Sara De Bondt, Fraser Muggeridge (Hg.)
The Master Builder. Talking with Ken Briggs
K. T. Edelmann, G. Terstiege (Hg.)
Gestaltung denken. Ein Reader für Designer und Architekten
Axel Sowa, Susanne Schindler (Hg.)
Candide. Journal for Architectural Knowledge Heft 2
Giacomo Leopardi
Dialogue between Fashion and Death
Sakamoto, Hwang, Ferré (Hg.)
Total Housing. Alternatives to Urban Sprawl
Antony Hudek, Athanasios Velios (Hg.)
The Portable John Latham
Nina Möntmann (Hg.)
New Communities
Beyond 3
Trends and Fads
Igor Marjanovic, Katerina Rüedi Ray
Marina City. Bertrand Goldberg's Urban Vision
Ingo Niermann
Solution 186–195. Dubai Democracy
Pedro Paiva, Joao Maria Gusmao
On the Movement of the Fried Egg and Other Astronomical…
Harald Bodenschatz
Städtebau in Berlin. Schreckbild und Vorbild für Europa
IDEA Magazine
IDEA 341. Dialogues with Tatsuya Ariyama
Tara Rodgers
Pink Noises. Women on Electronic Music and Sound
Brandon LaBelle
Acoustic Territories. Sound Culture and Everyday Life.…
Sara De Bondt, Fraser Muggeridg
The Form of the Book Book
Adolf Opel (Hg.)
Adolf Loos. Gesammelte Schriften
Christoph Schäfer
Die Stadt ist unsere Fabrik. The City is Our Factory.
L. Lees, T. Slater, E. Wyly (Hg.)
The Gentrification Reader
Tom McDonough (Hg.)
The Situationists and the City
Stefan Marx
85 Zeichnungen
Sandra Schaefer
Stagings. Kabul, Film & Production of Representation
Steve Goodman
Sonic Warfare. Sound, Affect, and the Ecology of Fear
Alex Ross
The Rest is Noise. Das 20. Jahrhundert hören
Kenya Hara
Nikolaos Kotsopoulos (Hg.)
Krautrock. Cosmic Rock and its Legacy
Jacques Rancière
The Emancipated Spectator
Bjarke Ingels Group
Yes is More. An Archicomic on Architectural Evolution
Alexander Alberro, Blake Stimson (Hg.)
Institutional Critique. An Anthology of Artists'…
Knut Ebeling, Stephan Günzel (Hg.)
Archivologie. Exterioritäten des Wissens in Philosophie,…
Gui Bonsiepe
Entwurfskultur und Gesellschaft. Gestaltung zwischen…
Claire Doherty (Hg.)
Situation. Documents of Contemporary Art
Michel Foucault
Geometrie des Verfahrens. Schriften zur Methode
Jacques Ranciere
Aesthetics and Its Discontents
Jon Savage
The England's Dreaming Tapes
Kelly Coyne, Erik Knutzen
The Urban Homestead. Your Guide to Self-sufficient Living…
Solution 11-167. The Book of Scotlands
Oliviero Toscani, Olivier Saillard
Workwear. Work Fashion Seduction
James Hennessey, Victor Papanek
Nomadic Furniture. D-I-Y Projects that are Lightweight
Dominik Landwehr, Verena Kuni (Hg.)
Home made electronic arts. Do-it-yourself Piratensender,…
Sara Maysles, Rebekah Maysles (Hg.)
Grey Gardens (with DVD)
Samuel Charters
A Language of Song. Journeys in the Musical World of the…
Tobias Huber, Marcus Steinweg (Hg.)
Inaesthetik Nr.1. Politics of Art
Claire Fontaine
Vivre, vaincre
Wolfram Pichler, Ralph Ubl (Hg.)
Topologie. Falten, Knoten, Netze, Stülpungen in Kunst und…
Geoff Manaugh
Stephan Rabimov (Hg.)
Depesha. Russian Lifestyle Magazine
Richard Reynolds
Guerilla Gardening. Ein botanisches Manifest
Luigi Snozzi, Andrew Frear, Richard…
Bau der Gesellschaft. Architekturvortäge der ETH Zürich
Christian Schittich (Hg.)
