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  • Elke Neumann

    Palast der Republik. Utopie, Inspiration, Politikum

  • A+U 441

    Metal Skins

  • Troy Schaum (Ed.)

    Totalization: Speculative Practice in Architectural…

  • F. Serapiao, G. Wisnik

    Infinite Span. 90 Years of Brazilian Architecture

  • Heike Munder (Ed.)

    Producing Futures: A Book on Post-Cyber-Feminisms

  • L. Giusti, N. Ricciardi (Eds.)

    Museums at the Post-Digital Turn

  • Victor Papanek

    Design for the Real World

  • Andreas, Jung, Schmal (Hg.)

    Wohnen für Alle: Bautenkatalog

  • Elizabeth Resnick

    The Social Design Reader

  • Anca Benera, Arnold Estefan

    DEBRISPHERE - Landscape as an Extension of the Military…

  • Fiona McGovern, Megan Francis Sullivan…

    Jill Johnston. The Disintegration of a Critic

  • Byung-Chul Han

    Vom Verschwinden der Rituale: Eine Topologie der Gegenwart

  • Camiel van Winkel

    Archive Species: Bodies, Habits, Practices

  • Ted Hyunhak Yoon

    Decoding Dictatorial Statues

  • Sophie Cure, Aurelien Farina

    Graphic Design Play Book: An Exploration of Visual Thinking

  • Danielle Child

    Working Aesthetics: Labour, Art and Capitalism

  • Katya Garcia-Anton

    Sovereign Words. Indigenous Art, Curation and Criticism

  • Monika Rinck

    Champagner für die Pferde

  • Lorraine Daston

    Against Nature

  • Brigitta Gerber, Ulrich Kriese (Hg)

    Boden behalten - Stadt gestalten

  • Civic City Cahier 4

    Afterlives of Neoliberalism

  • Camila Marambio, Cecilia Vicuña

    Slow Down Fast, A Toda Raja

  • Dominik Landwehr (Hg.)

    Virtual Reality: Edition Digital Culture 6

  • Thor Magnusson

    Sonic Writing: Technologies of Material, Symbolic, and…

  • Biechteler, Käferstein, Hochschule…

    Architekturpädagogiken: Ein Glossar

  • Haenschel, Nelke, Planitzer (Hg.)

    Uncanny Interfaces

  • Jens Balzer

    Pop und Populismus: Über Verantwortung in der Musik

  • Lisa Baker

    Tiny Interiors: Compact Living Spaces

  • Marvin Heiferman

    Seeing Science: How Photography Reveals the Universe

  • Kristen Alvanson


  • Zdenke Badovinac

    Comradeship: Curating, Art, and Politics in Post-Socialist…

  • Juan Serra Lluch

    Color for Architects

  • 2G 78

    Junya Ishigami

  • OASE 102

    Schools & Teachers

  • Geert Lovink

    Sad by Design: On Platform Nihilism

  • Paul Mason

    Klare, lichte Zukunft: Eine radikale Verteidigung des…

  • M. F. Gage (Ed.)

    Aesthetics Equals Politics: New Discourses Across Art,…

  • Ben Green

    The Smart Enough City: Putting Technology in Its Place to…

  • Make_Shift (Hg.)

    Make City. Stadt anders machen. A Compendium of Urban…

  • Lizzie O'Shea

    Future Histories: What Ada Lovelace, Tom Paine, and the…

  • Alex Bykov, Ievgeniia Gubkina

    Soviet Modernism. Brutalism. Post-Modernism

  • Yuk Hui

    Recursivity and Contingency

  • David Bennewith, Sereina Rothenberger (…

    Questions? Looking for answers in the middle of somewhere

  • Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, Deborah…

    In welcher Welt leben?: Ein Versuch über die Angst vor dem…

  • Alina Popa, Florin Flueras


  • Goodman, Heys, Ikoniadou (Eds.)

    AUDINT. Unsound : Undead

  • Tabea Nixdorff.

    Fehler lesen. Korrektur als Textproduktion

  • Silvia Federici

    Re-enchanting the World: Feminism and the Politics of the…

  • Daniel McClean

    Artist, Authorship & Legacy. A Reader

  • Christian Bjone

    Almost Nothing. 100 Artists Comment on the Work of Mies van…

  • André Cadere

    Geschichte einer Arbeit/ Unordnung herstellen

  • Kirsten Maar

    Entwürfe und Gefüge. William Forsythes choreographische…

  • James Bridle

    New Dark Age: Technology and the End of the Future

  • David Rothenberg

    Nightingales in Berlin: Searching for the Perfect Sound

  • Sabine von Fischer

    Das akustische Argument. Wissenschaft und Hörerfahrung in…

  • K. Klaus, R. Bittner (Hg.)

    Gestaltungsproben: Gespräche zum Bauhausunterricht

  • Fröhlich, Fröhlich, Borges, Lippok (Hg.)

    Plans & Images. An Archive of Projects on Typology in…

  • Daniel Martin Feige

    Zur Dialektik des Social Design (Studienhefte…

  • Ursula Böckler

    Die Photos der "Magical Misery Tour" mit Martin…

  • Michael Scheer / Gesellschaft für…

    Stadtwirte. Von Sozialraumfarmern und Inklusionswirten

  • re:form e. V. (Hg.)

    Re:Eden. Neue Blicke auf die älteste Reformsiedlung…

  • Alice Maude-Roxby, Stefanie Seibold

    Censored Realities / Changing New York

  • Nathan Jurgenson

    The Social Photo: On Photography and Social Media

  • Randy Deutsch

    Superusers: Design Technology Specialists and the Future of…

  • John Latham

    John Latham. The N-U Niddrie Heart

  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 385. Focusing on Locality in Design Practices of the…

  • Anna Harding (Hg.)

