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  • Mathias Fuchs (Hg)

    Diversity of Play

  • Rasmus Waern & Gert Wingårdh

    What is Architecture? And 100 Other Questions

  • John Zukowsky

    Why You Can Build it Like That. Modern Architecture…

  • Larry Johnson

    Commie Pinko Guy

  • A. Fuad-Luke, A. Hirscher, K. Moebus

    Agents of Alternatives. Re-Designing our Realities

  • Monika Mokre

    Solidarität als Übersetzung. Überlegungen zum Refugee…

  • Sarah Entwistle

    Please send this book to my mother

  • Franz Eckardt, Javier R. Sanchez (Eds.)

    City of Crisis. The multiple Contestation of Southern…

  • Kengo Kuma

    Small Architecture / Natural Architecture

  • Craig Buckley (Ed.)

    After the Manifesto. Writing, Architecture, and Media in a…

  • Rubia Salgado / maiz / Andrea Hummer (…

    Aus der Praxis im Dissens

  • Johannes Ernst

    Concrete Remains

  • Birgit Mennel, Monika Mokre (Hg)

    Das große Gefängnis

  • Sabine Zentek

    Designer im Dritten Reich. Gute Formen sind eine Frage der…

  • Félix Guattari

    Psychoanalysis and Transversality. Texts and Interviews…

  • Katia Frey, Eliana Perotti (Hg)

    Theoretikerinnen des Städtebaus. Texte und Projekte für die…

  • Jörg Friedrich / Simon Takasaki / Peter…

    Refugees Welcome. Konzepte für eine menschenwürdige…

  • Andy Donaldson

    Maklerfotos aus der Hölle. Die schlimmsten Immobilienfotos…

  • Dirk Bell


  • Krentel, Barthel, Brand (Hg.)

    Library Life. Werkstätten kulturwissenschaftlichen Forschens

  • Étienne Souriau

    Die verschiedenen Modi der Existenz

  • Fuchs, Fizek, Ruffino, Schrape (Eds.)

    Rethinking Gamification

  • Prue Chiles (Hg.)

    Schulen bauen. Leitlinien für Planung und Entwurf

  • Han Byung-Chul

    Die Errettung des Schönen

  • Margarete Fuchs

    Für den Schwung sind sie zuständig. (Ulrich Müther) DVD

  • Antonio Negri, Rául Sánchez Cedillo

    Für einen konstituierenden Prozess in Europa. Demokratische…

  • Karen Kice

    Chatter. Architecture Talks Back

  • Eyal Weizman

    The Roundabout Revolutions. Critical Spatial Practice 6

  • Hilar Stadler, Martino Stierli (Ed.)

    Las Vegas Studio. Images from the Archive of Robert Venturi…

  • Fritz Barth

    Konstantin Melnikov und sein Haus (Konstantin Melnikov and…

  • Duncan Forbes, Daniela Janser (Eds.)

    Beastly / Tierisch

  • Markus Berger, Liliane Wong (Eds.)

    Int AR Interventions and Adaptive Reuse: The Experience…

  • Alexander Reichel, Kerstin Schultz (Hg.)

    Umhüllen und Konstruieren. Wände, Fassade, Dach

  • Kai-Uwe Hemken (Hg.)

    Kritische Szenographie. Die Kunstausstellung im 21.…

  • Oda Pälmke

    Haus Ideal-The Making of: Von der Idee zur Idee.…

  • Christoph Thun-Hohenstein (Hg.)

    Vienna Biennale 2015. Ideas for Change

  • Emanuel Christ, Christoph Gantenbein

    Typology: Paris, Delhi, São Paulo, Athens. Review No. III

  • Idea Document

    R. On The Shoulders of Giants

  • David Hlynsky

    Window Shopping Through the Iron Curtain

  • Felix Guattari, Antonio Negri

    Neue Räume der Freiheit

  • Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau (Hg.)

    das prinzip coop: Hannes Meyer und die Idee einer…

  • Eugen Blume, Matilda Felix, Gabriele…

    Black Mountain. Ein interdisziplinäres Experiment 1933 -1957

  • Hannes Meyer

    Co-op Interieur (Wohnungsfrage)

  • Stefan Goldmann (Hg.)

    Presets – Digital Shortcuts to Sound

  • Behnke, Kastelan, Knoll, Wuggenig (Eds.)

    Art in the Periphery of the Center

  • Martin Wagner

    Das wachsende Haus (Wohnungsfrage)

  • Andra Lichtenstein, Flavia Alice Mameli…

    Gleisdreieck / Parklife Berlin

  • Bauwelt Fundamente 154

    Urban Commons. Moving Beyond State and Market

  • Peggy Deamer

    The Architect as Worker

  • Alan Moore, Alan Smart (Ed.)

    Making Room. Cultural Production in Occupied Spaces

  • Filip Springer

    Kopfgeburten. Architekturreportagen aus der Volksrepublik…

  • Paolo Virno

    When the Word Becomes Flesh. Language and Human Nature

  • David Jourdan, Yuji Oshima

    1%. 2CD

  • Marco Citron

    Urbanism 1.01

  • Armen Avanessian, Helen Hester (Hg.)

    dea ex machina

  • Jens Hoffmann

    Theater of Exhibitions

  • C. Cox, J. Jaskey, S. Malik (Eds.)

