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  • Gloria Meynen

    Inseln und Meere. Zur Geschichte und Geografie fluider…

  • Leander Scholz

    Die Menge der Menschen

  • Jakob Hayner

    Warum Theater

  • Sylvia Lavin

    Architecture Itself and Other Postmodernist Myths

  • Alastair Hemmens, Gabriel Zacarias (Eds…

    The Situationist International. A Critical Handbook

  • Claudia Mareis, Michael Rottmann

    Entwerfen mit System

  • James Lovelock

    Novozän: Das kommende Zeitalter der Hyperintelligenz

  • Jane Bennett

    Lebhafte Materie. Eine politische Ökologie der Dinge

  • Naomi Hennig, Anna-Lena Wenzel (Hg.)

    General Public 2005-2015

  • Holger Schulze

    Ubiquitäre Literatur. Eine Partikelpoetik

  • Tom Bieling (Hg.)

    Gender (&) Design. Positionen zur Vergeschlechtlichung…

  • Oliver Flügel-Martinsen

    Radikale Demokratietheorien zur Einführung

  • Simon Rothöhler

    Theorien der Serie zur Einführung

  • Eugene Thacker

    Im Staub dieses Planeten: Horror der Philosophie

  • Peter Wilson

    Some Reasons For Traveling To Albania

  • Ulrich Bröckling

    Postheroische Helden. Ein Zeitbild

  • Hubertus Butin

    Kunstfälschung. Das betrügliche Objekt der Begierde

  • Deborah Potts

    Broken Cities. Inside the Global Housing Crisis

  • Günther Vogt, Thomas Kissling (Hg.)

    Mutation und Morphose. Landschaft als Aggregat

  • Markus Miessen, Zoë Ritts (Hg.)

    Para-Plattformen. Die Raumpolitik des Rechtspopulismus

  • Fischer, Gramelsberger, Hoffmann,…

    Datennaturen. Ein Gespräch zwischen Biologie, Kunst,…

  • Ludger Weß, Judith Schalansky (Hg.)

    Winzig, zäh und zahlreich. Ein Bakterienatlas

  • Felwine Sarr


  • Anna-Lisa Dieter, Viktoria Krason (Hg.)

    Future Food. Essen für die Welt von Morgen

  • Florian Malzacher

    Gesellschaftsspiele. Politisches Theater heute

  • HfG-Archiv Museum Ulm, Katharina Kurz,…

    Nicht mein Ding − Gender im Design

  • Clog

    Clog 17. Cannabis

  • Frédéric Gros

    Disobey! A Philosophy of Resistance

  • Hal Foster

    What Comes after Farce?

  • Tim Bergfelder, Erica Carter, Deniz…

    The German Cinema Book (second edition)

  • Dieuwertje Hehewerth

    Salticidae Icius - a Research on Independent Art Spaces and…

  • Sruti Bala

    The gestures of participatory art

  • Christopher Sweetapple, Hein-Jürgen Voß…

    Intersektionalität. Von der Antidiskriminierung zur…

  • Anneke Lubkowitz (Hg.)


  • Florian Hertweck (Hg.)

    Architektur auf gemeinsamem Boden. Positionen und Modelle…

  • Neyran Turan

    Architecture as Measure

  • Roger Paez

    Operative Mapping. Maps as Design Tools

  • Silvia Federici

    Jenseits unserer Haut. Körper als umkämpfter Ort im…

  • Dóra Hegyi, Zsuzsa László, Franciska…

    Creativity Exercises. Emancipatory Pedagogies in Art and…

  • Bill Balaskas, Carolina Rito (Eds.)

    Institution as Praxis

  • Julian Hanna

    The Manifesto Handbook. 95 Theses on an Incendiary Form

  • Sandra Teitge (Hg)

    Goethe in the Skyways

  • Samantha Hardingham (ed.)

    Cedric Price Works 1958 - 2003. A Forward-Minded…

  • Markus Krajewski, Harun Maye (Hg)

    Universalenzyklopädie der menschlichen Klugheit

  • Matt Anniss

    Join the Future. Bleep Techno and the Birth of British Bass…

  • Milo Sweedler

    Allegories of the End of Capitalism. Six Films on the…

  • HfG Ulm (Hg.)

    Hans Gugelot: Die Architektur des Design

  • David Rattray

    How I Became One of the Invisible (New Edition)

  • Sarah T. Roberts

    Behind the Screen. Content Moderation in the Shadows of…

  • Jessica Bruder, Dale Maharidge

    Snowden’s Box. Trust in the Age of Surveillance

  • Jungmyung Lee, Lieven Lahaye (eds.)

    Real-Time Realist #2: Typefaces don't care, Typefaces…

  • Oliver Ruf, Stefan Neuhaus (Hg.)

    Designästhetik. Theorie und soziale Praxis

  • Yasha Levine

    Surveillance Valley. The Secret Military History of the…

  • Sandra Umathum, Jan Deck (Hg)


  • Natasha Stagg

    Sleeveless. Fashion, Image, Media, New York 2011-2019

  • Kübra Gümüsay

    Sprache und Sein

  • Christine Schranz

    Augmented Spaces and Maps. Das Design von kartenbasierten…

  • IDEA Magazine

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  • Patrick Cowley

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  • Ted Gioia

    Music - A Subversive History

  • Ernst Hubeli

    Die neue Krise der Städte

  • Mike Davis, Jon Wiener

    Set the Night on Fire - L.A. in the Sixties

  • Marietta Kesting, Maria Muhle, Jenny…

    Hybride Ökologien

  • Pablo Sendra, Richard Sennett

    Designing Disorder. Experiments and Disruptions in the City

  • Annette Michelson, Kenneth White (Eds.)

