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  • Hans Ulrich Obrist


  • Steven Shaviro

    The Universe of Things. On Speculative Realism

  • Florian Böhm, Annahita Kamali

    Everything is Connected. Home Collection (Vitra)

  • Eva Diaz

    The Experimenters. Chance and Design at Black Mountain…

  • Berlin Projects

    Startup Berlin Guide

  • David Ostrowski

    How to do things left

  • Honore De Balzac

    The Physiology of the Employee

  • Francesco Spampinato

    Come Together. The Rise of Cooperative Art and Design

  • Marc Fischer

    Public Collectors

  • Joël Tettamanti

    Works 2001–2019

  • S AM 12


  • Wilfried Dickhoff, Marcus Steinweg (Hg.)

    INAESTHETICS #4 Philosophy!

  • Marc Bedarida (Ed.)

    Le Corbusier. Aventures Photographiques

  • Markus Weisbeck, Mathias Schmitt,…

    Space for Visual Research

  • Gina Glover, Geof Rayner, Jessica Rayner

    The Metabolic Landscape. Perception, Practice and the…

  • Ricardo Flores & Eva Prats

    Thought by Hand. The Architecture of Flores & Prats

  • Sylvain Margaine

    Forbidden Places, Volume 2: Exploring Our Abandoned Heritage

  • Mark Leckey

    On Pleasure Bent

  • Axel Wieder, Florian Zeyfang (Eds.)

    Open Form. Space, Interaction, and the Tradition of Oskar…

  • Maria Zinfert (Hg.)

    Sigfried Kracauer. Photographic Archive

  • Clog

    World Trade Center

  • Marta Herford (Ed.)

    Der entfesselte Blick. The Unfettered Gaze: Die Brüder…

  • Hubertus Butin (Hg.)

    Begriffslexikon zur zeitgenössischen Kunst (Ausgabe 2014)

  • Peter Blegvad

    Kew. Rhone

  • Michiel van Raaij

    Building as Ornament

  • Reinhard Seiss

    Harry Glück: Wohnbauten

  • Cristina Bechtler (Ed.)

    Museum of the Future

  • Felix Ensslin, Charlotte Klink (Eds.)

    Aesthetics of the Flesh

  • Matthew Gandy

    The Fabric of Space. Water, Modernity, and the Urban…

  • Catherine De Zegher

    Women's Work. Is Never Done

  • Sophie Berrebi

    The Shape of Evidence. Contemporary Art and the Document (…

  • Simon Denny

    New Management

  • Henning Schmidgen

    Hirn und Zeit. Die Geschichte eines Experiments 1800 - 1950

  • Paul O'Neill & Mick Wilson (Ed…

    Curating Research

  • Hans-Jürgen Hafner, Gunter Reski (Hg.)

    The Happy Fainting of Painting. Ein Reader zur…

  • Thomas Crow

    The Long March Of Pop. Art Music and Design 1930-1995

  • Chris Kraus

    Torpor (Roman)

  • Gerald Raunig

    DIVIDUUM. Maschinischer Kapitalismus und molekulare…

  • Marc James Léger (Ed.)

    The Idea of the Avant Garde And What It Means Today

  • Jean-Luc Godard

    Jean-Luc Godard/JLG: Selbstporträt im Dezember

  • Dombois, Fliescher, Mersch, Rintz (Hg.)

    Ästhetisches Denken. Nicht-Propositionalität, Episteme,…

  • Megan Francis Sullivan

    Zipper Keeper 2015

  • Emily Pugh

    Architecture, Politics, and Identity in Divided Berlin

  • Markus Grob

    Dächerstreit: Flachdach/Steildach

  • Klingan, Sepahvand, Rosol, Scherer (Eds…

    Textures of The Anthropocene. Grain Vapor Ray

  • Siegfried Kracauer

    The Past's Threshold. Essays on Photography

  • Philip Jodidio

    Cabins. Hütten. Cabanes

  • Space Caviar (Eds.)

    SQM. The Quantified Home: An exploration of the evolving…

  • testcard #24

    Bug Report. Digital war besser

  • T'ai Smith

    Bauhaus Weaving Theory. From Feminine Craft to Mode of…

  • Klaus Dömer, Hans Drexler, Joachim…

    Affordable Living. Housing for Everyone

  • Slavoj Zizek

    Trouble in Paradise. From the End of History to the End of…

  • Renée Green

    Other Planes of There

  • Stephen Grabow, Kent Spreckelmeyer

    The Architecture of Use. Aesthetics and Function in…

  • Pedro Gadanho (Ed.)

    Uneven Growth. Tactical Urbanisms for Expanding Megacities

  • Seth Price

    Folklore U.S.

  • Manfred Hermes

    Hystericizing Germany

  • Peter von Bagh (Hg.)

    Aki Kaurismäki über Kaurismäki

  • Werkleitz Gesellschaft e.V. (Ed.)

    Utopien vermeiden. Avoiding Utopias

  • Metahaven

    Can Jokes Bring Down Governments? Memes, Design and…

  • Amy Brandt

    Interplay. Neoconceptual Art of the 1980s

  • Francesca Hughes

    The Architecture of Error. Matter, Measure, and the…

  • Spyros Papapetros, Julian Rose (Eds.)

