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  • Kirsten Angermann, Hans-Rudolf Meier,…

    Denkmal Postmoderne. Bestände einer (un)geliebten Epoche

  • dérive

    dérive N° 96, Antimodern, antidemokratisch, revisionistisch…

  • Arch+ Zeitschrift für Architektur und…

    Arch+ 256. Umbau. Ansätze der Transformation

  • Martino Gamper

    100 Chairs in 100 Days and its 100 Ways

  • Paul O'Neill (Ed.)

    Not Going It Alone. Collective Curatorial Curating

  • Olivia Broome

    Brutalist Plants

  • Lucy Lippard

    I See / You Mean. A Novel

  • Ruth Catlow, Penny Rafferty (eds.)

    Radical Friends. Decentralised Autonomous Organisations and…

  • Loretta Napoleoni

    Technocapitalism. The Rise of the New Robber Barons and the…

  • Ben Murphy

    Ears to the Ground. Adventures in Field Recording &…

  • Justin Patrick Moore

    The Radio Phonics Laboratory. Telecommunications, Speech…

  • Alexander Kühne

    Der Jugendclub Extrem. Lugau 1984 - 1994

  • Ruth Buchanan, Fiona McGovern

    Scores for Transformation (A conversation). Ruth Buchanan,…

  • Carey Jewitt, Sara Price

    Digital Touch

  • Mark Coeckelbergh

    Why AI Undermines Democracy and What To Do About It

  • Peter Godfrey-Smith

    Metazoa. Die Geburt des Geistes aus dem Leben der Tiere

  • OFFICE and Tom Muratore

    The Politics of Public Space: Volume Five

  • Fanny Chiarello

    Basta Now. Women, Trans & Non-binary in Experimental…

  • &beyond collective for Theatrum…

    Sonic Urbanism: Listening to Non-Human Life

  • Croatian Architects' Association

    Designing in Coexistence - Reflections on Systemic Change

  • Anastasia Khodyreva, Elina Suoyrjö

    Aquatic Encounters. A Glossary of Hydrofeminisms

  • Yancey Strickler, The Dark Forest…

    The Dark Forest Anthology of the Internet

  • Patrick McGraw, Heavy Traffic

    Heavy Traffic Issue IV

  • Alexander Kluge

    Der Konjunktiv der Bilder. Meine Virtuelle Kamera (K.I.)

  • Sara Zeller, Evelyn Steiner (Hg.)

    Design für Alle? Inklusive Gestaltung heute

  • Arturo Escobar, Michal Osterweil, Kriti…

    Relationality. An Emergent Politics of Life Beyond the Human

  • Kim Dovey et. al.

    Atlas of Informal Settlement. Understanding Self-Organized…

  • Claire Bishop

    Disordered Attention. How We Look at Art and Performance…

  • Philip Widmann

    Film Undone – Elements of a Latent Cinema

  • McKenzie Wark


  • Aruna D’Souza

    Imperfect Solidarities

  • Sandra Hofmeister

    Architektur und Klimawandel. 20 Interviews zur Zukunft des…

  • Gerry Leonidas (Ed.)

    Designing type revivals. Handbook for a historical approach…

  • Jochen Becker, Anna Schäffler, Simon…

    Glossar Urbane Praxis. Auf dem Weg zu einem Mannifest /…

  • Cyril Béghin (Ed.)

    Chantal Akerman. Oeuvre écrite et parlée

  • Hansjörg Gadient

    Spielraum. Kindergerechte Freiräume planen und bauen

  • Diamond Schmitt Architects

    Set Pieces. Architecture for the Performing Arts in Fifteen…

  • Roberto Gargiani, ed.

    Simple Architecture: Villa Baizeau in Carthage by Le…

  • Leonhard Laupichler, Sophia Brinkgerd (…

    New Aesthetic 1. A Collection of Experimental and…

  • Martin Mosch

    Die typografische Komposition

  • Vera Egbers, Christa Kamleithner, Özge…

    Architectures of Colonialism

  • Anna-Maria Meister, Teresa Fankhänel,…

    Are You a Model? On an Architectural Medium of Spatial…

  • Gilbert Simondon, Emmanuel Alloa (Hg.)

    Imagination und Invention

  • Philipp Schönthaler

    Wie rationale Maschinen romantisch wurden

  • Artemy Magun

    The Temptation of Non-Being: Negativity in Aesthetics

  • Nicolas Uphaus

    Frei. Selbstständig arbeiten als Designer (2. überarb.…

  • Anne Querrien, Brigitta Kuster (Hg.)

    Maschinen | Gefüge | Karten

  • Sabine Nuss

    Wessen Freiheit, welche Gleichheit? Das Versprechen einer…

  • Legacy Russell

    Black Meme. A History of The Images That Make Us

  • Benjamin H. D. Buchloh, Hal Foster

    Exit Interview. Benjamin Buchloh in conversation with Hal…

  • Gabriel Catren

    Pleromatica, or Elsinore's Trance

  • You Can Sit With Us

    You Can Sit With Us - 24/7

  • Rainald Goetz


  • Johann Braun

    Stadt von Rechts. Über Brennpunkte und Ordnungsversuche

  • Domitilla Dardi

    Playgrounding. The playground as a symbolic form of society…

  • Paolo Pileri, Christina Renzoni, Paola…

    Piazze Scolastiche / School squares. Reinventing the…

  • Kim Förster

    Building Institution. The Institute for Architecture and…

  • Michael Marder

    The Phoenix Complex. A Philosophy of Nature

  • Florian Heilmeyer, Sandra Hofmeister

    Umbau Architektur in Flandern. Architecture of…

  • Andrea Baier, Christa Müller, Karin…

    Unterwegs in die Stadt der Zukunft. Urbane Gärten als Orte…

  • Paul Wood (ed.)

