Direkt zum Inhalt


  • Kumiko Inui

    Inui Architects

  • U. Borinski, R.P. Gorbach

    Lesbar: Typografie in der Wissensvermittlung

  • Claude Lefort

    Dante's Modernity. An Introduction to The Monarchia

  • Sharon Lockhart

    Pine Flat. (Afterall Series One Work)

  • Pascal Johanssom (Ed.)

    Handmade in Germany: Manufaktur 4.0

  • Andreas Nentwich, Christine Schnapp

    Modern in alle Ewigkeit: Eine Reise zu den schönsten…

  • David Reinfurt

    A New Program for Graphic Design

  • Sophie J. Williamson (Ed.)

    Translation (Documents of Contemporary Art)

  • Zamp Kelp

    Luftschlosser: Ein Blick auf Haus-Rucker-Co / Post-Haus-…

  • M. Seidel, G. Steixner (Hg)

    Society now! Architektur. Projekte und Positionen 2009 -…

  • Moisés Puente (Hg)

    2G 80. Fala Atelier

  • Ocean Vuong

    Night Sky With Exit Wounds

  • Viction Workshop (Ed.)

    Botanical Inspiration: Nature in Art and Illustration

  • Florentine Nadolni (Hg.)

    Alltag formen!: Bauhaus-Moderne in der DDR

  • Karl Gerstner

    Designing Programmes: Programme as Typeface, Typography,…

  • Maarten Van Den Driessche (Ed.)

    Robbrecht en Daem: An Architectural Anthology

  • C. Blanchfield, F. Lotfi-Jam

    Modern Management Methods - Architecture, Historical Value…

  • Shirin Sabahi

    Pocket Folklore

  • Heindl, Klein, Linortner (Eds)

    Building Critique: Architecture and its Discontents

  • Alona Rodeh, Kunstpalais

    The Third Dimension. A Journey from Past Reality to Future…

  • Rike Felka

    Biomorphe Architekturen

  • Cooking Sections

    The Empire Remains Shop

  • Alonso, Palmarola (eds.)

    Flying Panels: How Concrete Panels Changed the World

  • Laura Sobral

    Doing it Together. Cooperation Tools for the City Co-…

  • M. Hieslmair, M. Zinganel (Hg)

    Stop and Go. Nodes of Transformation and Transition

  • Rike Frank, Beatrice von Bismarck

    Of(f) Our Times: Curatorial Anachronics

  • Sara Ahmed

    What's the Use? On the Uses of Use

  • Graham Harman

    Art and Objects

  • Benjamin Bratton

    The Terraforming

  • Michael Hieslmair, Michael Zinganel (…

    Stop and Go. Nodes of Transformation and Transition

  • Ana Vujanovic, Livia Piazza (Ed.)

    A Live Gathering: Performance and Politics in Contemporary…

  • edu-factory

    Alle Macht der selbstorganisierten Wissensproduktion

  • Alona Rodeh

    FIRE: Safe & Sound

  • Vision 5

    Artists Photographs

  • Hilma Af Klint


  • Allan Kaprow

    How To Make A Happening CD

  • Ruth Sonderegger

    Polyphone Ästhetik: Eine kritische Situierung

  • Philipp Oswalt

    Marke Bauhaus 1919-2019: Der Sieg der ikonischen Form über…

  • Marie-Pier Boucher, Stefan Helmreich,…

    Being Material

  • Tom Rice

    Films for the Colonies. Cinema and the Preservation of the…

  • Jürgen Habermas

    Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie. Bd 1: Die okzidentale…

  • Constance DeJong, Andrew Lampert (Ed.)

    Tony Conrad. Writings

  • Silvio Lorusso

    ENTREPRECARIAT. everyone is an entrepreneur nobody is safe

  • Maria Lind

    Seven Years. The Rematerialisation of Art from 2011 to 2017

  • Benjamin H.Bratton

    The New Normal

  • G. Raunig

    Maschinen Fabriken Industrien

  • Lukas Feireiss (Ed.)

    The Radical Cut-Up Reader: No Single Narrative

  • Juliane Streich (Hg.)

    These Girls. Ein Streifzug durch die feministische…

  • Chris O'Leary

    Ashes to Ashes. The Songs of David Bowie, 1976-2016

  • Edit DeAk, Walter Robinson (eds.)


  • Alice Gorman

    Dr Space Junk vs The Universe. Archaeology and the Future

  • Ekaterina Degot, David Riff, Katalin…

    Volksfronten / Popular Fronts. Art and Populism in an Era…

  • Rene Boer, Marina Otero Verzier, Katia…

    Architecture of Appropriation. On Squatting as Spatial…

  • Susan Ferguson

    Women and Work. Feminism, Labour, and Social Reproduction

  • John Cage (Laura Kuhn, Ed.)