    Retracing the Expanded Field

  • Felix Denk, Sven von Thülen

    Der Klang der Familie: Berlin, Techno and the Fall of the…

  • Joachim Fischer, Dierk Spreen

    Soziologie der Weltraumfahrt

  • Sächsische Akademie der Künste, Dresden…

    Labor der Moderne. Nachkriegsarchitektur in Europa.…

  • Tim Stüttgen


  • Byung-Chul Han

    Psychopolitik. Neoliberalismus und die neuen Machttechniken

  • Francesco Garutti (Ed.)

    Fairland. Explorations, Insights and Outlooks on the Future…

  • Scott McFarland

    Shacks, Snow, Streets, Shrubs

  • Dante Bini

    Building with Air

  • Birgit Mennel, Stefan Nowotny (Hg.)

    Die Sprachen der Banlieues

  • Precarias a la Deriva

    Was ist dein Streik? Militante Streifzüge durch die…

  • Nora Schultz

    Portikus Printing Plant and Portikus Sounds

  • Joseph Becker, Jennifer Dunlop Fletcher…

    Lebbeus Woods, Architect

  • Binna Choi, Maiko Tanaka (Hg)

    The Grand Domestic Revolution Handbook

  • Boris Kralj

    My Belgrade (2nd Edition)

  • Frances Stracey

    Constructed Situations. A New History of the Situationist…

  • Latek, Paviol, Simond, Very (Eds.)

    In situ – de visu – in motu. Architecture, cinéma et arts…

  • Neil Spiller, Nic Clear (Eds.)

    Educating Architects. How Tomorrow's Practitioners…

  • Jacques Rancière

    The Intervals of Cinema

  • Josiah McElheny, Christine Burgin

    Glass! Love!! Perpetual Motion!!! A Paul Scheerbart Reader

  • Tsitsi Ella Jaji

    Africa in Stereo. Modernism, Music, And Pan-African…

  • Daniel Josefsohn

    OK DJ

  • Rem Koolhaas

    Preservation Is Overtaking Us (Gsapp Transcripts)

  • Stephen Barber

    Performance Projections. Film and The Body in Action

  • AndresLepik, Very Simone Bader (Hg)

    Lina Bo Bardi 100. Brasiliens alternativer Weg in die…

  • Rüdiger Esch

    ElectriCity. Elektronische Musik aus Düsseldorf

  • Thomas Thiel (Ed.)

    Museum Off Museum

  • Cornelai Butler, Luis Perez-Oramas

    Lygia Clark. The Abandonment of Art

  • Catriona Gray

    Fifties House. House & Garden

  • Jenn Joy

    The Choreographic

  • Robert Hamelijnck, Nienke Terpsma (Eds.)

    It's Playtime

  • Mark Leckey

    The Universal Addressability of Dumb Things

  • Nicolas Bruno Jacquet

    Le Langage Hypermoderne de l'Architecture

  • Gertrud Lehnert, Alicia Kühl, Katja…

    Modetheorie. Klassische Texte aus vier Jahrhunderten

  • Katharina Eck, Astrid Silvia Schänhagen

    Interieur und Bildtapete. Narrative des Wohnens um 1800

  • Boelen / Z33, Sacchetti (Eds.)

