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  • Gill Perry

    Playing at Home. The House in Contemporary Art

  • Jennifer A.E. Shields

    Collage and Architecture

  • Gaßner, Kölle, Roettig (Ed.)

    Eva Hesse. One More Than One

  • Andreas Baur, Bernd Stiegler, Felix…

    Wozu Bilder? Gebrauchsweisen der Fotografie

  • Kim Gordon

    Is It My Body? Selected Texts

  • René Spitz

    A5/06. HfG Ulm

  • Petra Reichensperger (Ed.)

    Begriffe des Ausstellens (von A bis Z). Terms of Exhibiting…

  • Torsten Blume, Christian Hiller (Hg.)

    Mensch - Raum – Maschine. Bühnenexperimente am Bauhaus

  • Clémentine Deliss, Yvette Mutumba (Hg.)

    Ware und Wissen: or the stories you wouldn’t tell a stranger

  • Richard Birkett (Ed.)

    and Materials and Money and Crisis

  • Barbara Penner

    Bathroom (Objekt series)

  • Otto Paans, Ralf Pasel

    Situational Urbanism. Directing Postwar Urbanity

  • Tactical Technology Collective

    Visualising Information for Advocacy

  • Emma Lavigne

    Pierre Huyghe

  • Alessandro Petti, Sandi Hilal, Eyal…

    Architecture after Revolution

  • Phil Pasquini

    Domes, Arches and Minarets. A History of Islamic-Inspired…

  • Tracey Thorn

    Bedsit Disco Queen. How I Grew Up and Tried to be a Pop Star

  • Tim Ivison, Tom Vandeputte (Hg)

    Contestations. Learning from Critical Experiments in…

  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 362. Poetics of Graphic Language. Contemporary…

  • Hans Ulrich Obrist

    Sharp Tongues, Loose Lips, Open Eyes, Ears to the Ground

  • Jeannette Kuo (Ed.)

    A-Typical Plan

  • Taiji Matsue


  • Anna Feigenbaum, Fabian Frenzel,…

    Protest Camps

  • Christopher Burke, Eric Kindel, Sue…

    Isotype. Design and Contexts, 1925–1971

  • Mark Dorrian, Frederic Pousin (Eds.)

    Seeing from Above. The Aerial View in Visual Culture

  • Gianni Politi

    The Ritual of the Snake

  • Frank Kunert


  • Andrew Hemingway

    The Mysticism of Money. Precisionist Painting and Machine…

  • Karl-Siegbert Rehberg, Paul Kaiser (Hg.)

    Bilderstreit und Gesellschaftsumbruch. Die Debatte um die…

  • Neil Brenner (Ed.)

    Implosions / Explosions. Towards a Study of Planetary…

  • Silke Langenberg (Hrsg.)

    Das Marburger Bausystem. Offenheit als Prinzip

  • Langley, Pearce, Worth (Ed.)

    After Butler's Wharf. Essays on a Working Building

  • Vibeke Gieskes (Ed.)

    The Future of Architecture

  • Mark Sinclair, Tony Brook

    Type Only

  • Sven Völker (Ed.)

    Some Book. Graphic Expressions between Design and Art

  • Dan Graham

    Nuggets – New and Old Writing on Art, Architecture, and…

  • Ellen Blumenstein, Katharina Fichtner (…

    The World According to Patricia Esquivias. Fernando Garrido…

  • Ilka & Andreas Ruby, Nathalie…

    The Economy of Sustainable Construction

  • Joshua Decter

    Art Is a Problem. Selected Criticism, Essays, Interviews…

  • James Guerin

    Berlin Quarterly. European review of Culture. Issue 1

  • Blexbolex

    Ein Märchen

  • Museum of Modern Art (Ed.)

    Isa Genzken. Retrospective

  • Juergen Teller

    Common Ground. In Photographs

  • Jochen Eisenbrand

    George Nelson. Ein Designer im Kalten Krieg

  • Maik Schierloh (Hg.)

    Kosmetiksalon Bar Babette

  • Model House Research Group (Ed.)

    Transcultural Modernisms

  • Museo Berardo (Ed.)

    Pancho Guedes. Vitruvius Mozambicanus

  • Clog


  • Joanne Finkelstein

    Fashioning Appetite. Restaurants and the Making of Modern…

  • Gunnar Hindrichs

    Die Autonomie des Klangs - Eine Philosophie der Musik

  • Irénée Scalbert

    A Right to Difference. The Architecture of Jean Renaudie

  • Juliane Rebentisch

    Theorien der Gegenwartskunst

  • Darran Anderson

    Serge Gainsbourg's Histoire de Melody Nelson (33 1/3)

  • Daniel Irrgang, Clemens Jahn (Hg.)

    Forum zur Genealogie des MedienDenkens 1. Siegfried…

  • Pascal Gielen (Ed.)

