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  • Alexander Eichenlaub

    Umbau mit Bestand. Nachhaltige Anpassungsstrategien für…

  • Eyal Weizman

    The Least of All Possible Evils

  • Architecture for Humanity

    Design Like You Give a Damn, Volume 2

  • Théo Lessour

    Berlin Sampler. From Cabaret to Techno: 1904-2012, a…

  • Nomadisch Grün (Hg.)

    Prinzessinnengärten. Anders gärtnern in der Stadt

  • David Harvey

    Rebel Cities. From the Right to the City to the Urban…

  • Kate Fletcher, Lynda Grose

    Fashion & Sustainability. Design for Change

  • Quinn Latimer

    Rumored Animals

  • Nikolaus Gansterer

    Drawing A Hypothesis. Figures of Thought

  • Jürgen Teller

    Bilder und Texte. Literatur

  • Roberto Gargiani, Anna Rosellini (Hg.)

    Le Corbusier. Beton Brut and Ineffable Space (1940 - 1965)

  • Brian O'Doherty

    Atelier und Galerie. Studio and Cube

  • Jill Stoner

    Toward a Minor Architecture

  • Jasper Morisson

    A world without words

  • Helmut Höge


  • Boris Groys

    Introduction to Antiphilosophy

  • Raimundas Malasauskas

    Paper Exhibition. Selected Writings by Raimundas Malasauskas

  • The Otolith Group

    Thoughtform-La forma del pensiero

  • Gert Selle

    Die eigenen vier Wände. Wohnen als Erinnern

  • Pierre Keller (Hg.)

    Types We Can Make. A Selection of Contemporary Swiss Type…

  • Douglas Crimp

    Our Kind of Movie. The Films of Andy Warhol

  • Simona Malvezzi, Wilfried Kuehn

    Kuehn Malvezzi. Index

  • Garry Neill Kennedy

    The Last Art College. Nova Scotia College of Art and Design…

  • Joan Ockman

    Architecture School. Three Centuries of Educating…

  • Fucking Good Art #29

    Italian Conversations. Art in the Age of Berlusconi

  • Markus Miessen, Nina Valerie…

    Expothesis No2. Waking Up From The Nightmare Of…

  • Christof Migone

    Sonic Somatic. Performances of the Unsound Body

  • Adrian Shaughnessy, Tony Brook

    Kwadraat-Bladen A Series of Graphic Experiments 1955—74

  • 51N4E (Hg.)

    Reasons for Walling a House

  • Ute Frank (Hg.)

    Eklat. Entwerfen und Konstruieren in Lehre, Anwendung und…

  • Felix Denk, Sven von Thun

    Der Klang der Familie. Berlin, Techno und die Wende

  • Walter Benjamin

    The "Berlin Chronicle" Notices

  • Gerald Raunig

    Fabriken des Wissens. Streifen und Glätten 1

  • Jane Bennett

    Vibrant Matter. A Political Ecology of Things

  • Christiane Rösinger

    Liebe wird oft überbewertet. Ein Sachbuch

  • David Harvey

    Die urbanen Wurzeln der Finanzkrise

  • Jeffrey T. Schnapp, Adam Michaels

    The Electric Information Age Book

  • Christian Naujoks

    True Life / In Flames CD/LP

  • Winy Maas

    The Vertical Village. Individual, Informal, Intense

  • Andrew Shea

    Designing for Social Change

  • Ian Bogost

    How to Do Things with Videogames

  • Deborah Schneiderman

    Inside Prefab. The Ready-Made Interior

  • Beatriz Preciado

    Pornotopia. Architektur, Sexualität und Multimedia im…

  • Marc Angélil, Rainer Hehl (Hg.)

    Building Brazil!

  • Klanten, Ehmann, Sinofzik (Hg.)

    Introducing. Visual Identities for Small Businesses

  • Dietmar Dath, Barbara Kirchner

    Der Implex. Sozialer Fortschritt: Geschichte und Idee

  • Eva Grubinger, Jörg Heiser (Hg.)

    Sculpture Unlimited

  • Montreal CCA (Hg.)

    Imperfect Health. The Medicalization of Architecture

  • Jun Igarashi

    Construction of a State

  • Jérôme Knebusch

    Notizen zu Berlin

  • Ryan McGinley

    You and I

  • Magnus Ericson, Ramia Mazé (Hg.)

