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  • Claude Lévi-Strauss

    Strukturale Anthropologie Zero

  • Noam Chomsky, Robert Pollin

    Die Klimakrise und der Global Green New Deal. Die…

  • Amy Cimini, Bill Dietz (eds)

    Maryanne Amacher: Selected Writings and Interviews

  • Hélène Cixous (Wolfgang Hottner Hg.)

    Die meineidige Stadt oder das Erwachen der Erinyen

  • Harriet Harriss, Rory Hyde, Roberta…

    Architects After Architecture. Alternative Pathways for…

  • Jan Silberberger (Ed.)

    Against and For Method. Revisiting Architectural Design as…

  • Christine Eyene

    Sounds Like Her. Gender, Sound Art & Sonic Cultures

  • Judith Lochhead, Eduardo Mendieta,…

    Sound and Affect. Voice, Music, World

  • Tobias Michnik und Leander Nowack

    Übergangsräume. Die Bushaltestellen auf der Berliner…

  • Annett Busch, Tobias Hering (Eds.)

    Tell It to the Stones. Encounters with the Films of Danièle…

  • Boris Groys

    Logic of the Collection

  • Daniela Zyman (Ed.)

    Oceans Rising. A Companion to “Territorial Agency: Oceans…

  • Peter Sutherland


  • Elias Guenoun

    198 Wood Joints

  • Alison J. Clarke

    Victor Papanek. Designer for the Real World

  • Philipp P. Metzger

    Wohnkonzerne enteignen! Wie Deutsche Wohnen & Co ein…

  • Elizabeth Ezra

    The Cinema of Things. Globalization and the Posthuman Object

  • MMS (Maryam Fanni, Matilda Flodmark and…

    Natural Enemies of Books. A Messy History of Women in…

  • Sascha Roesler

    Weltkonstruktion. Eine Globalgeschichte der…

  • Owen Hatherley

    Clean Living under Difficult Circumstances. Finding a Home…

  • Benjamin Bratton

    The Revenge of the Real. Politics for a Post-Pandemic World

  • Gisela Notz

    Genossenschaften. Geschichte, Aktualität und Renaissance

  • Lorenz Engell

    Das Schaltbild. Philosophie des Fernsehens

  • Rafal Niemojewski

    Biennials: The Exhibitions We Love to Hate

  • Gerold Kunz, Hilar Stadler, Jonathan…

    On and Around Architecture. Ten conversations. Sergison…

  • Jens Balzer

    High Energy. Die Achtziger - das pulsierende Jahrzehnt

  • Bund Deutscher Architektinnen und…


  • ETH Newrope (Ed.)

    Design in Dialogue. 51N4E, endeavour, Denkstatt

  • J. Wangel, E. Fauré

    Beyond Efficiency. Speculative design for living in the…

  • Michael Erlhoff

    Im Schatten von Design. Zur dunklen Seite der Gestaltung

  • Michelle Christensen, Ralf Michel,…

    NERD - New Experimental Research in Design 2

  • Chiara Carpenter, Giovanna Silva

    Nightswimming. Discotheques from the 1960s to the Present

  • Brandon LaBelle, Víctor Aguado, Ramón…

    Party Studies Vol. 1: Home Gatherings, Flat Events, Festive…

  • Tom Holert (Hg.)

    Harun Farocki. Unregelmäßig, nicht regellos. Texte 1986–2000

  • Barnabas Calder

    Architecture. From Prehistory to Climate Emergency

  • Anne Miltenburg

    Design. Think. Make. Break. Repeat. A Handbook of Methods (…

  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 394. Class for Graphic Design Circle of Education,…

  • Marie Staggat, Timo Stein

    Hush – Berliner Clubs in Zeiten der Stille / Berlin Club…

  • Martina Löw, Volkan Sayman, Jona…

    Am Ende der Globalisierung: Über die Refiguration von Räumen

  • Carsten Seiffarth (Hg) edition neue…

    urban sound art / stadtklangkunst. bonn hoeren 2010-2019

  • Andreas Malm and the Zetkin Collective

    White Skin, Black Fuel. On the Danger of Fossil Fascism

  • Andrej Holm, Ulrike Hamann, Sandy…

    Die Legende vom Sozialen Wohnungsbau

  • Giulia Foscari / UNLESS (Hg)

    Antarctic Resolution

  • Daniel Kiss, Simon Kretz (Hg)

    Relational Theories of Urban Form. An Anthology

  • Friederike Landau, Lucas Pohl, Nikolai…

    [Un]Grounding: Post-foundational Geographies

  • Raúl Sánchez Cedillo

    Das Absolute der Demokratie. Gegenmächte, Körper-Maschinen…

  • Anne Boyer

    Die Unsterblichen. Krankheit, Körper, Kapitalismus

  • Jeffrey Hou, Sabine Knierbein (Eds.)

    City Unsilenced. Urban Resistance and Public Space in the…

  • Philipp Zitzlsperger

    Das Design-Dilemma zwischen Kunst und Problemlösung

  • Sekou Cooke

    Hip-Hop Architecture

  • Stefanie Bürkle

    MigraTouriSpace. Raummigration und Tourismus / Migrating…

  • Joannette van der Veer (Ed.)

    CriticALL! (un)professional everyday design criticism

  • German Pavilion at the 17th…

    2038. The New Serenity

  • Isabelle Lorey

    Demokratie im Präsens. Eine Theorie der politischen…

  • Tom Holert, HKW (Hg.)

