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  • Louise Schouwenberg & Michael…

    The Auto-Ethnographic Turn in Design

  • Yuk Hui

    Art and Cosmotechnics

  • B. Cannon Ivers (ed.)

    250 Things a Landscape Architect Should Know

  • Esther Anatolitis

    Place, Practice, Politics

  • Alexander Steffen

    Vanishing Berlin

  • Philipp Meuser

    Architektur in Afrika. Bautypen und Stadtformen südlich der…

  • Alex Head

    Ricochet. Cultural Epigenetics and the Philosophy of Change

  • Ulrich Gutmair

    The First Days of Berlin. The Sound of Change

  • Edward Tufte

    The Visual Display of Quantitative Information

  • Edward R. Tufte

    Beautiful Evidence

  • Edward R. Tufte

    Visual Explanations. Images and Quantities, Evidence and…

  • McKenzie Wark

    Das Kapital ist tot

  • Rein Raud

    Being in Flux: A Post-Anthropocentric Ontology of the Self

  • Bruno Latour

    After Lockdown. A Metamorphosis

  • hg. von Giovanna Zapperi

    Carla Lonzi. Selbstbewusstwerdung. Texte zu Kunst und…

  • Helmut Draxler

    Die Wahrheit der Niederländischen Malerei. Eine Archäologie…

  • Walter Scheiffele, Steffen Schuhmann (…

    Karl Clauss Dietel. Die offene Form

  • Tinatin Gurgenidze (Ed.)

    Eastern Block Stories. Visualising Housing Estates from…

  • Édouard Glissant

    Philosophie der Weltbeziehung. Poesie der Weite

  • Kirsty Bell

    Gezeiten der Stadt. Eine Geschichte Berlins

  • Doris Kleilein, Friederike Meyer (Hrsg.)

    Die Stadt nach Corona

  • Claude Lichtenstein

    Die Schwerkraft von Ideen. Eine Designgeschichte. Band 2

  • Claude Lichtenstein

    Die Schwerkraft von Ideen. Eine Designgeschichte. Band 1

  • Jesko Fezer & Studio…

    (How) do we (want to) work (together) (as (socially engaged…

  • Melissa Canbaz, Künstlerhaus Bremen (Ed…

    Aleana Egan. small field

  • Milos Kosec, Neja Tomsic, Martin…


  • C.L.R. James

    Die Schwarzen Jakobiner. Toussaint Louverture und die…

  • bell hooks

    Feminismus für alle

  • Alfred Weidinger (Hrsg.)

    PROOF OF ART. A short history of NFTs from the beginning of…

  • Florian Schmidt

    Wir holen uns die Stadt zurück. Wie wir uns gegen…

  • Cornelia Saalfrank, Katrin Lewinsky

    TinyBE. Living in a sculpture

  • Lucius Burckhardt

    Der kleinstmögliche Eingriff oder die Rückführung der…

  • Lucius Burckhardt

    Warum ist Landschaft schön? Die Spaziergangswissenschaft

  • Maggie Nelson

    On Freedom

  • Matthew Soules

    Icebergs, Zombies, and the Ultra Thin. Architecture and…

  • Johanna Hoerning, Philipp Misselwitz (…

    Räume in Veränderung – Ein visuelles Lesebuch Ein- und…

  • Bauhaus-Institut für Geschichte und…

    100+. Neue Perspektiven auf die Bauhaus-Rezeption. Mit…

  • Gustavo Ambrosini, Guido Callegari

    Roofscape Design. Regenerating the City upon the City

  • Nicolas Nova, Anaïs Block

    Dr. Smartphone: An Ethnography of Mobile Phone Repair Shops

  • Harald Kirschner

    Abenteuer Platte

  • Wolfgang Bachmann, Sandra Hofmeister,…

    Zu Hause. Architektur zum Wohnen im Grünen / At Home…

  • Marietta Kesting, Susanne Witzgall (Hg.)

    Politik der Emotionen / Macht der Affekte

  • Annette Geiger, Bianca Holtschke (Hg.)

