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  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 408. Pixels Speak: Worlds of Tiny Dots and Design…

  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 407. Towards a Future Bound to Print Media: Those Who…

  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 406. Ikki Kobayashi - Life through Design Drawings

  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 405. Sneaking a Look. Cross Sections, Floor Plans…

  • Ludwig Heimbach (Hg.)

    Mäusebunker und Hygieneinstitut. Eine Berliner…

  • Pascal Gielen

    Trust. Building on the Cultural Commons

  • Irene Revell, Sarah Shin (eds.)

    Bodies of Sound. Becoming a Feminist Ear

  • Ilaria Marotta, Andrea Baccin &…

    The Uncanny House

  • Enzo Traverso

    Gaza Faces History

  • Irene V. Small

    The Organic Line

  • Sandra Schäfer

    Contested Landscapes

  • Nina Franz

    Militärische Bildtechniken. Von der frühen Neuzeit bis ins…

  • Volker Pantenburg

    Einfachheit ohne Vereinfachung. Zur Praxis Harun Farockis

  • Justin Barton, Steve Goodman, Maya B.…

    Sonic Faction. Audio Essay as Medium and Method

  • Torsten Andreasen, Emma Sofie Brogaard…

    Finance Aesthetics. A Critical Glossary

  • Lucas Ferraço Nassif


  • Terry Farrell, Adam Nathaniel Furman

    Postmodernism. Architecture That Changed Our World

  • Natasha Aruri, Katleen De Flander,…

    Critical Mapping for Municipalist Mobilization. Housing…

  • Nida Abdullah, Chris Lee, Xinyi Li (…

    Through Witnessing. Threading the critiquing, making,…

  • Cecilia Casabona, Ginevra Petrozzi (Eds…

    Death Design Data

  • Miriam Rasch, Jojanneke Gijsen, Harma…

    hands on research for artists, designers & educators

  • Rosi Braidotti

    Posthuman Knowledge and the Critical Posthumanities

  • Anna Colin

    Alternative Pedagogical Spaces: From Utopia to…

  • Annett Jahn, Ulrike Mönnig (Hg.)

    An den Rändern taumelt das Glück. Die späte DDR in der…

  • Silvia Franceschini, Nikolaus Hirsch,…


  • David Toop

    Two-Headed Doctor. Listening For Ghosts in Dr. John's…

  • Thordis Arrhenius, Ellen Braae, Guttorm…

    Architecture and Welfare. Scandinavian Perspectives

  • NIcole Schweitzer (Hg.)

    Uriel Orlow. Forest Times

  • Michael Schäfer

    Invasive Links

  • Jorge Silvetti, Hg. von Nicolás Delgado…

    Large, Lasting and Inevitable. Jorge Silvetti in Dialogues…

  • Giulio Bettini, Daniel Penzis

    Typostruktur. Sehnsucht nach architektonischer Relevanz

  • Laura U. Marks

    The Fold. From Your Body to the Cosmos

  • Emmanuele de Donno

    Construction of the Universe - Artists' Magazines and…

  • Julia Grosse, Jenny Schlenzka

    Rirkrit Tiravanija: On Making Less

  • Harry Vogt,  Martina Seeber (Hg.)

    Radio Cologne Sound. Das Studio für Elektronische Musik des…

  • Marion Hirte, Daniel Ott, Manos…

    Schnee von morgen. Statements zum Musiktheater der Zukunft

  • Oana Stănescu, Chase Galis (Hg)

    Cover me softly

  • Claire Bishop

    Merce Cunningham's Events: Key Concepts

  • Viyaleta Zhurava


  • Diskursiv (Hg.)

