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  • Steffen Damm, Lukas Drevenstedt

    Clubkultur. Dimensionen eines urbanen Phänomens

  • Volker Pantenburg (Hg.)

    Harun Farocki. Ich habe genug!

  • David Joselit

    Heritage and Debt. Art in Globalization

  • Carrie Noland

    Merce Cunningham. After the Arbitrary

  • Didier Eribon

    Betrachtungen zur Schwulenfrage

  • Susan Jahoda, Caroline Woolard

    Making and Being: Embodiment, Collaboration, and…

  • Bill Gaver, Phoebe Sengers

    The Presence Project. Computer Related Design Research…

  • KW, ZK/U (Hg.)

    Statista. Staatskunst am Haus der Statistik

  • Germaine R. Halegoua

    Smart Cities

  • Alain Badiou

    The Pornographic Age

  • Christina Thomson (Hg.)

    Das Grafische Atelier Stankowski + Duschek

  • Divya Victor

    Scheingleichheit. Drei Essays

  • Mona Chollet

    Hexen. Die unbesiegte Macht der Frauen

  • Andrea Long Chu

    Females. Everyone is female, and everyone hates it

  • Mareile Pfannebecker, James A. Smith

    Work Want Work. Labour and Desire at the End of Capitalism

  • Matthew J. Wolf-Meyer

    Theory for the World to Come. Speculative Fiction and…

  • Dan Byrne-Smith

    Science Fiction

  • Will Schrimshaw

    Immanence and Immersion. On the Acoustic Condition in…

  • Anette Baldauf

    Spaces of Commoning: Artistic Research and the Utopia of…

  • Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, Carl…

    Genesis Breyer P-Orridge. Sacred Intent. Conversations with…

  • Architecten De Vylder Vinck Taillieu

    Variete / Architecture / Desire

  • F. Laranjo, L. Prado, P. Oliveira, ACED…

    Modes of Criticism 5. Design Systems

  • Miodrag Kuc (Ed.)

    Hacking Urban Furniture. HUF

  • Constantine Verevis

    Flaming Creatures

  • Cornelius Cardew

    Stockhausen Serves Imperialism

  • Rebecca Coleman

    Glitterworlds. The Future Politics of a Ubiquitous Thing

  • McKenzie Wark

    Reverse Cowgirl

  • Laura Kurgan, Dare Brawley (Ed.)

    Ways of Knowing Cities

  • Jonathan Fardy

    Althusser and Art

  • Thomas Piketty

    Kapital und Ideologie

  • Claudia Blümle, Claudia Mareis,…

    Visuelle Zeitgestaltung

  • Yanni Alexander Loukissas

    All Data Are Local. Thinking Critically in a Data-Driven…

  • Eileen Myles

    Chelsea Girls

  • Kunsthaus Bregenz

    Ed Atkins

  • Daniel Martin Feige, Florian Arnold,…

    Philosophie des Designs

  • Nancy Fraser, Rahel Jaeggi

    Kapitalismus. Ein Gespräch über kritische Theorie

  • Silvia Federici

    Beyond The Periphery Of The Skin. Rethinking, Remaking,…

  • João Carmo Simões

    Gulbenkian. Photography by André Cepeda

  • Mateo Kries, Jochen Eisenbrand (Hg.)

    Home Stories. 100 Jahre 20 visionäre Interieurs

  • Silvia Federici

    Die Welt wieder verzaubern. Feminismus, Marxismus &…

  • Ilka and Andreas Ruby (Ed.)

    The Materials Book

  • Daniela Comani

    Planet Earth: 21st Century

  • Judith Butler

    The Force of Non-Violence. An Ethico-Political Blind

  • Paul B. Preciado

    An Apartment on Uranus

  • Fredi Fischli, Niels Olsen (Ed.)

    Cloud '68 Paper Voice. Smiljan Radic's Collection…

  • Khayaat Fakier, Diana Mulinari, Nora…

    Marxist-Feminist Theories and Struggles Today. Essential…

  • Kollektiv Quotidien

    Lefebvre for Activists [dt./engl.]

  • Siegfried Zielinski

    Variations on Media Thinking

  • Marcus White, Nano Langenheim

    The Death of Urbanism. Transitions through the stages of…

  • Sezgin Boynik, Taneli Viitahuhta (Ed.)