    Biting the Hand. Traces of Resistance in the Art &…

  • Sezgin Boynik, Taneli Viitahuhta (eds.)

    Free Jazz Communism.

  • Slavoj Žižek, Rastko Močnik, Zoja Skušek

    Punk Suprematism. Theoretical Writings on Punk, Nation,…

  • Naomi Keena, Avi Friedman

    Sustainable Housing in a Circular Economy

  • Karel Teige

    The Marketplace of Art. 2 Volumes

  • Lodown Magazine

    Lodown Magazine: Sound

  • Lukas Feireiss (ed.)

    Parasite 2.0: Collective Keywords

  • Riccardo Badano, Tomas Percival, Susan…

    Militant Media. Centre for Research Architecture 2

  • Kyle Booten, D. Graham Burnett, Brian…

    The Virtual Sentence: A Book of Exercises

  • Exhibition Politics. Die documenta und die DDR

  • Karsten Krampitz

    Pogrom im Scheunenviertel. Antisemitismus in der Weimarer…

  • Thomas Irmer

    René Pollesch – Arbeit. Brecht. Cinema. Interviews und…

  • Işil Eğrikavuk

    Global Protests Through Art. collaboration, co-creation,…

  • Felix Sommer, SB5ÜNF

    Beton & Nicht Beton

  • Julia Schulz-Dornburg

    The Complete Guide to Combat City

  • Dorothee Albrecht

    Assemblages of the Future

  • Sam Ashby (ed.)

    Little Joe: A book about queers and cinema, mostly

  • Jürg Graser, Astrid Staufer, Christian…

    Architektur Klima Atlas. Klimabewusst entwerfen in…

  • Charlotte Malterre-Barthes

    On Architecture and Greenwashing. The Political Economy of…

  • Judith Hopf

    Judith Hopf. Énergies

  • Marcus Steinweg, Sonja Dierks


  • Onur Erdur

    Schule des Südens. Die kolonialen Wurzeln der französischen…

  • Michael Marder, Giovanbattista Tusa (…

    Contemporanea. A Glossary for the Twenty-First Century

  • dérive

    dérive N° 95, Sampler (Apr-Jun 2024). Zeitschrift für…

  • Vladimir Guculak, Paul Bourel

    Sh*tscapes. 100 Mistakes in Landscape Architecture

  • Fulya İLBEY


  • Alan Smart, Jack Henrie Fisher (ed.)

    Counter-Signals 5. Systems and their Discontents

  • Silke Kapp, Mariana Moura (ed.)

    Sérgio Ferro. Architecture from Below. An Anthology

  • Daniel Loick

    Die Überlegenheit der Unterlegenen. Eine Theorie der…

  • Víctor Aguado, Ramón del Buey, Brandon…

    Party Studies Vol. 2. Underground Clubs, Parallel…

  • Nina Dragičević

    Auditory Poverty and its Discontents – An Essay

  • Iracema Dulley, Özgün Eylül İşcen (eds)

    Displacing Theory through the Global South

  • Karoline Mayer, Katharina Ritter,…

    Über Tourismus

  • Ubani. Tbilisi cityscape research center

    Hollow. A Map of Tbilisi

  • Bernd Stiegler

    Bildpolitiken der Identität. Von Porträtfotografie bis zu…

  • Chris Kraus

    Ehrgeiz, Demut, Glück. Texte zu Kunst und Freundschaft

  • Laboratory EAST

    Studies on Assemblies: Mass Made Units.

  • Tom Holert

    „ca. 1972” Gewalt – Umwelt – Identität – Methode

cover Field Guide to the Patchy Anthropocene

Field Guide to the Patchy Anthropocene. The New Nature

While the global scientific community recently made headlines by ruling the Anthropocene―an era many date to the Industrial Revolution when human action truly began to transform the planet―did not qualify for a geological epoch quite yet, understanding the nature of human transformation of the Earth is more important than ever. The effects of human activity are global in scope, but take shape within distinct social and ecological "patches," discontinuous regions within which the key actors may not be human, but the plants, animals, fungi, viruses, plastics, and chemicals creating our new world. Field Guide to the Patchy Anthropocene takes stock of our current planetary crisis, leading readers through a series of sites, thought experiments, and genre-stretching descriptive practices to nurture a revitalized natural history.

Field guides teach us how to notice, name, and so better appreciate more-than-human worlds. They hone our powers of observation and teach us to see the world anew. Field-based observations and place-based knowledge cultivation―getting up-close and personal with patchy dynamics―are vital to truly grapple with the ecological challenges and the historical conjunctures that are bringing us to multiple catastrophic tipping points. How has commercial agriculture runoff given rise to comb jellies in the Black Sea? What role did the Atlantic slave trade play in the worldwide spread of virus-carrying mosquitoes? How did the green revolution transform the brown planthopper into a superpredator in Philippine rice fields? Questions like these open up new ways of understanding, and ways of living through, the epoch that human activity has ushered in.

This Field Guide shifts attention away from knowledge extractive practices of globalization to encourage skilled observers of many stripes to pursue their commitments to place, social justice, and multispecies community. It is through attention to the beings, places, ecologies, and histories of the Anthropocene that we can reignite curiosity, wonder, and care for our damaged planet.

Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing, Jennifer Deger, Alder Keleman Saxena, Feifei Zhou
Field Guide to the Patchy Anthropocene. The New Nature
Stanford University Press, 2024, 9781503637320
31,90 €