Direkt zum Inhalt


  • Neil Brenner (Ed.)

    Implosions / Explosions. Towards a Study of Planetary…

  • Silke Langenberg (Hrsg.)

    Das Marburger Bausystem. Offenheit als Prinzip

  • Langley, Pearce, Worth (Ed.)

    After Butler's Wharf. Essays on a Working Building

  • Vibeke Gieskes (Ed.)

    The Future of Architecture

  • Mark Sinclair, Tony Brook

    Type Only

  • Sven Völker (Ed.)

    Some Book. Graphic Expressions between Design and Art

  • Dan Graham

    Nuggets – New and Old Writing on Art, Architecture, and…

  • Ellen Blumenstein, Katharina Fichtner (…

    The World According to Patricia Esquivias. Fernando Garrido…

  • Ilka & Andreas Ruby, Nathalie…

    The Economy of Sustainable Construction

  • Joshua Decter

    Art Is a Problem. Selected Criticism, Essays, Interviews…

  • James Guerin

    Berlin Quarterly. European review of Culture. Issue 1

  • Blexbolex

    Ein Märchen

  • Museum of Modern Art (Ed.)

    Isa Genzken. Retrospective

  • Juergen Teller

    Common Ground. In Photographs

  • Jochen Eisenbrand

    George Nelson. Ein Designer im Kalten Krieg

  • Maik Schierloh (Hg.)

    Kosmetiksalon Bar Babette

  • Model House Research Group (Ed.)

    Transcultural Modernisms

  • Museo Berardo (Ed.)

    Pancho Guedes. Vitruvius Mozambicanus

  • Clog


  • Joanne Finkelstein

    Fashioning Appetite. Restaurants and the Making of Modern…

  • Gunnar Hindrichs

    Die Autonomie des Klangs - Eine Philosophie der Musik

  • Irénée Scalbert

    A Right to Difference. The Architecture of Jean Renaudie

  • Juliane Rebentisch

    Theorien der Gegenwartskunst

  • Darran Anderson

    Serge Gainsbourg's Histoire de Melody Nelson (33 1/3)

  • Daniel Irrgang, Clemens Jahn (Hg.)

    Forum zur Genealogie des MedienDenkens 1. Siegfried…

  • Pascal Gielen (Ed.)

    Institutional Attitudes. Instituting Art in a Flat World

  • Texte zur Kunst Heft 92

    Architecture / Architektur

  • Kultur & Gespenster 14


  • Philipp Misselwitz, Eui Young Chun,…

    Gwangju Folly II

  • Katrin Grögel

    Andrea Zittel. Institute of Investigative Living. Leben und…

  • Marcel Duchamp, Henri-Pierre Roche,…

    3 New York Dadas and the Blindman

  • Nadin Heinich, Plan A (Ed.)

    Digital Utopia. Über dynamische Architekturen, digitale…

  • Catherine Zuromskis

    Snapshot Photography. The Lives of Images

  • E. Bippus, J. Huber, R. Nigro

    Ästhetik der Existenz. Lebensformen im Widerstreit T:G/10

  • Chantal Pontbriand

    The Contemporary, the Common: Art in a Globalizing World

  • Aleksandra Mir

    The Space Age. Poster Book

  • Fabrico Próprio

    The Design of Portuguese Semi-Industrial Confectionery

  • Viola Vahrson, Susanne Märtens, Beate…


  • Matthias Messmer, Hsin-Mei Chuang

    China's Vanishing Worlds. Countryside, Traditions, and…

  • Pier Vittorio Aureli, Martino Tattara

    Dogma. 11 Projects

  • Laura Pavia, Mario Ferrari

    Mies Van Der Rohe. Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin 1962-1968

  • Sergio B. Martins

    Constructing an Avant-Garde. Art in Brazil 1949-1979

  • Ali Nemerov, Emily Wei Rales (Eds.)

