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  • Bädicker, Klaus

    Sofort Abreissen! 1984 - 1994. Von der Wohnungsmisere in…

  • Butler, Judith

    Die Macht der Gewaltlosigkeit - Über das Ethische im…

  • Gerald Siegmund

    Theater- und Tanzperformance zur Einführung

  • Veronika Kracher

    Incels. Geschichte, Sprache und Ideologie eines Online-Kults

  • Susanne Kaiser

    Politische Männlichkeit. Wie Incels, Fundamentalisten und…

  • Vereinigung der Landesdenkmalpfleger (…

    wohnen 60 70 80. Junge Denkmäler in Deutschland

  • Beckh, Ruiz-Funes, Ludwig et al. (Hg.)

    Candela, Isler, Müther. Positions on Shell Construction

  • Marius Töpfer, Rebecca Wall

    Everyday Urban Design 6. Planung als Vektor, Skript und…

  • Alexandre Gaiser Fernandes

    Everyday Urban Design 5. Everyday State of Emergency. The…

  • Erin Manning

    For a Pragmatics of the Useless (Thought in the Act)

  • Christine Hannemann, Karin Hauser (Hg.)

    Zusammenhalt braucht Räume. Wohnen integriert

  • Studio Michael Beutler (ed.)

    Michael Beutler. Things in Slices

  • Florian Ebner, Susanne Gaensheimer,…

    Hito Steyerl. I will Survive

  • Johannes Hossfeld Etyang, Joyce Nyairo…

    Ten Cities. Clubbing in Nairobi, Cairo, Kyiv,​ Johannesburg…

  • Eva Maria Froschauer, Werner Lorenz,…

    Vom Wert des Weiterbauens. Konstruktive Lösungen und…

  • Christoph Lueder

    Diagrams: Tropes, Tools, Abstract Machines

  • Julia Bee, Nicole Kandioler (Hg)

    Differenzen und Affirmationen. queer/feministische…

  • Christian Gänshirt

    Werkzeuge für Ideen. Einführung ins architektonische…

  • Helge Oder

    Entwerferische Dinge: Neue Ansätze integrativer Gestaltung…

  • Mette Marie Kallehauge, Lærke Rydal…

    Anupama Kundoo (The Architect’s Studio)

  • Helen Hester


  • Benjamin H. Bratton, Nicolay Boyadjiev…

    The New Normal

  • Jack Halberstam

    Wild Things. The Disorder of Desire

  • The Care Collective

    Care Manifesto. The Politics of Interdependence

  • Oliver Sukrow

    Arbeit. Wohnen. Computer. Zur Utopie in der bildenden Kunst…

  • Andreas Malm


  • LAN – Benoit Jallon, Umberto Napolitano…

    Napoli Super Modern

  • Mari Laanemets (Ed.)

    Abstraction as an Open Experiment

  • Dorothee Brantz, Avi Sharma (Eds.)

    Urban Resilience in a Global Context. Actors, Narratives,…

  • Eva Barois De Caevel, Koyo Kouoh, Mika…

    On Art History in Africa. Condition Report

  • Amy Sillman

    Faux Pas. Selected Writings and Drawings (Expanded Edition)

  • Richard Zemp

    Bauen als freie Arbeit. Lina Bo Bardi und die Grupo…

  • Christoph F. E. Holzhey, Arnd Wedemeyer

    Weathering. Ecologies of Exposure

  • Luke Wood, Brad Haylock

    One and many mirrors: perspectives on graphic design…

  • John Darlington

    Fake Heritage. Why We Rebuild Monuments

  • Gerhard Steixner, Maria Welzig (Hg)

    Luxus für alle. Meilensteine im europäischen…

  • Rafael Horzon

    Das Neue Buch

  • Sebastian Schels, Olaf Unverzart


  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 391. Alternative Reality Design and imagination in…

  • Markus Ritter

    Der Reiz der Vögel seit 1870

  • Daniel Rubinstein

    Fotografie nach der Philosophie. Repräsentationsdämmerung

  • Legacy Russell

    Glitch Feminism. A Manifesto

  • Georg Seeßlen

    Coronakontrolle, oder: Nach der Krise ist vor der…

  • Sasha Geffen

    Glitter Up the Dark. How Pop Music Broke the Binary

  • Iris Därmann

    Undienlichkeit. Gewaltgeschichte und politische Philosophie

  • Ludger Schwarte

    Denken in Farbe. Zur Epistemologie des Malens

  • Isabell Otto

    Prozess und Zeitordnung. Temporalität unter der Bedingung…

  • Alejandro de la Sota

    In Defence of a Logical Architecture and Other Essays. 2G…

  • Bruno Latour

    Der Berliner Schlüssel

  • Mark W. Rectanus

    Museums Inside Out. Artist Collaborations and New…

  • William O. Gardner

    The Metabolist Imagination. Visions of the City in Postwar…

  • McKenzie Wark

    Sensoria. Thinkers for the Twenty-first Century

  • Maria Isserlis (Hg)

    Nadira Husain

  • Sheila Williams (ed.)

    Entanglements. Tomorrow's Lovers, Families, and…

  • Maria Hlavajova, Sven Lutticken (Hg)

    Deserting from the Culture Wars

  • Brandon LaBelle (Ed.)

