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  • Hadas A. Steiner

    Beyond Archigram. The Structure of Circulation

  • Susanne von Falkenhausen

    KugelbauVisionen. Kulturgeschichte einer Bauform von der…

  • Felix Guattari

    The Three Ecologies

  • Antonio Negri

    The Porcelain Workshop. For a New Grammar of Politics

  • Christoph Schaub, Michael Schindhelm

    Bird's Nest (DVD, 87 min.). Jacques Herzog und Pierre…

  • Felicity D. Scott

    Architecture or Techno-Utopia. Politics after Modernism

  • Birgit Schneider

    Textiles Prozessieren

  • Bruno Latour

    Wir sind nie modern gewesen. Versuch einer Symmetrischen…

  • Georges Canguilhem

    Wissenschaft, Technik, Leben. Beiträge zur historischen…

  • Stuart Elden, Elizabeth Lebas, Eleonore…

    Henri Lefebvre. Key Writings

  • Laurence A. Rickels

    Ulrike Ottinger. Eine Autobiografie

  • N. John Habraken, Arnulf Lüchinger

    Die Träger und die Menschen. Das Ende des Massenwohnungsbau…

  • Liz Kotz

    Words to Be Looked at. Language in 1960s Art

  • Guy Debord

    Comments on the Society of the Spectacle

  • Michel de Certeau

    Kunst des Handelns

  • Jacques Ranciere

    Ist Kunst widerständig?

  • Alain Badiou

    Wofür steht der Name Sarkozy?

  • Donna Haraway

    When Species Meet

  • Donna Haraway

    Die Neuerfindung der Natur. Primaten, Cyborgs und Frauen.

  • Stefanie Schulte Strathaus, Florian…

    Wer sagt denn, dass Beton nicht brennt, hast Du’s probiert?

  • Henri Lefebvre

    Writings on Cities

  • Henri Lefebvre

    The Production of Space

  • Hiromasa Shirai, André Schmidt (Hg.)

    Big Bang Beijing. Urban Change in Beijing

  • John F. C. Turner

    Housing by People. Towards Autonomy in Building…

  • Loretta Napoleoni

    Rogue Economics. Capitalism's New Reality

  • AD

    AD 174. Vol. 75. Nr. 2. Samantha Hardingham. The 1970'…

  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 296. Books <preposition> graphic design

  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 293. Stanley Donwood / Vacances. DD-DDD / Dimensions…

Forgotten Architecture. An Archive of Overshadowed Projects

Initially founded as a Facebook group in May 2019, Forgotten Architecture’s goal is to research and unearth not well known modern architecture worldwide. The idea behind it is simple: to recover projects by little-known architects and works left in the shadows of the masters, to delve into the work of «minor» figures, and to unite alternative takes on the History of Architecture as a complement to university courses.

The book maintains its distinctive features of a collective, dynamic, and horizontal experience born on a social network. The publication uses the architectural categories most frequently featured in the group as guiding themes, providing for each project a collection of photographic materials, documents, and drawings from prominent professional firms, institutions, and private archives—such as Fornasetti, Gaetano Pesce, Nanda Vigo, Vitra. Ephemeral architecture, gas stations, night clubs, playgrounds, houses, vacation resorts,
cemeteries, churches, architectures in music videos.

Several forgotten projects by well renowned architects, such as the house designed for Arnaldo Pomodoro by Ettore Sottsass Jr. and the avant-garde Binishells by Dante Bini, are published exclusively in the book, alongside drive-in churches, flying houses, psychedelic inflatable architectures, etc.

At the end of the book, a series of critical essays reflect on its characteristics as a collective and pedagogical experience, considering the repercussions of this experience on the discipline of architecture through different points of view.

Bianca Felcori (Ed.)
Forgotten Architecture. An Archive of Overshadowed Projects
Nero, 2024, 9788880562504