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  • Beatriz Preciado

    Testo Junkie. Sex, Drugs, and Biopolitics in the…

  • Rajan V. Ritoe (Ed.)

    Future Times Square. Compression vs. Distribution

  • Elmar Kossel

    Hermann Henselmann und die Moderne

  • Rogério Duarte

    Marginália 1

  • Luis Burriel Bielza

    Le Corbusier. La passion des cartes

  • Deorte Kuhlmann, Dorte Kuhlmann

    Gender Studies in Architecture. Space, Power and Difference

  • Cerith Wyn Evans

    The What If?... Scenario (after LG)

  • Wouter Davidts, Guy Châtel, Stefaan…

    Luc Deleu. Orban Space

  • Tiqqun

    Alles ist gescheitert, es lebe der Kommunismus

  • Annie Pedret

    Team 10. An Archival History

  • Ana Jeinić, Anselm Wagner (Eds.)

    Is There (Anti-)Neoliberal Architecture?

  • Studio Manuel Raeder

    The Letter E is Everywhere. La Letra E esta por Doquier.

  • Oliver Marchart

    Das unmögliche Objekt. Eine postfundamentalistische Theorie…

  • Max Hollein, Martina Weinhart (Hg.)

    Brasiliana. Installationen 1960 bis heute. Installations…

  • Bradley L. Garrett

    Explore Everything. Place-Hacking the City

  • Sylvia Lavin, Kimberli Meyer (Eds.)

    Everything Loose Will Land. 1970s Art and Architecture in…

  • Claire Bishop

    Radical Museology or, What's Contemporary in Museums…

  • Douglas Kahn

    Earth Sound Earth Signal

  • Dietmar Offenhuber, Carlo Ratti (Hg.)

    Die Stadt entschlüsseln. Wie Echtzeitdaten den Urbanismus…

  • Robert Kronenburg

    Architecture in Motion. The History and Development of…

  • Kirsty Bell

    The Artist's House. From Workplace to Artwork

  • Charlotte Bundgaard

    Montage Revisited. Rethinking Industrialised Architecture

  • Ralph Rugoff (Ed.)

    The Alternative Guide to the Universe

  • Dietmar Dath, Swantje Karich

    Lichtmächte. Kino – Museum – Galerie – Öffentlichkeit

  • Eve Meltzer

    Systems We Have Loved. Conceptual Art, Affect, and the…

  • Nicholas Alfrey

    Uncommon Ground. Land Art in Britain 1966-1979

  • Margitta Buchert, Laura Kienbaum (Eds.)

    Einfach entwerfen. Simply Design

  • Jeffrey Kipnis

    A Question of Qualities. Essays in Architecture

  • Susanne Lehmann-Reupert

    Von New York lernen. Mit Stuhl, Tisch und Sonnenschirm

  • Petrit Halilaj

    Poisoned by men in need of some love

  • ARGE Schnittpunkt (Hg.)

    Handbuch Ausstellungstheorie und -praxis

  • Riki Kalbe, Wolfgang Kil

    Gelände. Terrain.

  • Jörn Schafaff (Hg.)

    Kunst - Begriffe der Gegenwart. Von Allegorie bis Zip

  • AV 157-158

    Herzog & De Meuron 2005-2013

  • Freek Lomme (Ed.)

    Who Told You so? The Collective Story vs. The Individual…

  • Uta Meta Bauer, Thomas D. Trummer (Eds.)

    AR - Artistic Research

  • Yvonne P. Doderer

    Räume des Politischen. Dimensionen des Städtischen

  • PIN-UP

    PIN-UP Interviews

  • Mark Ledbury (Ed.)

    Fictions of Art History

  • Christopher Dell

    Ware: Wohnen. Politik. Ökonomie. Städtebau

  • Yael Bartana

    Wenn Ihr wollt, ist es kein Traum. If you will it, it is…

  • Gerhard Senft (Hg.)

    Land und Freiheit. Zum Diskurs über das Eigentum von Grund…

  • Nils Ballhausen (Ed.)

    Wo Architekten arbeiten / Where Architects Work

  • Wade Guyton

    Zeichnungen für lange Bilder. Kunsthalle Zürich

  • Bruno Latour

    An Inquiry Into Modes of Existence. An Anthropology of the…

  • David Wagner

    Mauer Park

  • Stefanie Seidl, Wolfgang Farkas, Heiko…

    Nachtleben Berlin.1974 bis heute

  • Saim Demircan (Ed.)

    Simon Denny. All You Need Is Data

  • Julia Czerniak (Ed.)

    Formerly Urban. Projecting Rust Belt Futures

  • Julia Bryan-Wilson (Ed.)

    Robert Morris (October Files)

  • Lisa Lee, Hal Foster (Eds.)

