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  • Christoph Lueder

    Diagrams: Tropes, Tools, Abstract Machines

  • Julia Bee, Nicole Kandioler (Hg)

    Differenzen und Affirmationen. queer/feministische…

  • Christian Gänshirt

    Werkzeuge für Ideen. Einführung ins architektonische…

  • Helge Oder

    Entwerferische Dinge: Neue Ansätze integrativer Gestaltung…

  • Mette Marie Kallehauge, Lærke Rydal…

    Anupama Kundoo (The Architect’s Studio)

  • Helen Hester


  • Benjamin H. Bratton, Nicolay Boyadjiev…

    The New Normal

  • Jack Halberstam

    Wild Things. The Disorder of Desire

  • The Care Collective

    Care Manifesto. The Politics of Interdependence

  • Oliver Sukrow

    Arbeit. Wohnen. Computer. Zur Utopie in der bildenden Kunst…

  • Andreas Malm


  • LAN – Benoit Jallon, Umberto Napolitano…

    Napoli Super Modern

  • Sabel Gavaldon, Manuel Segade (Eds.)

    Elements of Vogue. A Case Study in Radical Performance

  • Mari Laanemets (Ed.)

    Abstraction as an Open Experiment

  • Dorothee Brantz, Avi Sharma (Eds.)

    Urban Resilience in a Global Context. Actors, Narratives,…

  • Eva Barois De Caevel, Koyo Kouoh, Mika…

    On Art History in Africa. Condition Report

  • Amy Sillman

    Faux Pas. Selected Writings and Drawings (Expanded Edition)

  • Richard Zemp

    Bauen als freie Arbeit. Lina Bo Bardi und die Grupo…

  • Christoph F. E. Holzhey, Arnd Wedemeyer

    Weathering. Ecologies of Exposure

  • Luke Wood, Brad Haylock

    One and many mirrors: perspectives on graphic design…

  • John Darlington

    Fake Heritage. Why We Rebuild Monuments

  • Gerhard Steixner, Maria Welzig (Hg)

    Luxus für alle. Meilensteine im europäischen…

  • Rafael Horzon

    Das Neue Buch

  • Sebastian Schels, Olaf Unverzart


  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 391. Alternative Reality Design and imagination in…

  • Markus Ritter

    Der Reiz der Vögel seit 1870

  • Daniel Rubinstein

    Fotografie nach der Philosophie. Repräsentationsdämmerung

  • Legacy Russell

    Glitch Feminism. A Manifesto

  • Georg Seeßlen

    Coronakontrolle, oder: Nach der Krise ist vor der…

  • Sasha Geffen

    Glitter Up the Dark. How Pop Music Broke the Binary

  • Natasha A. Kelly

    The Comet - Afrofuturism 2.0

  • Iris Därmann

    Undienlichkeit. Gewaltgeschichte und politische Philosophie

  • Ludger Schwarte

    Denken in Farbe. Zur Epistemologie des Malens

  • Isabell Otto

    Prozess und Zeitordnung. Temporalität unter der Bedingung…

  • Alejandro de la Sota

    In Defence of a Logical Architecture and Other Essays. 2G…

  • Bruno Latour

    Der Berliner Schlüssel

  • Mark W. Rectanus

    Museums Inside Out. Artist Collaborations and New…

  • William O. Gardner

    The Metabolist Imagination. Visions of the City in Postwar…

  • McKenzie Wark

    Sensoria. Thinkers for the Twenty-first Century

  • Maria Isserlis (Hg)

    Nadira Husain

  • Sheila Williams (ed.)

    Entanglements. Tomorrow's Lovers, Families, and…

  • Maria Hlavajova, Sven Lutticken (Hg)

    Deserting from the Culture Wars

  • Brandon LaBelle (Ed.)

    Dirty Ear Report #3

  • José Esteban Muñoz (ed. by Joshua…

    The Sense of Brown (Perverse Modernities Series)

  • Jean-Paul Martinon

    Curating as Ethics (Thinking Theory Series)

  • Chris Ingraham

    Gestures of Concern (Cultural Politics Series)

  • Harmony Bench

    Perpetual Motion. Dance, Digital Cultures, and the Common

  • Suad Garayeva-Maleki, Heike Munder (Eds…

    Potential Worlds. Planetary Memories & Eco-Fictions

  • ETH Zurich, MAS Urban Design

    Migrant Marseille. Architectures Of Social Segregation And…

  • Antony Radford, Amit Srivastava, Selen…

    Elemente der modernen Architektur. Analyse zeitgenössischer…

  • Kirsten Otto

    Berlins verschwundene Denkmäler. Eine Verlustanalyse von…

  • Howard Eiland, Michael W. Jennings

    Walter Benjamin. Eine Biographie

  • Per Leo

    Der Wille zum Wesen. Weltanschauungskultur,…

  • Lukas Feireiss,Tatjana Schneider,…

    Living the City. Von Städten, Menschen und Geschichten

  • Joanna Zielińska (ed.)