    Diskursiv No. 2, Colors

  • dérive

    dérive N° 98, Eigentum (Jan-Mar 2025)

  • Viktoria Schabert

    Eileen Gray's Museum

  • Arch+ Zeitschrift für Architektur und…

    Arch+ 258. Urbane Praxis

  • Oxana Gourinovitch

    Raising the Curtain. Operatic Modernism and the Soviet…

  • Alexander Eisenschmidt

    Felix Candela From Mexico City to Chicago. Rise and Fall of…

  • Lydia Kallipoliti

    Histories of Ecological Design. An Unfinished Cyclopedia

  • Anders Engberg-Pedersen

    Martialische Ästhetik

  • Matthias Ballestrem, Katharina Benjamin…

    Constructive Disobedience

  • Sofie De Caigny, Hülya Ertas, Bie…

    As Found. Experiments in Preservation

  • !Mediengruppe Bitnik, Janez Fakin Janša

    (un)real data ☁️ – (🧊)real effects

  • Docomomo International (Ed)

    Modernism in Africa

  • Daniela Hamaui (Ed.)

    Archivio Magazine N°10. The Design Issue

  • Derk Loorbach, Véronique Patteeuw, Léa-…

    It's About Time. The Architecture of Climate Change

  • Noemi Biasetton


  • Steven Henry Madoff

    Why I Do What I Do - Global Curators Speak

  • Leopoldina Fortunati, Carla Lonzi

    Folio G: Gendered Labour and Clitoridean Revolt

  • Carlos Moreno

    Die 15-Minuten-Stadt. Ein Konzept für lebenswerte Städte

  • Julian Rose

    Building Culture

  • Sandro Mezzadra, Brett Neilson

    The Rest and the West. Capital and Power in a Multipolar…

  • Charlotte Malterre-Barthes (Ed.)

    On Architecture and the Greenfield

  • Ulrike Brückner, Bianca Herlo

    Design als Haltung. Handlungsfelder jenseits des…

  • Folke Köbberling

    WOLLBAU. Wolle - Eine unterschätzte Ressource.

  • Melanie Franke (Hg.)

    Selbsterzählungen und Umbruchspuren im Œuvre von Künstler:…

  • Stellan Gulde (Ed.)

    Banal Buildings. Anthology

  • Franz Liebl

    Steakholder Management. Bausteine eines Culinary Turn in…

  • Urszula Kozminska, Nacho Ruiz Allen

    Time Matters

  • Anja Kaiser, Rebecca Stephany

    Glossary of Undisciplined Design

  • Ursula K. Le Guin

    Steering the Craft. A Twenty-First-Century Guide to Sailing…

  • Helmut Draxler

    Was tun? Was lassen? Politik als symbolische Form

  • Enzo Traverso

    Gaza im Auge der Geschichte

  • Gene Ray

    After the Holocene. Planetary Politics for Commoners

  • Paolo Cirio

    Climate Tribunal. Fossil Fuels Industry on Trial

  • சிந்துஜன் வரதராஜா (Sinthujan…

    Hierarchien der Solidarität. Hierarchies of Solidarity.

  • Patrick McGraw, Heavy Traffic

    Heavy Traffic Issue V

  • Simon O'Sullivan

    From Magic and Myth-Work to Care and Repair

  • André Tavares

    Architecture Follows Fish. An Amphibious History of the…

  • Daniela Comani

    You Are Mine

  • Friedrich von Borries

    Architektur im Anthropozän. Eine spekulative Archäologie

  • Editor: Sascha Bauer, Authors: Sascha…

    The Joinery Compendium. Learning from Traditional…

  • Sara Ahmed

    Feminist Killjoy. Das Handbuch für die feministische…

  • Lisa Luksch, Andres Lepik (ed.)

    Reading Visual Investigations. Between Advocacy, Journalism…

  • George MacBeth

    e-flux Index #3

  • Kateryna Malaia, Philipp Meuser

    Mass Housing in Ukraine. Building Typologies and Catalogue…

  • Kirsten Wagner (Hg.)

    Theorien des Wohnens. Eine Kommentierte Anthologie

  • Susanne Schmid, Dietmar Eberle, Margit…

    Eine Geschichte des gemeinschaftlichen Wohnens. Modelle des…

  • Yuk Hui

    Machine and Sovereignty. For a Planetary Thinking

  • Irene Fantappiè, Francesco Giusti,…

    Rethinking Lyric Communities

  • Nicolas Linnert (ed.)

