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  • Dan Byrne-Smith

    Science Fiction

  • Will Schrimshaw

    Immanence and Immersion. On the Acoustic Condition in…

  • Anette Baldauf

    Spaces of Commoning: Artistic Research and the Utopia of…

  • Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, Carl…

    Genesis Breyer P-Orridge. Sacred Intent. Conversations with…

  • Architecten De Vylder Vinck Taillieu

    Variete / Architecture / Desire

  • F. Laranjo, L. Prado, P. Oliveira, ACED…

    Modes of Criticism 5. Design Systems

  • Miodrag Kuc (Ed.)

    Hacking Urban Furniture. HUF

  • Constantine Verevis

    Flaming Creatures

  • Cornelius Cardew

    Stockhausen Serves Imperialism

  • Rebecca Coleman

    Glitterworlds. The Future Politics of a Ubiquitous Thing

  • McKenzie Wark

    Reverse Cowgirl

  • Laura Kurgan, Dare Brawley (Ed.)

    Ways of Knowing Cities

  • Jonathan Fardy

    Althusser and Art

  • Thomas Piketty

    Kapital und Ideologie

  • Claudia Blümle, Claudia Mareis,…

    Visuelle Zeitgestaltung

  • Yanni Alexander Loukissas

    All Data Are Local. Thinking Critically in a Data-Driven…

  • Eileen Myles

    Chelsea Girls

  • Kunsthaus Bregenz

    Ed Atkins

  • Daniel Martin Feige, Florian Arnold,…

    Philosophie des Designs

  • Nancy Fraser, Rahel Jaeggi

    Kapitalismus. Ein Gespräch über kritische Theorie

  • Silvia Federici

    Beyond The Periphery Of The Skin. Rethinking, Remaking,…

  • João Carmo Simões

    Gulbenkian. Photography by André Cepeda

  • Mateo Kries, Jochen Eisenbrand (Hg.)

    Home Stories. 100 Jahre 20 visionäre Interieurs

  • Silvia Federici

    Die Welt wieder verzaubern. Feminismus, Marxismus &…

  • Ilka and Andreas Ruby (Ed.)

    The Materials Book

  • Daniela Comani

    Planet Earth: 21st Century

  • Judith Butler

    The Force of Non-Violence. An Ethico-Political Blind

  • Paul B. Preciado

    An Apartment on Uranus

  • Fredi Fischli, Niels Olsen (Ed.)

    Cloud '68 Paper Voice. Smiljan Radic's Collection…

  • Khayaat Fakier, Diana Mulinari, Nora…

    Marxist-Feminist Theories and Struggles Today. Essential…

  • Kollektiv Quotidien

    Lefebvre for Activists [dt./engl.]

  • Siegfried Zielinski

    Variations on Media Thinking

  • Marcus White, Nano Langenheim

    The Death of Urbanism. Transitions through the stages of…

  • Sezgin Boynik, Taneli Viitahuhta (Ed.)

    Free Jazz Communism. Archie Shepp-Bill Dixon Quartet at the…

  • Clara Bouveresse

    Women at Work / Femmes a l'oeuvre / Femmes a l'…

  • Anne Massey

    Interior Design Since 1900 (World of Art)

  • Finn Brunton

    Digital Cash: The Unknown History of the Anarchists,…

  • Andrea Bajani

    The Barolo Chapel. The last eclipse of the millennium. The…

  • Joost Meuwissen

    Zur Architektur des Wohnens

  • S. Gau, K. Schlieben (Hg)

    Work to do!: Selbstorganisation in prekären…

  • Uliana Bychenkova, Nika Kudinova,…

    Znak. Ukrainian Trademarks 1960 — 1980

  • Wolfgang Tillmans

    Today Is The First Day

  • Mark Fisher

    k-punk: Ausgewählte Schriften 2004-2016

  • Goshka Macuga, Simon Moretti

    The Enigma of Hour. 100 Years of Psychoanalytic Thought

  • Owen Hopkins

    Postmodern Architecture: Less is a Bore

  • Ray Lucas

    Anthropology for Architects. Social Relations and the Built…

  • Michael Bull

    Sirens. The Study of Sound

  • Dominik Bartmanski, Ian Woodward

    Labels. Making Independent Music

  • Jens Hoffmann

    In the Meantime: Speculations on Art, Curating, and…

  • Laure Prouvost

    GDM: Grand Dad's Visitor Center

  • John Cage

    Diary: How to Improve the World (You Will Only Make Matters…

  • Nina Canell & Robin Watkins (eds.)

    Vegetable Teratology Colouring Book

  • Kumiko Inui

    Inui Architects

  • U. Borinski, R.P. Gorbach

    Lesbar: Typografie in der Wissensvermittlung

  • Claude Lefort

    Dante's Modernity. An Introduction to The Monarchia

  • Sharon Lockhart

    Pine Flat. (Afterall Series One Work)

  • Pascal Johanssom (Ed.)

    Handmade in Germany: Manufaktur 4.0

  • Andreas Nentwich, Christine Schnapp

    Modern in alle Ewigkeit: Eine Reise zu den schönsten…

  • David Reinfurt

    A New Program for Graphic Design

  • Sophie J. Williamson (Ed.)

