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  • David Vaner, Ilka Ruby (Hg.)

    Besser als neu

  • Helen Thomas (Ed.)

    Architecture in Islamic Countries. Selections from the…

  • Carolin Amlinger, Oliver Nachtwey

    Gekränkte Freiheit. Aspekte des libertären Autoritarismus

  • Nicholas Mirzoeff

    White Sight. Visual Politics and Practices of Whiteness

  • Brandon LaBelle (Ed.)

    Radical Sympathy

  • Réka Patrícia Gál, Petra Löffler

    Earth and Beyond in Tumultuous Times. A Critical Atlas of…

  • Matthias Ballestrem and Lidia Gasperoni…

    Epistemic Artefacts. A Dialogical Reflection on Design…

  • Chris Lee

    Immutable. Designing History

  • common room, Cornelia Escher

    Negotiating Ungers 2 - The Oberhausen Institute and the…

  • Gülşah Stapel

    Recht auf Erbe in der Migrationsgesellschaft

  • James Bridle

    Die unfassbare Vielfalt des Seins

  • Beatrice Lampariello, Andrea Anselmo,…

    UFO. Unidentified Flying Object for Contemporary…

  • dérive N° 90 (Jan-Mar/2023). Zeitschrift für Stadtforschung

  • Mojca Kumerdej (Ed.)

    New Extractivism

  • Alfie Bown

    Dream Lovers. The Gamification of Relationships

  • Steven Warwick

    Notes on Evil. Steven Warwick

  • Martín Ávila

    Designing for Interdependence. A Poetics of Relating

  • Rosi Braidotti, Emily Jones, Goda…

    More Posthuman Glossary

  • Malcolm Miles

    Art Rebellion. The Aesthetics of Social Transformation

  • Jennifer Kaufmann-Buhler, Victoria…

    Design History Beyond the Canon

  • Laurene Vaughan

    Designing Cultures of Care

  • Deborah Ascher Barnstone

    The Color of Modernism. Paints, Pigments, and the…

  • Craig Martin

    Deviant Design. The Ad Hoc, the Illicit, the Controversial

  • Felix Stalder, Janez Fakin Jansa (eds)

    From Commons to NFTs

  • Marion von Osten, Tyna Fritschy

    Marion von Osten: Knüppel aus dem Sack. Tyna Fritschy: Das…

  • Andreas Butter, Thomas Flierl (Hg.)

    Architekturexport DDR. Zwischen Sansibar und Halensee

  • Sabeth Buchmann, Susanne Leeb, Peter…

    Marion von Osten. In the Making: "In the Desert of…

  • Valerio Olgiati


  • Junius Frey, Yuk Hui

    Kosmotechnik und Kommunismus

  • Birgit Schneider

    Der Anfang einer neuen Welt. Wie wir den Klimawandel…

  • Dimitra Kondylatou, David Bergé (Eds.)

    Public Health in Crisis. Confined in the Aegean Archipelago

  • Redaktion Protocol

    Protocol 13. Adrenalin

  • Pavillion de Arsenal, Paris

    L'Empreinte de l'habitat / Housing Footprint

  • Nicolas Dorval Bory, Guillaume Ramillien

    Visible, Invisible

  • Michael Chanan

    From Printing to Streaming. Cultural Production under…

  • Erica Borg, Amedeo Policante

    Mutant Ecologies. Manufacturing Life in the Age of Genomic…

  • Deborah Fehlmann, Astrid Staufer (Hg.)

    Wohnen im Einklang. Strategien zum Bauen im Lärm auf…

  • Stephan Trinkaus

    Ökologien des Prekären. Zu einer Theorie des Haltens

  • Edited by Moises Puente. Introduction…

    2G 86. Arquitectura-G

  • Marie-France Rafael

    Passing Images. Kunst in post-digitalen Zeiten

  • Isabell Lorey

    Democracy in the Political Present. A Queer-Feminist Theory

  • Alexandra Schauer

    Mensch ohne Welt. Eine Soziologie spätmoderner…

  • Laura Tripaldi

    Parallel Minds. Discovering the Intelligence of Materials

  • Ashley Dawson

    Aussterben. Eine radikale Geschichte

  • Evi D. Sampanikou, Jan Stasienko (ed.)

