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To mark the occasion of Alexander Kluge’s eighty-fifth birthday, the Museum Folkwang is organizing a comprehensive show of the work of the film-maker, writer, philosopher, and artist. The exhibition is an introduction to Kluge’s artistic “pluriverse” and sets out to illustrate his main methods, themes, and conceptual approaches, with the central focus on his filmic collages.
The accompanying book picks up on the themes addressed in the exhibition and concentrates on the principle of work collaboration, which is of key importance for Kluge: the process of “thinking together” with academics and artists, such as Thomas Demand, Georg Baselitz, and Ben Lerner. Both the book and the exhibition are being produced in closecollaboration with Alexander Kluge. “Alexander Kluge: Pluriverse” is at the Museum Folkwang Essen from 15 September 2017 to 7 January 2018 and at the 21er Haus in Vienna from February to April 2018.
With texts by Leslie A. Adelson, Christoph Streckhardt, Richard Langston, Ben Lerner, Alexander Kluge, Anna Fricke, a.o.

Alexander Kluge
Spectorbooks, 2017, 978-3-95905-171-2