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  • Kaoru Takahashi (Hg.)

    Hello! UK Graphics. Graphic Design in the UK since the 1980s

  • Bruce Jenkins

    Gordon Matta-Clark. Conical Intersect

  • Andreas Gelhard

    Kritik der Kompetenz

  • Klanten, Hellige (Hg.)

    The Modernist

  • Lars Spuybroek

    Textile Tectonics. Research and Design

  • Josep Lluís Mateo

    After Crisis. Contemporary Architectural Conditions

  • Louis Luthi

    On the Self-reflexive Page

  • Jan Kempemaers


  • Vilém Flusser

    Dinge und Undinge. Phänomenologische Skizzen

  • O.M. Ungers

    Morphologie City Metaphors

  • Lisa Taylor & Gardeners of Seattle…

    Your Farm in the City

  • Hassenpflug, Giersig, Stratmann

    Reading the City. Stadt lesen

  • Butler, Habermas, Taylor, West

    The Power of Religion in the Public Sphere

  • Richard Fairfield

    The Modern Utopian. Alternative Communities of the 60s and…

  • Jochen Rädeker, Kirsten Dietz

    Reporting. Unternehmenskommunikation als Imageträger

  • Lorey, Nigro, Raunig (Hg.)

    Inventionen 1. Gemeinsam. Prekär. Potentia. Dis-/Konjunktion

  • Jimini Hignett

    The Detroit Diary

  • Klanten, Mollard, Hübner (Hg.)

    Behind the Zines. Self-Publishing Culture

  • Tom Holert

    Civic City Cahier 3. Distributed Agency, Design’s…

  • El Croquis 154

    Aires Mateus 2002-2011

  • Paul Van Beek, Charles Vermaas

    Landscapology. Learning to Landscape the City

  • Jan Ole Arps

    Frühschicht. Linke Fabrikintervention in den 70er Jahren

  • Detlef Mertins, Architecture Words 7

    Modernity Unbound

  • Gunter Reski, Marcus Weber (Hg.)

    Captain Pamphile. Ein Bildroman

  • Amy Allen (Hg.)

    Democracy in What State?

  • D. Hauptmann, W. Neidich (Hg.)

    Cognitive Architecture. From Biopolitics to NooPolitics

  • Stefan Sagmeister

    Sagmeister: Another Book about Promotion and Sales Material

  • Enzo Mari

    The Intellectual Work. Sixty Paperweights

  • Bettina Allamoda

    Catwalk to History - A Sourcebook

  • Peter Petschek, Siegfried Gaß (Hg.)

    Schatten konstruieren. Pergolen, Zelte, Pavillons, Seile,…

  • Will Jones (Hg.)

    Architects' Sketchbooks

  • Arno Brandlhuber, Silvan Linden (Hg.)

    Disko 16-19. u.a. The New Deathstrip, Townhouse

  • Martin Ebner, Florian Zeyfang (Hg.)

    Poor Man’s Expression

  • El Croquis 151

    Sou Fujimoto 2003-2010

  • Caleb Kelly (Hg.)

    Sound (Documents of Contemporary Art)

  • Terry Myers (Hg.)

    Painting (Documents of Contemporary Art)

  • Wilfried Dickhoff, Marcus Steinweg (Hg.)

    Inaesthetics 2

  • Nancy Holt

    Time Outs

  • Slinkachu

    Big Bad City

  • Ed Annink, Max Bruinsma

    Lovely Language. Words Divide Images Unite

  • Gwen Allen

    Artists' Magazines. An Alternative Space for Art [pb]

  • Michaela Meise

    Preis dem Todesüberwinder

  • C. Menke, J. Rebentisch (Hg.)

    Kreation und Depression. Freiheit im gegenwärtigen…

  • Gregory Sholette

    Dark Matter. Art and Politics in the Age of Enterprise…

  • Drawing Center (Hg.)

    Iannis Xenakis. Architect, Composer, Visionary (Drawing…

  • Margit Rosen (Hg.)

    A Little-Known Story about a Movement

  • Fundación Cisneros/Colección Patricia…

    Tomás Maldonado in Conversation with María Amalia García

  • JA79

    Junya Ishigami

  • Gert Urhahn

    The Spontaneous City

  • Sharon Zukin

    Naked City. The Death and Life of Authentic Urban Places

  • El Croquis 152/153

    Herzog & de Meuron 2005-2010

  • Guy de Cointet

    TSNX C24VA7ME A play by Dr Hun

  • Klanten, Ehmann, Bolhöfer (Hg.)

    My Green City

  • Bippus, Huber, Richter (Hg.)

    "Mit-Sein". Gemeinschaft – ontologische und…

  • Paul Virilio, Philippe Petit

    Cyberwelt, die wissentlich schlimmste Politik

  • Corbett, Elms, Kapsalis (Hg.)

    Traveling the Spaceways. Sun Ra, the Astro Black and other…

  • Ingmar Bergman

    Laterna Magica. Mein Leben. Autobiographie

  • Chris Kraus

    Where Art Belongs

  • The Institute of Social Hypocrisy

    The Sound Of Downloading Makes Me Want To Upload

  • Ed Annink, Max Bruinsma (Hg.)