    Hervé Guibert. Suzanne and Louise

  • Giorgi Vachnadze

    Christian Eschatology of Artificial Intelligence: Pastoral…

  • 0nty & OnMyComputer (Eds.)

    Dialogues on CoreCore & the Contemporary Online Avant-…

  • Nicholas E. Powers (ed.)

    Where does a body begin? Biology's function in…

  • Alessandro Sbordoni

    Semiotics of the End: Essays on Capitalism and the…

  • Jill Johnston, Clare Croft (ed.)

    The Essential Jill Johnston Reader

  • Anna-Sophie Springer, Raul Walch (eds.)

    Owned by Others: A Map to Possession Island

  • Canadian Centre for Architecture

    AP 205 Amancio Williams: Readings of the Archive

  • Clothilde Morette, Victoria Aresheva (…

    Science/Fiction. A Non-History of Plants

  • Ulrich Heinke

    Ulrich Heinke. Schlot

  • Franziska Bollerey

    Eselsohren. Journal of Art, Architecture and Urbanism. Vol…

Toward a Minor Architecture

Architecture can no longer limit itself to the art of making buildings; it must also invent the politics of taking them apart. This is Jill Stoner's premise for a minor architecture. Her architect's eye tracks differently from most, drawn not to the lauded and iconic but to what she calls "the landscape of our constructed mistakes"--metropolitan hinterlands rife with failed and foreclosed developments, undersubscribed office parks, chain hotels, and abandoned malls. These graveyards of capital, Stoner asserts, may be stripped of their excess and become sites of strategic spatial operations. But first we must dissect and dismantle prevalent architectural mythologies that brought them into being--western obsessions with interiority, with the autonomy of the building-object, with the architect's mantle of celebrity, and with the idea of nature as that which is "other" than the built metropolis. These four myths form the warp of the book. Drawing on the literary theory of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, Stoner suggests that minor architectures, like minor literatures, emerge from the bottoms of power structures and within the language of those structures. Yet they too are the result of powerful and instrumental forces. Provoked by collective desires, directed by the instability of time, and celebrating contingency, minor architectures may be mobilized within buildings that are oversaturated, underutilized, or perceived as obsolete. Stoner's provocative challenge to current discourse veers away from design, through a diverse landscape of cultural theory, contemporary fiction, and environmental ethics. Hers is an optimistic and inclusive approach to a more politicized practice of architecture.
“Jill Stoner's intriguing new book proposes ‘a more politicized practice of architecture.’ Her readings of twentieth century fiction from Franz Kafka to John Cheever and Raymond Carver forge new interpretations of built space while transcending conventional categories such as regionalism or style. Toward a Minor Architecture will appeal to every architect with its literary reexamination of the profession's purpose and direction.”
—Dolores Hayden, Professor of Architecture and Urbanism, Yale University, author of The Power of Place: Urban Landscapes as Public History
“Countless references to spatial considerations in literature make Jill Stoner's case for an architecture—or rather for architectural acts—of inhabitation, usurpation, appropriation and change. Such active engagement with space has never been part of the official canon of masterpieces and major works, but comes from resistance to established systems of thought and patterns of use. Kafka, Benjamin, T.S. Eliot, Cheever, Borges and many others are Jill Stoner's companions and witnesses on her meandering journey.”
—Dietrich Neumann, Royce Family Professor for the History of Modern Architecture and Urban Studies, Brown University
“This is an exciting and intellectually bold book. Interweaving architecture and literature, using literature to address space not through the primacy of vision but through the complexities of language, Toward a Minor Architecture offers us a new way of seeing architecture, insides and outsides, space and power, in terms of openings as much as closures.”
—Elizabeth Grosz, Rutgers University

Jill Stoner
Toward a Minor Architecture
MIT Press, 2012, 978-0-262-51764-5