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  • Ezio Manzini

    Design, When Everybody Designs. An Introduction to Design…

  • Paulina Olowska


  • Diogo Seixas Lopes

    Melancholy and Architecture: On Aldo Rossi

  • Eva B. Ottillinger (Hg.)

    Küchen / Möbel. Design und Geschichte

  • Clog 13


  • Thomas Düllo, Studiengang Gesellschafts…

    texturen Nr. 2 — Spielen

  • Emanuele Piccardo

    Beyond Environment

  • Klaus Bädicker

    Gerade zur Krummen zieht's ihn. Die Sophienstraße und…

  • Yona Friedman

    Architecture with the people, by the people, for the people

  • Triisberg, Krikortz, Henriksson (Ed.)

    Art Workers. Material Conditions and Labour Struggles in…

  • Gin Müller

    Possen des Performativen. Theater, Aktivismus und queere…

  • Dougal Sheridan (Hg)

    Translating Housing: Berlin - Belfast. Innovative Housing…

  • Jörg H. Gleiter, Ludger Schwarte (Hg.)

    Architektur und Philosophie. Grundlagen. Standpunkte.…

  • IGBK (Hg.)

    Dreams of Art Spaces Collected

  • Frances Holliss

    Beyond Live/Work. The Architecture of Home-Based Work

  • Marc Angélil & Sarah Nichols (Ed.)

    Reform! Essays on the Political Economy of Urban Form – Vol…

  • Tilman Baumgärtel

    Schleifen. Zur Geschichte und Ästhetik des Loops

  • Maurizio Lazzarato

    Governing by Debt

  • Slavs and Tatars

    Mirrors for Princes

  • Benjamin H. D. Buchloh

    Formalism and Historicity. Models and Methods in Twentieth-…

  • Blaine Brownell, Marc Swackhamer

    Hypernatural. Architecture's New Relationship with…

  • David Maroto, Joanna Zielińska (Ed.)

    Artist Novels. The Book Lovers Publication

  • Franco »Bifo« Berardi

    Der Aufstand. Über Poesie und Finanzwirtschaft

  • Claire Doherty (Ed.)

    Out of Time, Out of Place. Public Art (Now)

  • Anthony Gardner

    Politically Unbecoming. Postsocialist Art against Democracy

  • Monika Rinck

    Risiko und Idiotie. Streitschriften

  • Kristien Ring, AA Projects, SenStadtUm…

    Urban Living. Strategien für das zukünftige Wohnen

  • Lou Cantor, Clemens Jahn (Eds.)

    Turning Inward

  • Ina Conzen (Hg.)

    Oskar Schlemmer. Visionen einer neuen Welt

  • Shumon Basar, Douglas Coupland, Hans…

    The Age of Earthquakes. A Guide to the Extreme Present

  • Hilde van Gelder (Ed.)

    Allan Sekula. Ship of Fools/The Dockers' Museum

  • Lisa Lee (Ed.)

    Isa Genzken (October Files)

  • John Miller

    Mike Kelley. Educational Complex

  • David Adjaye

    Form, Heft, Material

  • Shumon Basar, Douglas Coupland, Hans…

    Erschütterung der Welt. Leitfaden für die extreme Gegenwart

  • Bill Dietz

    Bill Dietz. 8 Tutorial Diversions, 2009 - 2014

  • Sigrid Weigel

    Grammatologie der Bilder

  • Joseph Vogl

    Der Souveränitätseffekt

  • Marco Ornella

    9999. An Alternative to One-Way Architecture

  • Manuel Herz (Ed.)

    African Modernism

  • Elisa van Joolen

    Elisa van Joolen. 11"x17" Reader

  • Lisa Smirl

    Spaces of Aid. How Cars, Compounds and Hotels shape…

  • Louise Bourgeois

    I Have Been to Hell and Back

  • Marc-Camille Chaimowicz

    Madame Bovary

  • Philipp Felsch

    Der lange Sommer der Theorie. Geschichte einer Revolte 1960…

  • Luis Carranza, Fernando Lara

    Modern Architecture in Latin America. Art, Technology, and…

  • Adrian George

    The Curator's Handbook. Museums, Commercial Galleries…

  • Anne Waak

    Hartz IV und wir

  • Anna-Sophie Springer & Etienne…

    Fantasies of the Library

  • Anna-Sophie Springer & Etienne…

    Land & Animal & Nonanimal

  • Raumlaborberlin (Ed.)

    Art City Lab. Neue Räume für die Kunst

  • Jean-Paul Martinon (Ed.)

    The Curatorial. A Philosophy of Curating

  • Ulrike Gerhardt, Susanne Husse (Hg.)

    The Forgotten Pioneer Movement: Guidebook


    Einrichten und Zonieren. Raumkonzepte, Ausbau, Materialität

  • Susanne Hauser, Claus Dreyer (Hg.)