    Love, Icebox. Letters from John Cage to Merce Cunningham

  • Julia Eckhardt

    Eliane Radigue. Intermediary Spaces. Espaces Intermediaires

  • Adolph Stiller, Aneta Bulant-Kamenova (…

    Stefka Georgieva: Architektin der 1960er Jahre in Bulgarien

  • Carola Platzek (Hg.)

    Teachings of the Garden

  • raumlaborberlin (Hg.)

    Floating University Berlin 2018. An illustrated report

  • Christian Maurel / Peter Rehberg

    Für den Arsch / Energie ohne Macht. Christian Maurels…

  • Ursula Prokop

    Jacques and Jacqueline Groag, Architect and Designer: Two…

  • Christoph Liepach

    Gera Ostmodern

  • Agnès Gayraud

    Dialectic of Pop

  • Alina Popa

    Alina Popa. Square of Will in Square of Love. Texts, Notes…

  • Timothy Morton

    Ökologisch sein

  • Saskia Sassen, David Harvey, Arjun…

    Urbaner Protest. Revolte in der neoliberalen Stadt

  • Georges Bataille

    Der Fluch der Ökonomie

  • Alfia Nakipbekova (Ed.)

    Exploring Xenakis. Performance, Practice, Philosophy

  • Alexander Wilson

    Aesthesis and Perceptronium. On the Entanglement of…

  • Seraji, Devabhaktuni, Lu (Eds.)

    From Crisis to Crisis: Debates on Why Architecture Criticsm…

  • Momus

    Herr F

  • Robert Conrad

    Vergessene Orte in Berlin und Brandenburg

  • 2G / # 79

    Studio Muoto (Paris)

  • Ingeborg Bloem & Klaus Kempenaars

    Branded Protest. The Power of Branding and its Influence on…

  • Wiel Arets


  • Achille Mbembe


  • K. Jacobson, A. Ray (eds)

    ...and Other Such Stories: 2019 Chicago Architecture…

  • Barsac, Cheruet, Perriand (eds.)

    Charlotte Perriand: Inventing A New World

  • Daniel López-Pérez

    R. Buckminster Fuller - Pattern-Thinking

  • Carlana, Mezzalira, Pentimalli (eds.)

    Quirino De Giorgio. An Architect's Legacy

  • Annette Weisser


  • Hendrik Kempt, Megan Volpert (Ed.)

    RuPaul's Drag Race and Philosophy. Sissy That Thought

  • Warren Neidich

    The Glossary of Cognitive Activism (For a not so distant…

  • Crimson Historians & Urbanists

    City of Comings and Goings

  • Alan Quireyns, Nav Haq

    Sustainability is not enough. Non-Conventional…

  • Borasi, Ferré, Garutti, Kelley, Zardini…

    The Museum Is Not Enough

  • Mark van Wageningen

    Color and Type: Mehrfarbige Multi-Layer-Schriften entwerfen…

  • M. Kries, T. Cunz (Hg)

    Objekte der Begierde. Surrealismus und Design 1924 - Heute

  • Lukas Feireiss

    Radical Cut-Up: Nothing Is Original

  • Chanon Goodwin (Ed.)

    Permanent Recession: A Handbook on Art, Labour and…

  • David Toop

    Inflamed Invisible: Collected Writings on Art and Sound,…

  • Tom Bieling (Ed.)

    Design (&) Activism: Perspectives on Design as Activism…

  • Material Matters 04

    Paper: Creative interpretations of common materials

  • Kate Franklin, Caroline Till

    Radical Matter: Rethinking Materials for a Sustainable…

  • Owen Hatherley, Christopher Herwig

    Soviet Metro Stations

  • Amt für Hochbauten der Stadt Zürich

    Pavillon Le Corbusier Zürich: Restaurierung eines…

  • Peter Adam

    Eileen Gray: Her Life and Work

  • Diedrich Diederichsen, Anselm Franke (…

    Liebe und Ethnologie: die koloniale Dialektik der…

Manifestes 7. Why History Matters to Graphic Design

Why teach graphic design students the history of graphic design? How does knowledge of that history inform present-day practice? How do students appropriate such knowledge? What creative skills do they develop through exposure to this subject matter? These are just a few of the questions addressed in this manifesto, which argues that graphic design history is far more than just a field of expertise and a source of material for academic exercises, for it can inspire next-generation graphic designers, hone their sensibilities and put their skills to the test.

Clémence Imbert
Manifestes 7. Why History Matters to Graphic Design
Head Publishing, 2024, 978-2-940510-87-0
12,90 €