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  • Dimitra Kondylatou, David Bergé (Eds.)

    The Architect is Absent. Approaching the Cycladic Holiday…

  • Matthew Fuller, Eyal Weizman

    Investigative Aesthetics. Conflicts and Commons in the…

  • Laura Raicovich

    Culture Strike. Art and Museums in an Age of Protest

  • Alison B. Powell

    Undoing Optimization. Civic Action in Smart Cities

  • Paul Pethick

    Power of Play. How play and its games shape life

  • Angélil, Biechteler, Dietz, Käferstein…

    Building for Architecture Education. Architekturpädagogiken…

  • 72 Hour Urban Action

    Die Gefühletaktik | The Love Tactic

  • Isabelle Doucet, Janina Gosseye (Hg.)

    Activism at Home. Architects dwelling between politics,…

  • Donatella Di Cesare

    Philosophie der Migration

  • Legacy Russell

    Glitch Feminismus. Ein Manifest

  • Vinciane Despret

    Was würden Tiere sagen, würden wir die richtigen Fragen…

  • Calla Henkel

    Other People's Clothes

  • Philipp Sarasin

    1977. Eine kurze Geschichte der Gegenwart

  • Patricia Bickers

    The Ends of Art Criticism

  • Michel Egger

    Image Generation

  • Katharina Hoppe, Thomas Lemke

    Neue Materialismen zur Einführung

  • Zachary Horton

    The Cosmic Zoom. Scale, Knowledge, and Mediation

  • Ciara Cremin

    The Future is Feminine. Capitalism and the Masculine…

  • Kate Crawford

    Atlas of AI. Power, Politics, and the Planetary Costs of…

  • N. Reynolds, M. McCormick

    No Fixed Points: Dance in the Twentieth Century

  • Design Studio for Social Intervention

    Ideas Arrangements Effects: Systems Design and Social…

  • Inke Arns, Marie Lechner (Hg)

    Computer Grrrls. HMKV Ausstellungsmagazin 2021/1

  • Claude Lévi-Strauss

    Strukturale Anthropologie Zero

  • Noam Chomsky, Robert Pollin

    Die Klimakrise und der Global Green New Deal. Die…

  • Amy Cimini, Bill Dietz (eds)

    Maryanne Amacher: Selected Writings and Interviews

  • Hélène Cixous (Wolfgang Hottner Hg.)

    Die meineidige Stadt oder das Erwachen der Erinyen

  • Harriet Harriss, Rory Hyde, Roberta…

    Architects After Architecture. Alternative Pathways for…

  • Jan Silberberger (Ed.)

    Against and For Method. Revisiting Architectural Design as…

  • Christine Eyene

    Sounds Like Her. Gender, Sound Art & Sonic Cultures

  • Judith Lochhead, Eduardo Mendieta,…

    Sound and Affect. Voice, Music, World

  • Tobias Michnik und Leander Nowack

    Übergangsräume. Die Bushaltestellen auf der Berliner…

  • Annett Busch, Tobias Hering (Eds.)

    Tell It to the Stones. Encounters with the Films of Danièle…

  • Boris Groys

    Logic of the Collection

  • Daniela Zyman (Ed.)

    Oceans Rising. A Companion to “Territorial Agency: Oceans…

  • Peter Sutherland


  • Elias Guenoun

    198 Wood Joints

  • Alison J. Clarke

    Victor Papanek. Designer for the Real World

  • Philipp P. Metzger

    Wohnkonzerne enteignen! Wie Deutsche Wohnen & Co ein…

  • Elizabeth Ezra

    The Cinema of Things. Globalization and the Posthuman Object

  • MMS (Maryam Fanni, Matilda Flodmark and…

    Natural Enemies of Books. A Messy History of Women in…

  • Sascha Roesler

    Weltkonstruktion. Eine Globalgeschichte der…

  • Owen Hatherley

    Clean Living under Difficult Circumstances. Finding a Home…

  • Benjamin Bratton

    The Revenge of the Real. Politics for a Post-Pandemic World

  • Gisela Notz

    Genossenschaften. Geschichte, Aktualität und Renaissance

  • Lorenz Engell

    Das Schaltbild. Philosophie des Fernsehens

  • Rafal Niemojewski

    Biennials: The Exhibitions We Love to Hate

  • Gerold Kunz, Hilar Stadler, Jonathan…

    On and Around Architecture. Ten conversations. Sergison…

  • Jens Balzer

    High Energy. Die Achtziger - das pulsierende Jahrzehnt

  • Bund Deutscher Architektinnen und…


  • ETH Newrope (Ed.)

    Design in Dialogue. 51N4E, endeavour, Denkstatt

  • J. Wangel, E. Fauré

    Beyond Efficiency. Speculative design for living in the…

  • Michael Erlhoff

    Im Schatten von Design. Zur dunklen Seite der Gestaltung

  • Michelle Christensen, Ralf Michel,…

    NERD - New Experimental Research in Design 2

  • Chiara Carpenter, Giovanna Silva

    Nightswimming. Discotheques from the 1960s to the Present

  • Brandon LaBelle, Víctor Aguado, Ramón…

    Party Studies Vol. 1: Home Gatherings, Flat Events, Festive…

  • Tom Holert (Hg.)