Im Detail. Ausstellen und Präsentieren. Museumskonzepte,…
Roland Hagenberg (Hg.)
20 Japanese Architects. Interviews and Photos
Robert and Brenda Vale
Time to Eat the Dog. The Real Guide to Sustainable Living
Matthias Noell
Das Haus und sein Buch
Tim Waterman
The Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture
Maia Francisco
Atlas of Graphic Designers
Neil Brenner, Stuart Elden (Hg.)
Henri Lefebvre. State, Space, World. Selected Essays
Jean Burgess, Joshua Green
YouTube. Online Video and Participatory Culture
Lars Denicke, Peter Thaler (Hg.)
Prepare for Pictopia. Katalog zur Ausstellung im Haus der…
Monika Szewczyk (Hg.)
Meaning Liam Gillick
Nato Thompson (Hg.)
A Guide to Democracy in America
Jan Wehrheim
Der Fremde und die Ordnung der Räume
Robert Castel
Negative Diskriminierung. Jugendrevolten in den Pariser…
Louis Althusser, Etienne Balibar
Reading Capital
Susanne Pfeffer, Beatrix Ruf, Nicolaus…
Annette Kelm
John Stezaker
The 3rd Person Archive
Eva Egermann, Anna Pritz (Hg.)
School Works. Beiträge zu vermittelnder, künstlerischer und…
Faitiche/Jan Jelinek (Hg.)
Die Gesellschaft zur Emanzipation des Samples presents:…
Georg Spehr (Hg.)
Funktionale Klänge. Hörbare Daten, klingende Geräte und…
Francesca Gavin
Creative Space. Urban Homes of Artists and Innovators
Alison Oddey, Christine White
Modes of Spectating
Alex S. Vitale
City of Disorder. How the Quality of Life Campaign…
Alain De Botton
The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work
Kunstmuseum Basel, Lenbachhaus München…
Tom Burr
Bernd Stiegler
Montagen des Realen. Photographie als Reflexionsmedium und…
Michaela Ott, Harald Strauß (Hg.)
Ästhetik + Politik. Neuaufteilungen des Sinnlichen in der…
Terry Wilson
Tamla Motown. The Stories Behind The UK Singles
John Robb
The North Will Rise Again. Manchester Music City 1976-1996
Iain Morland (Hg.)
Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies. Intersex and After.…
Wladimir Velminski (Hg.)
Leonhard Euler. Die Geburt der Graphentheorie
Katarina Bonnevier
Behind Straight Curtains. Towards a Queer Feminist Theory…
Mark Borthwick
Not in Fashion
Jonas Mekas
To Petrarca
Peter Halley
Ryan McGuinness Works. Paintings, Sculptures, Sketches,…
Alex Farquharson, Clemens Krümmel,…
Klaus Weber. Secession
Hans Ulrich Obrist
A Brief History of Curating
IDEA Magazine
IDEA 332. How does graphic design CHANGE?
Jean-Luc Godard, Youssef Ishaghpour
Archäologie des Kinos, Gedächtnis des Jahrhunderts
Arkitip No. 0048
Ryan McGinness
Rahel Lämmler, Michael Wagner
Ulrich Müther. Schalenbauten in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Jackson Tan (Hg.)
Utterubbish. A Collection of Useless Ideas
Emma Pettit, Nadine Kathe Monem, Rita…
Old, Rare, New. The Independent Record Shop
Kevin Olson (Hg.)
Adding Insult to Injury. Nancy Fraser Debates Her Critics.
Hengedeld, Strauven, Bloom (Hg.)
Piet Blom. Monograph
Bruce Altshuler (Hg.)
Salon to Biennial. Exhibitions that Made Art History. Vol. 1
Salar Abdoh
Urban Iran
Bryan Bell, Katie Wakeford (Hg.)
Expanding Architecture. Design as Activism
Martina Löw
Soziologie der Städte
Kazys Varnelis (Hg.)
The Infrastructural City. Networked Ecologies in Los Angeles