    Piktogrammatik. Grafisches Gestalten als Weltwissen und…

  • Justin McGuirk (Hg)

    Charlotte Perriand. The Modern Life: Melancholia and the…

  • Jens Casper, Luise Rellensmann (Hg)

    Das Garagenmanifest

  • Philippe Koch, Andreas Jud, ZHAW…

    Bauen ist Weiterbauen. Lucius Burckhardts…

  • Anette Baldauf, Janine Jembere, Naomi…

    Despite Dispossession. An Activity Book

  • Allen S. Weiss

    Figure against Form. The Dolls of Michel Nedjar

  • Frank B. Wilderson III


  • Andreas Malm

    Der Fortschritt dieses Sturms

  • Kike España

    Die sanfte Stadt

  • Henk Slager (Ed.)

    The Postresearch Condition

  • IKE Institut Konstruktives Entwerfen,…

    Bauteile wiederverwenden. Ein Kompendium zum zirkulären…

  • Manuela Zechner

    Commoning Care & Collective Power. Childcare Commons…

  • W.v. Acker, T. Mical

    Architecture & Ugliness: Anti-Aesthetics and the Ugly…

  • Duncan Bell, Bernardo Zacka (Eds.)

    Political Theory and Architecture

  • Saikaku Toyokawa

    Yoyogi National Gymnasium And Kenzo Tange

  • Annet Dekker (Ed.)

    Curating Digital Art: From Presenting and Collecting…

  • Margherita Palli (Ed.)

    Dizionario Teatrale, Theater Dictionary, Theater Wörterbuch…

  • Ruben Pater

    Caps Lock - How Capitalism Took Hold Of Graphic Design, And…

  • Massimiliano Mollona

    Art/Commons. Anthropology beyond Capitalism

  • Dimitra Kondylatou, David Bergé (Eds.)

    (Forced) Movement. Across the Aegean Archipelago

  • Markus Gabriel

    Die Macht der Kunst

  • Anselm Franke, Kerstin Stakemeier (Eds.)

    Illiberal Arts

  • Peter Eingartner

    Autobilder. Bleistiftzeichungen von Automobilen im gebauten…

  • Luis Berríos-Negrón

    Breathtaking Greenhouse Parastructures

  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 395. Designing the Digital World: Game Experience and…

  • Matthias Sauerbruch, Louisa Hutton (Hg)

    The Turn of the Century. A Reader about Architecture within…

  • Stefano Harney, Fred Moten

    All Incomplete

  • Sabine Hark

    Gemeinschaft der Ungewählten. Umrisse eines politischen…

  • Brad Haylock, Megan Patty (Eds.)

    Art Writing in Crisis

  • Kim Nguyen, Jeanne Gerrity (Eds.)

    Why Are They So Afraid of the Lotus?

  • Shumon Basar, Douglas Coupland, Hans…

    The Extreme Self. Age of You

  • Paul B. Preciado

    Can the Monster Speak? Report to an Academy of…

  • Will McLean, Pete Silver

    Environmental Design Sourcebook. Innovative Ideas for a…

  • Walter D. Mignolo

    The Politics of Decolonial Investigations

  • Rita Gesquière (Hg)

    Degeyter - Architect

  • Daniel Decker

    Not Available. Platten, die nicht erschienen sind

  • Gascia Ouzounian

    Stereophonica. Sound and Space in Science, Technology, and…

  • Sou Fujimoto

    Futurospektive Architektur

  • François Bonnet, Bartolomé Sanson (eds.)

    Spectres 2. Résonances / Resonances

  • Gabi Dolff-Bonekämper

    Der Streitwert der Denkmale. Berliner Texte

  • Simone Bogner, Sylvia Butenschön, Jurek…

    Denkmalwelten und Erbediskurse

  • Jack Halberstam

    Trans*Positionen zu Geschlecht und Architektur

  • Jan Knikker

    How to Win Work. The Architect's Guide to Business…

  • Felix Richter

    Das Neue Hoyerswerda. Ideenhaushalt, Aufbau und Diskurs der…

  • Peter Mörtenböck, Helge Mooshammer (Hg)

    Platform Urbanism and its discontents.

