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  • Sarah Robinson, Juhani Pallasmaa

    Mind in Architecture. Neuroscience, Embodiment, and the…

  • Rob Stone

    Auditions. Architecture and Aurality

  • Paolo Magagnoli

    Documents of Utopia. The Politics of Experimental…

  • Arne Blum, Wolfgang Gnida (Hg.)

    Moondog, eine Sammlung zum 99. Geburtstag

  • Florian Ebner (Hg.)

    Fabrik. Jasmina Metwaly / Philip Rizk. Olaf Nicolai. Hito…

  • Julia Voss

    Hinter weißen Wänden. Behind the White Cube

  • Ingrid Böck

    Six Canonical Projects by Rem Koolhaas Essays on the…

  • Antje Krause-Wahl, Irene Schütze (Hg.)

    Aspekte künstlerischen Schaffens der Gegenwart

  • Kaja Silverman

    The Miracle of Analogy: Or the History of Photography, Part…

  • Christoph Grafe

    People's palaces. Architecture, culture and democracy…

  • Ales Erjavec (Ed.)

    Aesthetic Revolutions and Twentieth-Century Avant-Garde…

  • The Invisible Committee

    To Our Friends

  • Stuart Braun

    City of Exiles. Berlin from the outside in

  • Max Bruinsma, Ida van Zijl (Eds.)

    Design for the Good Society. Utrecht Manifest 2005 - 2015

  • Kersten Geers, Joris Kritis, Jelena…

    Architecture Without Content

  • Jussi Parikka

    A Geology of Media

  • Dieter Daniels, Sandra Naumann (Hg.)

    See this Sound. Audiovisuology. Compendium and Essays

  • A+t Research Group

    Why Density? - Debunking the Myth of the Cubic Watermelon

  • Olaf Gisbertz (Hg.)

    Bauen für die Massenkultur: Stadt- und Kongresshallen der…

  • Pascal Gielen, Niels Van Tomme (Eds.)

    Aesthetic Justice. Intersecting Artistic and Moral…

  • Andres Lepik, Hilde Strobl (Hg.)

    ZOOM! Architektur und Stadt im Bild. Picturing Architecture…

  • Inke Arns (Ed.)

    World of Matter

  • Pierre Hermé

    The Architecture of Taste

  • Silke Steets

    Der sinnhafte Aufbau der gebauten Welt. Eine…

  • SendPoints

    Art of the Book. Structure, Material and Technique

  • Anne Huffschmid

    Risse im Raum. Erinnerung, Gewalt und städtisches Leben in…

  • Markus Rathgeb

    Otl Aicher

  • Robin Mackay (Ed.)

    When Site Lost the Plot

  • Roberto Gigliotti (Ed.)

    Displayed Spaces. New Means of Architecture Presentation…

  • Vladimir Belogolovsky

    Conversations with Architects. In the Age of Celebrity

  • Deimantas Narkevičius

    Da capo. Fifteen Films

  • Günter Pfeifer, Per Brauneck

    Wohnhäuser. Eine Typologie

  • Valerio Olgiati (Ed.)

    The Images of Architects

  • Klaus Ronneberger

    Peripherie und Ungleichzeitigkeit. Pier Paolo Pasolini,…

  • Le Corbusier


  • Lovink, Tkacz, De Vries (Eds.)

    MoneyLab Reader. An Intervention in Digital Economy

  • Ezio Manzini

    Design, When Everybody Designs. An Introduction to Design…

  • Paulina Olowska


  • Diogo Seixas Lopes

    Melancholy and Architecture: On Aldo Rossi

  • Eva B. Ottillinger (Hg.)

    Küchen / Möbel. Design und Geschichte

  • Clog 13


  • Thomas Düllo, Studiengang Gesellschafts…

    texturen Nr. 2 — Spielen

  • A+U 523

    Juliaan Lampens

  • Emanuele Piccardo

    Beyond Environment

  • Klaus Bädicker

    Gerade zur Krummen zieht's ihn. Die Sophienstraße und…

  • Yona Friedman

    Architecture with the people, by the people, for the people

  • Triisberg, Krikortz, Henriksson (Ed.)

