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  • Kateryna Malaia, Philipp Meuser

    Mass Housing in Ukraine. Building Typologies and Catalogue…

  • Kirsten Wagner (Hg.)

    Theorien des Wohnens. Eine Kommentierte Anthologie

  • Susanne Schmid, Dietmar Eberle, Margit…

    Eine Geschichte des gemeinschaftlichen Wohnens. Modelle des…

  • Yuk Hui

    Machine and Sovereignty. For a Planetary Thinking

  • Irene Fantappiè, Francesco Giusti,…

    Rethinking Lyric Communities

  • Nicolas Linnert (ed.)

    Hervé Guibert. Suzanne and Louise

  • Giorgi Vachnadze

    Christian Eschatology of Artificial Intelligence: Pastoral…

  • 0nty & OnMyComputer (Eds.)

    Dialogues on CoreCore & the Contemporary Online Avant-…

  • Nicholas E. Powers (ed.)

    Where does a body begin? Biology's function in…

  • Alessandro Sbordoni

    Semiotics of the End: Essays on Capitalism and the…

  • Jill Johnston, Clare Croft (ed.)

    The Essential Jill Johnston Reader

  • Anna-Sophie Springer, Raul Walch (eds.)

    Owned by Others: A Map to Possession Island

  • Canadian Centre for Architecture

    AP 205 Amancio Williams: Readings of the Archive

  • Clothilde Morette, Victoria Aresheva (…

    Science/Fiction. A Non-History of Plants

  • Ulrich Heinke

    Ulrich Heinke. Schlot

  • Franziska Bollerey

    Eselsohren. Journal of Art, Architecture and Urbanism. Vol…

  • Richard Sennett

    Democracy and Urban Form

  • Hilde Strobl, Peter Cachola Schmal,…

    Einfach Grün - Greening the City

  • Niekolaas Johannes Lekkerkerk, Eva…

    Worlding Ecologies. Art, Science and Activism Towards…

  • Yuk Hui


  • Cédric Durand

    How Silicon Valley Unleashed Techno-Feudalism

  • Gabu Heindl, Drehli Robnik

    Nonsolution. Zur Politik der aktiven Nichtlösung im Planen…

  • Ignacio Farías, Felix Marlow, Rebecca…

    Zaudern ums Gemeinwohl. Produktive Missverständnisse in der…

  • Ian Erickson, Tomi Laja

    Disc Journal. Issue 3.0 "Enchantment"

  • Estelle Hoy, edited by Antonia Carrara

    Estelle Hoy. saké blue. Selected Writings

  • Nick Mauss, Edited by Antonia Carrara…

    Nick Mauss. Dispersed Events. Selected Writings

  • Clémence Imbert

    Manifestes 7. Why History Matters to Graphic Design

  • dérive

    dérive N° 97, Energie (Okt-Dez 2024).

  • Christina Landbrecht

    Künstlerische Forschung. Potenziale, Probleme, Perspektiven

  • bell hooks

    Kritisch denken lernen. Erkenntnisse aus der Praxis

  • Raafat Majzoub (ed.)

    Beyond Ruins. Reimagining Modernism

  • Holm-Uwe Burgemann (Hg.)

    Neue Erschöpfungsgeschichten

  • Anne Kockelkorn, Susanne Schindler,…

    Cooperative Conditions. A Primer on Architecture, Finance…

  • Anne Lacaton, Jean-Philippe Vassal

    Lacaton & Vassal. It's Nice Today: On Climate,…

  • Guido Neubeck, Professur für Entwerfen…


  • Bianca Felcori (Ed.)

    Forgotten Architecture. An Archive of Overshadowed Projects

  • Marouane Bakhti

    How to Leave the World

  • Jan Steinbach, Justine Stella Knuchel (…

    Hold The Sound. Notes On Auditories

  • Ijlal Muzaffar

    Modernism's Magic Hat - Architecture and the Illusion…

  • Paloma Checa-Gismero

    Biennial Boom. Making Contemporary Art Global

  • Sarah Blacker, Emily Brownell, Anindita…

    The Planning Moment. Colonial and Postcolonial Histories

  • Andreas Reckwitz

    Verlust. Ein Grundproblem der Moderne

  • Eva Illouz

    Explosive Moderne

  • ETH-Studio Jan De Vylder (Hg)

    Towards Transformation: The 33.3 % Attitude. Zurich

  • Magdalena Taube, Krystian Woznicki

    kin city. Urbane Ökologien, Infrastrukturen des Lebens und…

  • Guillermo Rubio Boronat, Javier Villar…

    Kengo Kuma. Arquitectura Urbana 2006--2024. TC Cuadernos…

  • Pierre-Héli Monot, David Bebnowski,…

    Activist Writing. History, Politics, Rhetoric (Mono 02)

  • Annie Bourneuf

    Im Rücken des Engels der Geschichte

  • Kathrin Wildner, metroZones

    metroZine #1. Reading the Map. Anleitung zum Kartenlesen

  • Christian Hanussek, metroZones

    metroZine #2. Die Tapete als Parergon – und Methode

  • Anne Huffschmid, metroZones

    metroZine #3. Das Atmen der Bilder. Schwarze Löcher und…

  • Derek Pardue, Ailbhe Kenny, Katie Young…

    Sonic Signatures. Music, Migration and the City at Night

  • Ian Trowell

    Throbbing Gristle. An Endless Discontent

  • Sandra Hofmeister

    Bauen im Bestand. Wohnen / Building in Existing Contexts.…

  • Jon Dowling

    Monogram Logo. Trademarks & Symbols

  • Domen Ograjensek

    Restricting Flight Surreptitious Assembly. The Diagrammatic…

  • Steffen Köhn, Nestor Siré

    Handmade Networks

  • Daphne Dragona, Domenico Quaranta (eds.)