  • Ashley Paine, Susan Holden, John…

    Valuing Architecture: Heritage and the Economics of Culture…

  • Dimitra Kondylatou, David Bergé (Eds.)

    The Architect is Absent. Approaching the Cycladic Holiday…

  • Matthew Fuller, Eyal Weizman

    Investigative Aesthetics. Conflicts and Commons in the…

  • Laura Raicovich

    Culture Strike. Art and Museums in an Age of Protest

  • Alison B. Powell

    Undoing Optimization. Civic Action in Smart Cities

  • Paul Pethick

    Power of Play. How play and its games shape life

  • Angélil, Biechteler, Dietz, Käferstein…

    Building for Architecture Education. Architekturpädagogiken…

  • 72 Hour Urban Action

    Die Gefühletaktik | The Love Tactic

  • Isabelle Doucet, Janina Gosseye (Hg.)

    Activism at Home. Architects dwelling between politics,…

  • Donatella Di Cesare

    Philosophie der Migration

  • Legacy Russell

    Glitch Feminismus. Ein Manifest

Cover In the Delirium

In the Delirium of the Simulation: Baudrillard Revisited by Achim Szepanski

15 years after his death, the ghost of Jean Baudrillard lingers. Beyond just a pessimistic media theorist, the hyper-realist metaphysician of media and information may have become more relevant than ever before, and many of the concepts that Baudrillard left behind have become guiding principles in an ever deteriorating situation. Much of these ideas, from the Hyperreal to Cultural Nihilism, were repopularised in the last 15 years through such books as Capitalist Realism, in which the poster child for critical theory, Mark Fisher, appeared to have left the world a message, written in blood on the inside of our shared prison cell: Baudrillard was right!

A lot of the most frightening confessions there drew primarily from Baudrillard such as the future collapsing in on itself, and all meaning and symbolism melting down into a delirious nihilism under the ever-rising heat of Capital as it establishes itself as an all-encompassing, totalising, technology-obsessed form of dominion, that thinks and acts of its own will, like an Artificial Intelligence that endlessly feeds itself data until all information has been devoured.

To say that we live in a simulation seems more true than ever, as we have less and less ability to affect anything, we reach out to influence what we see, only to realise time and time again that we are somehow cut off from the content, as if everything we know is just a projection on a wall; the horrors are real, and happening somewhere, but exist to us as holograms. We can but run our fingers through the beams of light projected on the wall, so close but so far from anything real.

We are psychiatric patients trapped in algorithmic cells, cut-off, stressed, and scared—the prophecies that caused Fisher to panic have, by this point, been completely realised. We have crossed over a threshold into a world that is both more-real than real, and yet entirely unintelligible and unintuitive, shifting wildly around and unfolding like a fever-dream. In the delirium of the simulation, nothing makes sense without knowing the codes that superficially hold everything together, and perhaps only Baudrillard figured out the code. After all, Baudrillard, with his ideas about code, the digital, quantum theory and hyperreality, seems to be one of the few who recognised early enough the true form of Capital as fictitious or speculative Capital. While his books may have once read like speculative, cynical horror-fictions about what could go wrong if Capital became an all-encompassing and nihilistic tyrant, now that this has come true, perhaps it is time to consult his ghost. It is time to admit that the worst case scenario has become real, and that the raving-mad cynic on the side of French Theory may have been talking the most sense, after all.

This book is an incredible serious diagnosis of the current form of capital, a profound excavation and presentation of the most important and helpful ideas that Baudrillard published: from the unravelling of western philosophy, to a redefining of marxist theories of economics and capital, to a shift in critical theory that complies with quantum theory.

Achim Szepanski, Force Inc. / Mille Plateaux
In the Delirium of the Simulation: Baudrillard Revisited by Achim Szepanski
Published by Becoming/Non, 2024, 978-9925-7984-7-6