    Artists in the City. SPACE in '68 and beyond

  • Damon Krukowski

    Ways of Hearing (SFX: Needle Drop)

  • Sophie Wolfrum, Alban Janson

    Die Stadt als Architektur

  • Heinz Peter Knes

    Der weltrevolutionäre Prozess seit Karl Marx und Friedrich…

  • Paulo Tavares

    Des-Habitat (revista das artes no Brasil)

  • Richard Butsch

    Screen Culture: A Global History

  • Hanne Loreck in Zusammenarbeit mit Jana…

    Visualität und Abstraktion. Eine Aktualisierung des Figur-…

  • Angelika Schnell

    Aldo Rossis Konstruktion des Wirklichen: Eine…

  • Suely Rolnik

    Zombie Anthropophagie: Zur neoliberalen Subjektivität

  • Ulysses Voelker

    Ordnung in der Gestaltung: Grafische Raster in Theorie und…

  • Seth Price

    How to Disappear in America

  • Paolo Cirio

    Sociality. The Coloring Book of Technology for Social…

  • Beatriz Colomina

    X-Ray Architecture

  • Ross E. Exo Adams

    Circulation and Urbanization

  • Bruno Flierl

    Haus Stadt Mensch. Über Architektur und Gesellschaft.…

  • Jon Savage

    This Searing Light, the Sun and Everything Else: Joy…

  • Smiljan Radic

    Every So Often a Talking Dog Appears and other essays

  • Vince Aletti

    The Disco Files 1973-78: New York's Underground, Week…

  • Sharon Francis

    Bubbletecture: Inflatable Architecture and Design

  • Grace Lees-Maffei , Nicolas P. Maffei

    Reading Graphic Design in Cultural Context

  • Moisei Ginzburg

    Style and Epoch. Issues in Modern Architecture

  • Michalis Pichler

    Publishing Manifestos: An International Anthology from…

  • Vier5

    Modern typefaces

  • Reinaart Vanhoe

    Also-Space, From Hot to Something Else : How Indonesian Art…

  • Dehlia Hannah (Ed.)

    A Year Without a Winter

  • A. Maccone, A. Martinelli

    The City at the End of the Underground

  • Andreas Müller, Lydia Kähny, Sophie…

    Re-reading the Manual of Travelling Exhibitions

  • Dora García (Ed.)

    On Reconciliation / Über Versöhnung

  • Bodo Mrozek

    Jugend – Pop – Kultur: Eine transnationale Geschichte

  • Franziska Bollerey

    Setting the Stage for Modernity. Trendsetter der Moderne:…

  • Sou Fujimoto, Noriko Takiguchi

    Sincere by Design: The Architecture of Sou Fujimoto

  • Dario Scodeller (Ed.)

    The Design of the Castiglioni Brothers. Research…

Mass Effect. Art and the Internet in the Twenty-First Century

Since the turn of the millennium, the Internet has evolved from what was merely a new medium to a true mass medium -- with a deeper and wider cultural reach, greater opportunities for distribution and collaboration, and more complex corporate and political realities. Mapping a loosely chronological series of formative arguments, developments, and happenings, Mass Effect provides an essential guide to understanding the dynamic and ongoing relationship between art and new technologies.Mass Effect brings together nearly forty contributions, including newly commissioned essays and reprints, image portfolios, and transcribed discussion panels and lectures that offer insights and reflections from a wide range of artists, curators, art historians, and bloggers. Among the topics examined are the use of commercial platforms for art practice, what art means in an age of increasing surveillance, and questions surrounding such recent concepts as "postinternet." Other contributions analyze and document particular works by the artists of And/Or Gallery, Cory Arcangel, DIS, Cao Fei, the Radical Software Group, and others. Mass Effect relaunches a publication series initiated by the MIT Press and the New Museum in 1984, which produced six defining volumes for the field of contemporary art. These new volumes will build on this historic partnership and reinvigorate the conversation around contemporary culture once again.Copublished with the New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York
Cory Arcangel, Karen Archey, Michael Bell-Smith, Claire Bishop, Dora Budor, Johanna Burton, Paul Chan, Ian Cheng, Michael Connor, Lauren Cornell, Petra Cortright, Jesse Darling, Anne de Vries, DIS, Aleksandra Domanovic, Harm van den Dorpel, Dragan Espenschied, Rózsa Zita Farkas, Azin Feizabadi, Alexander R. Galloway, Boris Groys, Ed Halter, Alice Ming Wai Jim, Jogging, Caitlin Jones, David Joselit, Dina Kafafi, John Kelsey, Alex Kitnick, Tina Kukielski, Oliver Laric, Mark Leckey, David Levine, Olia Lialina, Guthrie Lonergan, Jordan Lord, Jens Maier-Rothe, Shawn Maximo, Jennifer McCoy, Kevin McCoy, Gene McHugh, Tom Moody, Ceci Moss, Katja Novitskova, Marisa Olson, Trevor Paglen, Seth Price, Alexander Provan, Morgan Quaintance, Domenico Quaranta, Raqs Media Collective, Alix Rule, Timur Si-Qin, Josephine Berry Slater, Paul Slocum, Rebecca Solnit, Wolfgang Staehle, Hito Steyerl, Martine Syms, Ben Vickers, Michael Wang, Tim Whidden, Anicka Yi, and Damon Zucconi

Lauren Cornell, Ed Halter (Eds.)
Mass Effect. Art and the Internet in the Twenty-First Century
MIT Press, 2015, 9780262029261