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  • Steve Goodman

    Sonic Warfare. Sound, Affect, and the Ecology of Fear

  • Alex Ross

    The Rest is Noise. Das 20. Jahrhundert hören

  • Kenya Hara


  • Nikolaos Kotsopoulos (Hg.)

    Krautrock. Cosmic Rock and its Legacy

  • Jacques Rancière

    The Emancipated Spectator

  • Bjarke Ingels Group

    Yes is More. An Archicomic on Architectural Evolution

  • Alexander Alberro, Blake Stimson (Hg.)

    Institutional Critique. An Anthology of Artists'…

  • Knut Ebeling, Stephan Günzel (Hg.)

    Archivologie. Exterioritäten des Wissens in Philosophie,…

  • Gui Bonsiepe

    Entwurfskultur und Gesellschaft. Gestaltung zwischen…

  • Claire Doherty (Hg.)

    Situation. Documents of Contemporary Art

  • Michel Foucault

    Geometrie des Verfahrens. Schriften zur Methode

  • Jacques Ranciere

    Aesthetics and Its Discontents

  • James Hennessey, Victor Papanek

    Nomadic Furniture. D-I-Y Projects that are Lightweight

  • Claire Fontaine

    Vivre, vaincre

  • Wolfram Pichler, Ralph Ubl (Hg.)

    Topologie. Falten, Knoten, Netze, Stülpungen in Kunst und…

  • Geoff Manaugh

    The BLDG BLOG Book

  • Neil Brenner, Stuart Elden (Hg.)

    Henri Lefebvre. State, Space, World. Selected Essays

  • Louis Althusser, Etienne Balibar

    Reading Capital

  • Bernd Stiegler

    Montagen des Realen. Photographie als Reflexionsmedium und…

  • John Robb

    The North Will Rise Again. Manchester Music City 1976-1996

  • Alex Farquharson, Clemens Krümmel,…

    Klaus Weber. Secession

  • Hans Ulrich Obrist

    A Brief History of Curating

  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 332. How does graphic design CHANGE?

  • Jean-Luc Godard, Youssef Ishaghpour

    Archäologie des Kinos, Gedächtnis des Jahrhunderts

  • Arkitip No. 0048

    Ryan McGinness

  • Rahel Lämmler, Michael Wagner

    Ulrich Müther. Schalenbauten in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

  • Martina Löw

    Soziologie der Städte

  • Ilka & Andreas Ruby (Hg.)

    Urban Transformations

  • Ralph Heidenreich, Stefan Heidenreich

    Mehr Geld

  • Sven Spieker

    The Big Archive. Art From Bureaucracy

  • Thomas Meinecke


  • Grada Kilomba

    Plantation Memories. Episodes of Everyday Racism

  • Hadas A. Steiner

    Beyond Archigram. The Structure of Circulation

  • Susanne von Falkenhausen

    KugelbauVisionen. Kulturgeschichte einer Bauform von der…

  • Felix Guattari

    The Three Ecologies

  • Antonio Negri

    The Porcelain Workshop. For a New Grammar of Politics

  • Christoph Schaub, Michael Schindhelm

    Bird's Nest (DVD, 87 min.). Jacques Herzog und Pierre…

  • Felicity D. Scott

    Architecture or Techno-Utopia. Politics after Modernism

  • Birgit Schneider

    Textiles Prozessieren

  • Bruno Latour

    Wir sind nie modern gewesen. Versuch einer Symmetrischen…

  • Georges Canguilhem

    Wissenschaft, Technik, Leben. Beiträge zur historischen…

  • Stuart Elden, Elizabeth Lebas, Eleonore…

    Henri Lefebvre. Key Writings

  • Laurence A. Rickels

    Ulrike Ottinger. Eine Autobiografie

  • N. John Habraken, Arnulf Lüchinger

    Die Träger und die Menschen. Das Ende des Massenwohnungsbau…

  • Liz Kotz

    Words to Be Looked at. Language in 1960s Art

  • Guy Debord

    Comments on the Society of the Spectacle

  • Michel de Certeau

    Kunst des Handelns

  • Jacques Ranciere

    Ist Kunst widerständig?

  • Alain Badiou

    Wofür steht der Name Sarkozy?

  • Donna Haraway

    When Species Meet

  • Donna Haraway

    Die Neuerfindung der Natur. Primaten, Cyborgs und Frauen.

  • Stefanie Schulte Strathaus, Florian…

    Wer sagt denn, dass Beton nicht brennt, hast Du’s probiert?

  • Henri Lefebvre

    Writings on Cities

  • Henri Lefebvre

    The Production of Space

  • Hiromasa Shirai, André Schmidt (Hg.)

    Big Bang Beijing. Urban Change in Beijing

  • John F. C. Turner

    Housing by People. Towards Autonomy in Building…

  • Loretta Napoleoni

    Rogue Economics. Capitalism's New Reality

  • AD

    AD 174. Vol. 75. Nr. 2. Samantha Hardingham. The 1970'…

  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 296. Books <preposition> graphic design

  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 293. Stanley Donwood / Vacances. DD-DDD / Dimensions…

  • Pro qm

    Gutschein / Voucher

Saturation. Race, Art, and the Circulation of Value

Essays, conversations, and artist portfolios confront questions at the intersection of race, institutional life, and representation.
Controversies involving race and the art world are often discussed in terms of diversity and representation—as if having the right representative from a group or a larger plurality of embodied difference would absolve art institutions from historic forms of exclusion. This book offers another approach, taking into account not only questions of racial representation but also issues of structural change and the redistribution of resources. In essays, conversations, discussions, and artist portfolios, contributors confront in new ways questions at the intersection of art, race, and representation.
The book uses saturation as an organizing concept, in part to suggest that current paradigms cannot encompass the complex realities of race. Saturation provides avenues to situate race as it relates to perception, science, aesthetics, the corporeal, and the sonic. In color theory, saturation is understood in terms of the degree to which a color differs from whiteness. In science, saturation points describe not only the moment in which race exceeds legibility, but also how diversity operates for institutions. Contributors consider how racialization, globalization, and the production and consumption of art converge in the art market, engaging such topics as racial capitalism, the aesthetics of colonialism, and disability cultures. They examine methods for theorizing race and representation, including “aboutness,” which interprets artworks by racialized subjects as being “about” race; modes of unruly, decolonized, and queer visual practices that resist disciplinary boundaries; and a model by which to think with and alongside blackness and indigeneity.
Copublished with the New Museum

C. Riley Snorton, Hentyle Yapp (Ed.)
Saturation. Race, Art, and the Circulation of Value
MIT Press, 2020, 9780262043687