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  • John Stezaker

    The 3rd Person Archive

  • Eva Egermann, Anna Pritz (Hg.)

    School Works. Beiträge zu vermittelnder, künstlerischer und…

  • Faitiche/Jan Jelinek (Hg.)

    Die Gesellschaft zur Emanzipation des Samples presents:…

  • Georg Spehr (Hg.)

    Funktionale Klänge. Hörbare Daten, klingende Geräte und…

  • Francesca Gavin

    Creative Space. Urban Homes of Artists and Innovators

  • Alison Oddey, Christine White

    Modes of Spectating

  • Alex S. Vitale

    City of Disorder. How the Quality of Life Campaign…

  • Alain De Botton

    The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work

  • Kunstmuseum Basel, Lenbachhaus München…

    Tom Burr

  • Bernd Stiegler

    Montagen des Realen. Photographie als Reflexionsmedium und…

  • Michaela Ott, Harald Strauß (Hg.)

    Ästhetik + Politik. Neuaufteilungen des Sinnlichen in der…

  • Terry Wilson

    Tamla Motown. The Stories Behind The UK Singles

  • John Robb

    The North Will Rise Again. Manchester Music City 1976-1996

  • Iain Morland (Hg.)

    Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies. Intersex and After.…

  • Wladimir Velminski (Hg.)

    Leonhard Euler. Die Geburt der Graphentheorie

  • Katarina Bonnevier

    Behind Straight Curtains. Towards a Queer Feminist Theory…

  • Mark Borthwick

    Not in Fashion

  • Jonas Mekas

    To Petrarca

  • Peter Halley

    Ryan McGuinness Works. Paintings, Sculptures, Sketches,…

  • Catherine David, Georges Khalil, Bernd…

    Di/Visions. Kultur und Politik des Nahen Ostens

  • Sarah Chaplin, Alexandra Stara (Hg.)

    Curating Architecture and the City

  • Laurie Anderson

    Nothing in My Pockets

  • Paolo Cherchi Usai, David Francis,…

    Film Curatorship. Archives, Museums, and the Digital…

  • Emilio Prini

    Fermi in Dogana, Ancienne Douane 4.11.1995 - 14.1.1996

  • J. Armleder, G. Metzger, P. Pirotte, u.…

    Voids. A Retrospective

  • Elisabeth Sussman

    William Eggleston. Democratic Camera. Photographs and Video…

  • Peter J. Schneemann, Wolfgang Brückle (…

    Kunstausbildung. Aneignung und Vermittlung künstlerischer…

  • Sayaka Ishi (Hg.)

    Logo a Lot

  • Kouichi Yabuuchi (Hg.)

    Neon Addict. The Fluorescent Color Book

  • Claude Schnaidt

    Anders gesagt. Schriften 1950-2001

  • Sangeeta Ray

    Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak. In Other Words

  • Sophie Wolfrum, Winfried Nerdinger (Hg.)

    Multiple City. Stadtkonzepte 1908 I 2008

  • Elisabeth Blum, Peter Neitzke

    Dubai. Stadt aus dem Nichts. Ein Zwischenbericht über die…

  • A. Bangma, D.M. Donoghue, L. Issa, K.…

    Resonant Bodies, Voices, Memories

  • Justine Frank, Roee Rosen

    Sweet Sweat

  • R. Klanten, H. Hellige (Hg.)

    Naïve. Modernism and Folklore in Contemporary Graphic Design

  • Stephen Walker

    Gordon Matta-Clark. Art, Architecture and the Attack on…

  • Sven-Olov Wallenstein

    Biopolitics and the Emergence of Modern Architecture

  • Jules Romains

    Donogoo Tonka or the Miracles of Science. A Cinematographic…

  • David Leatherbarrow

    Architecture Oriented Otherwise

  • Loretta Lorance

    Becoming Bucky Fuller

  • Karin Bijsterveld

    Mechanical Sound. Technology, Culture, and Public Problems…

  • Andrew Losowsky (Hg.)

    We Make Magazines. Inside the Independents

  • Jörg Koopmann (Hg.)

    Cat Seen (bwab #1)

  • Charlie Hailey

    Camps. A Guide to 21st-Century Space

  • Marina Sorbello, Antje Weitzel (Hg.)

    Cairoscape. Images, Imagination and Imaginary of a…

  • Carsten Nicolai

    Grid Index

  • Nato Thompson (Hg.)

    Experimental Geography. Radical Approaches to Landscape,…

  • Mourad Boutros et al.

    Talking about Arabic (Dot-Font)

  • MoMu (Hg.)

