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  • Pascal Gielen, Paul De Bruyne (Hg.)

    Being an Artist in Post-Fordist Times. Arts in Society

  • Tim Rieniets, Jennifer Sigler, Kees…

    Open City. Designing Coexistence

  • Fredric Jameson

    Valences of the Dialectic

  • C. Parnet, P.-A. Boutang

    ABÉCÉDAIRE – Gilles Deleuze von A bis Z (3 DVD)

  • Johan Kugelberg (Hg.)

    The Velvet Underground. New York Art

  • Elisabeth Bronfen

    Crossmappings. Essays zur visuellen Kultur

  • Stephen Willats


  • N. Grob, B. Kiefer, R. Mauer, J.…

    Kino des Minimalismus

  • Lars Müller (Hg.)

    Der Wind, das Licht ECM und das Bild

  • Ulrike Felsing

    Dynamische Erscheinungsbilder im kulturellen und…

  • Michael Hardt, Antonio Negri


  • Buckminster R. Fuller

    Education Automation: Comprehensive Learning for Emergent…

  • Buckminster R. Fuller

    Ideas and Integrities. A Spontaneous Autobiographical…

  • Steven Henry Madoff (Hg.)

    Art School. Propositions for the 21st Century

  • Simon Lamunière (Hg.)

    Utopics. Systems and Landmarks

  • Gerald Raunig, Gene Ray (Hg.)

    Art and Contemporary Critical Practice

  • Knut Ebeling, Stephan Günzel (Hg.)

    Archivologie. Exterioritäten des Wissens in Philosophie,…

  • Gui Bonsiepe

    Entwurfskultur und Gesellschaft. Gestaltung zwischen…

  • Franziska Morlok, Till Beckmann

    Extra. Enzyklopädie der experimentellen Druckveredelung

  • Architectural Association (Hg.)

    AA Book. Projects Review 2009

  • Florian Idenburg (Hg.)

    The SANAA Studios 2006-2008. Learning from Japan

  • Simon Reynolds

    Totally Wired. Postpunk Interviews and Overviews

  • Paul Stiff (Hg.)

    Modern Typography in Britain. Graphic Design, Politics and…

  • Claire Doherty (Hg.)

    Situation. Documents of Contemporary Art

  • Scott MacDonald

    Adventures of Perception. Cinema as Exploration. Essays/…

  • Radical Philosophy

    157 - September/October 2009

  • Nina Chakrabarti

    My Wonderful World of Fashion. A Book for Drawing, Creating…

  • Claudia Basrawi

    Mittelmeer Anämie - Damaskus, Beirut, Kairo

  • Rob Young (Hg.)

    The Wire Primers. A Guide to Modern Music

  • Charlotte Klonk

    Spaces of Experience. Art Gallery Interiors from 1800 to…

  • R. Klanten, S. Ehmann, B. Meyer (Hg.)

    Papercraft. Design and Art with Paper

  • abc - art berlin contemporary

    def - drafts establishing future

  • Vince Aletti

    The Disco Files 1973-78. New York's Underground, Week…

  • Open 17

    A Precarious Existence. Vulnerability in the Public Domain

  • El Croquis 145

    Christian Kerez 2000-2009

  • Lutz Hieber, Stephan Moebius (Hg.)

    Avantgarden und Politik. Künstlerischer Aktivismus von Dada…

  • Wilfried Kuehn, Doreen Mende, Stephan…

    Displayer 03

  • Lutz Bacher

    Smoke Gets in Your Eyes

  • Design2context (Hg.)

    Des-/Orientierung, Dis-/Orientation, Dés-/Orientation 2

  • Petra Schmidt, Nicola Stattmann

    Unfolded. Papier in Design, Kunst, Architektur und Industrie

  • Mona Vatamanu, Florin Tudor

    Dissolving Absolute Structures

  • Michel Foucault

    Geometrie des Verfahrens. Schriften zur Methode

  • Blätter für deutsche und internationale…

    Das Ende des Kasino-Kapitalismus? Globalisierung und Krise

  • N. Schüller, P. Wollenberg, K.…

    Urban Reports. Urban strategies and visions in mid-sized…

  • Arundhati Roy

    Listening to Grasshoppers. Field Notes on Democracy

  • Anne Verlhac (Hg.)

    Edith Bouvier Beale of Grey Gardens. A Life in Pictures

  • Lars Spuybroek (Hg.)

    The Architecture of Variation (Research & Design)

  • Gerrit Terstiege (Hg.)

    The Making of Design. Vom Modell zum fertigen Produkt

  • Alexandra Gerstein (Hg.)

    Beyond Bloomsbury. Designs of the Omega Workshops 1913-19

  • Della Chuang

    Kyoteau. Bottled Memories

  • Wolfgang Kil (Hg.)

    Wolfgang Hänsch. Architekt der Dresdner Moderne

  • Ken Hillis

    Online a Lot of the Time. Ritual, Fetish, Sign

  • Stephan Trüby (Hg.)

    Hertzianismus. Elektromagnetismus in Architektur, Design…

  • Barkow Leibinger

    An Atlas of Fabrication

  • Jacques Ranciere

    Aesthetics and Its Discontents

  • Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau (Hg.)

    Bauhaus Streit. 1919-2009. Kontroversen und Kontrahenten.