    Posthuman Studies Reader. Core Readings on Transhumanism,…

  • Mindy Seu (ed.)

    Cyberfeminism Index

  • Maria Muhle

    Mimetische Milieus. Eine Ästhetik der Reproduktion

  • David Grubbs

    Good night the pleasure was ours.

  • Nicholas Thoburn

    Brutalism as Found. Housing, Form, and Crisis at Robin Hood…

  • Andreas Schätzke

    Verzweigte Moderne. Beiträge zur Architektur des 20.…

  • Kuba Szreder

    The ABC of the projectariat

  • Judith Butler

    What World Is This? A Pandemic Phenomenology

  • Andrew M. Shanken

    The Everyday Life of Memorials

  • Doreen Massey (Eds.: David Featherstone…

    Selected Political Writings

  • Gwendolyn Owens, Philip Ursprung (Eds.)

    Gordon Matta-Clark. An Archival Sourcebook

  • Wolfgang Thöner, Karoline Lemke (Hg.)

    Bauhaus. Sprachrohr der Studierenden. Organ der Kostufra.…

  • Carolin Overhoff Ferreira

    Dekoloniale Kunstgeschichte. Eine methodische Einführung

  • Das Synagogen Projekt. Zum Wiederaufbau von Synagogen in…

  • Ramon Amaro

    The Black Technical Object. On Machine Learning and the…

  • Magdalena Jadwiga Härtelova

    It Is: You Appeared Once. A Story about Potential…

  • Bénédicte Ramade

    Vers un art anthropocène

  • Cache

    Ware Reinheit. Cache 02

  • Brandon Labelle (Hg)

    The Listening Biennial Reader. Vol. 1: Waves of Listening

  • Arch+ Zeitschrift für Architektur und…

    Arch+ 250.The Great Repair. Politiken einer…

  • Judith Siegmund (Hg)

    Handbuch Kunstphilosophie

  • Gleb Albert, Brigitta Bernet, Svenja…

    Im Krieg. Ukraine, Belarus, Russland. Geschichte der…

  • Hermann Funke

    Architekturkritiken 1962-2003. Hermann Funke

  • Stephanie Herold, Harald Engler,…

    Das Kollektiv. Formen und Vorstellungen gemeinschaftlicher…

  • Achille Mbembe, Felwine Sarr (eds)

    To Write the Africa World

  • Angela McRobbie, Daniel Strutt,…

    Fashion as Creative Economy. Micro-Enterprises in London,…

  • Amit Prasad

    Science Studies Meets Colonialism

  • Guillaume Blanc

    The Invention of Green Colonialism

  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 400. Graphic Design Recollections & Records:…

  • Nathaniel Marcus

    Breathing Room. A dialogue with Lakuti & Tama Sumo. Ein…

  • Jörg Schröder, Riccarda Cappeller,…

    Circular Design. Towards Regenerative Territories

  • Álvaro Sevilla-Buitrago

    Against the Commons: A Radical History of Urban Planning

  • Donika Luzhnica & Jonas König (ed.)

    Prishtina in 53 Buildings

  • Elena Biserna (Ed)

    Walking from Scores

  • Tsvetelina Hristova, Brett Neilson and…

    Data Farms. Circuits, Labour, Territory

  • Lenka Veselá (Ed.)

    Synthetic Becoming

  • Stavros Stavrides, Penny Travlou (Eds)

    Housing as Commons. Housing Alternatives as Response to the…

  • Christiane Rösinger

    Was jetzt kommt. Christiane Rösinger. Ausgewählte Songtexte

  • Pier Vittorio Aureli, Martino Tattara

    Dogma. Living and Working

  • Baburov, Djumenton, Gutnov, Kharitonova…

    The Ideal Communist City

  • Briana J. Smith

    Free Berlin. Art, Urban Politics, and Everyday Life

  • Hg. Oliver Clemens, Jesko Fezer, Kim…

    An Architektur Archive

  • Andri Gerber, Martin Tschanz (Hg)

    Sprengkraft Raum. Architektur um 1970 von Esther und Rudolf…

  • Christian Dehli, Andrea Grolimund

    Kazuo Shinohara: The Umbrella House Project

  • DeForrest Brown, Jr.

