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  • Ilka & Andreas Ruby, Nathalie…

    The Economy of Sustainable Construction

  • James Guerin

    Berlin Quarterly. European review of Culture. Issue 1

  • Juergen Teller

    Common Ground. In Photographs

  • Jochen Eisenbrand

    George Nelson. Ein Designer im Kalten Krieg

  • Model House Research Group (Ed.)

    Transcultural Modernisms

  • Joanne Finkelstein

    Fashioning Appetite. Restaurants and the Making of Modern…

  • Gunnar Hindrichs

    Die Autonomie des Klangs - Eine Philosophie der Musik

  • Irénée Scalbert

    A Right to Difference. The Architecture of Jean Renaudie

  • Juliane Rebentisch

    Theorien der Gegenwartskunst

  • Daniel Irrgang, Clemens Jahn (Hg.)

    Forum zur Genealogie des MedienDenkens 1. Siegfried…

  • Pascal Gielen (Ed.)

    Institutional Attitudes. Instituting Art in a Flat World

  • Texte zur Kunst Heft 92

    Architecture / Architektur

  • Kultur & Gespenster 14


  • Philipp Misselwitz, Eui Young Chun,…

    Gwangju Folly II

  • Katrin Grögel

    Andrea Zittel. Institute of Investigative Living. Leben und…

  • Marcel Duchamp, Henri-Pierre Roche,…

    3 New York Dadas and the Blindman

  • Catherine Zuromskis

    Snapshot Photography. The Lives of Images

  • Chantal Pontbriand

    The Contemporary, the Common: Art in a Globalizing World

  • Aleksandra Mir

    The Space Age. Poster Book

  • Fabrico Próprio

    The Design of Portuguese Semi-Industrial Confectionery

  • Viola Vahrson, Susanne Märtens, Beate…


  • Matthias Messmer, Hsin-Mei Chuang

    China's Vanishing Worlds. Countryside, Traditions, and…

  • Pier Vittorio Aureli, Martino Tattara

    Dogma. 11 Projects

  • Laura Pavia, Mario Ferrari

    Mies Van Der Rohe. Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin 1962-1968

  • Sergio B. Martins

    Constructing an Avant-Garde. Art in Brazil 1949-1979

  • Ali Nemerov, Emily Wei Rales (Eds.)

    Peter Fischli, David Weiss

  • Centrum Architektury (Ed.)

    For Example. New Polish House. A Book

  • Alain de Botton, John Armstrong

    Art as Therapy

  • Brian Dillon, Marina Warner

    Curiosity. Art and the Pleasures of Knowing

  • Tod Williams, Billie Tsien


  • John Grindrod

    Concretopia. A Journey Around the Rebuilding of Postwar…

  • Angus Carlyle, Cathy Lane (Eds.)

    On Listening

  • Grzegorz Piątek

    AR/PS. The Architecture of Arseniusz Romanowicz and Piotr…

  • metroZones 13

    Global Prayers. Contemporary Manifestations of the…

  • Beatriz Preciado

    Testo Junkie. Sex, Drugs, and Biopolitics in the…

  • Rajan V. Ritoe (Ed.)

    Future Times Square. Compression vs. Distribution

  • Luis Burriel Bielza

    Le Corbusier. La passion des cartes

  • Douglas Kahn

    Earth Sound Earth Signal

  • Dietmar Offenhuber, Carlo Ratti (Hg.)

    Die Stadt entschlüsseln. Wie Echtzeitdaten den Urbanismus…

  • Dietmar Dath, Swantje Karich

    Lichtmächte. Kino – Museum – Galerie – Öffentlichkeit

  • Yael Bartana

    Wenn Ihr wollt, ist es kein Traum. If you will it, it is…

  • Julia Czerniak (Ed.)