    Institutional Attitudes. Instituting Art in a Flat World

  • Texte zur Kunst Heft 92

    Architecture / Architektur

  • Kultur & Gespenster 14


  • Philipp Misselwitz, Eui Young Chun,…

    Gwangju Folly II

  • Katrin Grögel

    Andrea Zittel. Institute of Investigative Living. Leben und…

  • Marcel Duchamp, Henri-Pierre Roche,…

    3 New York Dadas and the Blindman

  • Nadin Heinich, Plan A (Ed.)

    Digital Utopia. Über dynamische Architekturen, digitale…

  • Catherine Zuromskis

    Snapshot Photography. The Lives of Images

  • E. Bippus, J. Huber, R. Nigro

    Ästhetik der Existenz. Lebensformen im Widerstreit T:G/10

  • Chantal Pontbriand

    The Contemporary, the Common: Art in a Globalizing World

  • Aleksandra Mir

    The Space Age. Poster Book

  • Fabrico Próprio

    The Design of Portuguese Semi-Industrial Confectionery

  • Viola Vahrson, Susanne Märtens, Beate…


  • Matthias Messmer, Hsin-Mei Chuang

    China's Vanishing Worlds. Countryside, Traditions, and…

  • Pier Vittorio Aureli, Martino Tattara

    Dogma. 11 Projects

  • Laura Pavia, Mario Ferrari

    Mies Van Der Rohe. Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin 1962-1968

  • Sergio B. Martins

    Constructing an Avant-Garde. Art in Brazil 1949-1979

  • Ali Nemerov, Emily Wei Rales (Eds.)

    Peter Fischli, David Weiss

  • Centrum Architektury (Ed.)

    For Example. New Polish House. A Book

  • Alain de Botton, John Armstrong

    Art as Therapy

  • Brian Dillon, Marina Warner

    Curiosity. Art and the Pleasures of Knowing

  • Tod Williams, Billie Tsien


  • John Grindrod

    Concretopia. A Journey Around the Rebuilding of Postwar…

  • Angus Carlyle, Cathy Lane (Eds.)

    On Listening

  • Arindam Dutta (Ed.)

    A Second Modernism. MIT, Architecture, and the 'Techno…

  • Grzegorz Piątek

    AR/PS. The Architecture of Arseniusz Romanowicz and Piotr…

  • Daniel Lopez-Perez

    R. Buckminster Fuller. World Man

  • Michael Asgaard Andersen

    Jorn Utzon. Drawings and Buildings

  • Shaun McNiff (Ed.)

    Art as Research

  • Melissa Gordon, Marina Vishmidt (Eds.)

    Persona Issue 2

  • Jürgen Teipel

    Mehr als laut - DJs erzählen

  • Kenny Cupers (Ed.)

    Use Matters. An Alternative History of Architecture

  • Collection du Frac Centre

    Architectures Experimentales 1950-2012

  • Archilab

    Naturaliser l'architecture. Naturalizing architecture

  • metroZones 13

    Global Prayers. Contemporary Manifestations of the…

  • Beatriz Preciado

    Testo Junkie. Sex, Drugs, and Biopolitics in the…

  • Rajan V. Ritoe (Ed.)

    Future Times Square. Compression vs. Distribution

  • Elmar Kossel

    Hermann Henselmann und die Moderne

  • Rogério Duarte

    Marginália 1

  • Luis Burriel Bielza

    Le Corbusier. La passion des cartes

  • Deorte Kuhlmann, Dorte Kuhlmann

    Gender Studies in Architecture. Space, Power and Difference

  • Cerith Wyn Evans

    The What If?... Scenario (after LG)

  • Wouter Davidts, Guy Châtel, Stefaan…

    Luc Deleu. Orban Space

  • Tiqqun

    Alles ist gescheitert, es lebe der Kommunismus

Modernism's Magic Hat

Modernism's Magic Hat - Architecture and the Illusion of Development without Capital

(Lateral Exchanges: Architecture, Urban Development, and Transnational Practices)

In Modernism’s Magic Hat, Ijlal Muzaffar examines how modern architects and planners help resolve one of the central dilemmas of the mid-twentieth-century world order: how to make decolonization plausible without accounting for centuries of capital drain under colonial rule. In the years after World War II, architects and planners found extensive opportunities in new international institutions—such as the World Bank, the UN, and the Ford Foundation—and helped shape new models of global intervention that displaced the burden of change onto the inhabitants. Muzaffar argues that architecture in this domain didn’t just symbolically represent power, but formed the material domain through which new modes of power acquired sense. Looking at a series of architectural projects across the world, from housing in Ghana to village planning in Nigeria and urban planning in Venezuela and Pakistan, Muzaffar explores how architects and planners shaped new ideas of time, land, climate, and the decolonizing body, making them appear as sources of untapped value. What resulted, Muzaffar argues, is a widespread belief in spontaneous Third World “development” without capital, which continues to foreclose any global discussion of colonial theft. 

Ijlal Muzaffar
Modernism's Magic Hat - Architecture and the Illusion of Development without Capital

(Lateral Exchanges: Architecture, Urban Development, and Transnational Practices)

University of Texas Press, 2024, 9781477329665