    October Files 24: Michael Snow

  • Isabelle Sully (Ed.)

    Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt: Introverse Arrangements

  • Bryndís Snæbjörnsdóttir, Mark Wilson,…

    Beyond Plant Blindness : Seeing the Importance of Plants…

  • George F.

    Good Times in Dystopia

  • Nathaniel Coleman

    Materials and Meaning in Architecture

  • Marion Hohlfeldt, Frank Popper

    GRAV : Groupe de Recherche d'Art Visuel "…

  • Marilyn Chase

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  • Robert B. Pippin

    Filmed Thought. Cinema as Reflective Form

  • Bernd M. Scherer (Hg.)

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  • Jennifer Clark

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  • David Scheller

    Demokratisierung der Postdemokratie. Städtische soziale…

  • Nezar AlSayyad, Mark Gillem, David…

    Whose Tradition? Discourses on the Built Environment

  • Sally Stein

    Migrant Mother, Migrant Gender

  • Jörg Johnen

    Marmor für alle. Zur Kunst im öffentlichen Raum in Berlin

  • Daniel Buchholz, Christopher Müller (…

    Isa Genzken. Außenprojekte / Projects for Outside

  • Oreet Ashery (Ed.)

    How We Die Is How We Live Only More So

  • Ben Kafka

    The Demon of Writing. Powers and Failures of Paperwork

  • Sandra Hofmeister (Hg.)

    Snøhetta: Architektur Und Baudetails / Architecture and…

  • Steffen Damm, Lukas Drevenstedt

    Clubkultur. Dimensionen eines urbanen Phänomens

  • Volker Pantenburg (Hg.)

    Harun Farocki. Ich habe genug!

  • David Joselit

    Heritage and Debt. Art in Globalization

  • Carrie Noland

    Merce Cunningham. After the Arbitrary

  • Didier Eribon

    Betrachtungen zur Schwulenfrage

  • Susan Jahoda, Caroline Woolard

    Making and Being: Embodiment, Collaboration, and…

  • Bill Gaver, Phoebe Sengers

    The Presence Project. Computer Related Design Research…

  • KW, ZK/U (Hg.)

    Statista. Staatskunst am Haus der Statistik

  • Germaine R. Halegoua

    Smart Cities

  • Alain Badiou

    The Pornographic Age

  • Christina Thomson (Hg.)

    Das Grafische Atelier Stankowski + Duschek

  • Divya Victor

    Scheingleichheit. Drei Essays

  • Mona Chollet

    Hexen. Die unbesiegte Macht der Frauen

  • Andrea Long Chu

    Females. Everyone is female, and everyone hates it

  • Mareile Pfannebecker, James A. Smith

    Work Want Work. Labour and Desire at the End of Capitalism

  • Matthew J. Wolf-Meyer

    Theory for the World to Come. Speculative Fiction and…

Theater, Garden, Bestiary: A Materialist History of Exhibitions

This volume gathers and expands upon the results of the research project “Theater, Garden, Bestiary: A Materialist History of Exhibitions,” held at ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne, and proposes a history of exhibitions sourced from a wide corpus reaching beyond the framework of art institutions. It undertakes a transdisciplinary history at the nexus of art history, science studies, and philosophy, exploring the role the exhibition played in the construction of the conceptual categories of modernity, and outlines a historiographical model that conceptualizes the exhibition as both an aesthetic and an epistemic site.
Etienne Chambaud, Elitza Dulguerova, Anselm Franke, Tristan Garcia, Fabien Giraud & Raphaël Siboni, Dorothea von Hantelmann, Yuk Hui, Pierre Huyghe, Sami Khatib, Jeremy Lecomte, Stéphane Lojkine, Rafael Mandressi, Vincent Normand, Peter Osborne, Filipa Ramos, Juliane Rebentisch, João Ribas, Pamela Rosenkranz, Anna-Sophie Springer, Lucy Steeds, Olivier Surel, Etienne Turpin, Kim West, Charles Wolfe
Tristan Garcia is a philosopher and writer. He codirected the research project Theater, Garden, Bestiary: A Materialist History of Exhibitions at ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne (2015–17). His academic publications include: Form and Object: A Treatise on Things and The Life Intense: A Modern Obsession. In 2008 he won the Prix de Flore for his first novel: Hate: A Romance.
Vincent Normand is an art historian, writer, and occasional curator. He teaches at ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne, where he codirected the research project Theater, Garden, Bestiary: A Materialist History of Exhibitions (2015–17). He is codirector and coeditor of the research platform and journal Glass Bead. He has curated exhibitions at Centre Pompidou, Paris; LABOR, Mexico City; David Roberts Art Foundation, London; and elsewhere.
Lucy Steeds is Reader in Art Theory and Exhibition History at Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts, London. She is coeditor of The Curatorial Conundrum: What to Study? What to Research? What to Practice? and How Institutions Think (both published by the MIT Press).
Filipa Ramos is editor-in-chief of art-agenda and a Lecturer in Experimental Film at Kingston University and Moving Image at Central Saint Martins, London. She is the author of Lost and Found: Crisis of Memory in Contemporary Art (2009).
Vincent Normand is an art historian, writer, and occasional curator. He teaches at ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne, where he codirected the research project Theater, Garden, Bestiary: A Materialist History of Exhibitions (2015–17). He is codirector and coeditor of the research platform and journal Glass Bead. He has curated exhibitions at Centre Pompidou, Paris; LABOR, Mexico City; David Roberts Art Foundation, London; and elsewhere.

T. Garcia, V. Normand (Hg)
Theater, Garden, Bestiary: A Materialist History of Exhibitions
Sternberg Press, 2019, 978-3-956794-55-1
28,00 €