    The Postscriptum Anthology (2010 - 2023). Essays on Art,…

  • Valentina Tanni

    Exit Reality. Vaporwave, Backrooms, Weirdcore, and Other…

  • Rafael Schacter

    Monumental Graffiti. Tracing Public Art and Resistance in…

  • Fernanda Canales

    My House, Your City. Privacy in a Shared World

  • Thomas Durisch

    Peter Zumthor 1985-2013. Bauten und Projekte

  • VOLUPTAS ETHZ, Chair Charbonnet/Heiz (…

    Elegies. Laments for an architectural project

  • Robert Jan van Pelt

    The Barrack. 1572-1914. Chapters in the History of…

  • Aaron Forrest, Yasmin Vobis, Brett…

    Heterogeneous Constructions. Studies in Mixed Material…

  • Arch+ Zeitschrift für Architektur und…

    Arch+ 257. Umbau. Maßstäbe der Transformation

  • Marin Kosut

    Art Monster. On the Possibility of New York

  • Michael Taussig

    And the Garden is You. Essays on Fieldwork, Writingwork,…

  • Gavin Steingo

    Interspecies Communication. Sound and Music beyond Humanity

  • Kehinde Andrews

    The Psychosis of Whiteness. Surviving the Insanity of a…

  • Cache

    Shadow of the Tree. Cache 03

  • Robert Leucht

    Der Ingenieur. Grammatik eines Hoffnungsträgers

  • Eyal Weizman, Ines Weizman

    Vorher und Nachher. Die Architektur der Katastrophe

  • Stefan Wolski

    Die Berliner Reklame Gesellschaft.

  • Steven Shaviro

    Fluid Futures. Science Fiction and Potentiality

  • Franco Berardi

    Quit Everything. Interpreting Depression

  • Deborah Enzmann

    Emojization. Visual Communication with Emojis

  • Adam Kraft

    Key Notes on the Unruly City. Social, Material, and Spatial…

  • Boaz Levin, C/O Berlin Foundation,…

    Träum Weiter - Berlin, die 90er

  • Alison Bashford, Emily M. Kern, Adam…

    New Earth Histories. Geo-Cosmologies and the Making of the…

  • Timothy Morton

    Hell. In Search of a Christian Ecology

  • Rana AlMutawa

    Everyday Life in the Spectacular City. Making Home in Dubai

  • Liliana Doganova

    Discounting the Future: The Ascendancy of a Political…

  • Richard E. Ocejo

    Sixty Miles Upriver. Gentrification and Race in a Small…

  • Jacobin

    Jacobin #17. Künstliche Intelligenz

  • Tom Holert (Hg.)

    Pierre Bourdieu. Fragen zur Kunst für und mit Studierenden…

  • Dahr Jamail, Stan Rushworth

    Wir stehen in der Mitte der Unendlichkeit. Indigene Stimmen…

  • Lauren Wager, Sophia Naureen Ahmad

    Fashion Palettes. Color Inspiration, Meaning & Mood

  • Stavros Stavrides

    The Politics of Urban Potentiality. Spatial Patterns of…

  • Ilya Zdanevich

    Ilya Zdanevich - Iliazd. Berlin Khaltura 1922

  • Larisa Reisner

    The Decembrists

  • Dominique Gauzin-Müller, Anna Heringer

    Anna Heringer. Form Follows Love. Intuitiv bauen - von…

  • Dennis Brzek, Junia Thiede

    In Medias Res #1: Histories Read Across

  • Dennis Brzek, Junia Thiede, Julian…

    In Medias Res #2: Architecture in Motion

  • Dennis Brzek, Junia Thiede

    In Medias Res #3: Postproductions

  • Angela McRobbie (Ed.)

    Ulrike Ottinger. Film, Art and the Ethnographic Imagination

  • Ulysses Voelker, Michael Schmitz

    Was Kommunikationsdesign kann. Prinzipien, Inspirationen,…

  • Ultra Studio

    Landscape Goes Domestic. Ultra Studio

Into the Great Wide Open

Into the Great Wide Open is a book about a search for a form of practice in architecture. Practice here is understood both as a critical reflection of a status quo and its history, as well as forms of (active) intervention through designing and planning. The book is a fragmentary snapshot of an on going, constantly developing and altering process to find a place in the production and reflection of our built environment, and implicitly disputes the question: “What is to be done?”
Andreas Rumpfhuber, Francesco Marullo, Maria Giudici, Jon Goodbun, Elke Krasny, Matthias Moroder, Dubravka Sekulic, Christian Teckert, __ [Blankspace]
Behind the publisher dpr-barcelona is an architectural research practice that has three main activities. Publishing, criticism and curating exhibitions. Their work explores how architecture as a discipline reacts in the intersection with politics, technology, economy and social sense. Dpr books transcend conventional architectural publications and could be considered as dealing with the architecture of the future, attempting to create a live exchange of knowledge and theory. This new book, Into the Great Wide Open, personifies the ideals and ambitions of the publishing house. It is a fragmentary snapshot of an ongoing, constantly developing and altering process to find a place in the production and reflection of our built environment. It is a book about a search for a form of `practice` in architecture. ` Practice` in this instance is understood to be both a critical reflection of a status quo and its history, as well as the potential establishment of forms of active intervention through design and planning. The book revolves around the subjects of contemporary architecture, its problems and its symptoms, implicitly disputing the consistent question `What is to be done?` and implies through its title, and a narrative that is intrinsic of our contemporary liberal society, that there is a world full of chances and opportunities for the architects of today and tomorrow to seize.

Andreas Rumpfhuber (Ed.)
Into the Great Wide Open
dpr-barcelona, 2018, 978-8494752315