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  • Bernardo Bianchi, Emilie Filion-Donato…

    Materialism and Politics

  • Sandra Meireis

    Mikro-Utopien der Architektur. Das utopische Moment…

  • Elna Matamoros

    Dance & Costumes. A History of Dressing Movement

  • George Monbiot

    Verwildert. Die Wiederherstellung unserer Ökosysteme und…

  • Iris Därmann

    Widerstände. Gewaltenteilung in statu nascendi

  • Justus Bender

    Der Plan. Strategie und Kalkül des Rechtsterrorismus

  • Thomas Piketty

    Pandemie und Ungleichheit. Ein Gespräch über die Ideologie…

  • Max Dax

    Dissonanz. Ein austauschbares Jahr. Roman

  • Marianna Dobkowska, Krzysztof Łukomski…

    Things We Do Together. The Post-Reader

  • Mark Fisher

    Postcapitalist Desire. The Final Lectures

  • Julia Jamrozik, Coryn Kempster

    Kinder der Moderne. Vom Aufwachsen in berühmten Gebäuden

  • Sebastian Felix Ernst, Jonas Tratz/FAKT

    Berlin Maps

  • Leonhard Laupichler, Sophia Brinkgerd (…

    New Aesthetic 2. A Collection Of Independent Type Design

  • Beatrice von Bismarck

    Das Kuratorische

  • Friedemann Kunst; Deutsche Akademie für…

    Berlin & Berlin. Stadtplanung und Städtebau nach dem…

  • Nicolas Nova, Nicolas Maigret, Maria…

    A Bestiary of the Anthropocene

  • Lutz Koepnick

    Resonant Matter. Sound, Art, and the Promise of Hospitality

  • Jenny Odell

    Nichts tun. Die Kunst, sich der Aufmerksamkeitsökonomie zu…

  • Bénédicte Savoy

    Afrikas Kampf um seine Kunst. Geschichte einer…

  • Reinier De Graaf

    The Masterplan (A Novel)

  • Antoine Picon

    The Materiality of Architecture

  • Katherine McKittrick

    Dear Science and Other Stories

  • Lisa Marei Schmidt, Kerstin Wittmann-…

    Werner Düttmann. Berlin.Bau.Werk. / Building Berlin.

  • Joseph Vogl

    Kapital und Ressentiment. Eine kurze Theorie der Gegenwart

  • Kim Charnley

    Sociopolitical Aesthetics. Art, Crisis and Neoliberalism

  • Sammlung Wemhöner (Hg)

    Hasenheide 13

  • AA62


  • Ursula Müller, Berlinische Galerie

    Anything goes? Berliner Architekturen der 1980er Jahre

  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 393. MANGA bridges the world: The actualities of manga…

  • Urs Stäheli

    Soziologie der Entnetzung

  • Roberto Simanowski

    Das Virus und das Digitale

  • Ole Nymoen, Wolfgang M. Schmitt

    Influencer. Die Ideologie der Werbekörper

  • Rolando Vázquez

    Vistas Of Modernity. Decolonial Aesthesis And The End Of…

  • Jayna Brown

    Black Utopias. Speculative Life and the Music of Other…

  • Ursula Schwitalla (Hg)

    Frauen in der Architektur. Rückblicke, Positionen,…

  • Knut Ebeling, Annette Maechtel, Heimo…

    Never mind the Nineties. Eine Medienarchäologie des…

  • Kathi Hofer

    "Grandma" Prisbrey's Bottle Village

  • Sandra Bartoli, Silvan Linden (Hg.)