  • Jon Savage

    The England's Dreaming Tapes

  • Peter C. Bunnell

    Inside the Photograph. Writings on Twentieth-Century…

  • Kelly Coyne, Erik Knutzen

    The Urban Homestead. Your Guide to Self-sufficient Living…

  • Ian Wilson

    The Discussions

  • Jason Sperb, Scott Balcerzak

    Cinephilia in the Age of Digital Reproduction. Film,…

  • Momus

    Solution 11-167. The Book of Scotlands

  • Barbican Art Gallery (Hg.)

    Radical Nature. Art and Architecture for a Changing Planet…

  • Verein 100 Beste Plakate

    100 Beste Plakate 08. Deutschland - Österreich - Schweiz

  • Liam Gillick

    All Books

  • Cosmic Wonder Free Press

    Cosmic Wonder Light Source 3. Light Streams

  • Alastair Fuad-Luke

    Design Activism. Beautiful Strangeness for a Sustainable…

  • Oliviero Toscani, Olivier Saillard

    Workwear. Work Fashion Seduction

  • Shepard Fairey

    Obey. Supply & Demand. The Art of Shepard Fairey.

  • James Hennessey, Victor Papanek

    Nomadic Furniture. D-I-Y Projects that are Lightweight

  • Dominik Landwehr, Verena Kuni (Hg.)

    Home made electronic arts. Do-it-yourself Piratensender,…

  • Sara Maysles, Rebekah Maysles (Hg.)

    Grey Gardens (with DVD)

  • Samuel Charters

    A Language of Song. Journeys in the Musical World of the…

  • Tobias Huber, Marcus Steinweg (Hg.)

    Inaesthetik Nr.1. Politics of Art

  • Claire Fontaine

    Vivre, vaincre

  • Wolfram Pichler, Ralph Ubl (Hg.)

    Topologie. Falten, Knoten, Netze, Stülpungen in Kunst und…

  • Geoff Manaugh

    The BLDG BLOG Book

  • Stephan Rabimov (Hg.)

    Depesha. Russian Lifestyle Magazine

  • Richard Reynolds

    Guerilla Gardening. Ein botanisches Manifest

  • Luigi Snozzi, Andrew Frear, Richard…

    Bau der Gesellschaft. Architekturvortäge der ETH Zürich

  • Christian Schittich (Hg.)

    Im Detail. Ausstellen und Präsentieren. Museumskonzepte,…

  • Roland Hagenberg (Hg.)

    20 Japanese Architects. Interviews and Photos

  • Robert and Brenda Vale

    Time to Eat the Dog. The Real Guide to Sustainable Living

  • Matthias Noell

    Das Haus und sein Buch

  • Tim Waterman

    The Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture

  • Maia Francisco

    Atlas of Graphic Designers

  • Neil Brenner, Stuart Elden (Hg.)

    Henri Lefebvre. State, Space, World. Selected Essays

  • Jean Burgess, Joshua Green

    YouTube. Online Video and Participatory Culture

  • Lars Denicke, Peter Thaler (Hg.)

    Prepare for Pictopia. Katalog zur Ausstellung im Haus der…

  • Monika Szewczyk (Hg.)

    Meaning Liam Gillick

  • Nato Thompson (Hg.)

    A Guide to Democracy in America

  • Jan Wehrheim

    Der Fremde und die Ordnung der Räume

  • Robert Castel

    Negative Diskriminierung. Jugendrevolten in den Pariser…

  • Louis Althusser, Etienne Balibar

    Reading Capital

  • Susanne Pfeffer, Beatrix Ruf, Nicolaus…

    Annette Kelm

  • John Stezaker

    The 3rd Person Archive

  • Eva Egermann, Anna Pritz (Hg.)

    School Works. Beiträge zu vermittelnder, künstlerischer und…

  • Faitiche/Jan Jelinek (Hg.)

    Die Gesellschaft zur Emanzipation des Samples presents:…

Cover Hell. In Search of a Christian Ecology

Hell. In Search of a Christian Ecology

Hell on earth is real. The toxic fusion of big oil, Evangelical Christianity, and white supremacy has ignited a worldwide inferno, more phantasmagoric than anything William Blake could dream up and more cataclysmic than we can fathom. Escaping global warming hell, this revelatory book shows, requires a radical, mystical marriage of Christianity and biology that awakens a future beyond white male savagery.

Timothy Morton argues that there is an unexpected yet profound relationship between religion and ecology that can guide a planet-scale response to the climate crisis. Spiritual and mystical feelings have a deep resonance with ecological thinking, and together they provide the resources environmentalism desperately needs in this time of climate emergency. Morton finds solutions in a radical revaluation of Christianity, furnishing ecological politics with a language of mercy and forgiveness that draws from Christian traditions without bringing along their baggage. They call for a global environmental movement that fuses ecology and mysticism and puts race and gender front and center. This nonviolent resistance can stage an all-out assault on the ultimate Satanic mill: the concept of master and slave, manifesting today in white supremacy, patriarchy, and environmental destruction. Passionate, erudite, and playful, Hell takes readers on a full-color journey into the contemporary underworld—and offers a surprising vision of salvation. 

Timothy Morton
Hell. In Search of a Christian Ecology
Columbia University Press, 2024, 9780231214711
26,50 €