    Formerly Urban. Projecting Rust Belt Futures

  • Stefan Römer

    The ups and downs of Stan Back

  • Robert Lippok

    Steady Unsteady

  • Deborah Ligorio

    Survival Kits

  • Barbara Vinken

    Angezogen. Das Geheimnis der Mode

  • Heimo Lattner

    A Voice That Once Was In One's Mouth

  • Martha Buskirk

    Creative Enterprise. Contemporary Art Between Museum and…

  • Hans-Christian Dany

    Morgen werde ich Idiot. Kybernetik und Kontrollgesellschaft

  • Turit Fröbe

    Die Kunst der Bausünde

  • IFA (Ed.)

    Future Perfect. Contemporary Art from Germany

  • Wilfried Wang, Dan Sylvester (Hg.)

    Hans Scharoun. Philharmonie

  • Chair of Prof. Dr. Josep Lluís Mateo…

    Middle East. Landscape City Architecture

  • Volko Kamensky, Julian Rohrhuber (Hg.)

    Ton. Texte zur Akustik im Dokumentarfilm

  • Anna Schober

    The Cinema Makers. Public Life and the Exhibition of…

  • von Borries, Ahlert, Fischer (Hrsg.)

    Die Berliner Weltverbesserungsmaschine. Die Rekonstruktion…

  • Friedrich von Borries, Jens-Uwe Fischer

    Die Berliner Weltverbesserungsmaschine. Die Geschichte (…

  • Sven Lütticken

    History in Motion. Time in the Age of the Moving Image

  • Kevin C. Smith

    Recombo DNA. The Story of Devo, or How the 60s Became the…

  • Bastian Lange, Gottfried Prasenc,…

    Ortsentwürfe. Urbanität im 21. Jahrhundert

  • E. Beyer, A. Hagemann, M. Zinganel (Eds…

    Seaside Architecture and Urbanism in Bulgaria and Croatia.…

  • Claudia Mareis, Matthias Held, Gesche…

    Wer gestaltet die Gestaltung? Praxis, Theorie und…

  • Jean-Luc Nancy

    Äquivalenz der Katastrophen (Nach Fukushima)

  • Rem Koolhaas, Hal Foster

    Junkspace with Running Room

  • Hilke Wagner, Axel Wieder (Eds.)

    Susanne Kriemann

  • Marc Angelil, Rainer Hehl (Hg)

    Collectivize! Essays on the Political Economy of Urban Form…

  • Alison Knowles

    The Big Book

  • Christian Berkes (Hg.)

    Halluzinogene Ordnungen. Einhundert erste Sätze

  • Mckenzie Wark

    The Spectacle of Disintegration. Situationist Passages out…

  • Thomas Thiel, Bielefelder Kunstverein (…


  • Milena Hoegsberg, Cora Fisher (Eds.)

    Living Labor

  • Lionel Bovier

    Paulina Olowska. Book

  • Anri Sala

    Ravel Ravel Unravel

  • Theodore Spyropoulos (Ed.)

    Adaptive Ecologies. Correlatd Systems of Living

  • Mark Miodownik

    Stuff matters. The Strange Stories of the Marvellous…

  • Anne Huffschmid, Kathrin Wildner (Hg.)

    Stadtforschung aus Lateinamerika: Neue urbane Szenarien.…

  • Jonathan Crary

    24/7. Late Capitalism and the Ends of Sleep

  • Mara Ambrožič, Angela Vettese (Eds.)

    Art as a Thinking Process Visual Forms of Knowledge…

  • Thomas Keenan, Tirdad Zolghadr (Eds.)

    The Human Snapshot

  • Sylvie Estrada (Ed.)

    Geometry Makes me Happy

  • Swati Chattopadhyay

    Unlearning the City. Infrastructure in a New Optical Field

  • Stine Herbert, Anne Szefer Karlsen (Eds…


  • Vanni Pasca (Ed.)

    Gae Aulenti. Objects. Spaces

  • Ulrich Gutmair

    Die ersten Tage von Berlin. Der Sound der Wende

  • Between Artists

    Thom Andersen / William E. Jones

  • Artur Beifuss

    Branding Terror. The Logotypes & Iconography of…

  • Gloria Moure (Ed.)

