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  • Matt Ratto, Megan Boler (Eds.)

    DIY Citizenship. Critical Making and Social Media

  • Gilles Rouffineau (Ed.)

    Passing On History. Design Contribution To Knowledge…

  • Zeuler R. M. de A. Lima

    Lina Bo Bardi

  • Jacques Sbriglio

    Le Corbusier et la question du brutalisme. LC au J1

  • Kaja Grobe, Karin Kreuder

    Always the Same Faces. Aus dem Alltag philippinischer…

  • Christoph Tannert (Hg.)

    Berlin Art Scene

  • Clog


  • Andreas van Dühren (Hg.)

    TEXT Gespräche

  • Dario Azzellini, Marina Sitrin

    They Can't Represent Us! Reinventing Democracy from…

  • James Langdon

    A School for Design Fiction

  • Valentin Groebner

    Wissenschaftssprache digital. Die Zukunft von gestern

  • Deyan Sudjic

    B is for Bauhaus. An A-Z of the Modern World

  • Andy Merrifield

    The New Urban Question

  • Hans Ulrich Obrist

    Ways of Curating

  • Stine Omar, Max Boss, Andy Grier

    SMAREAZY 001 12"EASTER, Champagne 121212 / Children…

  • Anke Westermann

    Anke Westermann. Atlas

  • Nina Möntmann (Ed.)

    Schöne Neue Arbeit / Brave New Work. Ein Reader zu Harun…

  • Christiane E. Fricke (Hg.)

    Der Gang der Dinge. Welche Zukunft haben photographische…

  • Emil Ruder


  • Graham Cairns

    The Architecture of the Screen

  • Andrej Holm


  • René Pollesch

    Kill Your Darlings

  • Giorgio Maffei

    Records By Artists. 1958-1990

  • Beatrix Ruf, Julia Stoschek, Thomas D.…

    Ed Atkins

  • Helmut Lethen

    Der Schatten des Fotografen

  • Marta Kuzma (Ed.)

    Big Sign - Little Building

  • Martin Herbert

    The Uncertainty Principle

  • Andrej Holm (Hg.)

    Reclaim Berlin. Soziale Kämpfe in der neoliberalen Stadt

  • Cathy Lane, Angus Carlyle

    In the Field. The Art of Field Recording

  • Diedrich Diederichsen

    Über Pop-Musik

  • Helmut Draxler, Tanja Widmann (Hg.)

    Ein kritischer Modus? Die Form der Theorie und der Inhalt…

  • Helmut C. Schulitz

    Entfesselung der Architektur. Der Architekt: Baumeister…

  • James Haywood Rolling Jr.

    Arts-Based Research

  • Elisabeth Roudinesco

    Lacan. In Spite Of Everything

  • Claudia Quiring, Andreas Rothaus,…

    Neue Baukunst. Architektur der Moderne in Bild und Buch

  • Justus Dahinden

    Architektur - Form und Emotion. Architecture - Form and…

  • Judith Butler, Athena Athanasiou

    Die Macht der Enteigneten. Das Performative im Politischen

  • Matt Mullican

    Editions 1985-2012

  • Daan Paans

    Letters from Utopia

  • Marcus Quent, Eckardt Lindner (Hg.)

    Das Versprechen der Kunst

  • Kerry Brougher

    Damage Control. Art and Destruction Since 1950

  • Armen Avanessian (Hg.)

    Realismus Jetzt: Spekulative Philosophie und Metaphysik für…

  • Marc Angelil, Rainer Hehl (Eds.)

    Minha Casa-nossa Cidade. Innovating Mass Housing In Brazil

  • Olafur Eliasson

    Eine Feier, elf Räume und ein gelber Korridor

  • Archivist

    Three Faces. Archive Chalayan

  • Alistair Hicks

    The Global Art Compass

  • Manfred Omahna, Johanna Rolshoven (Hg.)

    Reziproke Räume. Texte zu Kulturanthropologie und…

  • Jan Verwoert


  • Martin Conrads, Franziska Morlok (Ed.)

    War postdigital besser?

  • Stephen Phillips (Ed.)

    L.A. [Ten]. Interviews on Los Angeles Architecture, 1970–…

  • Andrew Hemingway

    The Mysticism of Money

  • Ljiljana Kolešnik (Ed.)

    Socialism and Modernity. Art, Culture, Politics 1950 – 1974

  • Sascha Peters

    Materialrevolution 2. Neue nachhaltige und multifunktionale…

  • Francesca Ferguson, Urban Drift…

    Make Shift City. Renegotiating the Urban Commons

  • CTM 2014 Festival Magazine

    Dis Continuity

  • UDK, ETH (Ed.)

    Mapping Everything

  • Ryan Gander

    Artists’ Cocktails

  • Tecta

    Flying Furniture

  • Warren Carter, Barnaby Haran, Frederic…

    ReNew Marxist Art History

  • Birkenstock, Kastner, Sonderegger (Eds.)

    Kunst und Ideologiekritik nach 1989 / Art and the Critique…

  • Yilmaz Dziewior (Ed.)

    Liebe ist kälter als das Kapital. Love is colder than…

  • Anna Kostreva

    Berlin. Eine Morphologie der Mauern. A Morphology of Walls

  • Emmett Williams

    An Anthology of Concrete Poetry

  • Michaela Melián / Thomas Meinecke


  • Junya Ishigami

    How Small? How Vast? How architecture grows

  • Pieterjan Grandry

    The Future of Architecture. What is the future of…

  • Beatriz Colomina

    Manifesto Architecture. The Ghost of Mies

  • Jens Müller (Ed.)