    Gerd Arntz. Graphic Designer

  • Schubert, Schütz, Streich (Hg.)

    Something Fantastic. A Manifesto by Three Young Architects…

  • Diarmuid Costello, Margaret Iversen (Hg…

    Photography After Conceptual Art

  • Österreichische Gesellschaft für…

    Umbau 25. Architektur im Ausverkauf. Architecture for Sale

  • Steven Heller, Lita Talarico

    Graphic. Inside the Sketchbooks of the World's Great G…

  • Nils Röller

    Magnetismus. Eine Geschichte der Orientierung

  • n+1 (Hg.)

    What was the Hipster? A Sociological Investigation

  • Peter Hook

    The Hacienda. How Not to Run a Club

  • Buchanan, Doordan, Margolin (Hg.)

    The Designed World. Images, Objects, Environments

  • Tony Fry

    Design as Politics

  • Hans Venhuizen

    Game Urbanism. Manual for Cultural Spatial Planning

  • Gary Indiana

    Last Seen Entering the Biltmore. Plays, Short Fiction,…

  • Amos Vogel

    Film as a Subversive Art

  • Iris Holtkamp, Jan-Eric Stephan

    Closing Down — All Stock Reduced — The Role of Design in…

  • Tom Holert, Marion von Osten (Hg.)

    Das Erziehungsbild. Die visuelle Kultur des Pädagogischen

  • Beatriz Colomina, Craig Buckley (Hg.)

    Clip, Stamp, Fold. The Radical Architecture of Little…

  • Giovanna Borasi (Hg.)

    Journeys. How Travelling Fruit, Ideas and Buildings…

  • Keith Moskow, Robert Linn

    Small Scale. Creative Solutions for Better City Living

  • Slavoj Zizek, Costas Douzinas (Hg.)

    The Idea of Communism

  • Christian Hundertmark (C100)

    The Art Of Rebellion 3. The Book about Streetart

  • Christoph Dreher (Hg.)

    Autorenserien. Die Neuerfindung des Fernsehens

  • Charles Jencks (Hg.)

    The Post-Modern Reader (AD Reader)

  • AA School of Architecture

    AA Book. Projects Review 2010

  • Bill Moggridge

    Designing Media

  • Aaron Levy, William Menking (Hg.)

    Architecture on Display. On the History of the Venice…

  • Gui Bonsiepe

    Civic City Cahier 2. Design and Democracy

  • Pepin Press (Hg.)

    Web Design Index by Content 5

  • John Kelsey

    Rich Texts. Selected Writing for Art

  • Kitayama, Tsukamoto, Nishizawa

    Tokyo Metabolizing

  • Stephen Willats

    Art Society Feedback

  • Avermaete, Karakayali, Von Osten (Hg.)

    Colonial Modern. Aesthetics of the Past, Rebellions for the…

  • St. Buijs, W. Tan, D. Tunas (Hg.)

    Megacities. Exploring a sustainable Future

  • Maia Francisco

    Fontology. Free Fonts Source Book

  • Peggy Buth

    Katalog. Desire in Represention

  • Creischer, Hinderer, Siekmann (Hg.)

    Das Potosí-Prinzip

  • Juan Maria Songel

    A Conversation with Frei Otto

  • Vito Campanelli

    Web Aesthetics. How Digital Media Affect Culture and…

  • Danielle Pario Perra

    Low Cost Design

  • Alice Foxley

    Distance and Engagement

To Our Friends

The Invisible Committee's The Coming Insurrection was a phenomenon, celebrated in some quarters and inveighed against in others, publicized in media that ranged from campus bulletin boards to Fox News. Seven years later, The Invisible Committee follows up their premonitory manifesto with a new book, To Our Friends. From The Invisible Committee: In 2007 we published The Coming Insurrection in France. It must be acknowledged that a number of assertions by the Invisible Committee have since been confirmed, starting with the first and most essential: the sensational return of the insurrectionary phenomenon. Who would have bet a kopeck, seven years ago, on the overthrow of Ben Ali or Mubarak through street action, on the revolt of young people in Quebec, on the political awakening of Brazil, on the fires set French-style in the English or Swedish banlieues , on the creation of an insurrectionary commune in the very heart of Istanbul, on a movement of plaza occupations in the United States, or on the rebellion that spread throughout Greece in December of 2008? During the seven years that separate The Coming Insurrection from To Our Friends , the agents of the Invisible Committee have continued to fight, to organize, to transport themselves to the four corners of the world, to wherever the fires were lit, and to debate with comrades of every tendency and every country. Thus To Our Friends is written at the experiential level, in connection with that general movement. Its words issue from the turmoil and are addressed to those who still believe sufficiently in life to fight as a consequence. To Our Friends is a report on the state of the world and of the movement, a piece of writing that's essentially strategic and openly partisan. Its political ambition is immodest: to produce a shared understanding of the epoch, in spite of the extreme confusion of the present.

The Invisible Committee
To Our Friends
Semiotext(e) / Intervention, 2015, 9781584351672