    Marcel Broodthaers. Collected Writings

  • Brigitte Schultz

    Was heißt hier Stadt? 50 Jahre Stadtdiskurs am Beispiel der…

  • Alice Rawsthorn

    Hello World. Where Design Meets Life

  • David Evans

    The Art of Walking. A field guide

  • Iris Därmann, Anna Echterhölter (Hg.)

    Konfigurationen. Gebrauchsweisen des Raums

  • Sylvia Leydecker (Hg.)

    Innenräume entwerfen. Konzept, Typologie, Material,…

  • Branka Stipancic (Ed.)

    Mladen Stilinovic. Sing!

  • Genesis Breyer P-Orridge

    30 Years of Being Cut Up

  • Heidrun Holzfeind

    Strictly Private

  • Doreen Mende, Estelle Blaschke, Armin…

    Doppelte Ökonomien / Double Bound Economies

  • Bernadette Corporation

    Reena Spaulings. A Novel by Bernadette Corporation

  • Peter Osborne

    Anywhere or Not at All. The Philosophy of Contemporary Art

Cover In the Delirium

In the Delirium of the Simulation: Baudrillard Revisited by Achim Szepanski

15 years after his death, the ghost of Jean Baudrillard lingers. Beyond just a pessimistic media theorist, the hyper-realist metaphysician of media and information may have become more relevant than ever before, and many of the concepts that Baudrillard left behind have become guiding principles in an ever deteriorating situation. Much of these ideas, from the Hyperreal to Cultural Nihilism, were repopularised in the last 15 years through such books as Capitalist Realism, in which the poster child for critical theory, Mark Fisher, appeared to have left the world a message, written in blood on the inside of our shared prison cell: Baudrillard was right!

A lot of the most frightening confessions there drew primarily from Baudrillard such as the future collapsing in on itself, and all meaning and symbolism melting down into a delirious nihilism under the ever-rising heat of Capital as it establishes itself as an all-encompassing, totalising, technology-obsessed form of dominion, that thinks and acts of its own will, like an Artificial Intelligence that endlessly feeds itself data until all information has been devoured.

To say that we live in a simulation seems more true than ever, as we have less and less ability to affect anything, we reach out to influence what we see, only to realise time and time again that we are somehow cut off from the content, as if everything we know is just a projection on a wall; the horrors are real, and happening somewhere, but exist to us as holograms. We can but run our fingers through the beams of light projected on the wall, so close but so far from anything real.

We are psychiatric patients trapped in algorithmic cells, cut-off, stressed, and scared—the prophecies that caused Fisher to panic have, by this point, been completely realised. We have crossed over a threshold into a world that is both more-real than real, and yet entirely unintelligible and unintuitive, shifting wildly around and unfolding like a fever-dream. In the delirium of the simulation, nothing makes sense without knowing the codes that superficially hold everything together, and perhaps only Baudrillard figured out the code. After all, Baudrillard, with his ideas about code, the digital, quantum theory and hyperreality, seems to be one of the few who recognised early enough the true form of Capital as fictitious or speculative Capital. While his books may have once read like speculative, cynical horror-fictions about what could go wrong if Capital became an all-encompassing and nihilistic tyrant, now that this has come true, perhaps it is time to consult his ghost. It is time to admit that the worst case scenario has become real, and that the raving-mad cynic on the side of French Theory may have been talking the most sense, after all.

This book is an incredible serious diagnosis of the current form of capital, a profound excavation and presentation of the most important and helpful ideas that Baudrillard published: from the unravelling of western philosophy, to a redefining of marxist theories of economics and capital, to a shift in critical theory that complies with quantum theory.

Achim Szepanski, Force Inc. / Mille Plateaux
In the Delirium of the Simulation: Baudrillard Revisited by Achim Szepanski
Published by Becoming/Non, 2024, 978-9925-7984-7-6