    Das Konkrete und die Architektur

  • Harald Bodenschatz, Piero Sassi, Max…

    Urbanism and Dictatorship. A European Perspective

  • Chris Tedjasukmana

    Mechanische Verlebendigung. Ästhetische Erfahrung im Kino

  • Isabell Lorey

    State of Insecurity. Government of the Precarious

  • Paolo Virno

    Deja Vu and the End of History

  • Robert Delaunay

    Sonia Delaunay. Fashion and Fabrics

  • Maria Zinfert (Hg.)

    Siegfried Kracauer. Fotoarchiv

  • Christian Thun-Hohenstein (Ed.)

    Wege der Moderne. Josef Hoffmann, Adolf Loos und die Folgen…

  • Olivia de Oliveira

    Lina Bo Bardi. Built Work. Obra construida

  • Eduard Sancho Pou

    Function Follows Strategy. Architects' Strategies from…

  • Orit Halpern

    Beautiful Data

  • Manfred Mohr, Margit Rosen

    Der Algorithmus des Manfred Mohr

  • Stephanie Kloss


  • Gregory J. Markopoulos

    Film as Film. The Collected Writings of Gregory J.…

  • Andrea Büttner

    Immanuel Kant. Kritik der Urteilskraft

  • Andri Gerber

    Metageschichte der Architektur. Ein Lehrbuch für angehende…

  • Steven Shaviro

    The Universe of Things. On Speculative Realism

  • Florian Böhm, Annahita Kamali

    Everything is Connected. Home Collection (Vitra)

  • Eva Diaz

    The Experimenters. Chance and Design at Black Mountain…

  • Berlin Projects

    Startup Berlin Guide

  • David Ostrowski

    How to do things left

  • Honore De Balzac

    The Physiology of the Employee

  • Francesco Spampinato

    Come Together. The Rise of Cooperative Art and Design

  • Marc Fischer

    Public Collectors

  • Joël Tettamanti

    Works 2001–2019

  • Wilfried Dickhoff, Marcus Steinweg (Hg.)

    INAESTHETICS #4 Philosophy!

  • Marc Bedarida (Ed.)

    Le Corbusier. Aventures Photographiques

  • Gina Glover, Geof Rayner, Jessica Rayner

    The Metabolic Landscape. Perception, Practice and the…

  • Ricardo Flores & Eva Prats

    Thought by Hand. The Architecture of Flores & Prats

  • Sylvain Margaine

    Forbidden Places, Volume 2: Exploring Our Abandoned Heritage

  • Mark Leckey

    On Pleasure Bent

  • Axel Wieder, Florian Zeyfang (Eds.)

    Open Form. Space, Interaction, and the Tradition of Oskar…

  • Maria Zinfert (Hg.)

    Sigfried Kracauer. Photographic Archive

  • Clog

    World Trade Center

  • Marta Herford (Ed.)

    Der entfesselte Blick. The Unfettered Gaze: Die Brüder…

  • Hubertus Butin (Hg.)

    Begriffslexikon zur zeitgenössischen Kunst (Ausgabe 2014)

  • Peter Blegvad

    Kew. Rhone

  • Michiel van Raaij

    Building as Ornament

  • Reinhard Seiss

    Harry Glück: Wohnbauten

  • Cristina Bechtler (Ed.)

    Museum of the Future

  • Felix Ensslin, Charlotte Klink (Eds.)

    Aesthetics of the Flesh

  • Matthew Gandy

    The Fabric of Space. Water, Modernity, and the Urban…

  • Catherine De Zegher

    Women's Work. Is Never Done

  • Sophie Berrebi

    The Shape of Evidence. Contemporary Art and the Document (…

Cover New Earth Histories. Geo-Cosmologies and the Making of the Modern World

New Earth Histories. Geo-Cosmologies and the Making of the Modern World

A kaleidoscopic rethinking of how we come to know the earth.

This book brings the history of the geosciences and world cosmologies together, exploring many traditions, including Chinese, Pacific, Islamic, South and Southeast Asian conceptions of the earth’s origin and makeup. Together the chapters ask: How have different ideas about the sacred, animate, and earthly changed modern environmental sciences? How have different world traditions understood human and geological origins? How does the inclusion of multiple cosmologies change the meaning of the Anthropocene and the global climate crisis? By carefully examining these questions, New Earth Histories sets an ambitious agenda for how we think about the earth.

The chapters consider debates about the age and structure of the earth, how humans and earth systems interact, and how empire has been conceived in multiple traditions. The methods the authors deploy are diverse—from cultural history and visual and material studies to ethnography, geography, and Indigenous studies—and the effect is to highlight how earth knowledge emerged from historically specific situations. New Earth Histories provides both a framework for studying science at a global scale and fascinating examples to educate as well as inspire future work. Essential reading for students and scholars of earth science history, environmental humanities, history of science and religion, and science and empire. 

Alison Bashford, Emily M. Kern, Adam Bobbette (Eds.)
New Earth Histories. Geo-Cosmologies and the Making of the Modern World
University of Chicago Press, 2024, 9780226828602