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  • Joanna Warsza (Ed.)

    I Can't Work Like This: A Reader on Recent Boycotts…

  • B. von Bismarck, B. Meyer-Krahmer

    Hospitality: Hosting Relations in Exhibitions (Cultures of…

  • Stephan Trüby

    Absolute Architekturbeginner. Schriften 2004-2014

  • Armen Avanessian


  • Liliane Wong

    Adaptive Reuse. Extending the Lives of Buildings

  • J. Burton, S. Jackson, D. Willsdon (eds…

    Public Servants. Art and the Crisis of the Common Good

  • Jeremy Deller

    Iggy Pop Life Class

  • Vanessa Miriam Carlow, Institute for…

    Ruralism. The Future of Villages and Small Towns in an…

  • Rainer Hehl, Ludwig Engel (eds.)

    Berlin Transfer. Open Living Structures

  • Andreas Quednau, Sabine Müller

    SMAQ. Giraffes, Telegraphs, and Hero of Alexandria. Urban…

  • Daniela Sandler

    Counterpreservation. Architectural Decay in Berlin Since…

  • Jennie Gottschalk

    Experimental Music Since 1970

  • IDEA Magazine

    IDEA 376. Graphic Designers and Exhibitions

  • Martin Lehnen

    Opus Moderne. Die Wand aus glatt geschaltem Sichtbeton

  • Samuel Bianchini, Erik Verhagen (eds.)

    Practicable. From Participation to Interaction in…

  • 2G / #74


  • Achim Valbracht (Hg.)

    Das neue Grab

  • Bart Lootsma

    Reality Bytes

  • Alison and Peter Smithson

    The Space Between

  • Haubitz + Zoche

    Hybrid Modernism. Movie Theatres in South India

  • Christian Berkes (Ed.)

    Welcome to AirSpace. On Airbnb, Uber, Facebook,..

  • Nick Srnicek

    Platform Capitalism

  • Catherine Ince, Lotte Johnson (Hg.)

    Die Welt von Charles und Ray Eames

  • David Brody

    Housekeeping by Design. Hotels and Labor

  • Rolf Lindner

    Berlin, absolute Stadt. Eine kleine Anthropologie der…

  • Matteo Ghidoni

    Fundamental Acts. Life, Education, Ceremony, Love, Death

  • Yasminah Beebeejaun

    The Participatory City

  • Deyan Sudjic

    The Language of Cities

  • Donna Haraway

    Das Manifest für Gefährten: Wenn Spezies sich begegnen -…

  • Oliver Hartung

    Iran. A Picture Book

  • Turit Fröbe

    Die Inszenierung eines Mythos. Le Corbusier und die…

  • Peter Allison (Ed.)

    David Adjaye. Constructed Narratives

  • Neil Brenner

    Critique of Urbanization. Selected Essays

  • Francis Kéré

    Radically Simple

  • Caroline Maniaque-Benton(Ed.)

    Whole Earth Field Guide

  • Matthew Tempest, Simon Phipps, Derek…

    Modern Berlin Map: Guide to 20th Century Architecture in…

  • Thomas Meinecke


  • Reinhold Martin

    The Urban Apparatus. Mediapolitics and the City

  • Pier Vittorio Aureli, Maria Sheherazade…

    Rituals and Walls: The Architecture of Sacred Space

  • Olaf Bahner, Matthias Böttger (Hg.)

    Neue Standards. Zehn Thesen zum Wohnen

  • Jesús Vassallo

    Seamless: Digital Collage and Dirty Realism in Contemporary…

  • Baier, Hansing, Müller, Werner (Hg.)

    Die Welt reparieren: Open Source und Selbermachen als…

  • A. P. Pais, C.F. Strauss (eds)

    Slow Reader: A Resource for Design Thinking and Practice

  • Nina Paim

    Taking a Line for a Walk: Assignments in design education

  • Helmut Draxler

    Abdrift des Wollens. Eine Theorie der Vermittlung

  • Christian Schittich (Ed.)

    Wohnkonzepte in Japan / Housing in Japan: Typologien für…

  • Clemens Marschall

    Avant-Garde From Below: Transgressive Performance from Iggy…

  • Joost Grootens

    Elemental Living. Contemporary Houses in Nature

  • Sebastian Beck, Olaf Schnur

    Mittler, Macher, Protestierer: Intermediäre Akteure in der…

  • Nanni Baltzer, Martino Stierli (eds.)

    Before Publication: Montage in Art, Architecture and Book…

  • Joerg Bader (Hg.)

    Serge Fruehauf. Extra Normal

  • Contemporary City Institute ETH Studio…

    Territory: On the Development of Landscape and City

  • Barbara Vinken

    Die Blumen der Mode. Klassische und neue Texte zur…

  • Donna J. Haraway

    Staying With the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene

  • Anna-Sophie Springer, Etienne Turpin (…

    Fantasies of the Library

  • Henry Plummer

    The Experience of Architecture

  • Aberrant Architecture

    Wherever You Find People: The Radical Schools of Oscar…

  • Urs Peter Flückiger

    Wie viel Haus? Thoreau, Le Corbusier und die Sustainable…

  • Caroline A. Jones, David Mather,…

    Experience: Culture, Cognition, and the Common Sense

  • Friedrich von Borries

    Weltentwerfen. Eine politische Designtheorie

  • Douglas Crimp

    Before Pictures

  • Nina Rappaport

    Vertical Urban Factory

  • Boris Groys

    Particular Cases

  • Ana de Brea

    Total Latin American Architecture. Libretto of Modern…

  • Jaleh Mansoor

    Marshall Plan Modernism: Italian Postwar Abstraction and…

  • Mckenzie Wark

    Molecular Red. Theory for the Anthropocene

  • Mark Nash (Ed.)

