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  • Peter Pfrunder (Hg.)

    Schweizer Fotobücher 1927 bis heute. Eine andere Geschichte…

  • N. Brenner, P. Marcuse, M. Mayer (Hg.)

    Cities for People, Not for Profit. Critical Urban Theory…

  • Richard Dyer

    In The Space Of A Song. The Uses of Song in Film

  • Rosalind E. Krauss

    Under Blue Cup

  • Andres Lepik (Hg.)

    Moderators of Change. Architektur, die hilft

  • Bechir Kenzari (Hg.)

    Architecture and Violence

  • Roger Thiel


  • Charles Jencks

    The Story of Post-Modernism

  • Toru Hachiga (Hg.)

    Creatives in Japan. Keywords to Know

  • Paul Hegarty, Martin Halliwell

    Beyond and Before. Progressive Rock since the 1960s

  • Susanne Neubauer

    Paul Thek Reproduced, 1969 - 1977

  • Yvonne Rainer


  • Alan Pipes

    How to Design Websites

  • Nick Land

    Fanged Noumena. Collected Writings 1987-2007

  • Raúl Zibechi

    Territorien des Widerstands. Eine politische Kartografie…

  • Paul De Bruyne, Pascal Gielen

    Community Art: The Politics of Trespassing

  • Rem Koolhaas, Hans Ulrich Obrist (Hg.)

    Project Japan. An Oral History of Metabolism

  • Florian Urban

    Tower and Slab. Histories of Global Mass Housing

  • Roman Ondák


  • Marit Paasche, Judy Radul (Hg.)

    A Thousand Eyes. Media Technology, Law, and Aesthetics

  • Wolfgang Sonne (Hg.)

    Die Medien der Architektur

  • Museum für Gestaltung Zürich (Hg.)

    Poster Collection 23. In Series

  • Barry Kernfeld

    Pop Song Piracy. Disobedient Music Distribution Since 1929

  • Andrea Cornwall (Hg.)

    The Participation Reader

  • Franco "Bifo" Berardi

    After the Future

  • 51N4E

    Double or Nothing

  • Molly Jane Quinn, Jenna Talbott

    It's Lonely in the Modern World

  • Thomas Meinecke


  • Moritz Baßler, Robin Curtis, et al. (Hg…

    Kultur und Kritik (Heft 1, Herbst 2012) POP

  • M. Berner, A. Hoffmann, B. Lange

    Sensible Sammlungen. Aus dem anthropologischen Depot

  • Simon Rothöhler

    Amateur der Weltgeschichte. Historiographische Praktiken im…

  • Gregor Eichinger, Eberhard Tröger

    Touch Me! Das Geheimnis der Oberfläche

  • Gestalten (Hg.)

    Visual Storytelling. Inspiring a New Visual Language

  • Christian Marazzi

    Capital and Affects. The Politics of the Language Economy

  • Shannon Jackson

    Social Works. Performing Art, Supporting Publics

  • Hal Foster

    The Art-Architecture Complex

  • Thomas Hirschhorn

    Establishing a Critical Corpus

  • Andrej Holm, Klaus Lederer, Matthias…

    Linke Metropolenpolitik. Erfahrungen und Perspektiven am…

  • Lars Spuybroek

    The Sympathy of Things

  • Jarett Kobek

    Atta (Semiotext(e) / Intervention)

  • Stan VanDerBeek

    The Culture Intercom

  • A. Moravánszky, J. Hopfengärtner (Hg.)

    Aldo Rossi und die Schweiz. Architektonische…

  • metroZones (Hg.)

    Urban Prayers – Neue religiöse Bewegungen in der globalen…

  • Marta Herford, Markus Richter (Hg.)

    Wir sind alle Astronauten. Richard Buckminster Fuller

  • Jürgen Teller

    Touch Me

  • Huber, Meltzer, Munder, von Oppeln (Hg.)

    Kunst und Design im erweiterten Feld. It's Not a…

  • Lukas Feireiss,Ole Bouman

    Testify! The Consequences of Architecture

  • Marie J. Aquilino

    Beyond Shelter. Architecture for Crisis

  • El Croquis 156

    Valerio Olgiati 1996-2011

  • Pier Vittorio Aureli

    The Possibility of an Absolute Architecture

  • Anne Mikoleit, Moritz Pürckhauer

    Urban Code. 100 Lessons for Understanding the City

  • Mieke Gerritzen, Geert Lovink, Minke…

    I Read Where I Am. Exploring New Information Cultures

  • Matt Mullican

    Notating the Cosmology 1973-2008

  • A. Fernández Per, J. Mozas, J. Arpa

    This is Hybrid. An analysis of mixed-use buildings by a+t

  • Arno Brandlhuber, Silvan Linden (Hg.)

