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  • James Hennessey, Victor Papanek

    Nomadic Furniture. D-I-Y Projects that are Lightweight

  • Dominik Landwehr, Verena Kuni (Hg.)

    Home made electronic arts. Do-it-yourself Piratensender,…

  • Sara Maysles, Rebekah Maysles (Hg.)

    Grey Gardens (with DVD)

  • Samuel Charters

    A Language of Song. Journeys in the Musical World of the…

  • Tobias Huber, Marcus Steinweg (Hg.)

    Inaesthetik Nr.1. Politics of Art

  • Claire Fontaine

    Vivre, vaincre

  • Wolfram Pichler, Ralph Ubl (Hg.)

    Topologie. Falten, Knoten, Netze, Stülpungen in Kunst und…

  • Geoff Manaugh

    The BLDG BLOG Book

  • Stephan Rabimov (Hg.)

    Depesha. Russian Lifestyle Magazine

  • Richard Reynolds

    Guerilla Gardening. Ein botanisches Manifest

  • Luigi Snozzi, Andrew Frear, Richard…

    Bau der Gesellschaft. Architekturvortäge der ETH Zürich

  • Christian Schittich (Hg.)

    Im Detail. Ausstellen und Präsentieren. Museumskonzepte,…

  • Roland Hagenberg (Hg.)

    20 Japanese Architects. Interviews and Photos

  • Robert and Brenda Vale

    Time to Eat the Dog. The Real Guide to Sustainable Living

  • Matthias Noell

    Das Haus und sein Buch

  • Tim Waterman

    The Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture

  • Maia Francisco

    Atlas of Graphic Designers

  • Neil Brenner, Stuart Elden (Hg.)

    Henri Lefebvre. State, Space, World. Selected Essays

  • Jean Burgess, Joshua Green

    YouTube. Online Video and Participatory Culture

  • Lars Denicke, Peter Thaler (Hg.)

    Prepare for Pictopia. Katalog zur Ausstellung im Haus der…

  • Monika Szewczyk (Hg.)

    Meaning Liam Gillick

  • Nato Thompson (Hg.)

    A Guide to Democracy in America

  • Jan Wehrheim

    Der Fremde und die Ordnung der Räume

  • Robert Castel

    Negative Diskriminierung. Jugendrevolten in den Pariser…

  • Louis Althusser, Etienne Balibar

    Reading Capital

  • Susanne Pfeffer, Beatrix Ruf, Nicolaus…

    Annette Kelm

  • John Stezaker

    The 3rd Person Archive

  • Eva Egermann, Anna Pritz (Hg.)

    School Works. Beiträge zu vermittelnder, künstlerischer und…

  • Faitiche/Jan Jelinek (Hg.)

    Die Gesellschaft zur Emanzipation des Samples presents:…

  • Georg Spehr (Hg.)

    Funktionale Klänge. Hörbare Daten, klingende Geräte und…

  • Francesca Gavin

    Creative Space. Urban Homes of Artists and Innovators

  • Alison Oddey, Christine White

    Modes of Spectating

  • Alex S. Vitale

    City of Disorder. How the Quality of Life Campaign…

  • Alain De Botton

    The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work

  • Kunstmuseum Basel, Lenbachhaus München…

    Tom Burr

  • Bernd Stiegler

    Montagen des Realen. Photographie als Reflexionsmedium und…

  • Michaela Ott, Harald Strauß (Hg.)

    Ästhetik + Politik. Neuaufteilungen des Sinnlichen in der…

  • Terry Wilson

    Tamla Motown. The Stories Behind The UK Singles

  • John Robb

    The North Will Rise Again. Manchester Music City 1976-1996

  • Iain Morland (Hg.)

    Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies. Intersex and After.…

  • Wladimir Velminski (Hg.)

    Leonhard Euler. Die Geburt der Graphentheorie

  • Katarina Bonnevier

    Behind Straight Curtains. Towards a Queer Feminist Theory…

  • Mark Borthwick

    Not in Fashion

  • Jonas Mekas

    To Petrarca

  • Peter Halley

    Ryan McGuinness Works. Paintings, Sculptures, Sketches,…

  • Catherine David, Georges Khalil, Bernd…

    Di/Visions. Kultur und Politik des Nahen Ostens

  • Sarah Chaplin, Alexandra Stara (Hg.)

    Curating Architecture and the City

  • Laurie Anderson

    Nothing in My Pockets

  • Paolo Cherchi Usai, David Francis,…

    Film Curatorship. Archives, Museums, and the Digital…

  • Emilio Prini

    Fermi in Dogana, Ancienne Douane 4.11.1995 - 14.1.1996

  • J. Armleder, G. Metzger, P. Pirotte, u.…

    Voids. A Retrospective

  • Elisabeth Sussman

    William Eggleston. Democratic Camera. Photographs and Video…

  • Peter J. Schneemann, Wolfgang Brückle (…

    Kunstausbildung. Aneignung und Vermittlung künstlerischer…

  • Sayaka Ishi (Hg.)

    Logo a Lot

  • Kouichi Yabuuchi (Hg.)

    Neon Addict. The Fluorescent Color Book

  • Claude Schnaidt

    Anders gesagt. Schriften 1950-2001

  • Sangeeta Ray

    Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak. In Other Words

  • Sophie Wolfrum, Winfried Nerdinger (Hg.)

