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  • Bernd Stiegler

    Montagen des Realen. Photographie als Reflexionsmedium und…

  • John Robb

    The North Will Rise Again. Manchester Music City 1976-1996

  • Jonas Mekas

    To Petrarca

  • Alex Farquharson, Clemens Krümmel,…

    Klaus Weber. Secession

  • Hans Ulrich Obrist

    A Brief History of Curating

  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 332. How does graphic design CHANGE?

  • Jean-Luc Godard, Youssef Ishaghpour

    Archäologie des Kinos, Gedächtnis des Jahrhunderts

  • Arkitip No. 0048

    Ryan McGinness

  • Rahel Lämmler, Michael Wagner

    Ulrich Müther. Schalenbauten in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

  • Jackson Tan (Hg.)

    Utterubbish. A Collection of Useless Ideas

  • Emma Pettit, Nadine Kathe Monem, Rita…

    Old, Rare, New. The Independent Record Shop

  • Kevin Olson (Hg.)

    Adding Insult to Injury. Nancy Fraser Debates Her Critics.

  • Hengedeld, Strauven, Bloom (Hg.)

    Piet Blom. Monograph

  • Bruce Altshuler (Hg.)

    Salon to Biennial. Exhibitions that Made Art History. Vol. 1

  • Salar Abdoh

    Urban Iran

  • Bryan Bell, Katie Wakeford (Hg.)

    Expanding Architecture. Design as Activism

  • Martina Löw

    Soziologie der Städte

  • Kazys Varnelis (Hg.)

    The Infrastructural City. Networked Ecologies in Los Angeles

  • Steffen Sauerteig, Svend Smital, Kai…

    eBoy. Pixorama

  • Ilka & Andreas Ruby (Hg.)

    Urban Transformations

  • Jörg Schröder, Barbara Kalender

    Schröder erzählt

  • Diedrich Diederichsen

    On (Surplus) Value in Art. Reflections 01

  • Michael Fried

    Why Photography Matters as Art as Never Before

  • Ralph Heidenreich, Stefan Heidenreich

    Mehr Geld

  • Anne Becker, Olga Burkert, Anne Doose,…

    Verhandlungssache Mexiko Stadt. Umkämpfte Räume,…

  • Sven Spieker

    The Big Archive. Art From Bureaucracy

  • Thomas Meinecke


  • Grada Kilomba

    Plantation Memories. Episodes of Everyday Racism

  • Hadas A. Steiner

    Beyond Archigram. The Structure of Circulation

  • Susanne von Falkenhausen

    KugelbauVisionen. Kulturgeschichte einer Bauform von der…

  • Felix Guattari

    The Three Ecologies

  • Antonio Negri

    The Porcelain Workshop. For a New Grammar of Politics

  • Christoph Schaub, Michael Schindhelm

    Bird's Nest (DVD, 87 min.). Jacques Herzog und Pierre…

  • Felicity D. Scott

    Architecture or Techno-Utopia. Politics after Modernism

  • Birgit Schneider

    Textiles Prozessieren

  • Bruno Latour

    Wir sind nie modern gewesen. Versuch einer Symmetrischen…

  • Georges Canguilhem

    Wissenschaft, Technik, Leben. Beiträge zur historischen…

  • Joachim Krausse (Hg.)

    Richard Buckminster Fuller. Bedienungsanleitung für das…

  • Stuart Elden, Elizabeth Lebas, Eleonore…

    Henri Lefebvre. Key Writings

  • Laurence A. Rickels

    Ulrike Ottinger. Eine Autobiografie

  • N. John Habraken, Arnulf Lüchinger

    Die Träger und die Menschen. Das Ende des Massenwohnungsbau…

  • Liz Kotz

    Words to Be Looked at. Language in 1960s Art

  • Brian O'Doherty

    Studio and Cube. On The Relationship Between Where Art is…

  • Guy Debord

    Comments on the Society of the Spectacle

  • Michel de Certeau

    Kunst des Handelns

  • Jacques Ranciere

    Ist Kunst widerständig?

  • Alain Badiou

    Wofür steht der Name Sarkozy?

  • Donna Haraway

    When Species Meet

  • Donna Haraway

    Die Neuerfindung der Natur. Primaten, Cyborgs und Frauen.

  • Stefanie Schulte Strathaus, Florian…

    Wer sagt denn, dass Beton nicht brennt, hast Du’s probiert?

  • Henri Lefebvre

    Writings on Cities

  • Henri Lefebvre

    The Production of Space

  • Hiromasa Shirai, André Schmidt (Hg.)

    Big Bang Beijing. Urban Change in Beijing

  • John F. C. Turner

    Housing by People. Towards Autonomy in Building…

  • Loretta Napoleoni

    Rogue Economics. Capitalism's New Reality

  • AD

    AD 174. Vol. 75. Nr. 2. Samantha Hardingham. The 1970'…

  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 296. Books <preposition> graphic design

  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 293. Stanley Donwood / Vacances. DD-DDD / Dimensions…

The Books that Shaped Art History. From Gombrich and Greenberg to Alpers and Krauss

Which were the books that shaped art history as it developed in the twentieth century?
This pioneering volume is a concise and brilliant study of the discipline of Art History and an invaluable resource for students, teachers, bibliophiles and all those interested in visual culture.
It provides an invaluable roadmap of the field by reassessing the impact of several of the most important works of art history. Each chapter, focusing on a single title, is written by a leading art historian, curator or one of the promising scholars of today, presenting a varied and invaluable overview 
of the history of art, told through its seminal texts.
The sixteen books include Nikolaus Pevsner’s gospel of Modernism, Pioneers of the Modern Movement, Alfred Barr’s now legendary monograph on Matisse, E.H. Gombrich’s Art and Illusion, Clement Greenberg’s Art and Culture, which had a seismic impact when it was published in 1961, and Rosalind Krauss’s The Originality of the Avant-Garde and Other Modernist Myths, which introduced structuralist and poststructuralist thinking into art historical study.
Each chapter – with writers including John Elderfield, Boris Groys, Susie Nash and Richard Verdi – analyses a single major book, setting out its premises and argument and mapping the intellectual development of its author, discussing its position within the field of art history, and looking at its significance in 
the context both of its initial reception and its legacy.
An introduction by John-Paul Stonard explores how art history has been forged by these outstanding contributions, as well as by the dialogues and ruptures between them. Supplementary documentation summarises the achievements of each art historian and provides a detailed publication history 
of their texts, with suggestions for further reading.
Richard Shone is Editor of The Burlington Magazine. 
He is the author of a number of books on French and British art, including Bloomsbury Portraits, The Post-Impressionists, Walter Sickert and Sisley. He contributed 
to the exhibition catalogue for ‘Sensation’ at London’s 
Royal Academy and organised ‘The Art of Bloomsbury’ for 
the Tate Gallery.
John-Paul Stonard is an art historian and former Contributing Editor of The Burlington Magazine. His book Fault Lines: Art in Germany 1945–55 was published in 2007. He has worked as a Visiting Lecturer at the Courtauld Institute of Art, and from 2010–11 was a Senior Fellow at the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC. He has published widely on modern and contemporary German and British art, and is a regular contributor to The Burlington Magazine, the Times Literary Supplement and Artforum.

Richard Shone, John-Paul Stonard (Ed.)
The Books that Shaped Art History. From Gombrich and Greenberg to Alpers and Krauss
Thames & Hudson, 2013, 9780500238950