    Designing Everyday Life

Berlin Sampler. Le son de Berlin de 1904 à 2009

Berlin Sampler - Le son de Berlin de 1904 à 2009, Théo Lessour. Francophone!
Sampler is a series of city music guides. It proposes new ways to see how music interacts with it’s suroundings, and new ways to discover a city. Berlin Sampler, the first of the series, was released in November 2009.
Music was an extremely important factor in the creation of the berlin identity. But it is strangely very often forgotten in many of the books about the city, and the knowledge of Berlin music history is most of the times way smaller than the one on art, movies, architecture… This book offers keys to listen to the city of expressionism, dada, silent movies, cabaret, Bauhaus, hyperinflation, nazi and communist dictatorship, cold war, Airlift, 68 riots and student protest, alternative movments, fall of the Wall and Love Parade. It helps discover music pieces that were often forgotten and put the famous ones in a new light, that shows the inner breathing of the city through history. : dada sound poetry, electronic music in the 30’s, german swing under the third Reich, free radical music from 68, DDR punk, the genius-dilettant movement of the 80’s, and the minimal techno…. there are many creatures in the berliner Zoo.
Théo Lessour est un musicien et auteur français installé à Berlin. Berlin Sampler est son premier livre.
Sampler est une collection de guides musicaux centrés chacun sur une ville.
Une autre façon de saisir les interractions de la musique avec son environnement social.
Mais aussi une autre façon de découvrir la ville.
Avec entre autres :
Arnold Schönberg – Pierrot Lunaire
Grete Von Zieritz – Japanische Lieder
Dada Antidada Merz
Stefan Wolpe
Stephen Schleiermacher – Music at the Bauhaus
Alban Berg – Wozzeck
Ernst Krenek – Jonny Spielt Auf
Bertolt Brecht et Kurt Weill – L'Opéra de quat'sous
Edmund Meisel – Le Cuirassé Potemkine
Walter Ruttmann – Week-end
Edmund Meisel – Berlin: die Sinfonie der Großstadt
Hanns Eisler – Historische Aufnahmen
Oskar Sala & Paul Hindemith – Elektronische Impressionen
Paul Hindemith – Mathis der Maler (symphonie)
Claire Waldoff
Kurt Tucholsky & Walter Mehring
Friedrich Hollaender & Die Weintraub Syncopators – Der Blau Engel (L'Ange bleu)
Rudolf Nelson
Mischa Spoliansky & Marcellus Schiffer – Es liegt in der luft
Juan Llossas
Barnabas Von Geszcy
Comedian harmonists
Pola Negri – Tango Notturno
Magda Hain – Capri Fischer
Zarah Leander – Ich weiß, es wird einmal ein Wunder gescheh'n
Lale Andersen – Lili Marlene
Teddy Stauffer and His Original Teddies – In the Mood (In guten Stimmung)
Hans Rehmstedt – Lambeth Walk / In Lambert's Nachtlokal
Charlie and his Orchestra
Werner Müller RIAS Tanzorchester – How High The Moon
Hans Bardeleben – Ich nenne alle Frauen Baby
Bully Buhlan
Marlene Dietrich – Wiedersehen mit Marlene
Lords – Shakin' All Over
Sputnik – Gittarrentwist
Hildegrade Knef – Ich seh die Welt durch deine Augen
Wolf Biermann – Chaussee Strasse 131
Alexander von Schlippenbach – Globe Unity Orchestra
Peter Brötzmann – Machine Gun / Einheitsfrontlied
Synopsis – Auf der Elbe schwimmt ein rosa Krokodil
Amon Düül – Psychedelic Underground
Ton Steine Scherben – Macht kaputt was euch kaputt macht
Ton Steine Scherben – Kein Macht für Niemand
Conrad Schnitzler
Kluster – Zwei Osterei
Ash Ra Tempel – Ash Ra Tempel
Cosmic Jokers – Cosmic Jokers
Tangerine Dream – Atem
Klaus Schulze – Cyborg
Cluster – Sowiesoso
Manuel Göttsching – Inventions for Electric Guitar / E2-E4
Harmonia – Musik von Harmonia / Deluxe
David Bowie – Low
Brian Eno / Roedelius / Moebius – After the Heat
Iggy Pop – The Idiot
Agressiv Rock Produktionen – Soundtrack zum Untergang
DDR von Unten
Nina Hagen – TV Glotzer
Din A Testbild – Programm 1
Mania D – Track 4
Als die Partisan kammen
Frieder Butzmann
Mekanik Destruktiv Kommando – Berlin EP
Die Tödliche Doris – « » / Tanz in Quadrat
Abwärts – Computer Staat
Einstürzende Neubauten – Kollaps
Malaria! – Compiled
Liaisons Dangereuses – Liaisons dangereuses
Foyer des Arts – Von Bullerbü nach Babylon
Neonbabies – Neonbabies
Ideal – Ideal
Nena – 99 Luftballons
Udo Lindenberg und das Panik Orchester – Sonderzug nach Pankow
Bithday Party – Mutiny in Heaven
Fad Gadget – Collapsing New People
Einstürzende Neubauten – Halber Mensch
Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds – Your Funeral My Trial
Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds – Tender Prey
Crime and the City Solution – Shine
Wim Wenders – Les Ailes du désir
Element of Crime – Try to be Mensch
Die Haut – Headless Body in Topless Bar
Caspar Brötzmann Massaker – Black Axis
Feeling B – Hea Hoa Hoa Hea Hea Hoa
WestBam – 17 / This Is Not a Boris Becker Song
WestBam – The Cabinet / Monkey Say Monkey Do
Alien Nation – Lovers of the World
X-101 – Sonic Destroyer
X-102 – Discovers the Rings of Saturn
Berlin-Detroit, a Techno Alliance
Alec Empire / Atari Teenage Riot – Hetzjagd auf Nazis ! / The Future of War
Robert Hood – Internal Empire
Basic Channel, Main Street et M Series
Rhythm and Sound – Showcase
Pole – 1/2/3
Monolake – Interstate
Oval – Systemisch
Alva Noto – Transform
To Rococo Rot & I-Sound – Music Is a Hungry Ghost
Tarwater – Dwellers on the Threshold
Peaches – The Teaches of Peaches
Chicks on Speed – 99 Cents
International Deejay Gigolo Records
Khan – 1-900-Get-Khan
Supercollider – It Won't Be Long / Take Me Home
Ellen Allien – Stadtkind
Ricardo Villalobos – Fizheuer Zieheuer
Ricardo Villalobos – Blood on my hands
Ostgut Ton

Théo Lessour
Berlin Sampler. Le son de Berlin de 1904 à 2009
Ollendorff & Desseins Publ., 2010, 9782918002062