Direkt zum Inhalt


  • Eyal Weizman

    Forensic Architecture: Violence at the Threshold of…

  • Jens Müller (Ed.)

    West-Berlin Grafik-Design. Gestaltung hinter dem Eisernen…

  • Dimitry Kochenov

    Citizenship (Essential Knowledge Series)

  • Jason Oddy

    Revolution Will Be Stopped Halfway: Oscar Niemeyer in…

  • Alessandro Zambelli

    Scandalous Space - Between architecture and archaeology

  • Holly Buck

    After Geoengineering: Climate Tragedy, Repair, and…

  • Junya Ishigami

    Serpentine Pavilion 2019

  • Jesús Vassallo

    Epics in the Everyday: Photography, Architecture, and the…

  • A. Gigon, M. Guyer (Hg.)


  • Mckenzie Wark

    Capital Is Dead: Is This Something Worse?

  • Susanne Hefti & Damjan Kokalevski

    Skopje Walkie Talkie

  • K. Grimstad, S. Rennie (Hg)

    The New Woman's Survival Catalog: A Woman-Made Book

  • Fink, Graff, Rostek, Wagner (Hg.)

    Architects on Architects

  • Natasha Lennard

    Being Numerous. Essays on Non-Fascist Life

  • Graphic #44

    Berlin Issue

  • Peter Weibel (Hg.)

    Sound Art: Sound as a Medium of Art

  • Walter Scheiffele


  • Samuel Greengard

    Virtual Reality

  • Ion Grigorescu

    From static oblivion

  • Guy Standing

    Plunder of the Commons: A Manifesto for Sharing Public…

  • Sofia Bempeza

    Geschichte(n) des Kunststreiks

  • Vilém Flusser

    Vom Stand der Dinge. Eine kleine Philosophie des Design

  • Jane Hall

    Breaking Ground: Architecture by Women

  • Jason Bahbak Mohaghegh

    Omnicide: Mania, Fatality, and the Future-in-Delirium

  • Chantal Akerman

    My Mother Laughs

  • Stiftung Buchkunst

    Die Schönsten Deutschen Bücher 2019: The Best German Book…

  • Franco "Bifo" Berardi

    Die Seele bei der Arbeit: Von der Entfremdung zur Autonomie

  • Judith Butler

    Rücksichtslose Kritik. Körper, Rede, Aufstand

  • Alexandra Hopf, Regine Steenbock

    Vogue. M29 Special.09/2019 September

  • J. Dowling, C. Leterme

    From Latin America

  • Extinction Rebellion

    This Is Not A Drill: An Extinction Rebellion Handbook

  • Matthias Schmelzer, Andrea Vetter

    Degrowth / Postwachstum zur Einführung

  • M. Rothenberger, T. Weber (Hg)

    Nico – Wie kann die Luft so schwer sein an einem Tag an dem…

  • Marcel Hénaff

    Die Stadt im Werden

  • Francesco Garutti

    Our Happy Life. Architecture and Well-Being in the Age of…

  • Kenya Hara

    Designing Japan. A Future Built on Aesthetics

  • T. Rieniets, C. Kämmerer

    Architektur der 1950er bis 1970er Jahre im Ruhrgebiet: Als…

  • Janwillem Schrofer (Ed.)

    Plan and Play, Play and Plan: Defining Your Art Practice

  • Giorgio Agamben

    Creation and Anarchy: The Work of Art and the Religion of…

  • Danae Io, Callum Copley (Ed.)

    Schemas of Uncertainty

  • Lucy Cotter

    Reclaiming Artistic Research

  • Sabine Hansmann, Finn Geipel (Hg.)

    Raummaschine: Exploring the Manifold Spaces

  • Peter Donhauser

    Musikmaschinen: Die Geschichte der Elektromusik

  • Amanda Boetzkes

    Plastic Capitalism. Contemporary Art and the Drive to Waste

  • Stefanie Graefe

    Resilienz im Krisenkapitalismus: Wider das Lob der…

  • Daniel Johnston

    Where are the ducks when you need them?

  • Daniel Birnbaum, Sven-Olov Wallenstein

    Spacing Philosophy: Lyotard and the Idea of the Exhibition

  • Roland Meyer

    Operative Porträts. Eine Bildgeschichte der…

  • A. Juppien, R. Zemp

    Vokabular des Zwischenraums: Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten von…

  • Paul O'Neill, Simon Sheikh, Lucy…

    Curating after the Global: Roadmaps for the Present

  • Maya Vinitsky (Ed.)

    Solar Guerrilla: Constructive Responses to Climate Change

  • Annette Jael Lehmann

    Tacit Knowledge. Feminism / Post Studio (Post Studio /…

  • G. Cachin (Hg.)