    Art Workers. Material Conditions and Labour Struggles in…

  • Gin Müller

    Possen des Performativen. Theater, Aktivismus und queere…

  • Dougal Sheridan (Hg)

    Translating Housing: Berlin - Belfast. Innovative Housing…

  • Irene Kurtishvili (Hg)

    Hotel Orient / Haus der Künstler

  • Jörg H. Gleiter, Ludger Schwarte (Hg.)

    Architektur und Philosophie. Grundlagen. Standpunkte.…

  • IGBK (Hg.)

    Dreams of Art Spaces Collected

  • Frances Holliss

    Beyond Live/Work. The Architecture of Home-Based Work

  • Marc Angélil & Sarah Nichols (Ed.)

    Reform! Essays on the Political Economy of Urban Form – Vol…

  • Tilman Baumgärtel

    Schleifen. Zur Geschichte und Ästhetik des Loops

  • Maurizio Lazzarato

    Governing by Debt

  • Slavs and Tatars

    Mirrors for Princes

  • Benjamin H. D. Buchloh

    Formalism and Historicity. Models and Methods in Twentieth-…

  • Blaine Brownell, Marc Swackhamer

    Hypernatural. Architecture's New Relationship with…

  • David Maroto, Joanna Zielińska (Ed.)

    Artist Novels. The Book Lovers Publication

  • Franco »Bifo« Berardi

    Der Aufstand. Über Poesie und Finanzwirtschaft

  • Claire Doherty (Ed.)

    Out of Time, Out of Place. Public Art (Now)

  • Anthony Gardner

    Politically Unbecoming. Postsocialist Art against Democracy

  • Monika Rinck

    Risiko und Idiotie. Streitschriften

  • Kristien Ring, AA Projects, SenStadtUm…

    Urban Living. Strategien für das zukünftige Wohnen

  • Annette Kelm

    Subjects and Objects

  • Lou Cantor, Clemens Jahn (Eds.)

    Turning Inward

  • Ina Conzen (Hg.)

    Oskar Schlemmer. Visionen einer neuen Welt

  • Shumon Basar, Douglas Coupland, Hans…

    The Age of Earthquakes. A Guide to the Extreme Present

  • Hilde van Gelder (Ed.)

    Allan Sekula. Ship of Fools/The Dockers' Museum

  • Lisa Lee (Ed.)

    Isa Genzken (October Files)

  • John Miller

    Mike Kelley. Educational Complex

  • David Adjaye

    Form, Heft, Material

  • Shumon Basar, Douglas Coupland, Hans…

    Erschütterung der Welt. Leitfaden für die extreme Gegenwart

  • Bill Dietz

    Bill Dietz. 8 Tutorial Diversions, 2009 - 2014

  • Sigrid Weigel

    Grammatologie der Bilder

  • Joseph Vogl

    Der Souveränitätseffekt

  • Marco Ornella

    9999. An Alternative to One-Way Architecture

  • Manuel Herz (Ed.)

    African Modernism

  • Elisa van Joolen

    Elisa van Joolen. 11"x17" Reader

  • Gregoire Chamayou

    Drone Theory

  • Lisa Smirl

    Spaces of Aid. How Cars, Compounds and Hotels shape…

  • Louise Bourgeois

    I Have Been to Hell and Back

  • Marc-Camille Chaimowicz

    Madame Bovary

  • Philipp Felsch

    Der lange Sommer der Theorie. Geschichte einer Revolte 1960…

  • Luis Carranza, Fernando Lara

    Modern Architecture in Latin America. Art, Technology, and…

  • Adrian George

    The Curator's Handbook. Museums, Commercial Galleries…

  • Renate Lorenz (Ed.)

    Not Now! Now! Chronopolitics, Art & Research

  • Anne Waak

    Hartz IV und wir

  • Anna-Sophie Springer & Etienne…

    Fantasies of the Library

  • Anna-Sophie Springer & Etienne…

    Land & Animal & Nonanimal

  • Raumlaborberlin (Ed.)

