Entfesselung der Architektur. Der Architekt: Baumeister oder Designer?
Nur Experimente im Bauen führen zu neuen nachhaltigen Formen, nicht Experimente im CAD. Denn nur, wenn Entwerfen an das Bauen gekoppelt bleibt, wenn die Bedingungen der Bauproduktion und des Bauablaufs wieder mitgedacht werden, können innovative Bauformen die heute anstehenden Ziele der Effizienz, der Ökologie und der Ressourcen- und Kostenminimierung erfüllen. Der renommierte Architekt Helmut C. Schulitz geht in diesem Buch der Entstehung der Bauformen von der Antike bis in die Gegenwart nach und hinterfragt die Art und Weise, wie die digitale Technik das Entwerfen verändert.
Architectural fantasy seems to have no boundaries anymore: fantastical forms, houses that defy physics and gravity…Innovations in design and building methods have liberated architecture, and technology has enabled what was previously deemed impossible. The question is, however, as to what extent this has benefitted architecture and its standards. In this book the renowned architect Helmut C. Schulitz traces the development of architectural forms from antiquity to the present day and questions digital design methods. For him the bottom line is that architecture is not just design and also has to meet other requirements. For it is only when design remains linked to building, when construction and procedural requirements are once again taken into consideration, that innovative architectural forms can fulfil the current criteria of efficiency, ecology, and resource and cost efficiency.