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  • Benjamin Bühler, Stefan Rieger

    Vom Übertier. Ein Bestiarium des Wissens

  • Jochen Brüning, Eberhard Knobloch (Hg.)

    Die mathematischen Wurzeln der Kultur. Mathematische…

  • Matthias Bruhn, Kai-Uwe Hemken (Hg.)

    Modernisierung des Sehens. Sehweisen zwischen Künsten und…

  • Horst Bredekamp, Gabriele Werner (Hg.)

    Bildtechniken des Ausnahmezustandes. Bildwelten des Wissens…

  • Horst Bredekamp, Pablo Schneider (Hg.)

    Visuelle Argumentationen. Die Mysterien der Repräsentation…

  • Cornelius Borck, Armin Schäfer (Hg.)


  • Anette Bitsch

    "always crashing in the same car". Jacques Lacans…

  • Markus Miessen (Hg.)

    The Violence of Participation

  • Joachim Krausse (Hg.)

    Richard Buckminster Fuller. Bedienungsanleitung für das…

  • Mark E. Smith

    Renegade. The Lives and Tales of Mark E. Smith

  • Anthony Vidler

    Histories of the Immediate Present. Inventing Architectural…

  • Metahaven (Kruk, van der Velden,…

    White Night Before A Manifesto

  • Henri Lefebvre

    Critique of Everyday Life (Volume 2). Foundations for a…

  • Henri Lefebvre

    Critique of Everyday Life (Volume 1)

  • Alexander Hamedinger

    Raum, Struktur und Handlung als Kategorien der…

  • Stuart Elden

    Understanding Henri Lefebvre. A Critical Introduction

  • Stuart Elden, Elizabeth Lebas, Eleonore…

    Henri Lefebvre. Key Writings

  • Michel Auder

    Michel Auder. Selected Video Works 1970 - 1991

  • Claude Levi-Strauss

    Das wilde Denken

  • Siegfried Zielinski

    Variantology 2. On Deep Time. Relations of Arts, Sciences…

  • Norbert Wiener

    Cybernetics or the Control and Communication in the Animal…

  • Margarete Vöhringer

    Avantgarde und Psychotechnik: Wissenschaft, Kunst und…

  • Erich Hörl, Michael Hagne

    Die Transformation des Humanen. Beiträge zur…

  • Mario Fusco (Hg.)

    The Happy Hypocrite. For and About Experimental Art Writing…

  • Peter Mörtenbeck, Helge Mooshammer (Hg.)

    Networked Cultures. Parallel Architectures and the Politics…

  • Rosalind Krauss

    A Voyage on the North Sea. Broodthaers, das Postmediale

  • Paul D. Miller (Hg.)

    Sound Unbound. Sampling Digital Music and Culture

  • Dirk Bronger (Hg.)

    Marginalsiedlungen in Megastädten Asiens

  • Saskia Sassen (Hg.)

    Deciphering the Global. Its Spaces, Scales and Subjects

  • Gerald Raunig

    Tausend Maschinen

  • Hans-Jörg Rheinberger

    Epistemologie des Konkreten. Studien zur Geschichte der…

  • Thomas S. Kuhn

    Die Struktur wissenschaftlicher Revolutionen

  • Friedrich Kittler, Ana Ofak (Hg.)

    Medien vor den Medien

  • Friedrich Kittler

    Aufschreibesysteme 1800 - 1900

  • Wolfgang Ernst, Friedrich Kittler (Hg.)

    Die Geburt des Vokalalphabets aus dem Geist der Poesie.…

  • Nils Lindahl Elliot

    Mediating Nature: Environmentalism and Modern Culture (…

  • Gaston Bachelard

    Der neue wissenschaftliche Geist

  • Stefan Andriopoulos, Bernhard J. Dotzler

    1929. Beiträge zur Archäologie der Medien

  • Esther K. Smith

    How to Make Books. Fold, Cut & Stitch Your Way to a One…

  • Laurence A. Rickels

    Ulrike Ottinger. Eine Autobiografie

  • Marina Grzinic, Rosa Reitsamer (Hg.)

    New Feminism. Worlds of Feminism, Queer and Networking…

  • Marco d'Eramo

    Das Schwein und der Wolkenkratzer. Chicago: Eine Geschichte…

  • Andrew Pickering

    Kybernetik und Neue Ontologien

  • W.J.T. Mitchell


  • Peter Gidal

    Andy Warhol. Blow Job

  • Merlin Carpenter

    Relax It's Only a Bad Cosima von Bonin Show

  • Jesko Fezer, Matthias Heyden

    Hier entsteht. Strategien partizipativer Architektur und…

  • Kyohei Sakaguchi

    Zero Yen Houses

  • Martha Rosler

    If You Lived Here. The City in Art, Theory, and Social…

  • Lloyd Kahn

    Home Work. Handbuilt Shelter

  • Jesko Fezer, Katja Reichard, Axel…

    Martin Pawley's Garbage Housing with Preconsumer Waste…

  • N. John Habraken, Arnulf Lüchinger

    Die Träger und die Menschen. Das Ende des Massenwohnungsbau…

  • Vice Magazine

    The Vice Photo Book

  • Robert Klanten, Lukas Feireiss

    SpaceCraft. Fleeting Architecture and Hideouts

  • Catherine de Smet, Emmanuel Bérard

    Wim Crouwel. Typographic Architectures

  • Paula Court

    New York Noise: Art and Music from the New York Underground…

  • James Elkins, Michael Newman

    The State of Art Criticism

  • Liz Kotz

    Words to Be Looked at. Language in 1960s Art

  • John Fahey und Karl Bruckmaier

    John Fahey. Orange

  • Yona Friedman, Hans-Ulrich Obrist

    Yona Friedman. The Conversation Series (7)