    Translation (Documents of Contemporary Art)

  • Zamp Kelp

    Luftschlosser: Ein Blick auf Haus-Rucker-Co / Post-Haus-…

  • M. Seidel, G. Steixner (Hg)

    Society now! Architektur. Projekte und Positionen 2009 -…

  • Moisés Puente (Hg)

    2G 80. Fala Atelier

  • Ocean Vuong

    Night Sky With Exit Wounds

  • Viction Workshop (Ed.)

    Botanical Inspiration: Nature in Art and Illustration

  • Florentine Nadolni (Hg.)

    Alltag formen!: Bauhaus-Moderne in der DDR

  • Karl Gerstner

    Designing Programmes: Programme as Typeface, Typography,…

  • Maarten Van Den Driessche (Ed.)

    Robbrecht en Daem: An Architectural Anthology

  • C. Blanchfield, F. Lotfi-Jam

    Modern Management Methods - Architecture, Historical Value…

  • Shirin Sabahi

    Pocket Folklore

  • Heindl, Klein, Linortner (Eds)

    Building Critique: Architecture and its Discontents

  • Alona Rodeh, Kunstpalais

    The Third Dimension. A Journey from Past Reality to Future…

  • Rike Felka

    Biomorphe Architekturen

  • Cooking Sections

    The Empire Remains Shop

  • Alonso, Palmarola (eds.)

    Flying Panels: How Concrete Panels Changed the World

  • Laura Sobral

    Doing it Together. Cooperation Tools for the City Co-…

  • M. Hieslmair, M. Zinganel (Hg)

    Stop and Go. Nodes of Transformation and Transition

  • Rike Frank, Beatrice von Bismarck

    Of(f) Our Times: Curatorial Anachronics

  • Sara Ahmed

    What's the Use? On the Uses of Use

  • Graham Harman

    Art and Objects

  • Benjamin Bratton

    The Terraforming

  • Michael Hieslmair, Michael Zinganel (…

    Stop and Go. Nodes of Transformation and Transition

  • Ana Vujanovic, Livia Piazza (Ed.)

    A Live Gathering: Performance and Politics in Contemporary…

  • edu-factory

    Alle Macht der selbstorganisierten Wissensproduktion

  • Alona Rodeh

    FIRE: Safe & Sound

  • Vision 5

    Artists Photographs

  • Hilma Af Klint


  • Allan Kaprow

    How To Make A Happening CD

  • Ruth Sonderegger

    Polyphone Ästhetik: Eine kritische Situierung

  • Philipp Oswalt

    Marke Bauhaus 1919-2019: Der Sieg der ikonischen Form über…

  • Marie-Pier Boucher, Stefan Helmreich,…

    Being Material

  • Tom Rice

    Films for the Colonies. Cinema and the Preservation of the…

  • Jürgen Habermas

    Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie. Bd 1: Die okzidentale…

  • Constance DeJong, Andrew Lampert (Ed.)

    Tony Conrad. Writings

  • Silvio Lorusso

    ENTREPRECARIAT. everyone is an entrepreneur nobody is safe

  • Maria Lind

    Seven Years. The Rematerialisation of Art from 2011 to 2017

  • Benjamin H.Bratton

    The New Normal

  • G. Raunig

    Maschinen Fabriken Industrien

No Such St

Mandla Reuter’s latest monograph, No Such St, released after his solo exhibitions at the Kunsthalle Basel (2013) and SBKM, De Vleeshal, Middelburg (2011) provides new perspectives on both exhibitions as well as into the artist’s work realized between 2009 and 2014, which primarily derives from his extensive practice with architectural, spatial, and situational issues. The starting point of both shows was a piece of land Reuter purchased some years ago in Los Angeles.
A plot from which he developed diverse works of varying formats and functions establishing connections between the almost abstract idea of a defined section on the map and structures capable of altering the appearance and physical quality of architectural spaces. Transferred into this publication, the works create a non-linear narration that—as it is regularly the case in Reuter’s practice—is situated in the spaces between the works.
NO SUCH ST ist die neueste Monografie des Künstlers Mandla Reuter und erscheint anlässlich seiner Ausstellungen in der Kunsthalle Basel (2013) und in der De Vleeshal in Middelburg (A Plot, 2011). Die Publikation weist neben Ausstellungsansichten Bilder von Einzelwerken auf und enthält Textbeiträge von Lorenzo Benedetti, Fabian Schöneich und Adrian Williams.
Zentrales Thema der Publikation (wie auch der Ausstellungen) ist ein Stück Land in Los Angeles, das sich in Reuters Besitz befindet. Eine Abbildung dieses Grundstücks war in keiner der beiden Ausstellungen zu sehen. Ähnlich einer triangulären Ortung nimmt sich Reuter von verschiedenen Seiten und auf unterschiedliche Art und Weise dem Grundstück an, ohne es direkt zur Sprache zu bringen oder darzustellen. Diese schrittweise und in einzelne Facetten aufgegliederte Herangehensart erlaubt unterschiedliche Interpretationen und stellt die Wirklichkeit und Existenz des Landes zur Diskussion. Die in der Publikation enthaltenen Abbildungen von Objekten und industriell angefertigen Materialien stellen die Realität des Landes abermals in Frage.

Mandla Reuter
No Such St
Mousse Publ., 2017, 978-88-6749-132-2
32,00 €