    Peter Fischli, David Weiss

  • Centrum Architektury (Ed.)

    For Example. New Polish House. A Book

  • Alain de Botton, John Armstrong

    Art as Therapy

  • Brian Dillon, Marina Warner

    Curiosity. Art and the Pleasures of Knowing

  • Tod Williams, Billie Tsien


  • John Grindrod

    Concretopia. A Journey Around the Rebuilding of Postwar…

  • Angus Carlyle, Cathy Lane (Eds.)

    On Listening

  • Arindam Dutta (Ed.)

    A Second Modernism. MIT, Architecture, and the 'Techno…

  • Grzegorz Piątek

    AR/PS. The Architecture of Arseniusz Romanowicz and Piotr…

  • Daniel Lopez-Perez

    R. Buckminster Fuller. World Man

  • Michael Asgaard Andersen

    Jorn Utzon. Drawings and Buildings

  • Shaun McNiff (Ed.)

    Art as Research

  • Melissa Gordon, Marina Vishmidt (Eds.)

    Persona Issue 2

  • Jürgen Teipel

    Mehr als laut - DJs erzählen

  • Kenny Cupers (Ed.)

    Use Matters. An Alternative History of Architecture

  • Collection du Frac Centre

    Architectures Experimentales 1950-2012

  • Archilab

    Naturaliser l'architecture. Naturalizing architecture

  • metroZones 13

    Global Prayers. Contemporary Manifestations of the…

  • Beatriz Preciado

    Testo Junkie. Sex, Drugs, and Biopolitics in the…

  • Rajan V. Ritoe (Ed.)

    Future Times Square. Compression vs. Distribution

  • Elmar Kossel

    Hermann Henselmann und die Moderne

  • Rogério Duarte

    Marginália 1

  • Luis Burriel Bielza

    Le Corbusier. La passion des cartes

  • Deorte Kuhlmann, Dorte Kuhlmann

    Gender Studies in Architecture. Space, Power and Difference

  • Cerith Wyn Evans

    The What If?... Scenario (after LG)

  • Wouter Davidts, Guy Châtel, Stefaan…

    Luc Deleu. Orban Space

  • Tiqqun

    Alles ist gescheitert, es lebe der Kommunismus

  • Annie Pedret

    Team 10. An Archival History

  • Ana Jeinić, Anselm Wagner (Eds.)

    Is There (Anti-)Neoliberal Architecture?

  • Studio Manuel Raeder

    The Letter E is Everywhere. La Letra E esta por Doquier.

  • Oliver Marchart

    Das unmögliche Objekt. Eine postfundamentalistische Theorie…

  • Max Hollein, Martina Weinhart (Hg.)

    Brasiliana. Installationen 1960 bis heute. Installations…

  • Bradley L. Garrett

    Explore Everything. Place-Hacking the City

  • Sylvia Lavin, Kimberli Meyer (Eds.)

    Everything Loose Will Land. 1970s Art and Architecture in…

  • Claire Bishop

    Radical Museology or, What's Contemporary in Museums…

  • Douglas Kahn

    Earth Sound Earth Signal

  • Dietmar Offenhuber, Carlo Ratti (Hg.)

    Die Stadt entschlüsseln. Wie Echtzeitdaten den Urbanismus…

  • Robert Kronenburg

    Architecture in Motion. The History and Development of…

  • Kirsty Bell

    The Artist's House. From Workplace to Artwork

  • Charlotte Bundgaard

    Montage Revisited. Rethinking Industrialised Architecture

  • Ralph Rugoff (Ed.)

    The Alternative Guide to the Universe

  • Dietmar Dath, Swantje Karich

    Lichtmächte. Kino – Museum – Galerie – Öffentlichkeit

  • Eve Meltzer

    Systems We Have Loved. Conceptual Art, Affect, and the…

  • Nicholas Alfrey

    Uncommon Ground. Land Art in Britain 1966-1979

  • Margitta Buchert, Laura Kienbaum (Eds.)