    Realism, Materialism, Art

  • Kerstin Stakemeier, Susanne Witzgall (…

    Fragile Identitäten

  • Mark von Schlegell


  • Sarah Robinson, Juhani Pallasmaa

    Mind in Architecture. Neuroscience, Embodiment, and the…

  • Rob Stone

    Auditions. Architecture and Aurality

  • Paolo Magagnoli

    Documents of Utopia. The Politics of Experimental…

  • Arne Blum, Wolfgang Gnida (Hg.)

    Moondog, eine Sammlung zum 99. Geburtstag

  • Florian Ebner (Hg.)

    Fabrik. Jasmina Metwaly / Philip Rizk. Olaf Nicolai. Hito…

  • Julia Voss

    Hinter weißen Wänden. Behind the White Cube

  • Ingrid Böck

    Six Canonical Projects by Rem Koolhaas Essays on the…

  • Antje Krause-Wahl, Irene Schütze (Hg.)

    Aspekte künstlerischen Schaffens der Gegenwart

  • Christoph Grafe

    People's palaces. Architecture, culture and democracy…

  • Ales Erjavec (Ed.)

    Aesthetic Revolutions and Twentieth-Century Avant-Garde…

  • The Invisible Committee

    To Our Friends

  • Stuart Braun

    City of Exiles. Berlin from the outside in

  • Max Bruinsma, Ida van Zijl (Eds.)

    Design for the Good Society. Utrecht Manifest 2005 - 2015

  • Kersten Geers, Joris Kritis, Jelena…

    Architecture Without Content

  • Jussi Parikka

    A Geology of Media

  • Dieter Daniels, Sandra Naumann (Hg.)

    See this Sound. Audiovisuology. Compendium and Essays

  • A+t Research Group

    Why Density? - Debunking the Myth of the Cubic Watermelon

  • Olaf Gisbertz (Hg.)

    Bauen für die Massenkultur: Stadt- und Kongresshallen der…

  • Pascal Gielen, Niels Van Tomme (Eds.)

    Aesthetic Justice. Intersecting Artistic and Moral…

  • Andres Lepik, Hilde Strobl (Hg.)

    ZOOM! Architektur und Stadt im Bild. Picturing Architecture…

  • Inke Arns (Ed.)

    World of Matter

  • Pierre Hermé

    The Architecture of Taste

  • Silke Steets

    Der sinnhafte Aufbau der gebauten Welt. Eine…

  • SendPoints

    Art of the Book. Structure, Material and Technique

  • Anne Huffschmid

    Risse im Raum. Erinnerung, Gewalt und städtisches Leben in…

  • Markus Rathgeb

    Otl Aicher

  • Robin Mackay (Ed.)

    When Site Lost the Plot

  • Roberto Gigliotti (Ed.)

    Displayed Spaces. New Means of Architecture Presentation…

  • Vladimir Belogolovsky

    Conversations with Architects. In the Age of Celebrity

  • Deimantas Narkevičius

    Da capo. Fifteen Films

  • Günter Pfeifer, Per Brauneck

    Wohnhäuser. Eine Typologie

  • Valerio Olgiati (Ed.)

    The Images of Architects

  • Klaus Ronneberger

    Peripherie und Ungleichzeitigkeit. Pier Paolo Pasolini,…

  • Le Corbusier


  • Lovink, Tkacz, De Vries (Eds.)

    MoneyLab Reader. An Intervention in Digital Economy

  • Ezio Manzini

    Design, When Everybody Designs. An Introduction to Design…

  • Paulina Olowska


  • Diogo Seixas Lopes

    Melancholy and Architecture: On Aldo Rossi

  • Eva B. Ottillinger (Hg.)

    Küchen / Möbel. Design und Geschichte

Saturation. Race, Art, and the Circulation of Value

Essays, conversations, and artist portfolios confront questions at the intersection of race, institutional life, and representation.
Controversies involving race and the art world are often discussed in terms of diversity and representation—as if having the right representative from a group or a larger plurality of embodied difference would absolve art institutions from historic forms of exclusion. This book offers another approach, taking into account not only questions of racial representation but also issues of structural change and the redistribution of resources. In essays, conversations, discussions, and artist portfolios, contributors confront in new ways questions at the intersection of art, race, and representation.
The book uses saturation as an organizing concept, in part to suggest that current paradigms cannot encompass the complex realities of race. Saturation provides avenues to situate race as it relates to perception, science, aesthetics, the corporeal, and the sonic. In color theory, saturation is understood in terms of the degree to which a color differs from whiteness. In science, saturation points describe not only the moment in which race exceeds legibility, but also how diversity operates for institutions. Contributors consider how racialization, globalization, and the production and consumption of art converge in the art market, engaging such topics as racial capitalism, the aesthetics of colonialism, and disability cultures. They examine methods for theorizing race and representation, including “aboutness,” which interprets artworks by racialized subjects as being “about” race; modes of unruly, decolonized, and queer visual practices that resist disciplinary boundaries; and a model by which to think with and alongside blackness and indigeneity.
Copublished with the New Museum

C. Riley Snorton, Hentyle Yapp (Ed.)
Saturation. Race, Art, and the Circulation of Value
MIT Press, 2020, 9780262043687