    Design Act. Socially and Politically Engaged Design Today

  • Nigel Coates

    Narrative Architecture

  • Lois Weinthal

    Toward a New Interior

  • Daniel Miller

    Das wilde Netzwerk. Ein ethnologischer Blick auf Facebook

  • Mark Borthwick

    Light up Playbutton

  • William E. Jones

    Halsted Plays Himself

  • Hans Ulrich Obrist, Kazuyo Sejima

    SANAA. The Conversation Series 26

  • Helen Armstrong, Zvezdana Stojmirovic

    Participate. Designing with User-Generated Content

  • Aaron Levy, William Menking

    Four Conversations on the Architecture of Discourse

  • 2G 60

    Lacaton & Vassal. Recent Work

  • Ilka Ruby, Andreas Ruby

    Lacaton & Vassal (2G Books)

  • Max Risselada (Hg.)

    Alison & Peter Smithson. A Critical Anthology

  • Gertrud Lehnert (Hg.)

    Räume der Mode

  • Miriam Bratu Hansen

    Cinema and Experience

  • ETH Studio Basel (Hg.)

    Belgrade. Formal/Informal

  • Michael Biggs, Henrik Karlsson

    Routledge Companion to Research in the Arts

  • Chris Dercon (Hg.)

    Carlo Mollino. Maniera Moderna

  • Walter Benjamin

    Berlin Childhood circa 1900

  • Lida Hujic

    The First to Know. How Hipsters and Mavericks Shape the…

  • Archphoto 2.0

    Radical City 01

  • V. Smith, M. Taussig, I. Garcia (Hg.)

    Juan Downey. The Invisible Architect

  • Arbeitsgruppe Kunst und Politik (Hg.)

    Kunst Spektakel Revolution Nr. 2

  • Nicholas Mirzoeff

    The Right to Look. A Counterhistory of Visuality

  • John McHale

    The Expendable Reader. Articles on Art, Architecture,…

  • Juan Bonet, Sean Kissane (Hg.)

    Vertical Thoughts. Morton Feldman and the Visual Arts

  • Craig Buckley, Mark Wasiuta

    Dan Graham's New Jersey

  • Differences. A Journal of Feminist…

    The Sense of Sound

  • Annette Wehrmann


  • Craig Buckley, Pollyanna Rhee

    Architects' Journeys. Building, Traveling, Thinking

  • Hillel Schwartz

    Making Noise. From Babel to the Big Bang and Beyond

  • Eva Moser

    Otl Aicher. Gestalter

  • Elias Redstone (Hg.)


  • Beate Lendt

    Der Traum vom Baumhaus. Das Ökohausprojekt von Frei Otto in…

  • Sean Stewart (Hg.)

    On the Ground. An Illustrated Anecdotal History of the…

  • Artur Zmijewski, Joanna Warsza (Hg.)

    Forget Fear. 7. Berlin Biennale (Reader Dt. & Engl.)

  • Marit Paasche, Synne Bull (Hg.)

    Urban Images. Unruly Desires in Film and Architecture

  • James Langdon

    Pugin’s Contrasts Rotated

  • A+T 37

    Strategy Space. Landscape, Urbanism, Strategies

  • Markus Miessen, Andrea Phillips (Hg.)

    Caring Culture. Art, Architecture and the Politics of Health

  • Benjamin Sommerhalder

    Ghost Knigi

  • Jose Pierre (Hg.)

    Investigating Sex. Surrealist Discussions

  • Museum Ludwig (Hg.)

    Cosima von Bonin. The Lazy Susan Series

  • Francois Dallegret

    God & Co. Beyond the Bubble

  • Brandon LaBelle, Claudia Martinho (Hg.)

    Site of Sound. Of Architecture and the Ear Vol 2

  • El Croquis 157

    Studio Mumbai 2003-2011

  • Katja Blomberg

    Distinct Ambiguity. Graft

  • Metropolar (Hg.)

    Und der Zukunft zuge­wandt. Pots­dam und der gebaute…

Cover How to Leave the World

How to Leave the World

Everyone is asking about his identity. Gay? Muslim? French? Moroccan? Instead of choosing a side, he writes a book. A book about the forest and the city, Paris and Tangiers, shame and forgiveness, dating apps and spiritual discovery. A book about growing up as a diaspora kid in rural France, with desires that want to emerge at any cost. Told in mesmerising prose, How to Leave the World is a beautiful non-answer.

"A rare book that depicts the isolation and poetry of rural life." Annie Ernaux

Marouane Bakhti
How to Leave the World
Divided Publishing, 2024, 978-1-7395161-3-0
14,90 €