    Red Africa. Affective Communities and the Cold War

  • Adolf Loos

    Ornament und Verbrechen

  • Thilo Hilpert

    Century of Modernity. Das Jahrhundert der Moderne.…

  • Stiftung Buchkunst (Hg.)

    Die Schönsten deutschen Bücher 2016

  • M. Fineder, T. Geisler, S. Hackenschmidt

    Nomadic Furniture 3.0: Neues befreites Wohnen? New…

  • Hannah Neate, Ruth Craggs

    Modern Futures

  • Douglas Spencer

    The Architecture of Neoliberalism: How Contemporary…

  • Freek Lomme (Ed.)

    Can You Feel it? Effectuating Tactility and Print in the…

  • Guillaume Sibertin-Blanc

    State and Politics: Deleuze and Guattari on Marx

  • Christoph Keller


  • Philipp Meuser

    Seismic Modernism. Architecture and Housing in Soviet…

  • Cartha

    On Relations in Architecture

  • Kerstin Stakemeier, Susanne Witzgall

    Die Gegenwart der Zukunft

  • Michaela Meise

    Eshi Addis Ababa

  • Takahiro Kurashima

    Poemotion 3

  • Han Byung-Chul

    Die Austreibung des Anderen. Gesellschaft, Wahrnehmung und…

  • Cate St Hill

    This is Temporary. How Transient Projects are Redefining…

  • Carlo Ratti, Matthew Claudel

    The City of Tomorrow: Sensors, Networks, Hackers, and the…

  • Henri Lefebvre


  • Eduard Helman

    Rhetoric of Logos: A Primer for Visual Language

  • Marie Neurath, Robin Kinross

    Die Transformierer. Entstehung und Prinzipien von Isotype

  • P. Lewis, M. Tsurumaki, D. J. Lewis

    Manual of Section

  • W. Nägeli, N. Kirn Tajeri (Hg.)

    Kleine Eingriffe: Neues Wohnen im Bestand der…

  • Kathryn Brown (Ed.)

    Interactive Contemporary Art: Participation in Practice

  • Peter Granser

    El Alto. Freddy Mamani Silvestre

  • Omar Kholeif (Ed.)

    Electronic Superhighway. From Experiments in Art and…

  • Bill Caplan

    Buildings are for People. Human Ecological Design

  • Hannah Black

    Dark Pool Party

  • R. Pasel, A. Hagner, H. Drexler, R. Boch

    Home not Shelter! Gemeinsam leben statt getrennt wohnen

  • Alessandro Biamonti

    Archiflop. A guide to the most spectacular failures in the…

  • Isabell Lorey, Gundula Ludwig, Ruth…

    Foucaults Gegenwart. Sexualität - Sorge - Revolution

  • Brigitta Kuster

    Choix d'un passé. Transnationale Vergegenwärtigungen…

Cover In the Delirium

In the Delirium of the Simulation: Baudrillard Revisited by Achim Szepanski

15 years after his death, the ghost of Jean Baudrillard lingers. Beyond just a pessimistic media theorist, the hyper-realist metaphysician of media and information may have become more relevant than ever before, and many of the concepts that Baudrillard left behind have become guiding principles in an ever deteriorating situation. Much of these ideas, from the Hyperreal to Cultural Nihilism, were repopularised in the last 15 years through such books as Capitalist Realism, in which the poster child for critical theory, Mark Fisher, appeared to have left the world a message, written in blood on the inside of our shared prison cell: Baudrillard was right!

A lot of the most frightening confessions there drew primarily from Baudrillard such as the future collapsing in on itself, and all meaning and symbolism melting down into a delirious nihilism under the ever-rising heat of Capital as it establishes itself as an all-encompassing, totalising, technology-obsessed form of dominion, that thinks and acts of its own will, like an Artificial Intelligence that endlessly feeds itself data until all information has been devoured.

To say that we live in a simulation seems more true than ever, as we have less and less ability to affect anything, we reach out to influence what we see, only to realise time and time again that we are somehow cut off from the content, as if everything we know is just a projection on a wall; the horrors are real, and happening somewhere, but exist to us as holograms. We can but run our fingers through the beams of light projected on the wall, so close but so far from anything real.

We are psychiatric patients trapped in algorithmic cells, cut-off, stressed, and scared—the prophecies that caused Fisher to panic have, by this point, been completely realised. We have crossed over a threshold into a world that is both more-real than real, and yet entirely unintelligible and unintuitive, shifting wildly around and unfolding like a fever-dream. In the delirium of the simulation, nothing makes sense without knowing the codes that superficially hold everything together, and perhaps only Baudrillard figured out the code. After all, Baudrillard, with his ideas about code, the digital, quantum theory and hyperreality, seems to be one of the few who recognised early enough the true form of Capital as fictitious or speculative Capital. While his books may have once read like speculative, cynical horror-fictions about what could go wrong if Capital became an all-encompassing and nihilistic tyrant, now that this has come true, perhaps it is time to consult his ghost. It is time to admit that the worst case scenario has become real, and that the raving-mad cynic on the side of French Theory may have been talking the most sense, after all.

This book is an incredible serious diagnosis of the current form of capital, a profound excavation and presentation of the most important and helpful ideas that Baudrillard published: from the unravelling of western philosophy, to a redefining of marxist theories of economics and capital, to a shift in critical theory that complies with quantum theory.

Achim Szepanski, Force Inc. / Mille Plateaux
In the Delirium of the Simulation: Baudrillard Revisited by Achim Szepanski
Published by Becoming/Non, 2024, 978-9925-7984-7-6