    Free Jazz Communism. Archie Shepp-Bill Dixon Quartet at the…

  • Clara Bouveresse

    Women at Work / Femmes a l'oeuvre / Femmes a l'…

  • Anne Massey

    Interior Design Since 1900 (World of Art)

  • Finn Brunton

    Digital Cash: The Unknown History of the Anarchists,…

  • Andrea Bajani

    The Barolo Chapel. The last eclipse of the millennium. The…

  • Joost Meuwissen

    Zur Architektur des Wohnens

  • S. Gau, K. Schlieben (Hg)

    Work to do!: Selbstorganisation in prekären…

  • Uliana Bychenkova, Nika Kudinova,…

    Znak. Ukrainian Trademarks 1960 — 1980

  • Wolfgang Tillmans

    Today Is The First Day

  • Mark Fisher

    k-punk: Ausgewählte Schriften 2004-2016

  • Goshka Macuga, Simon Moretti

    The Enigma of Hour. 100 Years of Psychoanalytic Thought

  • Owen Hopkins

    Postmodern Architecture: Less is a Bore

  • Ray Lucas

    Anthropology for Architects. Social Relations and the Built…

  • Michael Bull

    Sirens. The Study of Sound

  • Dominik Bartmanski, Ian Woodward

    Labels. Making Independent Music

  • Jens Hoffmann

    In the Meantime: Speculations on Art, Curating, and…

  • Laure Prouvost

    GDM: Grand Dad's Visitor Center

  • John Cage

    Diary: How to Improve the World (You Will Only Make Matters…

  • Nina Canell & Robin Watkins (eds.)

    Vegetable Teratology Colouring Book

  • Kumiko Inui

    Inui Architects

  • U. Borinski, R.P. Gorbach

    Lesbar: Typografie in der Wissensvermittlung

  • Claude Lefort

    Dante's Modernity. An Introduction to The Monarchia

  • Sharon Lockhart

    Pine Flat. (Afterall Series One Work)

  • Pascal Johanssom (Ed.)

    Handmade in Germany: Manufaktur 4.0

  • Andreas Nentwich, Christine Schnapp

    Modern in alle Ewigkeit: Eine Reise zu den schönsten…

  • David Reinfurt

    A New Program for Graphic Design

  • Sophie J. Williamson (Ed.)

    Translation (Documents of Contemporary Art)

  • Zamp Kelp

    Luftschlosser: Ein Blick auf Haus-Rucker-Co / Post-Haus-…

  • M. Seidel, G. Steixner (Hg)

    Society now! Architektur. Projekte und Positionen 2009 -…

  • Moisés Puente (Hg)

    2G 80. Fala Atelier

  • Ocean Vuong

    Night Sky With Exit Wounds

  • Viction Workshop (Ed.)

    Botanical Inspiration: Nature in Art and Illustration

  • Florentine Nadolni (Hg.)

    Alltag formen!: Bauhaus-Moderne in der DDR

  • Karl Gerstner

    Designing Programmes: Programme as Typeface, Typography,…

  • Maarten Van Den Driessche (Ed.)

    Robbrecht en Daem: An Architectural Anthology

  • C. Blanchfield, F. Lotfi-Jam

    Modern Management Methods - Architecture, Historical Value…

  • Shirin Sabahi

    Pocket Folklore

  • Heindl, Klein, Linortner (Eds)

    Building Critique: Architecture and its Discontents

  • Alona Rodeh, Kunstpalais

    The Third Dimension. A Journey from Past Reality to Future…

  • Rike Felka

    Biomorphe Architekturen

  • Cooking Sections

    The Empire Remains Shop

  • Alonso, Palmarola (eds.)

    Flying Panels: How Concrete Panels Changed the World

  • Laura Sobral

    Doing it Together. Cooperation Tools for the City Co-…

  • M. Hieslmair, M. Zinganel (Hg)

    Stop and Go. Nodes of Transformation and Transition

  • Rike Frank, Beatrice von Bismarck

    Of(f) Our Times: Curatorial Anachronics

  • Sara Ahmed

    What's the Use? On the Uses of Use

  • Graham Harman

    Art and Objects

  • Benjamin Bratton

    The Terraforming

  • Michael Hieslmair, Michael Zinganel (…

    Stop and Go. Nodes of Transformation and Transition

cover  I See / You Mean

I See / You Mean. A Novel

I See / You Mean is an experimental novel about mirrors, maps, relationships, the ocean, elusive success, and possible happiness. Through a collage of verbal photographs, overheard dialogue, sexual encounters, found material, and self identi­fication devices (astrology, the I Ching, palmistry, Tarot), it charts from past to future the changing currents between two women and two men­: a writer, a model/stockbroker/maybe dictator, a photographer, and an actor. A lot happens between the lines. Art critic Lucy Lippard wrote this novel in 1970 and became a feminist in the process: “I started writing and realized I was ashamed to be a woman. Then I had to find out why. Then I got very angry. The fragmented visual form came out of contemporary art and the conflicting emotions of 1960s political confrontation; they suggested a new way to put things back together—an open-ended, female way that didn’t pretend conclusions.”

Lucy Lippard
I See / You Mean. A Novel
New Documents, 2021, 9781953441034