    Art City Lab. Neue Räume für die Kunst

  • Jean-Paul Martinon (Ed.)

    The Curatorial. A Philosophy of Curating

  • Ulrike Gerhardt, Susanne Husse (Hg.)

    The Forgotten Pioneer Movement: Guidebook


    Einrichten und Zonieren. Raumkonzepte, Ausbau, Materialität

  • Susanne Hauser, Claus Dreyer (Hg.)

    Das Konkrete und die Architektur

  • Harald Bodenschatz, Piero Sassi, Max…

    Urbanism and Dictatorship. A European Perspective

  • Chris Tedjasukmana

    Mechanische Verlebendigung. Ästhetische Erfahrung im Kino

cover Throbbing Gristle. An Endless Discontent

Throbbing Gristle. An Endless Discontent

In 1976 the British band Throbbing Gristle emerged from the radical arts collective COUM Transmissions through core members Genesis P-Orridge and Cosey Fanni Tutti, joined by Hipgnosis photographer Peter Christopherson and electronics specialist Chris Carter. Though having performed previously in more low-key arts environments, their major launch coincided with the COUM retrospective exhibition Prostitution at London’s ICA gallery, showcasing and contextualising an array of challenging objects from COUM’s various actions in performance art and pornography. In a deliberately curated strategy inviting press, civic and arts dignitaries, extravagant followers of the nascent punk scene and music journalists, the band created an instant controversy and media panic that tapped into the restrictive climate and encroaching conservatism of late 1970s Britain. Any opportunities that were being explored by a formative punk ethos and movement around sex, censorship and transgression were amplified and exposed by Throbbing Gristle and Prostitution. An outraged Member of Parliament Nicholas Fairbairn took the bait and called the ensemble the ‘wreckers of civilisation’, providing the suitable newspaper headline that would be followed a month later by ‘the filth and the fury’ as the Sex Pistols uttered strong profanities on live television.

The switch from COUM to Throbbing Gristle encompassed a primary mode of expression in making music as opposed to art, to further coincide with the energy of the nascent punk scene. The band quickly developed a radically deviant and challenging reputation through pushing the punk format past its strictures in terms of lyrical themes, amateurism, and considerations of what constitutes music. Through a handful or record releases on their own label Industrial Records, and a sporadic string of live performances, the band nurtured a strong and devoted following including key journalists and fanzine editors of the punk and post-punk scenes such as Jon Savage and Sandy Robertson. The band’s style of exploring harsh pre-recorded sounds, samples of disconcerting narrative and conversation, and feeding all sounds through messy electronic processing devices gave rise to the title industrial music. This was further buttressed by performing a strictly timed set of one hour, and adopting a non-rockstar mode by appearing disinterested and preoccupied with electronic devices. Having given a name and impetus to the industrial music scene, many of their followers and fans formed bands in later years.

Drawing on works such as Andy Bennett’s When the Lights Went Out, this book looks at late 1970s Britain, before, during and immediately after the Winter of Discontent, to situate the activism of Throbbing Gristle in this time. It explores how the band worked in and against the time, and how they worked in and against punk as punk worked in and against the time and place. Punk acts as a mediating factor and nuisance value, as Throbbing Gristle emerged with punk in late 1976, seemingly grappled with it through 1977, and then went on to create and eventually criticise a number of post-punk scenes that had flourished around 1979. Trowell narrates the story through a series of live performances, as this is a point where Throbbing Gristle interact with the various city-scenes around England during their original period of operation (1975-1981). The band reflected (and incorporated into their live music) key tropes form the time, both ‘mainstream’ and fringe (subcultural, avant-garde art, counter-culture, taboo subjects, extremes) such that Throbbing Gristle events had an impact and affect, and Trowell traces these as a series of impressions and reverberations amongst fans who went on to do their own music and projects.

Ian Trowell
Throbbing Gristle. An Endless Discontent
Intellect Books, 2023, 9781789388299
39,00 €