    Rolf Müller

  • Gill Perry

    Playing at Home. The House in Contemporary Art

  • Jennifer A.E. Shields

    Collage and Architecture

  • Gaßner, Kölle, Roettig (Ed.)

    Eva Hesse. One More Than One

  • Andreas Baur, Bernd Stiegler, Felix…

    Wozu Bilder? Gebrauchsweisen der Fotografie

  • Kim Gordon

    Is It My Body? Selected Texts

  • René Spitz

    A5/06. HfG Ulm

  • Petra Reichensperger (Ed.)

    Begriffe des Ausstellens (von A bis Z). Terms of Exhibiting…

  • Torsten Blume, Christian Hiller (Hg.)

    Mensch - Raum – Maschine. Bühnenexperimente am Bauhaus

  • Clémentine Deliss, Yvette Mutumba (Hg.)

    Ware und Wissen: or the stories you wouldn’t tell a stranger

  • Richard Birkett (Ed.)

    and Materials and Money and Crisis

  • Barbara Penner

    Bathroom (Objekt series)

  • Otto Paans, Ralf Pasel

    Situational Urbanism. Directing Postwar Urbanity

  • Tactical Technology Collective

    Visualising Information for Advocacy

  • Emma Lavigne

    Pierre Huyghe

  • Alessandro Petti, Sandi Hilal, Eyal…

    Architecture after Revolution

  • Phil Pasquini

    Domes, Arches and Minarets. A History of Islamic-Inspired…

  • Tracey Thorn

    Bedsit Disco Queen. How I Grew Up and Tried to be a Pop Star

  • Tim Ivison, Tom Vandeputte (Hg)

    Contestations. Learning from Critical Experiments in…

  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 362. Poetics of Graphic Language. Contemporary…

  • Hans Ulrich Obrist

    Sharp Tongues, Loose Lips, Open Eyes, Ears to the Ground

  • Jeannette Kuo (Ed.)

    A-Typical Plan

  • Taiji Matsue


  • Anna Feigenbaum, Fabian Frenzel,…

    Protest Camps

  • Christopher Burke, Eric Kindel, Sue…

    Isotype. Design and Contexts, 1925–1971

  • Mark Dorrian, Frederic Pousin (Eds.)

    Seeing from Above. The Aerial View in Visual Culture

  • Gianni Politi

    The Ritual of the Snake

  • Frank Kunert


  • Andrew Hemingway

    The Mysticism of Money. Precisionist Painting and Machine…

  • Karl-Siegbert Rehberg, Paul Kaiser (Hg.)

    Bilderstreit und Gesellschaftsumbruch. Die Debatte um die…

  • Neil Brenner (Ed.)

    Implosions / Explosions. Towards a Study of Planetary…

Theater, Garden, Bestiary: A Materialist History of Exhibitions

This volume gathers and expands upon the results of the research project “Theater, Garden, Bestiary: A Materialist History of Exhibitions,” held at ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne, and proposes a history of exhibitions sourced from a wide corpus reaching beyond the framework of art institutions. It undertakes a transdisciplinary history at the nexus of art history, science studies, and philosophy, exploring the role the exhibition played in the construction of the conceptual categories of modernity, and outlines a historiographical model that conceptualizes the exhibition as both an aesthetic and an epistemic site.
Etienne Chambaud, Elitza Dulguerova, Anselm Franke, Tristan Garcia, Fabien Giraud & Raphaël Siboni, Dorothea von Hantelmann, Yuk Hui, Pierre Huyghe, Sami Khatib, Jeremy Lecomte, Stéphane Lojkine, Rafael Mandressi, Vincent Normand, Peter Osborne, Filipa Ramos, Juliane Rebentisch, João Ribas, Pamela Rosenkranz, Anna-Sophie Springer, Lucy Steeds, Olivier Surel, Etienne Turpin, Kim West, Charles Wolfe
Tristan Garcia is a philosopher and writer. He codirected the research project Theater, Garden, Bestiary: A Materialist History of Exhibitions at ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne (2015–17). His academic publications include: Form and Object: A Treatise on Things and The Life Intense: A Modern Obsession. In 2008 he won the Prix de Flore for his first novel: Hate: A Romance.
Vincent Normand is an art historian, writer, and occasional curator. He teaches at ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne, where he codirected the research project Theater, Garden, Bestiary: A Materialist History of Exhibitions (2015–17). He is codirector and coeditor of the research platform and journal Glass Bead. He has curated exhibitions at Centre Pompidou, Paris; LABOR, Mexico City; David Roberts Art Foundation, London; and elsewhere.
Lucy Steeds is Reader in Art Theory and Exhibition History at Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts, London. She is coeditor of The Curatorial Conundrum: What to Study? What to Research? What to Practice? and How Institutions Think (both published by the MIT Press).
Filipa Ramos is editor-in-chief of art-agenda and a Lecturer in Experimental Film at Kingston University and Moving Image at Central Saint Martins, London. She is the author of Lost and Found: Crisis of Memory in Contemporary Art (2009).
Vincent Normand is an art historian, writer, and occasional curator. He teaches at ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne, where he codirected the research project Theater, Garden, Bestiary: A Materialist History of Exhibitions (2015–17). He is codirector and coeditor of the research platform and journal Glass Bead. He has curated exhibitions at Centre Pompidou, Paris; LABOR, Mexico City; David Roberts Art Foundation, London; and elsewhere.

T. Garcia, V. Normand (Hg)
Theater, Garden, Bestiary: A Materialist History of Exhibitions
Sternberg Press, 2019, 978-3-956794-55-1
28,00 €