    Harun Farocki. Unregelmäßig, nicht regellos. Texte 1986–2000

  • Barnabas Calder

    Architecture. From Prehistory to Climate Emergency

  • Anne Miltenburg

    Design. Think. Make. Break. Repeat. A Handbook of Methods (…

  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 394. Class for Graphic Design Circle of Education,…

  • Marie Staggat, Timo Stein

    Hush – Berliner Clubs in Zeiten der Stille / Berlin Club…

  • Martina Löw, Volkan Sayman, Jona…

    Am Ende der Globalisierung: Über die Refiguration von Räumen

  • Carsten Seiffarth (Hg) edition neue…

    urban sound art / stadtklangkunst. bonn hoeren 2010-2019

  • Andreas Malm and the Zetkin Collective

    White Skin, Black Fuel. On the Danger of Fossil Fascism

  • Andrej Holm, Ulrike Hamann, Sandy…

    Die Legende vom Sozialen Wohnungsbau

  • Giulia Foscari / UNLESS (Hg)

    Antarctic Resolution

  • Daniel Kiss, Simon Kretz (Hg)

    Relational Theories of Urban Form. An Anthology

  • Friederike Landau, Lucas Pohl, Nikolai…

    [Un]Grounding: Post-foundational Geographies

  • Raúl Sánchez Cedillo

    Das Absolute der Demokratie. Gegenmächte, Körper-Maschinen…

  • Anne Boyer

    Die Unsterblichen. Krankheit, Körper, Kapitalismus

  • Jeffrey Hou, Sabine Knierbein (Eds.)

    City Unsilenced. Urban Resistance and Public Space in the…

  • Philipp Zitzlsperger

    Das Design-Dilemma zwischen Kunst und Problemlösung

  • Sekou Cooke

    Hip-Hop Architecture

  • Stefanie Bürkle

    MigraTouriSpace. Raummigration und Tourismus / Migrating…

  • Joannette van der Veer (Ed.)

    CriticALL! (un)professional everyday design criticism

  • German Pavilion at the 17th…

    2038. The New Serenity

  • Isabelle Lorey

    Demokratie im Präsens. Eine Theorie der politischen…

  • Tom Holert, HKW (Hg.)

    Bildungsschock. Lernen, Politik und Architektur in den…

  • Donald K. Carter (Ed.)

    Remaking Post-Industrial Cities. Lessons from North America…

  • Harry W. Richardson, Chang Woon Nam (…

    Shrinking Cities. A Global Perspective

  • Robert Klanten, Elli Stuhler (Hg)

    Evergreen Architecture. Overgrown Buildings and Greener…

  • Edward Tufte

    Seeing With Fresh Eyes: Meaning, Space, Data, Truth

  • Sara Ahmed

    Eigenwillige Subjekte. Eigenwilligkeit als Politik des…

  • Francesco Garutti (ed.)

    The Things Around Us: 51N4E and Rural Urban Framework

  • Anselm Franke, Nida Ghouse, Paz Guevara…

    Parapolitics. Cultural Freedom and the Cold War

  • Seng Kuan (Hg)

    Kazuo Shinohara. Traversing the House and the City

  • Moisés Puente (Hg)

    2G 82. Ensamble Studio

  • Daniel Mettler, Daniel Studer (Hg) BUK…

    Konstruktion. Manual. ETH Zürich - BUK

  • Andrea Long Chu

    Females. Alle sind weiblich

  • Susan Schuppli

    Material Witness. Media, Forensics, Evidence

  • Hiroshi Sugimoto, Tomoyuki Sakakida

    Old Is New: Architectural Works by New Material Research…

  • Cathy Lane, Angus Carlyle

    Sound arts now

  • Federica Bueti, Antonia Alampi,…

    We Have Delivered Ourselves from the Tonal — Von, mit, zu,…

  • Jakob Schoof (Hg)

    massiv robust bewehrt. Stahlbetontragwerke

  • TVK. Pierre Alain Trévelo, Antoine…

    The Earth is an Architecture

  • Helmut C. Schulitz

    The Turning Point in Architectural Design. A Historical…

  • Giulia Mensitieri

    Das schönste Gewerbe der Welt

  • Robert McCarter

    Carlo Scarpa

  • Deborah Chambers

    Cultural Ideals of Home. The Social Dynamics of Domestic…

Now that the audience is assembled

Following his investigation into experimental music and sound recording in Records Ruin the Landscape, David Grubbs turns his attention to the live performance of improvised music with an altogether different form of writing. Now that the audience is assembled is a book-length prose poem that describes a fictional musical performance during which an unnamed musician improvises the construction of a series of invented instruments before an audience that is alternately contemplative, participatory, disputatious, and asleep. Over the course of this phantasmagorical all-night concert, repeated interruptions take the form of in-depth discussions and musical demonstrations. Both a work of literature and a study of music, Now that the audience is assembled explores the categories of improvised music, solo performance, text scores, instrument building, aesthetic deskilling and reskilling, and the odd fate of the composer in experimental music.

David Grubbs
Now that the audience is assembled
Duke University Press, 2018, 9780822371472
23,90 €