    Multiple City. Stadtkonzepte 1908 I 2008

  • Elisabeth Blum, Peter Neitzke

    Dubai. Stadt aus dem Nichts. Ein Zwischenbericht über die…

  • A. Bangma, D.M. Donoghue, L. Issa, K.…

    Resonant Bodies, Voices, Memories

  • Justine Frank, Roee Rosen

    Sweet Sweat

  • R. Klanten, H. Hellige (Hg.)

    Naïve. Modernism and Folklore in Contemporary Graphic Design

  • Stephen Walker

    Gordon Matta-Clark. Art, Architecture and the Attack on…

  • Sven-Olov Wallenstein

    Biopolitics and the Emergence of Modern Architecture

  • Jules Romains

    Donogoo Tonka or the Miracles of Science. A Cinematographic…

  • David Leatherbarrow

    Architecture Oriented Otherwise

  • Loretta Lorance

    Becoming Bucky Fuller

  • Karin Bijsterveld

    Mechanical Sound. Technology, Culture, and Public Problems…

  • Andrew Losowsky (Hg.)

    We Make Magazines. Inside the Independents

  • Jörg Koopmann (Hg.)

    Cat Seen (bwab #1)

  • Charlie Hailey

    Camps. A Guide to 21st-Century Space

  • Marina Sorbello, Antje Weitzel (Hg.)

    Cairoscape. Images, Imagination and Imaginary of a…

  • Carsten Nicolai

    Grid Index

  • Nato Thompson (Hg.)

    Experimental Geography. Radical Approaches to Landscape,…

  • Mourad Boutros et al.

    Talking about Arabic (Dot-Font)

  • MoMu (Hg.)

    Maison Martin Margiela 20. The Exhibition

  • Jens Müller, Karen Weiland, Dt.…

    Film Kunst Grafik. Ein Buch zur neuen deutschen Filmgrafik…

  • Tom Avermaete, Klaske Havik, Hans…

    Architectural Positions. Architecture, Modernity and the…

  • Gail Pearce, Cahal McLaughlin (Hg.)

    Truth or Dare. Art or Documentary

  • Hans-Christian Dany, Martin Ebner,…

    Starship - The Early Years 1998 - 2001

  • Alain Badiou


  • Jeremy Till

    Architecture Depends

  • Olmes Carretti

    Vier5. Best Company

  • Andrea Bellini (Hg.)

    Collecting Contemporary Art

  • Alex Farquharson, Clemens Krümmel,…

    Klaus Weber. Secession

  • Stan Douglas, Christopher Eamon (Hg.)

    Art of Projection

  • Mariana Castillo Deball

    Kaleidoscopic Eye

  • Annette Stahmer (Hg.)

    Parole #1. The Body of the Voice / Stimmkörper (inkl. CD)

  • Richard J. Williams

    Brazil. Modern Architectures in History

  • Horst Bredekamp, Birgit Schneider, Vera…

    Das technische Bild. Kompendium für eine Stilgeschichte…

  • Berlin Haushoch Magazin Nr. 3


  • R. Klanten, L. Feireiss (Hg.)

    Beyond Architecture. Imaginative Buildings and Fictional…

  • Hans Ulrich Obrist

    A Brief History of Curating

  • R. Klanten, L. Feireiss (Hg.)

    Spacecraft 2. More Fleeting Architecture and Hideouts

  • Aaron Rose (Hg.)

    Mike Mills. Graphics Films

  • Oliver Elser, Michael Pieper,…

    Wohnmodelle. Experiment und Alltag

  • Beatrice von Bismarck, Therese Kaufmann…

    Nach Bourdieu. Visualität, Kunst und Politik

  • Nikolaj Miljutin

    Sozgorod. Faksimile der Erstausgabe von 1930

Cover The Planning Moment. Colonial and Postcolonial Histories

The Planning Moment. Colonial and Postcolonial Histories

Empires and their aftermaths were massive planning institutions. Over the last two centuries, colonial and postcolonial planning has shaped both the world we know and the disciplines through which we know it. Through twenty-seven case studies, The Planning Moment explores the centrality of planning to colonial and postcolonial worlds, through a range of disciplines: the history of science, science and technology studies, colonial and postcolonial studies, urban studies, and the history of knowledge.

If colonialism made certain landscapes, populations, and institutions legible while obscuring others, The Planning Moment reveals the frequently disruptive and violent processes of erasure in imperial planning by examining how “common sense” was produced and how the intransigence of planning persists long after decolonization. In recognizing the resistance and subversion that often met colonial plans, the book makes visible a range of strategies and techniques by which planning was modified and reappropriated, and by which decolonial futures might be imagined.

Sarah Blacker is Sessional Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Science at York University. Emily Brownell is Senior Lecturer in Environmental History at the University of Edinburgh. Anindita Nag is Professor at the Jindal School of Art and Architecture, Jindal Global University. Martina Schlünder is a Research Scholar at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin. Sarah van Beurden is Associate Professor of History and African American and African Studies at the Ohio State University. Helen Verran is University Professorial Fellow in the Northern Institute at Charles Darwin University.

Sarah Blacker, Emily Brownell, Anindita Nag, Martina Schlunder, Sarah Van Beurden, Helen Verran (Eds.)
The Planning Moment. Colonial and Postcolonial Histories
Fordham University Press, 2024, 9781531506636
31,50 €