    Einfach entwerfen. Simply Design

  • Jeffrey Kipnis

    A Question of Qualities. Essays in Architecture

  • Susanne Lehmann-Reupert

    Von New York lernen. Mit Stuhl, Tisch und Sonnenschirm

  • Petrit Halilaj

    Poisoned by men in need of some love

  • ARGE Schnittpunkt (Hg.)

    Handbuch Ausstellungstheorie und -praxis

  • Riki Kalbe, Wolfgang Kil

    Gelände. Terrain.

  • Jörn Schafaff (Hg.)

    Kunst - Begriffe der Gegenwart. Von Allegorie bis Zip

  • AV 157-158

    Herzog & De Meuron 2005-2013

  • Freek Lomme (Ed.)

    Who Told You so? The Collective Story vs. The Individual…

  • Uta Meta Bauer, Thomas D. Trummer (Eds.)

    AR - Artistic Research

  • Yvonne P. Doderer

    Räume des Politischen. Dimensionen des Städtischen

  • PIN-UP

    PIN-UP Interviews

The Gentrification Debates A Reader

Uniquely well suited for teaching, this innovative text-reader strengthens students’ critical thinking skills, sparks classroom discussion, and also provides a comprehensive and accessible understanding of gentrification.
Table of Contents:
Part 1: What is Gentrification? Definitions and Key Concepts 1. Aspects of Change Ruth Glass 2. A Short History of Gentrification Neil Smith 3. Gentrification as Market and Place Sharon Zukin 4. Super-Gentrification: The Case of Brooklyn Heights New York City Loretta Lees 5. Globalisation and the New Urban Colonialism Rowland Atkinson and Gary Bridge Part 2: How Where and When Does Gentrification Occur? 6. Toward a Theory of Gentrification: A Back to the City Movement by Capital Not People Neil Smith 7. The City as a Growth Machine John R. Logan and Harvey L. Moltoch 8. Introduction: Restructuring and Dislocations David Ley 9. Building the Frontier Myth Neil Smith 10. From Arts Production to Housing Market Sharon Zukin 11. Forging the Link Between Culture and Real Estate: Urban Policy and Real Estate Development Christopher Mele 12. Estate Agents as Interpreters of Economic and Cultural Capital: The Gentrification Premium in the Sydney Housing Market Gary Bridge 13. Tourism Gentrification: The Case of New Orleans’ Vieux Carre (French Quarter) Kevin Fox Gotham Part 3: Who are Gentrifiers and Why Do They Engage in Gentrification? 14. The Creation of a ‘Loft Lifestyle’ Sharon Zukin 15. Living Like an Artist Richard Lloyd 16. Rethinking Gentrifciation: Beyond the Uneven Development of Marxist Urban Theory D. Rose 17. The Dilemma of Racial Difference Monique Taylor 18. Urban Space and Homosexuality: The Example of the Marais Paris’ Gay Ghetto Michael Sibalis 19. Consumption and Culture Tim Butler 20. Social Preservationists and the Quest for Authentic Community Japonica Brown-Saracino Part 4: What Are the Outcomes and Consequences of Gentrification? 21. The Hidden Dimension sof Culture and Class: Philadelphia Paul R. Levy and Roman A. Cybriwsy 22. Social Displacement in a Renovating Neighborhood’s Commercial District: Atlanta Michael Chernoff 23. The New Urban Renewal
Part 2: Public Housing Reforms Derek S. Hyra 24. Gentrification Intrametropolitan Migration and the Politics of Place Gina M. Perez 25. Avenging Violence with Violence Mary Pattillo 26. Neighborhood Effects in a Changing Hood Lance Freeman 27. Building the Creative Community Richard Florida
Conclusion: Why We Debate Japonica Brown-Saracino

Japonica Brown-Saracino
The Gentrification Debates A Reader
Routledge, 2010, 9780415801652
44,00 €