Book Worm
The spirits of books are fascinating, they spread their fragrance far and wide, and good contents are like words singing and dancing in the books.It s hard differentiate books with good qualities in front of voluminous of books. However, graphic designers have more concern about books than readers do: they pay close attention to the design of books, to paper selection, to binding craftsmanship, to the printing technique, to the packaging etc., they are even concerned with procedures like folding, stacking, cropping, cutting, pressing, gilding, framing, extending and tearing. Sometimes they forget the original idea of a good book when they focused too much on these techniques. A good content is necessary for a good book, while a good design reinforces the contents of the book, however no matter how good the design is it s not possible to improve the quality of bad contents and save the book. Book Worm has seek for 56 graphic designers all around the world introducing their innovative and fine book designs. Through their extraordinary works they showed their individual understanding of books : not letting design to overwhelm the features behind the contents; it also proves the designers understandings and confidences to printing skills; fine selections to the textures of paper, warmth and color; their concerns with binding details. The dimension of Book Worm is 17x28cm, experimentally folded with 6 holes-pierced and manual binding with thread, took a long time with quality hand craftsmanships. Book Worm is eventually on shelf for all readers.
The Designers are: 2xgoldstein (Germany), 3group (Poland), Abbasi, Majid (Iran), Ahn, Sang-Soo (Korea), Andersen M Studio (UK), Atelier Poisson (Switzerland), Atelier Reinhard Gassner (Austria), Au, Benny (Kong Kong), Balius, Andreu (Spain), Bouvet, Michel (France), Brechbühl, Erich (Switzerland), Chan, Alan (Hong Kong), Chen, Bob (China), Change is good (France), Cheong, Kuokwai (Macau,China), Chihara, Kuoh (Japan), Choi, Sandy (Hong Kong), CoDesign Ltd (Hong Kong), COUP (Netherlands), de designpolitie (Netherlends), dogdesign (Finland), Faydherbe/De Vringer (Netherlands), Ferrer, Isidro (Spain), Föllmer, Christina (Germany), Fons Hickman m23 (Germany), General Working Group (USA), Guang, Yu (China), hesign (Germany/China), Hi (Switzerland), Huang, Yang (China), John Morgan Studio (UK), Kakinokihara, Masahiro (Japan), Kan, Tai-Keung (Hong Kong), Meshki, Saed (Iran), Milkxhake (Hong Kong), Mirko Illic Corp (USA), Müller, Lars (Switzerland), Park, Kum-jun (Korea), Pixelgarten (Germany), Sagmeister, Stefan (USA), Sakamoto, Siho (Japan), Sonnabend, Catrin (Germany), Sonner Vallée & Partner (Germany), Studio Alfalfa (USA), Studio Boot (Netherlands), St. Pierre et Miquellon (UK), Stripe SF (USA), Sugisaki,Shinnoske (Japan), Superbüro (Switzerland), Tommy Li Design (Hong Kong), Tsukamoto, Akihiko (Japan), Xiao Mage & Chengzi (China), Wang, Xu (China), Wang, Zhi Hong (Taiwan), Welcome to.as (Switzerland)