    Bildungsschock. Lernen, Politik und Architektur in den…

  • Donald K. Carter (Ed.)

    Remaking Post-Industrial Cities. Lessons from North America…

  • Harry W. Richardson, Chang Woon Nam (…

    Shrinking Cities. A Global Perspective

  • Robert Klanten, Elli Stuhler (Hg)

    Evergreen Architecture. Overgrown Buildings and Greener…

  • Edward Tufte

    Seeing With Fresh Eyes: Meaning, Space, Data, Truth

  • Sara Ahmed

    Eigenwillige Subjekte. Eigenwilligkeit als Politik des…

  • Francesco Garutti (ed.)

    The Things Around Us: 51N4E and Rural Urban Framework

  • Anselm Franke, Nida Ghouse, Paz Guevara…

    Parapolitics. Cultural Freedom and the Cold War

  • Seng Kuan (Hg)

    Kazuo Shinohara. Traversing the House and the City

  • Moisés Puente (Hg)

    2G 82. Ensamble Studio

  • Daniel Mettler, Daniel Studer (Hg) BUK…

    Konstruktion. Manual. ETH Zürich - BUK

  • Andrea Long Chu

    Females. Alle sind weiblich

  • Susan Schuppli

    Material Witness. Media, Forensics, Evidence

  • Hiroshi Sugimoto, Tomoyuki Sakakida

    Old Is New: Architectural Works by New Material Research…

  • Cathy Lane, Angus Carlyle

    Sound arts now

  • Federica Bueti, Antonia Alampi,…

    We Have Delivered Ourselves from the Tonal — Von, mit, zu,…

  • Jakob Schoof (Hg)

    massiv robust bewehrt. Stahlbetontragwerke

  • TVK. Pierre Alain Trévelo, Antoine…

    The Earth is an Architecture

  • Helmut C. Schulitz

    The Turning Point in Architectural Design. A Historical…

  • Giulia Mensitieri

    Das schönste Gewerbe der Welt

  • Robert McCarter

    Carlo Scarpa

  • Deborah Chambers

    Cultural Ideals of Home. The Social Dynamics of Domestic…

  • Peggy Blum

    Circular Fashion. Making the Fashion Industry Sustainable

  • Wüstenrot Stiftung (Hg.)

    Moderne Architektur der DDR. Gestaltung, Konstruktion,…

  • Gruppe Panther & Co

    Rebellisches Berlin. Expeditionen in die untergründige…

  • Dominique Laleg

    Kritik der Perspektive

  • Hans-Jörg Rheinberger

    Spalt und Fuge. Eine Phänomenologie des Experiments

  • Anthony McCosker, Rowan Wilken

    Automating Vision.The Social Impact of the New Camera…

  • Klaus Englert

    Wie wir wohnen werden. Die Entwicklung der Wohnung und die…

  • Nikolaus Hirsch, Jason Waite (eds)

    Don't follow the Wind (Critical Spatial Practice 12)

  • Philipp Oswalt (Hg)

    Hannes Meyer's New Bauhaus Pedagogy. From Dessau to…

  • Torsten Blume, Claudia Perren, Stiftung…

    Ludwig Grote und die Bauhaus-Idee. Zur Westddeutschen…

  • Vitra Design Museum

    Deutsches Design 1949-1989. Zwei Länder, eine Geschichte

  • Bernardo Bianchi, Emilie Filion-Donato…

    Materialism and Politics

  • Sandra Meireis

    Mikro-Utopien der Architektur. Das utopische Moment…

  • Elna Matamoros

    Dance & Costumes. A History of Dressing Movement

  • George Monbiot

    Verwildert. Die Wiederherstellung unserer Ökosysteme und…

  • Iris Därmann

    Widerstände. Gewaltenteilung in statu nascendi

  • Justus Bender

    Der Plan. Strategie und Kalkül des Rechtsterrorismus

  • Thomas Piketty

    Pandemie und Ungleichheit. Ein Gespräch über die Ideologie…

  • Max Dax

    Dissonanz. Ein austauschbares Jahr. Roman

  • Marianna Dobkowska, Krzysztof Łukomski…

    Things We Do Together. The Post-Reader

  • Mark Fisher

    Postcapitalist Desire. The Final Lectures

  • Julia Jamrozik, Coryn Kempster

    Kinder der Moderne. Vom Aufwachsen in berühmten Gebäuden

cover  I See / You Mean

I See / You Mean. A Novel

I See / You Mean is an experimental novel about mirrors, maps, relationships, the ocean, elusive success, and possible happiness. Through a collage of verbal photographs, overheard dialogue, sexual encounters, found material, and self identi­fication devices (astrology, the I Ching, palmistry, Tarot), it charts from past to future the changing currents between two women and two men­: a writer, a model/stockbroker/maybe dictator, a photographer, and an actor. A lot happens between the lines. Art critic Lucy Lippard wrote this novel in 1970 and became a feminist in the process: “I started writing and realized I was ashamed to be a woman. Then I had to find out why. Then I got very angry. The fragmented visual form came out of contemporary art and the conflicting emotions of 1960s political confrontation; they suggested a new way to put things back together—an open-ended, female way that didn’t pretend conclusions.”

Lucy Lippard
I See / You Mean. A Novel
New Documents, 2021, 9781953441034