  • Margrit Brehm, Axel Heil, Roberto Ohrt

    Paul Thek. Tales the Tortoise Taught Us

  • Brian O'Doherty

    Studio and Cube. On The Relationship Between Where Art is…

  • Guy Debord

    Comments on the Society of the Spectacle

  • Ruth Slavid

    Micro: Very Small Buildings

  • Norbert E. Yankielun

    How to Build an Igloo and Other Snow Shelters

  • Michel de Certeau

    Kunst des Handelns

  • Jacques Ranciere

    Ist Kunst widerständig?

  • Alain Badiou

    Wofür steht der Name Sarkozy?

  • Igor J. Polianski

    Die Kunst, die Natur vorzustellen: Die Ästhetisierung der…

  • Lisa Gitelman, Geoffrey B. Pingree (Hg.)

    New Media, 1740-1915 (Media in Transition)

  • Bernhard Siegert

    Passage des Digitalen

  • Alexander Böhnke, Jens Schröter (Hg.)

    Analog/Digital - Opposition oder Kontinuum? Zur Theorie und…

  • Wolfgang Schäffner, Sigrid Weigel,…

    Der liebe Gott steckt im Detail. Mikrostrukturen des Wissens

  • Slava Gerovitch

    From Newspeak to Cyberspeak. A History of Soviet…

  • Alex Steffen

    Das Handbuch der Ideen für eine bessere Zukunft.…

  • Lisa Diedrich (Hg.)

    Territories. Agence Ter. Die Stadt aus der Landschaft…

  • James Corner (Hg.)

    Recovering Landscape. Essays in Contemporary Landscape…

  • Peter Lamborn Wilson, Bill Weinberg (Hg…

    Avant-Gardening. Ecological Struggle in the City and the…

  • Daniela Colafranceschi

    Landscape + 100 words to inhabit it

  • Gilles Clement, Philippe Rahm

    Environ(ne)ment. Approaches for Tomorrow

  • Clare Cumberlidge, Lucy Musgrave

    Design and Landscape for People

  • Jutta Nachtwey, Judith Mair

    Design Ecology! Neo-grüne Markenstrategien

  • Duncan McCorquodale

    Recycle. The Essential Guide

  • Manfred Hegger, Matthias Fuchs, Thomas…

    Energie Atlas. Nachhaltige Architektur

  • Sergi Costa Duran

    Green Homes. New Ideas for Sustainable Living

  • Ian McHarg

    Conversations with Students. Dwelling in Nature

  • Nik Heynen, Maria Kaika, Erik Swyngedow

    In the Nature of Cities. Urban Political Ecology and the…

  • Marina Alberti

    Advances in Urban Ecology: Integrating Humans and…

  • Heather Rogers

    Gone Tomorrow. The Hidden Life of Garbage

  • Allen Carlson

    Nature and Landscape. An Introduction to Environmental…

  • Donna Haraway

    When Species Meet

  • Donna Haraway

    Die Neuerfindung der Natur. Primaten, Cyborgs und Frauen.

  • Gregory Bateson

    Ökologie des Geistes. Anthropologische, psychologische,…

  • Mark Garcia


  • Susanne Küchler, Daniel Miller

    Clothing as Material Culture

  • Caryn Simonson

    Textile Volume 6 Issue 3. The Journal of Cloth and Culture…

  • Quentin Hirsinger, Elodie Ternaux,…

    Materiology. Handbuch für Kreative. Materialien und…

  • Luis Fernandez-Galiano

    AV 115. Materiales de Construccion. Building Materials

New York, New Wave: The Legacy of Feminist Artists in Emerging Practices

New York is a centre of creative production for an exciting, emerging generation of women artists. Their work investigates themes such as the body as medium and subject matter; the deconstruction of the existing patriarchal order of the art world; the appropriation of earlier art historical references; and the use of so-called abject and everyday materials.
New York New Wave investigates the relevance of earlier feminist practice for this 'new' generation, asking: Does gender difference still play a role in today's practice? How can younger women artists embrace a radical political ideology and yet remain market friendly? How far have these artists diverged from the established feminist "tradition"? Artists discussed include: Firelei Baez, EV Day, Ruby LaToya Fraser, Diana Al-Hadid, K8 Hardy, Valerie Hegarty, Cindy Hinant, Dawn Kasper, Anya Kielar, Liz Magic Laser, Narcissister, Alix Pearlstein, Aurel Schmidt, AL Steiner and W.A.G.E.

Kathy Battista
New York, New Wave: The Legacy of Feminist Artists in Emerging Practices
I.B. Tauris, 2019, 9781848858954
20,00 €