    Bobst Graphic. 1972 - 1981

  • H. Bodenschatz, D. Brantz

    Grünfrage und Stadtentwicklung. 100 Jahre Groß-Berlin

  • Christoph Cox

    Sonic Flux: Sound, Art, and Metaphysics

  • Rosi Braidotti, Simone Bignall (eds.)

    Posthuman Ecologies. Complexity and Process after Deleuze

  • T. Garcia, V. Normand (Hg)

    Theater, Garden, Bestiary: A Materialist History of…

  • David Byrne

    Wie Musik wirkt

  • James Bridle

    New Dark Age: Der Sieg der Technologie und das Ende der…

  • Sabine Breitwieser (Ed.)

    E.A.T. - Experiments in Arts and Technology

  • Richard Buckminster Fuller

    R. Buckminster Fuller. Nine Chains to the Moon. An…

  • Ulrike Bernard

    Wuan Wandeln

  • Jenelle Porter

    Less Is a Bore: Maximalist Art & Design

  • Agata Toromanoff

    Impossible Design: Außergewöhnliche Designobjekte der…

  • C. Leonard, L. Khonsary (Hg)

    The Halifax Conference. Oct. 5&6 1970

  • Birgit Rieger, Claudia Wahjudi

    Berlin Interviews. 16 Künstlerinnen und Künstler über eine…

  • Paolo Cirio

    Evidentiary Realism. Investigative, Forensic, Documentary…

  • Robert Kronenburg

    This Must Be The Place: An Architectural History of Popular…

  • Oliver Marchart

    Conflictual Aesthetics: Artistic Activism and the Public…

  • Jürgen Hasse, Sara F. Levin

    Betäubte Orte: Erkundungen im Verdeckten

  • Alexandra Klei

    Wie das Bauhaus nach Tel Aviv kam: Re-Konstruktion einer…

  • Sarah Banet-Weiser

    Empowered. Popular Feminism and Popular Misogyny

  • Stephen Prina

    As He Remembered It

  • Christoforos Savva

    Untimely, Again

  • Barbagallo, Beuret, Harvie (Hg.)

    Commoning with George Caffentzis and Silvia Federici

  • A Prior #20

    The Research Issue

  • Bernard Stiegler

    The Age of Disruption: Technology and Madness in…

  • Edgar Cabanas, Eva Illouz

    Manufacturing Happy Citizens: How the Science and Industry…

  • C. Profanter, H. Andersen, J. Eckhardt…

    The Middle Matter. Sound as Interstice

  • I. Galuzin, G. Severianova (Eds.)

    The Withdrawal of the Red Army

  • IDEA #381

    Transboundary Design. Perspective of Yoshihisa Tanaka

  • Andres Lepik, Daniel Talesnik (Hg)

    Access for All. São Paulo's Architectural…

  • Isabelle Graw, Christoph Menke (eds.)

    The Value of Critique: Exploring the Interrelations of…

  • Bernhard Denkinger

    Die vergessenen Alternativen. Strukturalismus und…

  • P. Bogner, G. Zillner

    Frederick Kiesler: Face to Face with the Avant-Garde:…

  • Jonathan Hill

    The Architecture of Ruins: Designs on the Past, Present and…

  • L. Giusti, N. Ricciardi (Eds.)

    Museums at the Post-Digital Turn

  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 386. Ministry of Graphic Design Fikra Graphic Design…

  • Gregor H. Lersch, Léontine Meijer-van…

    Mischa Kuball. res.o.nant

  • Marco Revelli

    The New Populism: Democracy Stares into the Abyss

  • Jacques Ranciere

    Aisthesis: Scenes from the Aesthetic Regime of Art

  • Gean Moreno

    In the Mind but Not from There. Real Abstraction and…

  • Saskia de Wit

    Hidden Landscapes. The metropolitan garden as a multi-…

  • Tchoban Foundation

    Deutsche Filmarchitektur 1918–1933 – German Film…

  • Natascha Süder Happelmann

    Ankersentrum (surviving in the ruinous ruin)

  • HeK (House of Elecronics Basel)

    Entangled Realities: Living with Artificial Intelligence /…

  • Alain Ehrenberg

    Die Mechanik der Leidenschaften: Gehirn, Verhalten,…

  • Rosi Braidotti

    Posthuman Knowledge

Manifestes 7. Why History Matters to Graphic Design

Why teach graphic design students the history of graphic design? How does knowledge of that history inform present-day practice? How do students appropriate such knowledge? What creative skills do they develop through exposure to this subject matter? These are just a few of the questions addressed in this manifesto, which argues that graphic design history is far more than just a field of expertise and a source of material for academic exercises, for it can inspire next-generation graphic designers, hone their sensibilities and put their skills to the test.

Clémence Imbert
Manifestes 7. Why History Matters to Graphic Design
Head Publishing, 2024, 978-2-940510-87-0
12,90 €