Jack Halberstam

    Wild Things. The Disorder of Desire

  • The Care Collective

    Care Manifesto. The Politics of Interdependence

  • Oliver Sukrow

    Arbeit. Wohnen. Computer. Zur Utopie in der bildenden Kunst…

  • Andreas Malm


  • LAN – Benoit Jallon, Umberto Napolitano…

    Napoli Super Modern

  • Sabel Gavaldon, Manuel Segade (Eds.)

    Elements of Vogue. A Case Study in Radical Performance

  • Mari Laanemets (Ed.)

    Abstraction as an Open Experiment

  • Dorothee Brantz, Avi Sharma (Eds.)

    Urban Resilience in a Global Context. Actors, Narratives,…

  • Eva Barois De Caevel, Koyo Kouoh, Mika…

    On Art History in Africa. Condition Report

  • Amy Sillman

    Faux Pas. Selected Writings and Drawings (Expanded Edition)

  • Richard Zemp

    Bauen als freie Arbeit. Lina Bo Bardi und die Grupo…

  • Christoph F. E. Holzhey, Arnd Wedemeyer

    Weathering. Ecologies of Exposure

  • Luke Wood, Brad Haylock

    One and many mirrors: perspectives on graphic design…

  • John Darlington

    Fake Heritage. Why We Rebuild Monuments

  • Gerhard Steixner, Maria Welzig (Hg)

    Luxus für alle. Meilensteine im europäischen…

  • Rafael Horzon

    Das Neue Buch

  • Sebastian Schels, Olaf Unverzart


  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 391. Alternative Reality Design and imagination in…

  • Markus Ritter

    Der Reiz der Vögel seit 1870

  • Daniel Rubinstein

    Fotografie nach der Philosophie. Repräsentationsdämmerung

  • Legacy Russell

    Glitch Feminism. A Manifesto

  • Georg Seeßlen

    Coronakontrolle, oder: Nach der Krise ist vor der…

  • Sasha Geffen

    Glitter Up the Dark. How Pop Music Broke the Binary

  • Natasha A. Kelly

    The Comet - Afrofuturism 2.0

  • Iris Därmann

    Undienlichkeit. Gewaltgeschichte und politische Philosophie

  • Ludger Schwarte

    Denken in Farbe. Zur Epistemologie des Malens

  • Isabell Otto

    Prozess und Zeitordnung. Temporalität unter der Bedingung…

  • Alejandro de la Sota

    In Defence of a Logical Architecture and Other Essays. 2G…

  • Bruno Latour

    Der Berliner Schlüssel

  • Mark W. Rectanus

    Museums Inside Out. Artist Collaborations and New…

  • William O. Gardner

    The Metabolist Imagination. Visions of the City in Postwar…

  • McKenzie Wark

    Sensoria. Thinkers for the Twenty-first Century

  • Maria Isserlis (Hg)

    Nadira Husain

  • Sheila Williams (ed.)

    Entanglements. Tomorrow's Lovers, Families, and…

  • Maria Hlavajova, Sven Lutticken (Hg)

    Deserting from the Culture Wars

  • Brandon LaBelle (Ed.)

    Dirty Ear Report #3

Autotelic Architect: Changing world, changing practice

Autotelic Architect explores how movements towards more self-initiated projects, greater collaboration and design activism have changed how architects and designers are practicing, as well as the kinds of projects they are working on. Similar to the autotelic self that transforms potential problems into enjoyable challenges, the Autotelic Architect does not avoid societal changes, but instead learns to harness their creative potential. Using new research and case studies from past and present, the author analyses the educational and professional implications of operating as a non-conventional progressive participatory design practice. Drawing on a range of global case studies of pioneering architects in the field, she reflects upon current and future trends at local, national and international level, and additionally examines marketing and practical issues for architects. Illustrated with more than 30 black and white images, this is a compelling read for any practicing architect. "
Easy though it is to despair of the architectural profession, whether from the inside or out, Autotelic Architect gives us reason for hope. It shows how the smart, creative, proactive designer with a grounded sense of global responsibility can make a real contribution to resolving some of the key issues facing human society and make a living from it.' - Roger Kelly, Architect and former Director, Centre for Alternative Technology, UK
'Autotelic Architect addresses the underlying causes of current challenges in the built environment, including the way architects are taught and the changing roles of the profession. Sumita Sinha s radical overview is concerned with the business of architecture, providing insight into how the profession can be taught and practiced to make it more rewarding in terms of both profitability and societal worth. This book reveals international and historical perspectives from both sides of architecture s divides academia and practice- to demonstrate how architecture and architects can and must survive.' -Dr Mike McEvoy, former Professor of Architecture, University of Brighton, UK
"This overdue book takes a fresh look at the purpose of an architectural education, how architects can use their skills both to satisfy their own business needs and for the wider good. This involves an understanding of what architecture is and what architects do." - Peter Murray, from the Preface to the book
"It is indeed a rapidly changing world for the practice of architecture, with disruptive digital technologies, new social, economic and political orders and increasing environmental challenges. Sumita Sinha's book Autotelic Architect is a very timely, pertinent and valuable analysis of this changing world and what it means for the practice of architecture and other related professions. A 'must-read' book to survive and thrive in our new futures." - Richard Brindley, Director R Brindley Consult Ltd, UK "
Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
Sumita Sinha is an alumni of five architecture schools from two continents, including Delhi, Cambridge, London South Bank, Manchester and Westminster. She has designed furniture and buildings, and has worked and taught in the fields of sustainable design, conservation and planning for over 20 years in nine countries. She has set up an architectural charity, Charushila. She has been associated with RIBA for over 20 years in various capacities, including setting up its equality forum and as a Council member. Currently she is also a non-executive director of Moorfields NHS Foundation Trust. This is her second book.

Sumita Sinha
Autotelic Architect: Changing world, changing practice
Routledge, 2017, 978-1-138-82043-2