    Disko 20-25 Architektur ohne Architektur

  • Craig Buckley, Jean-Louis Violeau (Hg.)

    Utopie. Texts and Projects, 1967–1978

  • Anne König, Paul Feigelfeld (Hg.)

    LIGNA. An Alle! Radio Theater Stadt

  • Jürgen Krusche, Günther Vogt

    Strassenräume in Berlin, Shanghai, Tokyo, Zürich. Eine foto…

  • Wim Crouwel

    A Graphic Odyssey - Catalogue

  • David Ake

    Source. Music of the Avant-garde, 1966 - 1973

  • Murray Grigor

    Infinite Space. Der Architekt John Launter. DVD

  • Yona Friedman

    Architecture with the People, by the People

  • Erik Swyngedouw

    Civic City Cahier 5. Designing the Post-Political City and…

  • Lars Lerup

    One Million Acres & No Zoning

  • Toyo Ito

    Tarzans in the Media Forest

  • M, Kelley, J. Shaw, Niagara, C, Loren

    Destroy All Monsters Magazine 1976-1979

  • Ntone Edjabe, Edgar Pieterse (Hg.)

    African Cities Reader II. Mobilities & Fixtures

  • M. Hlavajova, S. Sheikh, J. Winder (Hg.)

    On Horizons. A Critical Reader in Contemporary Art

  • Michael Sorkin

    All Over the Map. Writing on Buildings and Cities

  • Nadine Barth (Hg.)

    German Fashion Design 1946-2012

  • Simon Reynolds

    Retromania. Pop Culture's Addiction to its Own Past

  • Stan Allen, Marc McQuade (Hg.)

    Landform Building

  • Fredric Jameson

    Representing Capital. A Reading of Volume One

  • Magdalena Taube, Krystian Woznicki (Hg.)

    Modell Autodidakt

  • e-flux journal

    Are You Working Too Much? Post-Fordism, Precarity, and the…

  • PIE Books (Hg.)

    Paper & Cloth. Ready-to-Use Background Patterns(+DVD)

  • McKenzie Wark

    The Beach Beneath the Street. The Everyday Life and…

  • Pedro Barateiro, Ricardo Valentim (Hg.)

    Activity (is to a group what content is to platform)

  • El Croquis 155

    Sanaa 2008-2011

  • Laurie Anderson, Trisha Brown, Gordon…

    Pioneers of the Downtown Scene

  • Curtis, Rees, White, Ball (Hg.)

    Expanded Cinema. Art, Performance, Film

  • Kaminer, Robles-Dúran, Sohn (Hg.)

    Urban Asymmetries

  • Nico Stehr, Reiner Grundmann

    Die Macht der Erkenntnis

  • Hans Ulrich Obrist

    Ai Weiwei Speaks

  • Abel, Evers, Klaasen, Troxler (Hg.)

    Open Design Now. (why design cannot remain exclusive)

  • AA Bronson, Peter Hobbs

    Queer Spirits

  • Momus

    Solution 214-238. The Book of Japans

  • A. Avanessian, L. Skrebowski (Hg.)

    Contemporary Art and Aesthetics

  • 2G N. 57

    Njiric+ Architekti

  • Lucia Nagib

    World Cinema and the Ethics of Realism

  • Huda Smitshuijzen, Abi Fares (Hg.)

    Typographic Matchmaking in the City

  • H. F. Mallgrave, D. Goodman

    An Introduction to Architectural Theory. 1968 to the Present

  • D. Mertins, M. W. Jennings (Hg.)

    G: An Avant-Garde Journal of Art, Architecture, Design and…

  • Alexander Bolton

    Alexander McQueen. Savage Beauty

  • Marc Barbey (Hg.)

    Hommage à Berlin. Photographien

  • Jianping He (Hg.)

    Book Worm

  • Claire Doherty, Paul O'Neill (Hg.)

    Locating the Producers. Durational Approaches to Public Art

  • Professur Theorie und Geschichte der…

    Architecture in the Age of Empire / Architektur der neuen…

Complex Buildings. Generators, Linkers, Mixers & Storytellers

This first issue in the ‘Complex Buildings’ series contains projects and articles by a diverse group of international designers and architects, among them, Urban Think Tank, Studio Muoto, Bruther, NL Architects, Bel, Flores Prats, Maio, V+, De Smet Vermeulen, and JaJa. To help define and investigate the complex condition of the hybrid project, which is often a mixed-use building or architectural solution that seeks to revitalise the urban context while improving spatial efficiency, the featured works are accompanied by historical references.

a+t 48
Complex Buildings. Generators, Linkers, Mixers & Storytellers
A+t Architecture Publishers, 2017, 978-84-697-3261-8