    Maison Martin Margiela 20. The Exhibition

  • Jens Müller, Karen Weiland, Dt.…

    Film Kunst Grafik. Ein Buch zur neuen deutschen Filmgrafik…

  • Tom Avermaete, Klaske Havik, Hans…

    Architectural Positions. Architecture, Modernity and the…

  • Gail Pearce, Cahal McLaughlin (Hg.)

    Truth or Dare. Art or Documentary

  • Hans-Christian Dany, Martin Ebner,…

    Starship - The Early Years 1998 - 2001

  • Alain Badiou


  • Jeremy Till

    Architecture Depends

  • Olmes Carretti

    Vier5. Best Company

  • Andrea Bellini (Hg.)

    Collecting Contemporary Art

  • Alex Farquharson, Clemens Krümmel,…

    Klaus Weber. Secession

  • Stan Douglas, Christopher Eamon (Hg.)

    Art of Projection

  • Mariana Castillo Deball

    Kaleidoscopic Eye

  • Annette Stahmer (Hg.)

    Parole #1. The Body of the Voice / Stimmkörper (inkl. CD)

  • Richard J. Williams

    Brazil. Modern Architectures in History

  • Horst Bredekamp, Birgit Schneider, Vera…

    Das technische Bild. Kompendium für eine Stilgeschichte…

  • Berlin Haushoch Magazin Nr. 3


  • R. Klanten, L. Feireiss (Hg.)

    Beyond Architecture. Imaginative Buildings and Fictional…

  • Hans Ulrich Obrist

    A Brief History of Curating

  • R. Klanten, L. Feireiss (Hg.)

    Spacecraft 2. More Fleeting Architecture and Hideouts

  • Aaron Rose (Hg.)

    Mike Mills. Graphics Films

  • Oliver Elser, Michael Pieper,…

    Wohnmodelle. Experiment und Alltag

  • Beatrice von Bismarck, Therese Kaufmann…

    Nach Bourdieu. Visualität, Kunst und Politik

  • Nikolaj Miljutin

    Sozgorod. Faksimile der Erstausgabe von 1930

  • A. Deuber-Mankowsky, C. Holzhey, A.…

    Der Einsatz des Lebens

  • David J. Gibson

    The Wayfinding Handbook. Information Design for Public…

  • George E. Lewis

    A Power Stronger Than Itself. The AACM and American…

  • Nicholas Fox Weber

    Le Corbusier. A Life

  • Cesare Casarino, Antonio Negri

    In Praise of the Common. A Conversation on Philosophy and…

  • Dominikus Müller, Kito Nedo

    Das Beste aus 2007

  • R. Klanten, S. Ehmann, M. Hübner (Hg.)

    Tangible. High Touch Visuals

  • Gabu Heindl (Hg.)

    Arbeit Zeit Raum. Bilder und Bauten der Arbeit im…

  • Lina Dokuzovic, Eduard Freudmann, Peter…

    Intersections. At the Crossroads of the Production of…

  • Christiane Paul (Hg.)

    New Media in the White Cube and Beyond. Curatorial Models…

  • Hedi El Kholti, Paul Gellman (Hg.)

    Animal Shelter. Art, Sex & Literature, Issue 1

  • John C. Welchman (Hg.)

    Institutional Critique and After. SoCCAS Symposium Volume…

  • Guy Debord

    Correspondence. The Foundation of the Situationist…

  • Gabrielle Brainard, Rustam Mehta,…

    Perspecta 41. Grand Tour. The Yale Architectural Journal

  • Daniel Birnbaum, Anders Olsson

    As a Weasel Sucks Eggs. An Essay on Melancholy and…

  • Schoonderbeek, Geers, Patteeuw,…

    OASE 75. 25 years of critical Reflection on Architecture

  • Matteo Pasquinelli

    Animal Spirits. A Bestiary of the Commons

  • Anthony Vidler (Hg.)

    Architecture Between Spectacle and Use

  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 332. How does graphic design CHANGE?

  • Bogh, Grunnet, Hansen, Henriksen,…

    SUM Nr. 5

  • Pauline Boudry, Renate Lorenz

    Normal Work

  • Jessica Morgan (Hg.)

    Th 2058. Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster

  • Jean-Luc Godard, Youssef Ishaghpour

    Archäologie des Kinos, Gedächtnis des Jahrhunderts

  • Arkitip No. 0048

    Ryan McGinness

  • Victor Papanek

    Design für die reale Welt. Anleitungen für eine humane…

  • Rahel Lämmler, Michael Wagner

    Ulrich Müther. Schalenbauten in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

AV 115. Materiales de Construccion. Building Materials

Concrete Core, Crystalline Nature, Metal Jacket, Board Games, Ceramic Variations, Home Matters.

Luis Fernandez-Galiano
AV 115. Materiales de Construccion. Building Materials
Idea Books, 2005