Architektur im Kontext. Architecture in Context
Architektur im Kontext
Die Entwicklung urbaner Lebensräume jenseits von Masterplan und Fassadendiskussion
Unsere gebaute Welt wirft täglich neue Fragen auf – sei es in kultureller, technischer, ökonomischer, sozialer, politischer oder ästhetischer Hinsicht. Doch viel zu oft wird über Architektur und Städtebau anhand von oberflächlichen Bildern diskutiert oder es wird nach einem Masterplan verlangt, der für alles eine Lösung bietet. Wie können wir der Komplexität des Städtischen wirklich gerecht werden – in welchem Kontext muss Planung heute stehen? In diesem Buch beschreiben und analysieren international agierende Architekten, Planer und Kulturtheoretiker alternative Strategien des Städtebaus, die Planung von Unplanbarem, die Aneignung urbaner Räume und die Aktivierung von ungenutzten Potenzialen – von Mobilität bis Migration, von Raumunternehmen bis hin zu sozialen Transformationen.
Architecture in Context
Developing Urban Living Environments Beyond the Master Plan and Facade Discussion
Architecture brings together, in a wide range of specific types of buildings with different functions, complex criteria such as perception, experience, understanding, imagination, and planning, especially within the polymorphic conglomerations that we call a city. It is only those who use a building and live in it that make it “complete”, which is particularly true with regard to cities and urban living: the city as a “communal living space”, but also as a multilayered infrastructural system with technical, social, political, cultural, esthetic, and ethical components. Therefore the publication is primarily oriented towards objectives, strategies, and methods for the further development of the city, on different levels and scales. Local, regional, national, and international concepts that can be regarded as innovative or alternative are central. The focus of the content is especially on structural, as well as design sustainability, on unexploited potential, on the planning of the unplannable. Architecture and urban development, public spaces and mobility are observed and analyzed, as wide-ranging and comprehensive urban development subjects, which also always incorporate a social dimension.
Edited by Kay von Keitz, Sabine Voggenreiter. Text by Christoph Laimer, Klaus Overmeyer, Andreas Denk, Oliver Bormann, Per Als, Anna-Lisa Müller, Regina Bittner, Elke Krasny.
Attempting to explore untapped potential in urban planning, Architecture in Context debates such topics as strategies for user-financed urban construction, transport in Copenhagen and urban planning in Africa. Contributors include architects, planners and theorists such as Christoph Laimer, Klaus Overmeyer, Andreas Denk, Oliver Bormann and Per Als.