    Performance Works

  • Kirsten Wagner, Marie-Christin Kajewski…

    Architekturen in Fotografie und Film. Modell, Montage,…

  • Christa Kamleithner

    Ströme und Zonen. Eine Genealogie der "funktionalen…

  • T.J. Demos

    Beyond the World's End. Arts of Living at the Crossing

  • Elvia Wilk


  • Brian Dillon

    Suppose a Sentence

  • Panos Louridas


  • Michael Schrage

    Recommendation Engines

  • Hans-Christian Dany

    Ode to Routine

  • Mieke Gerritzen, Geert Lovink

    Made in China, Designed in California, Criticised in Europe…

  • Nka Journal of Contemporary African Art

    Rethinking Cosmopolitanism. Africa in Europe, Europe in…

  • Julia Popova

    How many female type designers do you know? I know many and…

  • Hannah Wehrle, Jonas Wehrle, Klaus…

    Geht doch! Ein Buch über bezahlbares Wohnen

  • Barkow Leibinger

    Revolutions of Choice

  • Silvio Lorusso, Pia Pol, Miriam Rasch (…

    Here and Now? Explorations in Urgent Publishing

  • Jeffrey Hogrefe and Scott Ruff with…

    In Search of African American Space. Redressing Racism

  • Gabu Heindl

    Stadtkonflikte. Radikale Demokratie in Architektur und…

  • Klaus Jan Philipp

    Architektur - gezeichnet: Vom Mittelalter bis heute

  • Quang Truong

    Composite Architecture. Building and Design with Carbon…

  • Yvonne Rainer

    Revisions. Essays by Apollo Musagète, Yvonne Rainer, and…

  • Geert Lovink, Andreas Treske (Hg)

    Video Vortex Reader III: Inside the YouTube Decade. INC…

  • Andrés Jaque / Office for Political…

    Superpowers of Scale

  • Christopher Dell

    Das Arbeitende Konzert / The Working Concert

  • Sandra Schäfer

    Moments of Rupture. Spaces, Militancy & Film

  • Linda Lackner

    Belgrads radikale Ränder

  • Uta Hassler

    Bauen und Erhalten. Eine Einführung

  • Vít Havránek, Tereza Stejskalová (Eds.)

    Come Closer: The Biennale Reader

  • Jeanne Gerrity, Anthony Huberman (Eds.)

    Where are the tiny revolts? (A Series of Open Questions,…

  • Hilde Heynen

    Sibyl Moholy-Nagy. Kritikerin der Moderne

  • Lisette Smits (Ed.)

    Master of Voice

  • Julian Caskel

    Die Theorie des Rhythmus. Geschichte und Ästhetik einer…

  • Beate Söntgen, Holger Kuhn, Oona…

    Critique: The Stakes of Form

  • Drehli Robnik

    Ansteckkino. Eine politische Philosophie und Geschichte des…

  • Donatella Di Cesare

    Souveränes Virus? Atemnot des Kapitalismus

  • Alexandra Juhasz, Alisa Lebow (Eds.)

    A Companion to Contemporary Documentary Film

  • Enver Hirsch & Philipp Meuser


  • Juan Duque, Nicolas Lakiotakis, David…

    Free Love Paid Love. Expressions of Affection in Mykonos

  • Juan Duque, David Bergé (Eds.)

    The Sleeping Hermaphrodite. Waking up from a Lethargic…

  • Michel Serres

    Branches. A Philosophy of Time, Event and Advent

  • Tim Markham

    Digital Life

  • David Vincent

    A History of Solitude

  • Clémentine Deliss

    The Metabolic Museum

  • Annemiek van Boeijen, Yvo Zijlstra

    Culture Sensitive Design. A Guide to Culture in Practice

  • Veit Görner (Hg.)

    Lehrstunde der Nachtigall - Gilbert and George, Walther,…

Manifestes 7. Why History Matters to Graphic Design

Why teach graphic design students the history of graphic design? How does knowledge of that history inform present-day practice? How do students appropriate such knowledge? What creative skills do they develop through exposure to this subject matter? These are just a few of the questions addressed in this manifesto, which argues that graphic design history is far more than just a field of expertise and a source of material for academic exercises, for it can inspire next-generation graphic designers, hone their sensibilities and put their skills to the test.

Clémence Imbert
Manifestes 7. Why History Matters to Graphic Design
Head Publishing, 2024, 978-2-940510-87-0
12,90 €