    Dirty Ear Report #3

  • José Esteban Muñoz (ed. by Joshua…

    The Sense of Brown (Perverse Modernities Series)

  • Jean-Paul Martinon

    Curating as Ethics (Thinking Theory Series)

  • Chris Ingraham

    Gestures of Concern (Cultural Politics Series)

  • Harmony Bench

    Perpetual Motion. Dance, Digital Cultures, and the Common

  • Suad Garayeva-Maleki, Heike Munder (Eds…

    Potential Worlds. Planetary Memories & Eco-Fictions

  • ETH Zurich, MAS Urban Design

    Migrant Marseille. Architectures Of Social Segregation And…

  • Antony Radford, Amit Srivastava, Selen…

    Elemente der modernen Architektur. Analyse zeitgenössischer…

  • Kirsten Otto

    Berlins verschwundene Denkmäler. Eine Verlustanalyse von…

  • Howard Eiland, Michael W. Jennings

    Walter Benjamin. Eine Biographie

  • Per Leo

    Der Wille zum Wesen. Weltanschauungskultur,…

  • Lukas Feireiss,Tatjana Schneider,…

    Living the City. Von Städten, Menschen und Geschichten

  • Joanna Zielińska (ed.)

    Performance Works

  • Kirsten Wagner, Marie-Christin Kajewski…

    Architekturen in Fotografie und Film. Modell, Montage,…

  • Christa Kamleithner

    Ströme und Zonen. Eine Genealogie der "funktionalen…

  • T.J. Demos

    Beyond the World's End. Arts of Living at the Crossing

  • Elvia Wilk


  • Brian Dillon

    Suppose a Sentence

  • Panos Louridas


  • Michael Schrage

    Recommendation Engines

  • Hans-Christian Dany

    Ode to Routine

  • Mieke Gerritzen, Geert Lovink

    Made in China, Designed in California, Criticised in Europe…

  • Nka Journal of Contemporary African Art

    Rethinking Cosmopolitanism. Africa in Europe, Europe in…

  • Julia Popova

    How many female type designers do you know? I know many and…

  • Hannah Wehrle, Jonas Wehrle, Klaus…

    Geht doch! Ein Buch über bezahlbares Wohnen

  • Barkow Leibinger

    Revolutions of Choice

  • Silvio Lorusso, Pia Pol, Miriam Rasch (…

    Here and Now? Explorations in Urgent Publishing

  • Jeffrey Hogrefe and Scott Ruff with…

    In Search of African American Space. Redressing Racism

  • Gabu Heindl

    Stadtkonflikte. Radikale Demokratie in Architektur und…

  • Klaus Jan Philipp

    Architektur - gezeichnet: Vom Mittelalter bis heute

  • Quang Truong

    Composite Architecture. Building and Design with Carbon…

  • Yvonne Rainer

    Revisions. Essays by Apollo Musagète, Yvonne Rainer, and…

  • Geert Lovink, Andreas Treske (Hg)

    Video Vortex Reader III: Inside the YouTube Decade. INC…

  • Andrés Jaque / Office for Political…

    Superpowers of Scale

  • Christopher Dell

    Das Arbeitende Konzert / The Working Concert

  • Sandra Schäfer

    Moments of Rupture. Spaces, Militancy & Film

  • Linda Lackner

    Belgrads radikale Ränder

  • Uta Hassler

    Bauen und Erhalten. Eine Einführung

  • Vít Havránek, Tereza Stejskalová (Eds.)

    Come Closer: The Biennale Reader

  • Jeanne Gerrity, Anthony Huberman (Eds.)

    Where are the tiny revolts? (A Series of Open Questions,…

  • Hilde Heynen

    Sibyl Moholy-Nagy. Kritikerin der Moderne

  • Lisette Smits (Ed.)

    Master of Voice

  • Julian Caskel

    Die Theorie des Rhythmus. Geschichte und Ästhetik einer…


four lectures from the 1950s by the master of timeless typography, Emil Ruder
300 x 230mm, hard cover with jacket, 80 pages
English translated from German by Roy Cole.
Japanese by Ikue Amemiya and Kiyonori Muroga.
designed by Helmut Schmid with Nicole Schmid.
Through a perusal of other fields we are better placed to understand our own subject matter, in the same way that a small hamlet, only when set against its open surroundings, can be properly viewed and judged. It will be seen that the manifold influences or larger occurances in our daily tasks cannot be ignored.
Emil Ruder was already teaching typography for fifteen years at the Gewerbeschule Basel, when the first article in the cycle Wesentliches appeared in TM.
With fundamentals (Wesentliches), Ruder set creative typography on fundamental ground. The plane, the line, the word, rhythm, the four articles published between 1957 and 1959 in the Swiss TM, appeared also in the German Druckspiegel in 1959 and in 1972 in the Swedish grafisk revy.
The work on fundamentals initiated Ruder's magnum opus, Typographie. With fundamentals published for the first time in English and Japanese, the background of the art inspired typography of Ruder will enthuse the student and the professional.
Helmut Schmid
In this series of articles, free of the confines of any single, narrow, specialized field, Ruder discusses at will the formation principles of typography in relation to the cultures,
natural sciences, politics and societies of all times and places. In addition, Ruder's fundamental thinking always sheds light on the relationship between human life and technology.
Half a century has passed since this work was published. It is precisely because historic styles are today consumed superficially that it is worthwhile to review afresh the attitude the author takes in this work dealing with the principles of the creation of typography in terms of the relationship between society and technology.

Emil Ruder
Idea Magazine , 2014, 978-4-416-11356-1