    AG8: Berliner Bäume. Eine Bestandsaufnahme

  • Silvia Federici

    Revolution at Point Zero. Hausarbeit, Reproduktion und…

  • Nick Pinkerton

    Goodbye, Dragon Inn

  • Philipp Oswalt with Anthony Fontenot

    Berlin. City Without Form

  • Hans Drexler

    Open Architecture Nachhaltiger Holzbau mit System

  • Joachim Kleinmanns

    Eine Haltung, kein Stil. Das architektonische Werk von Rolf…

  • Keller Easterling

    Medium Design. Knowing How to Work on the World

  • Experimental Jetset

    Experimental Jetset. Superstructures. Notes on Experimental…

  • Andrés Jaque, Marina Otero Verzier,…


  • Claudia Mareis, Nina Paim (Hg)

    Design Struggles. Intersecting Histories, Pedagogies, and…

  • Moisés Puente (Hg)

    Kersten Geers. Without Content. 2G Essays

  • Moises Puente, Antje Stahl, Nikolaus…

    2G 81. Brandlhuber+

  • Georges Perec

    Die dunkle Kammer. 124 Träume

  • Kristin Ross

    Luxus für alle. Die politische Gedankenwelt der Pariser…

  • Victor Deupi, Jean-Francois Lejeune

    Cuban Modernism. Mid-Century Architecture 1940–1970

  • András Szántó

    The Future of the Museum

  • Tom Holert

    Politics of Learning, Politics of Space. Architecture and…

  • Eva von Redecker

    Revolution für das Leben. Philosophie der neuen…

  • Nina Prader, John Z. Komurki (Eds.)

    Druck Druck Druck. Print Communities from Berlin and Beyond

  • Herausgegeben:Bundesministerium des…

    70 Jahre Kunst am Bau in Deutschland

  • Philippe Askenazy

    Share the Wealth. How to End Rentier Capitalism

  • Andreas Malm

    How to Blow Up a Pipeline

  • Liam Campling and Alejandro Colás

    Capitalism and the Sea

  • Gerald Raunig

    Ungefüge. Maschinischer Kapitalismus und molekulare…

  • Niki Kubaczek, Monika Mokre (Hg.)

    Die Stadt als Stätte der Solidarität

  • Floris Alkemade, Michiel van Iersel,…

    REWRITING ARCHITECTURE. 10+1 Actions. Tabula Scripta

  • Manuel de la Pena Suarez

    Structuralism and Experimentation in the Architecture of…

  • Anaïs Wiedenhöfer & Lena Wolfart

    Everyday Urban Design 4. Genossenschaftliche…

  • A & P Smithson Hexenhaus-Archiv,…

    Alison & Peter Smithson. Hexenhaus. A House for a Man…

  • Emmanuelle Chiappone-Piriou (Ed.)

    Superstudio Migrazioni

  • Tim Ingold

    Eine kurze Geschichte der Linien

  • Renate Boere

    Beyond Design. Making Socially Relevant Projects Successful

  • Christoph Herndler, Florian Neuner (Hg.)

    Der unfassbare Klang. Notationskonzepte heute

  • Fredric Jameson

    The Benjamin Files

  • Adam Štěch

    Modern Architecture and Interiors

  • Gabrielle Kenndy (Hg)

    In/Search Re/Search. Imagining Scenarios Through Art and…

  • Diedrich Diederichsen, Oier Etxeberria…

    Cybernetics of the Poor

  • Paul Hegarty

    Annihilating Noise

  • John Beck

    Landscape as Weapon. Cultures of Exhaustion and Refusal

  • Axel Sowa, Ela Kacel (eds.)

    Candide. Journal for Architectural Knowledge / No. 12

  • Douglas Spencer

    Critique of Architecture: Essays on Theory, Autonomy, and…

  • Hansuli Matter, Björn Franke (eds.)

    Not at Your Service. Manifestos for Design

  • Brandon LaBelle

    Acoustic Justice: Listening, Performativity, and the Work…

  • Precarity Lab


  • Céline Condorelli

    Céline Condorelli. Zanzibar

  • Annette Maechtel

    Das Temporäre politisch denken. Raumproduktionen im Berlin…

  • Cornelia Sollfrank, Felix Stalder,…

    Aesthetics of the Commons

  • Mark Wigley

    Konrad Wachsmann’s Television. Post-architectural…

  • Hans-Rudolf Meier

    Spolien. Phänomene der Wiederverwendung in der Architektur

  • Erich Hörl, Nelly Y. Pinkrah, Lotte…

    Critique and the Digital

  • Bradley Quinn

    The Fashion of Architecture

  • Florian Rötzer

    Sein und Wohnen. Philosophische Streifzüge zur Geschichte…

  • Philipp Stamm

    Schrifttypen – Verstehen Kombinieren Schriftmischung als…

  • Gemma Villegas

    Fanzine GRRRLS. The DIY Revolution in Female Self-Publishing

  • Andreas H. Apelt, Ron Jagers

    Hinter der Stille. Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg 1979-1989