    Critical Laboratory. The Writings of Thomas Hirschhorn

  • Barry Schwabsky

    Words for Art. Criticism, History, Theory, Practice

  • Anthony Iles, Tom Roberts

    All Knees and Elbows of Susceptibility and Refusal. Reading…

  • Irénée Scalbert

    Never Modern

  • Sylvie Estrada (Ed.)

    Bestiary. Inspiring animals by inspired artists

  • Tanya Leighton, Kathrin Meyer (Eds.)

    John Smith

  • Stefan Römer

    The ups and downs of Stan Back

  • Irene Meissner

    Sep Ruf 1908 - 1982. Leben und Werk

  • Jacques Rancière

    Geschichtsbilder. Kino, Kunst, Widerstand

  • Karen van den Berg, Ursula Pasero (Eds.)

    Art Production beyond the Art Market?

  • Jesko Fezer

    Civic City Cahier 6. Design in and Against the Neoliberal…

  • Fabien Danesi, Fabrice Flahutez,…

    La fabrique du cinema de Guy Debord

  • Philipp Meuser (Hg.)

    Architektur für die russische Raumfahrt. Vom…

  • Marius Babias (Hg.)

    Brandlhuber+. Von der Stadt der Teile zur Stadt der…

  • Charlotte Malterre Barthes (Ed.)

    The School, The Book, The Town Logbook – Ethiopia in a…

  • Joshua Johnson (Ed.)

    Dark Trajectories. Politics of the Outside

  • Robert Lippok

    Steady Unsteady

  • Jan Kedves

    Talking Fashion. Von Helmut Lang bis Raf Simons: Gespräche…

  • Leopold Lambert

    Weaponized Architecture. The Impossibility of Innocence

  • Elian Stefa, Gyler Mydyti

    Concrete Mushrooms. Reusing Albania's 750,000…

  • Lynne Tillman (Ed.)

    The Happy Hypocrite – Freedom. Issue 6

  • Deborah Ligorio

    Survival Kits

  • Andres Lepik (Ed.)

    Afritecture. Bauen mit der Gemeinschaft

  • Martin Seel

    Die Künste des Kinos

  • Nina Möntmann (Ed.)

    Scandalous. A Reader on Art and Ethics

  • Valerio Olgiati

    The Images of Architects

  • Anaël Lejeune, Olivier Mignon, Raphaël…

    French Theory and American Art

  • Pierre Frey (Ed.)

    Simon Vélez. Architect Mastering Bamboo. Architecte La…

  • Barbara Vinken

    Angezogen. Das Geheimnis der Mode

  • Heimo Lattner

    A Voice That Once Was In One's Mouth

  • Victor Buchli

    An Anthropology of Architecture

  • e-flux journal

    Martha Rosler, Culture Class

  • Lars Harmsen, Alexander Egger, Raban…

    Rapport. Raban Ruddigkeit 1988 - 2013

  • Monocle

    The Monocle Guide to Better Living

  • Ruairi Glynn, Bob Sheil

    Fabricate. Making Digital Architecture

  • Gregor Harbusch, Antje Buchholz, Jack…

    Ludwig Leo. Ausschnitt

  • Arnaud Desjardin

    the book on books on artists books

  • Michael Stevenson, Jan Verwoert

    Animal Spirits. Fables in the Parlance of Our Times

  • Rob Meyers

    Behind Closed Doors. The Private Homes of 25 of the World…

  • Ekaterina Degot, David Riff (Eds.)

    Monday Begins on Saturday

  • Martha Buskirk

    Creative Enterprise. Contemporary Art Between Museum and…

  • Clog


  • TOOLBOX 01/ Basics

    Visual Wordbook for Creators in EN/JP/DE/NL

  • Ina Roß

    Wie überlebe ich als Künstler?

  • Tim Benton

    Le Corbusier Secret Photographer (LC FOTO)

  • ECAL, Paradis, Früh, Rappo (Eds.)

    30 Years of Swiss Typographic Discourse in the…

  • Therese Teutsch

    Unverfugt. Lücken im Berliner Stadtraum

  • Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, Bojana…

    A Choreographer's Score: Fase, Rosas Danst Rosas,…

Manifestes 7. Why History Matters to Graphic Design

Why teach graphic design students the history of graphic design? How does knowledge of that history inform present-day practice? How do students appropriate such knowledge? What creative skills do they develop through exposure to this subject matter? These are just a few of the questions addressed in this manifesto, which argues that graphic design history is far more than just a field of expertise and a source of material for academic exercises, for it can inspire next-generation graphic designers, hone their sensibilities and put their skills to the test.

Clémence Imbert
Manifestes 7. Why History Matters to Graphic Design
Head Publishing, 2024, 978-2-940510-87-0
12,90 €