    Assembling a Black Counter Culture

  • George Papam, Phevos Kallitsis, David…

    The Beach Machine. Making and Operating the Mediterranean…

  • Yuma Shinohara, Andreas Ruby (Hg.)

    Make Do With Now: New directions in Japanese Architecture

  • Zara Pfeifer

    ICC Berlin. Zara Pfeifer

  • Florian Heilmeyer, Sandra Hofmeister (…

    Berlin. Urbane Architektur und Alltag seit 2009

  • CuratorLab (Ed.)

    Assuming Asymmetries. Conversations on Curating Public Art…

  • Michael Rawson

    The Nature of Tomorrow. A History of the Environmental…

  • András Szántó

    Imagining the Future Museum. 21 Dialogues with Architects

  • Hiuwai Chu, Meagan Down, Nkule Mabaso,…

    CLIMATE. Our Right to Breathe

  • Patricia Ribault

    Design, Gestaltung, Formatività

IDEA 405. Sneaking a Look. Cross Sections, Floor Plans & Exploded Diagrams: Visualizing the Invisible

Direction by Idea 
Design by LABORATORIES (Kensaku Kato, Sae Kamata)

Visual representations depicting the inside of cities and structures that human eyes cannot normally see have a mysterious allure that captures the imagination of the viewer, including structural drawings and floor plans depicting the framework of buildings, cross- sectional views of subways and sewers crawling underground in huge cities, and bird’s-eye views of production lines inside closed factories. The illustrations in thepicture books, which depict exploded views of vehicles and machines, human anatomy, and the contents of vegetables and plants, attract many children. Bird’s eye views of the city and house floor plans also serve as visual devices that engage adults’ memories and imaginations.
Seeing or drawing invisible objects is one of the fundamental human desires. When and how did illustrations, such as cross sections and bird’s eye views, come into existence? Its origins can be traced, for example, to the cave paintings left by Aborigines in prehistoric Australia (known as “x-rays,” paintings of animals and fish with transparent bones and organs). As time progressed, many cross- sectional representations were used in medicine and engineering to explain the inner workings. Some of them, such as Leonardo da Vinci’s anatomical drawings of the human anatomy, went beyond their original use and reached the realm of art. Furthermore, from the latter half of the 19th century to the 20th century, with the spread of printing technology, people in Europe and the United States became familiar with cutaway or cross-section illustrations for newspapers and magazines. During the Great War in the 20th century, many cutaway illustrations of modern fighter jets, tanks, and battleships were drawn in Japanese children’s science magazines and comics.
In Japanese visual culture, which has a long history of grasping space with a perspective that differs from the realistic pictorial representation of the West, such as suiboku-ga (ink painting) and ukiyo-e (Japanese woodblock prints), illustration seems to be familiar as a method of expressing lyricism and ambiguity rather than a functional one. We might say it is an intermediate expression, neither written nor painted. This may be due in part to the influence of the“Heta-uma” illustrations (designating a work poorly drawn, but with an aesthetically conscious quality)by artists such as Teruhiko Yumura and Kotobuki Shiriagari, which became popular in the field of commercial illustration in the 1980s.
On the other hand, “infographics” and “data visualization” in the field of graphic design play a functional role in explaining things through diagrams, a role that illustration has not played in Japanese visual culture. But we have a concern that the rise of computer graphics and the tendency of people to place an excessive priority on “comprehensibility” in recent years have led to the uniformity of expressions. What kind of expression is it that sublimates the rich expression that illustration has fostered and connects both illustration and design?
In this special issue, we explore the “visual representation,” that is graphics, regardless of field. The eight artists of all times and places we feature in this special issue are from different backgrounds, some as illustrators and others as architects and game-graphers. They all focus on depicting the “inside of things” and continue to produce eye- catching works using expressions such as cross-sectional drawings and floor plans. We will also introduce the work of authors who are fascinated by drawing the invisible, such as spatial expressions in picture books and illustrations in the areas of maps and architecture in our contributions and small features in the latter half of the special issue. We hope that many readers will encounter new discoveries and excitement through their perspective.

IDEA Magazine
IDEA 405. Sneaking a Look. Cross Sections, Floor Plans & Exploded Diagrams: Visualizing the Invisible
Seibundo Shinkosha, 2024, IDEA395 2024.03
33,50 €