  • Giseke, Löw, Million, Misselwitz,…

    Urban Design Methods

  • Kengo Kuma

    Kengo Kuma. My Life as an Architect in Tokyo

  • Elske Rosenfeld, Suza Husse (Hg.)

    wildes wiederholen. material von unten. Dissidente…

  • Lukas Feireiss, Tatjana Schneider,…

    Living the City. Of Cities, People and Stories

  • Stefan Rettich, Sabine Tastel (Hg.)

    Die Bodenfrage. Klima, Ökonomie, Gemeinwohl

  • Caspar Stracke (Ed.)

    Godard Boomerang. Artists on Godardian Conceptualism

Cover In the Delirium

In the Delirium of the Simulation: Baudrillard Revisited by Achim Szepanski

15 years after his death, the ghost of Jean Baudrillard lingers. Beyond just a pessimistic media theorist, the hyper-realist metaphysician of media and information may have become more relevant than ever before, and many of the concepts that Baudrillard left behind have become guiding principles in an ever deteriorating situation. Much of these ideas, from the Hyperreal to Cultural Nihilism, were repopularised in the last 15 years through such books as Capitalist Realism, in which the poster child for critical theory, Mark Fisher, appeared to have left the world a message, written in blood on the inside of our shared prison cell: Baudrillard was right!

A lot of the most frightening confessions there drew primarily from Baudrillard such as the future collapsing in on itself, and all meaning and symbolism melting down into a delirious nihilism under the ever-rising heat of Capital as it establishes itself as an all-encompassing, totalising, technology-obsessed form of dominion, that thinks and acts of its own will, like an Artificial Intelligence that endlessly feeds itself data until all information has been devoured.

To say that we live in a simulation seems more true than ever, as we have less and less ability to affect anything, we reach out to influence what we see, only to realise time and time again that we are somehow cut off from the content, as if everything we know is just a projection on a wall; the horrors are real, and happening somewhere, but exist to us as holograms. We can but run our fingers through the beams of light projected on the wall, so close but so far from anything real.

We are psychiatric patients trapped in algorithmic cells, cut-off, stressed, and scared—the prophecies that caused Fisher to panic have, by this point, been completely realised. We have crossed over a threshold into a world that is both more-real than real, and yet entirely unintelligible and unintuitive, shifting wildly around and unfolding like a fever-dream. In the delirium of the simulation, nothing makes sense without knowing the codes that superficially hold everything together, and perhaps only Baudrillard figured out the code. After all, Baudrillard, with his ideas about code, the digital, quantum theory and hyperreality, seems to be one of the few who recognised early enough the true form of Capital as fictitious or speculative Capital. While his books may have once read like speculative, cynical horror-fictions about what could go wrong if Capital became an all-encompassing and nihilistic tyrant, now that this has come true, perhaps it is time to consult his ghost. It is time to admit that the worst case scenario has become real, and that the raving-mad cynic on the side of French Theory may have been talking the most sense, after all.

This book is an incredible serious diagnosis of the current form of capital, a profound excavation and presentation of the most important and helpful ideas that Baudrillard published: from the unravelling of western philosophy, to a redefining of marxist theories of economics and capital, to a shift in critical theory that complies with quantum theory.

Achim Szepanski, Force Inc. / Mille Plateaux
In the Delirium of the Simulation: Baudrillard Revisited by Achim Szepanski
Published by Becoming/Non, 2024, 978-9925-7984-7-6